Sarms / pct / hair

Deleted member 5187

Deleted member 5187

Feb 10, 2020
Would a rad 140 cycle of 60 days at 20mg need post cycle therapy if yes what kinda therapy?

Does it effect hair or is it mostly just temporally shedding and then will return after cycle ends?
rad 140 20mg is going suppress you hard

almost the same results as 10 mg with way less sides

balding is very unlikely
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rad 140 20mg is going suppress you hard

almost the same results as 10 mg with way less sides

balding is very unlikely
What would be a good cycle without having to do excessive pct? (Lenght and amout of mg)
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have you ever done a cycle before?
No not yet
But would wanna try a sarm cycle
Mostly I have seen people taking rad 140
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No not yet
But would wanna try a sarm cycle
Mostly I have seen people taking rad 140
RAD-140 is one of the most potent SARMs available

20mg is a HUGE dosage, especially for a beginner.

If you want to cycle it for 8 weeks
  1. take 5mg everyday for 2 weeks.
  2. take 10mg everyday for the remaining 6 weeks.
Starting with a smaller dosage (5mg) is very important so your body gets used to it and you can see how well you can tolerate it. You can make very good gains even by taking 5mg for the whole 8 weeks, 10mg still gives the best efficiency.

You don't want to go over 10mg, especially if you're taking it for the first time. If you can tolerate it really well, 15 mg is acceptable as well.

Going above 15mg makes no sense, increase in performance is minimal while the side effects are way worse.
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RAD-140 is one of the most potent SARMs available

20mg is a HUGE dosage, especially for a beginner.

If you want to cycle it for 8 weeks
  1. take 5mg everyday for 2 weeks.
  2. take 10mg everyday for the remaining 6 weeks.
Starting with a smaller dosage (5mg) is very important so your body gets used to it and you can see how well you can tolerate it. You can make very good gains even by taking 5mg for the whole 8 weeks, 10mg still gives the best efficiency.

You don't want to go over 10mg, especially if you're taking it for the first time. If you can tolerate it really well, 15 mg is acceptable as well.

Going above 15mg makes no sense, increase in performance is minimal while the side effects are way worse.
You gonna do this cycle?

What you're saying does make a lot of sense thinking law of diminishing returns.

Do you know if rad 140 will make me get nordwood? I really don't want to loose hair as mine is great now.
However if it's just shedding during and a bit after cycle but grows back again I don't mind it.
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You gonna do this cycle?

What you're saying does make a lot of sense thinking law of diminishing returns.

Do you know if rad 140 will make me get nordwood? I really don't want to loose hair as mine is great now.
However if it's just shedding during and a bit after cycle but grows back again I don't mind it.
I've already done one LGD-4033 cycle and it went very well. Now I want to try RAD-140 alongside MK-677.

I'm planning on doing this exact cycle in summer when the gym opens back. I will be stacking it with 25mg MK-677 (much weaker, supposed to be taken in such high dosages).

It really shouldn't cause hair loss. There is a chance but it's very low.

I didn't lose any hair at all on my first cycle.
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I've already done one LGD-4033 cycle and it went very well. Now I want to try RAD-140 alongside MK-677.

I'm planning on doing this exact cycle in summer when the gym opens back. I will be stacking it with 25mg MK-677 (much weaker, supposed to be taken in such high dosages).

It really shouldn't cause hair loss. There is a chance but it's very low.

I didn't lose any hair at all on my first cycle.
Gonna give it ago
Norwooding dosnt run in my family either so if it effects hair it probably wont be that bad

Why is MK677 good to stack with?
Does it increase hgh enough to cause muscle hypertrophy or just for the appetite etc
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Gonna give it ago
Norwooding dosnt run in my family either so if it effects hair it probably wont be that bad

Why is MK677 good to stack with?
Does it increase hgh enough to cause muscle hypertrophy or just for the appetite etc
Mainly to increase appetite, improve sleep and it also helps grow muscle.
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Now I want to try RAD-140 alongside MK-677.

I'm planning on doing this exact cycle in summer when the gym opens back. I will be stacking it with 25mg MK-677 (much weaker, supposed to be taken in such high dosages).

It really shouldn't cause hair loss. There is a chance but it's very low.

I didn't lose any hair at all on my first cycle.

Never done a cycle before but I hear RAD-140+MK-677 is legit and have read about some pretty decent gains from it. I want to do this as well and may risk the hair loss/thinning, but not until mid-summer so I can bulk the entire time. I really want to hit a 3 plate bench and 2 plate OHP by EOY.
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