SHBGmaxxing for heightmaxxing?



Oct 1, 2023
This question might sound dumb but here we go.

So as we know klinefelter's have taller statures (because their growth plates close later), and reading around I found out that it's common for them to have high shbg.

Blood tests can tell you total and free testosterone.

SHBG has a high binding affinity for testosterone and estrogen. This means that SHBG will bind to testosterone, making it unable to convert to free testosterone, the "working" testosterone, and will just flow around in the body as bound, "disabled" testosterone
Estrogen causes growth plates closure.
Estrogen is converted from free testosterone in males. Once again SHBG binds to estrogen aswell which would make bound estrogen unable to convert to free estrogen, so the bound estrogen wouldn't close growth plates.

HGH is what makes you grow taller.

Theoretically could a person skyrocket his SHBG to delay growth plates closure and in the meanwhile boost his HGH as much as possible to grow as much as possible? Would this theoretically work or no?
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This question might sound dumb but here we go.

So as we know klinefelter's have taller statures, and reading around I found out that it's common for them to have high shbg.

SHBG has a high binding affinity for testosterone and estrogen. This means that SHBG will bind to testosterone, making it unable to flow around in the body as free testosterone, the "working" testosterone
Estrogen causes growth plates closure.
Estrogen is converted from free testosterone in males. Once again SHBG binds to estrogen aswell which would make bound estrogen unable to convert to free estrogen, so the bound estrogen wouldn't close growth plates.

HGH is what makes you grow taller.

Theoretically could a person skyrocket his SHBG to delay growth plates closure and in the meanwhile boost his HGH as much as possible to grow as much as possible? Would this theoretically work or no?
i have low free testosterone consequently low estrogen but my plates are closed at 15 years old, its pure genetics
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This question might sound dumb but here we go.

So as we know klinefelter's have taller statures, and reading around I found out that it's common for them to have high shbg.

SHBG has a high binding affinity for testosterone and estrogen. This means that SHBG will bind to testosterone, making it unable to flow around in the body as free testosterone, the "working" testosterone
Estrogen causes growth plates closure.
Estrogen is converted from free testosterone in males. Once again SHBG binds to estrogen aswell which would make bound estrogen unable to convert to free estrogen, so the bound estrogen wouldn't close growth plates.

HGH is what makes you grow taller.

Theoretically could a person skyrocket his SHBG to delay growth plates closure and in the meanwhile boost his HGH as much as possible to grow as much as possible? Would this theoretically work or no?
anyways, if you want to increase your SHBG you need to lower your insulin by eating less carbohydrates
i have low free testosterone consequently low estrogen but my plates are closed at 15 years old, its pure genetics
Wtf that's rough, maybe you had high testosterone all this time? When did u start puberty
i dont think i had early puberty because is a sign of high testosterone and i have low testosterone
it's possible to have suddenly crashed testosteorone due to medical conditions
Well, what are your E2 levels?
i didnt cheched, i was saying that my low free testosterone probably caused low estrogen, because estrogen is aromatized from testosterone
i didnt cheched, i was saying that my low free testosterone probably caused low estrogen, because estrogen is aromatized from testosterone
Oh well, that's not how it completely works sadly. There are still other factors that contribute to estradiol levels than just free testosterone.
Oh well, that's not how it completely works sadly. There are still other factors that contribute to estradiol levels than just free testosterone.
what factors?
This question might sound dumb but here we go.

So as we know klinefelter's have taller statures (because their growth plates close later), and reading around I found out that it's common for them to have high shbg.

Blood tests can tell you total and free testosterone.

SHBG has a high binding affinity for testosterone and estrogen. This means that SHBG will bind to testosterone, making it unable to convert to free testosterone, the "working" testosterone, and will just flow around in the body as bound, "disabled" testosterone
Estrogen causes growth plates closure.
Estrogen is converted from free testosterone in males. Once again SHBG binds to estrogen aswell which would make bound estrogen unable to convert to free estrogen, so the bound estrogen wouldn't close growth plates.

HGH is what makes you grow taller.

Theoretically could a person skyrocket his SHBG to delay growth plates closure and in the meanwhile boost his HGH as much as possible to grow as much as possible? Would this theoretically work or no?
just use AI.

And no, maximizing your SHBG won't delay growth plate closure. It'll just make you have a low free test and low-free estrogen. It still won't be enough for delaying growth plate closure. You need artificially low e2 levels for that (like being shutdown from roids or taking AI)
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It still won't be enough for delaying growth plate closure. You need artificially low e2 levels for that (like being shutdown from roids or taking AI)
I don't understand what would be the difference between low estrogen caused either naturally or from roids. Can you elaborate more? Why wouldnt high shbg delay growth plate closure?

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