

I don’t know what to do with myself anymore
Jul 7, 2023
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Alright, listen up y'all, 'cause I’m 'bout to drop some real truth bombs on ya that the media and them fancy-pants city folks don’t want you to know. This ain’t just your everyday conspiracy theory — we’re talkin' top-level, deep-state, covert ops stuff, alright? Now brace yourselves, ‘cause we’re gettin’ into alligators. And these ain’t your swamp-dwelling, lazy sunbathers. Nah, they’re Indian shapeshifting spies, and they’re infiltratin' our American heartland as we speak!

Now, how do I know this? Let’s break it down real simple. First off, ever wonder why there’s been an explosion of alligator sightings way outside their so-called "natural habitat"? I mean, gators in Missouri, gators in Kentucky? Come on, that ain’t natural. But here’s the kicker — these ain’t real alligators. These are Indian spies from halfway across the globe, sent here to shapeshift into gators and watch us.

Think about it! Alligators don’t belong nowhere near your backyard BBQs, but they’ve been showin’ up in places they ain’t never been seen before. That’s the first sign, folks. Shapeshifters. And where do they come from? India, that’s right. You ever watch one of them Bollywood movies? The way them actors dance around, shapeshifting into all kinds of stuff? It’s all right there in plain sight! They're trainin' in some high-tech, secret Indian government facility, learnin' how to turn into gators and sneak into our backyards.

See, India’s been trying to get ahead in the global spy game, right? They don’t got them fancy drones like us, so they’re sendin' these shapeshifting operatives to the US to gather intelligence. What better way to blend in than to turn into an alligator? No one's suspectin' no alligator of spyin'. They’re just floatin' around in swamps, lookin' lazy, but what they’re really doin’ is watchin' us. They’re gatherin’ intel on our habits, our BBQ recipes, our gun collections — who knows what they’re sendin' back to New Delhi!

You ever notice how these gators always seem to show up near military bases? Or even weirder, how some of them disappear real quick once they’ve been spotted? That’s them Indian shapeshifters shiftin’ back to human form and slippin' away into the shadows. They’re gatherin' data, folks, takin' it back to their handlers overseas. They’ve infiltrated our swamps, our neighborhoods, and probably our Walmart parking lots too.

And don’t even get me started on how 5G is helpin' them! I bet the Indian government’s usin' them 5G towers to communicate directly with the gators. Ever since 5G started poppin' up, alligator sightings have been on the rise! Coincidence? I think not! Them towers are probably beam transmitters, sendin' orders to these gators, like, "Blend in, spy on them rednecks, report back."

The mainstream media won’t tell you this, though. They’ll say it’s all nonsense, callin’ us crazy. But we know the truth, don’t we? You can’t trust them folks in Washington neither — they’re probably in on it. How many times have you heard Biden or them politicians talk about alligators? Exactly. They’re coverin’ it up!

So keep your eyes peeled next time you're out fishin' or sittin' by the creek. That gator starin' at you might not just be lookin’ for a meal — it’s prob'ly reportin' back to some secret Indian agent, shapeshiftin' and takin' notes on your every move.

Stay woke, y’all. The alligator spies are among us.
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  • Hmm...
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In middle school i had this bully. when i was walking home from school i would fantasize about kidnapping him and forcing him to dress like a woman and take pills that made him a woman (i thought that birthcontrol did that) i would make him work in a house as a mother and then come and rape him once in a while
  • JFL
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Alright, listen up, y’all, ‘cause I got somethin' BIG to tell ya. This ain’t your regular conspiracy theory ‘bout Bigfoot or Area 51, no sir. We’re talkin' global scale here, the real truth that they don’t want you knowin’ about. Buckle up, ‘cause I’m ‘bout to blow the lid off the whole dang world order. Ready? Mumbai, India ain’t just some city with spicy food and Bollywood movies. Nah, folks, Mumbai is the secret capital of the entire world, and it’s run by aliens, deep-state elites, and God-knows-who else. You heard me right, Mumbai is where the real power is, not Washington, not Moscow, not even Beijing. It’s all goin’ down in Mumbai!

Now, how do I know this? Well, if you open your eyes and do some real research (not that Google garbage), the signs are everywhere. First off, have y’all ever wondered why all the richest people in the world are all up in Mumbai? The Ambanis, those Bollywood stars—they’re in on it! It’s no coincidence that Mumbai’s got more billionaires per square mile than any other place on Earth. That’s because Mumbai is where the global shadow government is headquartered, sittin’ on piles of alien technology and controlin’ every dang thing we do.

See, deep underneath them fancy hotels and skyscrapers, there are alien bases. Yup, I’m talkin' massive, hidden bunkers where them reptilians, grays, and whatever other species have been livin’ for centuries. You know how they say the British Empire used to rule India? Ha! Joke’s on you, the aliens were runnin’ things the whole time, and they’ve never left. They just moved underground, beneath Mumbai’s streets, and are still callin’ the shots today. There’s tunnels, y’all, miles of ‘em, goin’ all over the world from Mumbai. That’s how they move around, undetected, while the rest of us sheep are worryin’ about gas prices!

And don’t even get me started on the Gateway of India, that big ol’ monument sittin’ there. You think it’s just some historical site? WRONG. It’s actually a giant teleportation device. That’s right, the aliens use it to beam themselves up to their motherships, probably parked just outside the atmosphere where nobody can see ‘em. And the world leaders, y’know, them so-called “presidents” and “prime ministers” who act like they’re in charge? They make secret trips to Mumbai to bow down to their alien overlords. Yup, I’ve said it. I bet even ol’ sleepy Biden’s been there, suckin’ up to some gray-skinned alien overlord while we’re over here worryin’ about gas and groceries.

And get this – you know why Mumbai’s got so many tech companies and call centers? That’s all part of the alien communications network! Ever try callin’ customer service, and you’re put on hold forever? That’s ‘cause they’re sendin’ your info to the aliens! They’re trackin’ us through our phones and computers, every click, every call, all run through alien satellites and supercomputers based right under Mumbai. Heck, the Taj Mahal Hotel? It’s not a hotel at all. It’s a front for an alien command center. You think people are just stayin’ there? They’re meetin’ with intergalactic leaders and plottin’ how to control us!

Now, here’s where it gets even crazier—Mumbai ain’t just the world capital of aliens, oh no, it's also where they’ve perfected mind control. That Bollywood stuff? It’s full of secret codes, subliminal messages to keep us distracted and under their control. Every dance number, every song—it’s all brainwashin’ us while the real masters of the universe laugh from their Mumbai penthouses, drinkin’ some alien cocktails.

And what about the weather? Y’all ever notice how Mumbai’s always got these monsoon seasons and crazy rain? That’s not natural, folks. It’s alien weather manipulation. They’re experimentin' with the climate, tryin’ to control the entire planet’s weather patterns from their Mumbai bases. Why you think we’re havin’ floods and hurricanes in places that ain’t never seen ‘em before? Because the Mumbai elites and their alien buddies are pullin' the strings from their underground bunkers, deciding who gets droughts and who gets tornadoes!

So, next time y’all hear someone say, “Oh, Mumbai’s just a city,” you tell ‘em, “No, brother, that’s where the whole dang world is controlled!” It’s time we start connectin’ the dots, ‘cause the truth’s out there—and it’s lurkin’ right under Mumbai’s fancy streets, in alien bunkers, with billionaires, reptiles, and who-knows-what-else runnin' the show.

Stay vigilant, y’all, the Mumbai takeover is real, and they’re pullin’ the strings of this whole global puppet show!
  • Woah
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when i was younger (9-12 maybe) i really wanted to have some sort of disabillity. it started with me wanting to have down syndrome for attention from my parents. so i would start walking with my hand up like this

and just acting weird on purpose. I did this breifly but stopped when i was scolded at lidl by my mom for acting retarded.
Then it started again in 6 grade when a kid with tourettes started in the grade below me. i ended up faking tics and faked being dyslexic kept this going for about a year even got counceling twice and i actually ended up getting bullied for my tics which weren't even real.

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