School: Indoctrination into Servitude



Never Give Up
Oct 11, 2019
The idea of the having free education to all children has a deeper ulterior motive. The elite need to prepare its future labour force into the system.

The ideas of a 9 to 5 Job stems is a simple transition from school:

You are forced to show up at 9am and begin to sit at your desk taking instructions from you teacher an authoritive figure who marks your performance. The academic structure does not cater to critical thinking but how much you can regurgitate from the authoritave figure. You get an hours lunch break where you are served Junk food. you then proceed to continue to listen to do desk work before commuting home. You get yearly teacher parents meeting to measure your performance

You are forced to show up at 9 am and begin to sit at your desk taking instructions from your manager an authoritve figure who measures your performance. You carry out the same task and are discouraged from speaking out. You take an hours lunch break then proceed to continue your work before commuting home. You get yearly meetings with your employer to measure your performance.

As you can see school is not intended for you to become wealthy or successful it is their to discipline you to become a working class drone smart enough to carry out basic functional tasks but dumb enough not to question the system. LOL if you think you are getting free education because society is loving and caring.

@disillusioned my man let me know what you think.
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they just want obedient machines who wont ask any questions and just do the assigned steps
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How do you plan to counteract that buddy boyo?
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Things use to be different though. In the past schools actually taught things that were useful and tests were also harder. Then feminism happened and women took over schools (in the past most teachers were male). Women ruin literally everything they are allowed to touch. They are pure parasites once you look past their value as sex objects. Feminine men are also degenerates for the same reasons.
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Things use to be different though. In the past schools actually taught things that were useful and tests were also harder. Then feminism happened and women took over schools (in the past most teachers were male). Women ruin literally everything they are allowed to touch. They are pure parasites once you look past their value as sex objects. Feminine men are also degenerates for the same reasons.

My point is to highlight that the school system has no intentions to "educate" its students but simply to fill them with the delusions of education when they are in fact going being brainwashed into transitioning into the working class. To submit to authoritative figures and divide each other other up based on their performance within that system. It's grooming in its entirety. The wealthy middle class do not follow this, they teach their kids the "black pill" behind wealth.

Women are guardians of systems. They understand the rules that are set by that system and destroy what the system does not want. The current system protects women and their natural instincts very well, so they have a good relationship.

Its the owner (elite men) then women (cats) then rats (every other man)
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Cope, if you are chad school is great. Imagine going into a place every day full of lusting jbs while getting education all of which is FREE. Then you get to spend time with the boys playing sports mogging all the nerds who can't even run 30 seconds without getting winded.
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The state creates a vicious circle to keep expanding itself: through its monopoly of force, it decides what its future voters will learn by regulating education, deciding what will be taught in schools and universities. Of course, because it has a power no one else has, it chooses what favours it the most.

That way, people not are only kept stupid, but also with a very specific set of knowledge and mindset: that the state owes them rights, so they end up voting for the politician who promises/lies the most to them.

But because they're kept stupid, they won't understand that part of them will have to pay for all of that, while the rest just enjoy their free gibs. And those who understand, are more than happy to do so – they're ashamed of their higher income and want to feel better by giving their money to the poor.

In short, all of that is for you to pay taxes to politicians and other state employees who end up with most of the money while pretending it's for the poor or the oppressed.
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School is easy as fuck they pass you without you having to do anything
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The state creates a vicious circle to keep expanding itself: through its monopoly of force, it decides what its future voters will learn by regulating education, deciding what will be taught in schools and universities. Of course, because it has a power no one else has, it chooses what favours it the most.

That way, people not are only kept stupid, but also with a very specific set of knowledge and mindset: that the state owes them rights, so they end up voting for the politician who promises/lies the most to them.

But because they're kept stupid, they won't understand that part of them will have to pay for all of that, while the rest just enjoy their free gibs. And those who understand, are more than happy to do so – they're ashamed of their higher income and want to feel better by giving their money to the poor.

In short, all of that is for you to pay taxes to politicians and other state employees who end up with most of the money while pretending it's for the poor or the oppressed.
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It's necessary to have a functioning society to have obedient people. Too many people not obeying means the system will break down and someone else will conquer it financially, religiously or with force and the people will be obedient to ''the new king''.
It's impossible to escape, by not obeying you give your national identity away indirectly.
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The state creates a vicious circle to keep expanding itself: through its monopoly of force, it decides what its future voters will learn by regulating education, deciding what will be taught in schools and universities. Of course, because it has a power no one else has, it chooses what favours it the most.

That way, people not are only kept stupid, but also with a very specific set of knowledge and mindset: that the state owes them rights, so they end up voting for the politician who promises/lies the most to them.

But because they're kept stupid, they won't understand that part of them will have to pay for all of that, while the rest just enjoy their free gibs. And those who understand, are more than happy to do so – they're ashamed of their higher income and want to feel better by giving their money to the poor.

In short, all of that is for you to pay taxes to politicians and other state employees who end up with most of the money while pretending it's for the poor or the oppressed.

It's necessary to have a functioning society to have obedient people. Too many people not obeying means the system will break down and someone else will conquer it financially, religiously or with force and the people will be obedient to ''the new king''.
It's impossible to escape, by not obeying you give your national identity away indirectly.

Thanks for the replies, there is really no point in me posting these kind of guides the autists on this site are not taking it seriously, nor would I want them financially ascending . This is why I piss on working class people seriously and have no pity/remorse.
they just want obedient machines who wont ask any questions and just do the assigned steps
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Cope bro
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I know how to deal with libertardians:
You don't know how to formulate an answer, but you do know how to cope.

Keep crying with your gifs.
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You don't know how to formulate an answer, but you do know how to cope.

Keep crying with your gifs.
Your post made no sense, just the typical libertardian verbal diarrhea. Muh state, muh collectivism, muh free market. The same nonsense again and again. The free market is the cause of our problems, not the solution. The West is the "freest" in this degenerate era.
  • JFL
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Your post made no sense, just the typical libertardian verbal diarrhea. Muh state, muh collectivism, muh free market. The same nonsense again and again. The free market is the cause of our problems, not the solution. The West is the "freest" in this degenerate era.
I haven't made a single mention to collectivism or the free market. Learn how to read, stop feeling and start thinking. You're behaving like a woman.
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I haven't made a single mention to collectivism or the free market. Learn how to read, stop feeling and start thinking. You're behaving like a woman.
Dude I know what libertardians are all about. I have been listening to their bullshit for the better part of the decade. Your accusations fall flat, sorry.
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Dude I know what libertardians are all about. I have been listening to their bullshit for the better part of the decade. Your accusations fall flat, sorry.
Good, now go collect your welfare benefits like the parasite you probably are
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Good, now go collect your welfare benefits like the parasite you probably are
Fuck I thought you were gonna drop some arguments (typical regurgitations) or something but you seem dumber than the typical libertardian I've met to do that. But yeah, you can't win an argument against me anyways, you're way too low IQ for that.
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Fuck I thought you were gonna drop some arguments (typical regurgitations) or something but you seem dumber than the typical libertardian I've met to do that. But yeah, you can't win an argument against me anyways, you're way too low IQ for that.
JFL if you think what you say worth argumenting against you when you don't even present arguments, just leave blank statements based on nothing other than your feelings

Cope how much you want by projecting your low IQ on others and thinking gifs, feelings and childish insults, your mind can't handle reason and that shows with how much you defend yourself from things that were not even brought to discussion

Whenever the loser you are can prove that taxation isn't theft, state isn't the monopoly of force and the free market solves problems better than the state ever would because it's the right system of incentives by being based on the natural right to property is we when we'll talk

Until then, you're just a butthurt bitch crying on the internet for depending on the state for being too low IQ and emasculated to create value on the free market
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JFL if you think what you say worth argumenting against you when you don't even present arguments, just leave blank statements based on nothing other than your feelings

Cope how much you want by projecting your low IQ on others and thinking gifs, feelings and childish insults, your mind can't handle reason and that shows with how much you defend yourself from things that were not even brought to discussion

Whenever the loser you are can prove that taxation isn't theft, state isn't the monopoly of force and the free market solves problems better than the state ever would because it's the right system of incentives by being based on the natural right to property is we when we'll talk

Until then, you're just a butthurt bitch crying on the internet for depending on the state for being too low IQ and emasculated to create value on the free market
You are just crying like the overemotional bitch you are.

Taxation obviously isn't theft. You can always leave and move to Antarctica. If you want to work in a given country you must obey the law of the land, if you don't want to obey the law of the land, you can leave. The fact you haven't understood this baffles me but what to expect from a buffoon.

The state indeed has the monopoly to enforce the law and that is a good thing. The modern state is the greatest political move forward that has ever taken place. Much better than the constant civil war that used to be a daily bread.

The free market can solve some problems but it's certainly isn't able to fix anything really important. You can cry about "crony capitalism" and drop some other corny catch phrases but the facts don't lie. The libertardian's own "economic freedom indexes" prove that we live in much freer times now since Reaganomics than we had lived post-WW2, which was the period of the greatest growth in the standard of living. We live under the rule of the free market.

Also economic freedom goes hand in hand with social freedoms. Don't think that the rampant degeneracy and the break down of the family is a result of anything but "freedom". And conservative liberals make me laugh. There is no such thing as that. You can't be a liberal supporter of the free market and on the other hand a conservative on the social front. These guys are professional conmen. You push for one and the other will always follow as they are connected.
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i did not read a single word so sorry
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Taxation obviously isn't theft. You can always leave and move to Antarctica. If you want to work in a given country you must obey the law of the land, if you don't want to obey the law of the land, you can leave. The fact you haven't understood this baffles me but what to expect from a buffoon.
Okay, tell that to yourself when someone steals your phone or your car. Just stay out of the way of the thief bro
Forceful extraction of property = theft, doesn't matter who does it
The state indeed has the monopoly to enforce the law and that is a good thing. The modern state is the greatest political move forward that has ever taken place. Much better than the constant civil war that used to be a daily bread.
That would be great if the state enforced natural laws that were product of reasoning and the understading of the scarcity of resources. But what it does instead is write an arbitrary sentence on a paper as an excuse to control people ineffectively or to extract more resources from them.
The free market can solve some problems but it's certainly isn't able to fix anything really important.
WTF, it's able to produce vast amounts of food so more families can exist just because there's more food to feed everybody and it doesn't do anything important? In what world do you live? The production of food is the single most importante aspect of the free market as it's the resource humans seek the most – to survive, if you forgot about that.

The libertardian's own "economic freedom indexes" prove that we live in much freer times now since Reaganomics than we had lived post-WW2, which was the period of the greatest growth in the standard of living. We live under the rule of the free market.
Do you really think we're under the rule of the free market in the western social democracies? Can't you see how much the US grew in terms of power in comparison to when it was founded? Was there welfare and absurd amounts of market regulation then?
Also economic freedom goes hand in hand with social freedoms
I see the problem now. You don't understand that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand – 10 years of "listening to libertarians" to not understand that you're the only one responsible for your actions and, which means degenerate people would simply be removed and boycotted, if they don't destroy themselves first, of course.
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Okay, tell that to yourself when someone steals your phone or your car. Just stay out of the way of the thief bro
Forceful extraction of property = theft, doesn't matter who does it
What? That is the rule of the land. The people have collectively decided that everyone who lives in a society abides by its rules. You don't have to pay taxes anyways, just don't work and don't buy stuff.

That would be great if the state enforced natural laws that were product of reasoning and the understading of the scarcity of resources. But what it does instead is write an arbitrary sentence on a paper as an excuse to control people ineffectively or to extract more resources from them.
How is it ineffective? Every modern society has a government and a law system. It obviously works the best otherwise the primitive feudal system would win out.

WTF, it's able to produce vast amounts of food so more families can exist just because there's more food to feed everybody and it doesn't do anything important? In what world do you live? The production of food is the single most importante aspect of the free market as it's the resource humans seek the most – to survive, if you forgot about that.
How is free market liberalism responsible for food production? I mean these days it is I guess since we live under such system but food has always been produced.

Do you really think we're under the rule of the free market in the western social democracies? Can't you see how much the US grew in terms of power in comparison to when it was founded? Was there welfare and absurd amounts of market regulation then?
The USA at its inception was a pre-capitalistic slave society. It was a completely different time. Interestingly the first American party, the federalists opposed the free market and so did George Washington in favor of a tariff based economy.

I see the problem now. You don't understand that freedom and responsibility go hand in hand – 10 years of "listening to libertarians" to not understand that you're the only one responsible for your actions and, which means degenerate people would simply be removed and boycotted, if they don't destroy themselves first, of course.
So why aren't they? It's because it's not our nature to be peaceful monogamous family men, just as it is not natural for women to be non-hypergamous. Pure freedom leads to the lowest common denominator and to the survival of the fittest. Civilization requires rule and order.
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What? That is the rule of the land. The people have collectively decided that everyone who lives in a society abides by its rules. You don't have to pay taxes anyways, just don't work and don't buy stuff.
Rule of the land ≠ law
Rules can be privately defined by a group of individuals and accepted by those who chose to associate with them.
"But that's what the state does" – no, at gunpoint the state forces people to obey its rules. Worse than that, it extracts people's resources to mantain those rules, whether they agree with them or not.
"But then people would do whatever they wanted and chaos and degeneracy" privately rule bad behaviours out of your community or just boycott the undesired individual with your people and it's over for him.
How is free market liberalism responsible for food production? I mean these days it is I guess since we live under such system but food has always been produced.
It isn't responsible for that, private property is. The free market is a consequence of such right and through it people can divide labour and focus on production, which of course involves food, to trade for whatever resources other people produced and benefit them the most.

The USA at its inception was a pre-capitalistic slave society.
Capitalism was already in course when the US was founded. As it's just production and trade, it's in practice for a long time.

So why aren't they? It's because it's not our nature to be peaceful monogamous family men, just as it is not natural for women to be non-hypergamous. Pure freedom leads to the lowest common denominator and to the survival of the fittest. Civilization requires rule and order.
Reason differs us from other animals. That's why we understand conflict (which is necessarily over resources, which are necessarily scarce) while they do horrible things to each other to survive and why we don't need to fight over things if they are assigned to an owner. A conflict over a property is a crime if we apply the natural law to the case.

Yes, civilisation requires rule and order - no one disagrees with that, and libertarianism is the correct way to let a society organise itself through respect to each other's property and the culture the forms around it - a culture that of course can be preserved, as most of us want, and that includes law, tradition and patriarchy.

A society that doesn't protect itself with those three things for example (and military defense as well) is simply going to end itself.
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Anyone in this thread arguing against the college education system taken a single class? Or what?
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Anyone in this thread arguing against the college education system taken a single class? Or what?
Half my college courses were absolutely worthless, in every sense of the word. And literally more than half of college degrees and some entire departments such as humanities are completely worthless.
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Rule of the land ≠ law
Rules can be privately defined by a group of individuals and accepted by those who chose to associate with them.
"But that's what the state does" – no, at gunpoint the state forces people to obey its rules. Worse than that, it extracts people's resources to mantain those rules, whether they agree with them or not.
"But then people would do whatever they wanted and chaos and degeneracy" privately rule bad behaviours out of your community or just boycott the undesired individual with your people and it's over for him.
How does this even make sense? This is not how nature works at all, in fact that is exactly how things were in many feudal societies like the Holy Roman Empire which was split into hundreds if not thousands of different formations. The result was a constant civil war with some aristocrats even waging crusades against others. Holy shit how can you believe this nonsense. Boycott undesired behavior? That is exactly the behavior we all desire lmao. The majority of human history had no states and life was a hundred times more brutal than it is now.

It isn't responsible for that, private property is. The free market is a consequence of such right and through it people can divide labour and focus on production, which of course involves food, to trade for whatever resources other people produced and benefit them the most.
The free market is in no way a consequence of the existence of property, what are you even talking about? The market does not have to be unregulated. Also you don't even need private property to produce food.

Capitalism was already in course when the US was founded. As it's just production and trade, it's in practice for a long time.
Capitalism is an economic system where the means of production is owned privately and the operation of such enterprises is for profit. Capitalism basically took over after the industrial revolution and only its beginnings go back to like the 17th century. Capitalism isn't trade lol, there was trade and production in socialist countries like the USSR as well.

Reason differs us from other animals. That's why we understand conflict (which is necessarily over resources, which are necessarily scarce) while they do horrible things to each other to survive and why we don't need to fight over things if they are assigned to an owner. A conflict over a property is a crime if we apply the natural law to the case.
Who is going to assign things to their owners? How does anything you say even make any sense? Are you autistic? You seem to be misunderstanding human behavior so much it baffles me. Of course you don't want anything to be assigned by anyone, you want the existing ownership to be retained (which means 90% of people owning no private property and the top dudes each owning 100 billion of it).

Yes, civilisation requires rule and order - no one disagrees with that, and libertarianism is the correct way to let a society organise itself through respect to each other's property and the culture the forms around it - a culture that of course can be preserved, as most of us want, and that includes law, tradition and patriarchy. A society that doesn't protect itself with those three things for example (and military defense as well) is simply going to end itself.
No society organizes itself. I think as a victim of Asperger's you just don't see these obvious things. I hope you haven't sent $500 to Molyneux to make you the "king of philosophy" on his forum. You have fallen for a scam, sorry.
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How does this even make sense? This is not how nature works at all, in fact that is exactly how things were in many feudal societies like the Holy Roman Empire which was split into hundreds if not thousands of different formations. The result was a constant civil war with some aristocrats even waging crusades against others. Holy shit how can you believe this nonsense. Boycott undesired behavior? That is exactly the behavior we all desire lmao. The majority of human history had no states and life was a hundred
I gave you an answer based on what you wanted and then said that's not what you wanted
You are the autist here

The free market is in no way a consequence of the existence of property, what are you even talking about? The market does not have to be unregulated. Also you don't even need private property to produce food.
Not an argument

Capitalism isn't trade lol, there was trade and production in socialist countries like the USSR as well.
Just like there was also slavery

Who is going to assign things to their owners? How does anything you say even make any sense? Are you autistic? You seem to be misunderstanding human behavior so much it baffles me. Of course you don't want anything to be assigned by anyone, you want the existing ownership to be retained (which means 90% of people owning no private property and the top dudes each owning 100 billion of it).
"muh ten years of listening to libertarians" you should know by now

No society organizes itself. I think as a victim of Asperger's you just don't see these obvious things. I hope you haven't sent $500 to Molyneux to make you the "king of philosophy" on his forum. You have fallen for a scam, sorry.
Laughable response
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I gave you an answer based on what you wanted and then said that's not what you wanted
You are the autist here
What? Where did I tell you your answer is unwanted? You make absolutely no sense. I just answered your attempt at a rebuttal. You don't seem to be doing the same, just empty words. So you have no arguments?

Not an argument
That was an argument. The fact you can't seem to be able to answer it makes you lack arguments, not me. Stop projecting.

Just like there was also slavery
Again, what are you talking about? Why are you not answering my arguments, just moving the goal post?

"muh ten years of listening to libertarians" you should know by now
Know what? Molyneux is a mentally ill idiot that even real libertarian professors despise. You have probably sent him money so you double down instead of facing the reality of not being very smart.

Laughable response
To a laughable view in which you said society would just organize itself if we ended the modern state.
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Fkn war in this thread jfl
  • JFL
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Very insightful thread. I believe the school system was originally designed to create drones but in the 21st century I believe it just exists because the average person is retarded. They will allow tyrants to torture their children in these "schools" and won't do shit about it. I hate soyciety.
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good topic

in practice the most important part of school is learning where you stand in the social hiearchy amongst your competition.

In my experience it were especially the teachers that adhered to lookist+sexist discrimination of students.
Girls could do no wrong. Ugly guys were fucked.
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Water wet. Even normies know about this jewery
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