Sarms Stack

Hunter Vallance

Hunter Vallance

Temp. Banned
Jul 12, 2019
Thoughts on this stack from Sarmtech?? $151USD
A12D269E 4D31 45FE 8315 050A073FE7AC

Have any of you had experience with SARMS or Sarmtech?
My sarms got seized at customs and they dont want to give my shit cause they are illegal in my country.

What a fucking shit i lost 250$ i dont wanna hear anything of sarms again
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My sarms got seized at customs and they dont want to give my shit cause they are illegal in my country.

What a fucking shit i lost 250$ i dont wanna hear anything of sarms again
What country?
What country?

I writed on invoice paper that i got supplements & niggas opened my package and found those sarms shit and i had to play stupid that i thought they were proteins so that fat fuck wont call police on my ass
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I writed on invoice paper that i got supplements & niggas opened my package and found those sarms shit and i had to play stupid that i thought they were proteins so that fat fuck wont call police on my ass
He was trolling you and used your stack now he mogs you😉
Haha lekker ouwe, maar ik zou wel uitkijken waar je haalt want een hele boel SARMs zijn underdosed of nep
He was trolling you and used your stack now he mogs you😉
Nah hes just a fat middle age shit who's wife likes black dicks while he sit his ass on a desk stealing my shit
Nah hes a fat middle age shit who's wife likes black dicks while he sit his ass on a desk stealing my shit
Imagine if he really did use your stack👀
Haha lekker ouwe, maar ik zou wel uitkijken waar je haalt want een hele boel SARMs zijn underdosed of nep
Nice dutch bro
What source do you reccomend?
Nice dutch bro
What source do you reccomend?
I'm not an expert, i know 1 actual shop here in NL who sells sarms,

But i'd look on stuff like sarmssource subreddit for more info.
I'm not an expert, i know 1 actual shop here in NL who sells sarms,

But i'd look on stuff like sarmssource subreddit for more info.
I’ve looked into Whitewater, Chemyo , Purerawrz and Provenpeptides. These Sarm sources seem legit but they don’t sell stacks like SarmTech.
Will likely be fake, or sum oral like tbol or anavar

Inject test

But, Proven peptides and chemyo is legit
My mom found my sarms in the mail and went on a blue pilled rant before making me return them JFL
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But like said here before, a lot of SARMs are wack. Idk how old you are but i personally dont recommend it if under 18.
And if you wanna use anabolics you're better off injecting Test E. Actual anabolics have had 100x more research done on them.
But like said here before, a lot of SARMs are wack. Idk how old you are but i personally dont recommend it if under 18.
And if you wanna use anabolics you're better off injecting Test E. Actual anabolics have had 100x more research done on them.
Just rape your hairline theory
But like said here before, a lot of SARMs are wack. Idk how old you are but i personally dont recommend it if under 18.
And if you wanna use anabolics you're better off injecting Test E. Actual anabolics have had 100x more research done on them.
Im under 18 and don’t wanna stunt my growth because Im only 6’1. Plus I wanna bodymax sigh
Im under 18 and don’t wanna stunt my growth because Im only 6’1.
Haha nice, but i'd deffo wait with using shit like SARMs. I'd suggest training natty for now in general you should only use Roids and Sarms when you've reached your genetic potential. So if you wanna do it do it after 3-4 years of natty training.
My mom found my sarms in the mail and went on a blue pilled rant before making me return them JFL
Say u better sell to a friend so you wont lose money and keep them at a friend or hide them

Haha nice, but i'd deffo wait with using shit like SARMs. I'd suggest training natty for now in general you should only use Roids and Sarms when you've reached your genetic potential. So if you wanna do it do it after 3-4 years of natty training.
What supplments do you reccomend For natty training.
Say u better sell to a friend so you wont lose money and keep them at a friend or hide them

Proven peptides has a refund policy so I’ll get my money back fortunately
What supplments do you reccomend For natty training.
Well most supplements are good for health in general.
- Vit D, Zinc, Magnesium, C (for skin tho but very good), ashwaganda.
the only natty sup that isn't a total scam is creatine but some men are very sensitive to it and it can kick start balding so i'd suggest staying away from that tbh
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Haven’t used them tbh
Try to check the reviews and then decide if you want to buy them or not
Keep in mind that 2/3 of SARMs on the market are fake and/or underdosed
Well most supplements are good for health in general.
- Vit D, Zinc, Magnesium, C (for skin tho but very good), ashwaganda.
the only natty sup that isn't a total scam is creatine but some men are very sensitive to it and it can kick start balding so i'd suggest staying away from that tbh
Was thinking of creatine tbh heard its legit and Im pretty sure the balding thing was only found in 1 study so idk.
Haven’t used them tbh
Try to check the reviews and then decide if you want to buy them or not
Keep in mind that 2/3 of SARMs on the market are fake and/or underdosed
Have you used Sarms at your age?
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Have you used Sarms at your age?
Nah,but Iam doing a lot of research on them,prohormones and steroids
I might use steroids soon,but I will be careful with everything
Was thinking of creatine tbh heard its legit and Im pretty sure the balding thing was only found in 1 study so idk.
It depends on how sensitive to DHT you are. But if you have the bones to look alright with buzzcut level of hair, than by all means do it.
I kinda have the skull of a woman ngl so i'd look shit bald
Nah,but Iam doing a lot of research on them,prohormones and steroids
I might use steroids soon,but I will be careful with everything
Aren’t you scared of stunting your growth with roids?
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It depends on how sensitive to DHT you are. But if you have the bones to look alright with buzzcut level of hair, than by all means do it.
I kinda have the skull of a woman ngl so i'd look shit bald
Im a Zygocel jfl and my lower third is terrible so a buzz cut would be social suicide
Aren’t you scared of stunting your growth with roids?
Its mostly a bro science.
Steroids don’t ,,stunt’’ your growth.Steroids are gonna mess with your hormones and if too much estrogen is produced your growth plates are going to close.You can avoid this with simple PCT and AI
Its mostly a bro science.
Steroids don’t ,,stunt’’ your growth.Steroids are gonna mess with your hormones and if too much estrogen is produced your growth plates are going to close.You can avoid this with simple PCT and AI
Mirin your reaearch ngl
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But like @Chad1212 about growth plates.

A lot of those things happen with teens or adults (not growth plate issues obv) because they dont know what they are doing when putting random chemicals in their body
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But like @Chad1212 about growth plates.

A lot of those things happen with teens or adults (not growth plate issues obv) because they dont know what they are doing when putting random chemicals in their body
Yeah,you need to be very careful on this shit and always DO SHIT TON OF RESEARCH before using anything
But like @Chad1212 about growth plates.

A lot of those things happen with teens or adults (not growth plate issues obv) because they dont know what they are doing when putting random chemicals in their body
Tbh I need to stop reading reddit experiences because many of them are low IQ not gonna lie so maybe you are right about it only being stupid teens
Tbh I need to stop reading reddit experiences because many of them are low IQ not gonna lie so maybe you are right about it only being stupid teens
Well a lot of guys on there do wanna prevent kids from fucking up, cause trust me ruining yourself with roids during puberty is a horrendous idea. So in general i'd suggest waiting till something like 19 or up when you're done growing.
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Well a lot of guys on there do wanna prevent kids from fucking up, cause trust me ruining yourself with roids during puberty is a horrendous idea. So in general i'd suggest waiting till something like 19 or up when you're done growing.
Thanks for the advice bro🥰

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