Sarms will always mog steroids that are dht and test derivatives.



a proud brahmin
May 19, 2019
Sarms dht and test will always be more potent than sarms you will indeed gain more muscle mass your out look on life will drastically improve ontop of that the steroids have 6 decades worth of research.

Here is the risks we know with roids like test anavar or DHT at the end of it you will have known disadvantages symptoms include.


Hair loss


We know these side effects the advantages of sarms are that they are a synthetic compound that competes with Test and DHT this means it acts as an antagonist against both this tranlates into no DHT conversion (which is worse as hair is life) or aromatize conversion.

The advantage with sarms is that if there is a risk it will not be through known methods.

The research is slightly lacking compared to roids but the risks are far far far less.

In terms of efficacy the order of importance for most potency and high risk are.

1 removing myostatin at the cellular level.

2 using oral steroids as they are more liver toxic.

3 injecting steroids more dangerous than sarms.

Sarms oral make no mistake sarms is still slightly liver toxic much less than roids but still liver toxic.

Sarms injections this is much less dangerous and not as effective as roids but in terms of risks this is much lower.

Creatine this is the most pussy substance and the least effect of the things mentioned here if you don't want an bigger body to the extent of sarms let alone roids stick with this.
that moment when @ItsOverCel sees you writing that sarms are liver toxic
that moment when @ItsOverCel sees you writing that sarms are liver toxic

They are but less tbqh i don't fully understand how sarms fully works roids i get a brief run down like i said im a novice im just writing up so far what i know
What do you recommend for PCT after a SARMS cycle?
this thread is just NOT TRUE...

sarms work by having a high binding affinity to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. it's their tissue-selectivity that gives them the "selective" part of their name. when sarms enter your system, they go to the muscle tissues, and bind to the androgen receptors, unbinding dht and testosterone from their respective shbg (sex hormone binding globulin)

so the sarms are essentially "releasing" a fuck ton of free, unbound dht and testosterone into your bloodstream.


1) since you're not inhibiting 5α reductase with sarms, you are NOT stopping any conversion of testosterone into dht
2) since the sarms are occupying the androgen receptors in your muscles, your testosterone has nothing to bind to. it metabolizes into dht (through the uninhibited 5α reductase pathway) and binds to androgen receptors that are NOT in muscle tissue. (example: your hair follicles)
3) and it should be pretty obv now... since dht binding to hair follicles is a trigger for male pattern baldness.

[note: even if you lack a genetic predisposition to androgen-induced hairloss, the unbinding of hormones from your androgen receptors induced by sarms will cause a fluctuation the plasma levels of your hormones and probably induce telogen effluvium]

and, as should be expected


it's the exact same principle as before. you're unbinding testosterone in muscle tissue androgen receptors. you have extra testosterone floating around. eventually the testosteroe finds its way into one of your (many, i'm assuming) adipose tissues and gets aromatized... simple.

oh also
injecting steroids more dangerous than sarms.
yes, definitely safer for your liver, and it's even safer to swallow research compounds that have been used in 0 human trials as opposed to injectable compounds that have been studied for decades...

Sarms injections
please don't do this - sarms are developed to be specifically oral compounds. they're not supposed to be injected. the companies selling developing sarms want to make money, and it's way easier to sell a drug to someone with cancer-induced muscle wastage when they don't have to inject it twice a week.

just be a man and inject test.
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this thread is just NOT TRUE...

sarms work by having a high binding affinity to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. it's their tissue-selectivity that gives them the "selective" part of their name. when sarms enter your system, they go to the muscle tissues, and bind to the androgen receptors, unbinding dht and testosterone from their respective shbg (sex hormone binding globulin)

so the sarms are essentially "releasing" a fuck ton of free, unbound dht and testosterone into your bloodstream.


1) since you're not inhibiting 5α reductase with sarms, you are NOT stopping any conversion of testosterone into dht
2) since the sarms are occupying the androgen receptors in your muscles, your testosterone has nothing to bind to. it metabolizes into dht (through the uninhibited 5α reductase pathway) and binds to androgen receptors that are NOT in muscle tissue. (example: your hair follicles)
3) and it should be pretty obv now... since dht binding to hair follicles is a trigger for male pattern baldness.

[note: even if you lack a genetic predisposition to androgen-induced hairloss, the unbinding of hormones from your androgen receptors induced by sarms will cause a fluctuation the plasma levels of your hormones and probably induce telogen effluvium]

and, as should be expected


it's the exact same principle as before. you're unbinding testosterone in muscle tissue androgen receptors. you have extra testosterone floating around. eventually the testosteroe finds its way into one of your (many, i'm assuming) adipose tissues and gets aromatized... simple.

oh also

yes, definitely safer for your liver, and it's even safer to swallow research compounds that have been used in 0 human trials as opposed to injectable compounds that have been studied for decades...

please don't do this - sarms are developed to be specifically oral compounds. they're not supposed to be injected. the companies selling developing sarms want to make money, and it's way easier to sell a drug to someone with cancer-induced muscle wastage when they don't have to inject it twice a week.

just be a man and inject test.

What are your thoughts on YK-11 or ACE 130 they both claim to inhibit myostatin by increasing the flow of follostatin I don't exactly understand how this process works
this thread is just NOT TRUE...

sarms work by having a high binding affinity to androgen receptors in muscle tissue. it's their tissue-selectivity that gives them the "selective" part of their name. when sarms enter your system, they go to the muscle tissues, and bind to the androgen receptors, unbinding dht and testosterone from their respective shbg (sex hormone binding globulin)

so the sarms are essentially "releasing" a fuck ton of free, unbound dht and testosterone into your bloodstream.


1) since you're not inhibiting 5α reductase with sarms, you are NOT stopping any conversion of testosterone into dht
2) since the sarms are occupying the androgen receptors in your muscles, your testosterone has nothing to bind to. it metabolizes into dht (through the uninhibited 5α reductase pathway) and binds to androgen receptors that are NOT in muscle tissue. (example: your hair follicles)
3) and it should be pretty obv now... since dht binding to hair follicles is a trigger for male pattern baldness.

[note: even if you lack a genetic predisposition to androgen-induced hairloss, the unbinding of hormones from your androgen receptors induced by sarms will cause a fluctuation the plasma levels of your hormones and probably induce telogen effluvium]

and, as should be expected


it's the exact same principle as before. you're unbinding testosterone in muscle tissue androgen receptors. you have extra testosterone floating around. eventually the testosteroe finds its way into one of your (many, i'm assuming) adipose tissues and gets aromatized... simple.

oh also

yes, definitely safer for your liver, and it's even safer to swallow research compounds that have been used in 0 human trials as opposed to injectable compounds that have been studied for decades...

please don't do this - sarms are developed to be specifically oral compounds. they're not supposed to be injected. the companies selling developing sarms want to make money, and it's way easier to sell a drug to someone with cancer-induced muscle wastage when they don't have to inject it twice a week.

just be a man and inject test.
High iq

Anavar is pretty much like a sarm (highly anobolic very low androgenic) idk where tf you’re getting that from? Explain?

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