Short take on betabuxxing (why betabuxxing is not all bad)(and why money easily mogs status and power, BUT NOT LOOKS)



Oct 27, 2021
you had an account before right? do you resident in a nordic country rn?

Money is definetly the best commodity in this world if you know where you should channel it to.
Anyone who says other shit like power status etc is just retarded.
The problem with power and status, they are not flexible. If you use your power to build wealth (lets say you are an goverment executive) you are risking your reputation and freedom (JAIL). And you wont build shit with status.

But if you have money, its perfecetly normal and accepted by society to build status and power. (Actually money is a form of power but you need to channel it for power) You can do anything you want with money. Of course you cant be a president overnight because you are rich but you can build your way to become a president.

And most important thing for us, blackpillers, we can use it to looksmax. You see? You can put it to anywhere you want or need to.
What are you going to do with power? Blackmail doctors to give you a surgery?
You may eventually get a surgery by that way wont it wont be legitimate.

>inb4 who cares if it is legitimate or not :feelsuhh::feelsuhh:
You will care when you are in jail.
"But you can use your looks to gain money&status?"

Of course you can but looks alone wont get you to be giga rich and probably you will have no power at all, you may eventually have some status if you are lucky. (Reminder Tyler Maher has 40k instagram followers) (actors are different)
But anyway, %99 of you guys cant be a model anyway so we should focus on the available options.

The problem with normies (or redpillers [or ltn people]) who moneymaxxes is, it doesnt get you to much anywhere on its own unless you take it to an extreme. You are just become a high incomed, roastie magnet. You are just a high priced wageslave. You are not the only fish in the sea. Betabuxxing a becky doesnt mean shit. She fucked like crazy when you were studying, but when she got old, she fall behind the race for the chad cock and she is looking for a retarded cuck that will bail her out.

But when we take moneymaxxing to extremes, lets say you start a startup or something and your market value goes up like crazy, and if you are atleast normie, then you will do really good. Now you can afford a stacy and maybe even marry with her. (which most of the cases end up like later)

Thats some good shit. I respect that. You built yourself on your own and now you are breeding with a stacy. You worked hard and she had the genetics. Fair trade. Well not that much fair since she was just born and didnt need to anything while you studied, but atleast now you are getting a worthy payment for your hard studying years.

The first one is completely useless except to continue your lineage. You will probably start visiting r/deadbedrooms in couple of years, maybe divorce if she doesnt have a side guy, alimony etc...

The second is an objectively good strategy. She will probably have way less body count than that used up becky we talked about above. Its because real stacies dont fuck like the average becky. Becky opens her tinder and looks at her matche, if there is a guy that she is attracted then there you go.
But stacies have standards. Not just looks. I am saying money, status. I highly doubt if they participate in ons from tinder like normal people instead they just get invited to parties by rich guys or even get paid to be there. (to be honest imo its seriously retarded to think that stacies do ons, atleast on tinder or any other dating app... but only on yachts or some island that you did not even heard of before...)

And when the redpillers talk about moneymaxing, their efforts are like the first one. Like getting a better salary, learning to trade stocks crypto etc.
But they expect results like the second one. This simply wont going to happen.

But for the second you need to have atleast a normie face and present your wealth. Not like xd look at my money but instead channel your money to your lifestyle with your reasonable spendings.

Whoever reads this knows blackpill anyway, get the surgeries you need then you can think the rest later...

@Pikabro @Artemis
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Good luck to anyone reading this dissertation.
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Your outlook on moneymaxxing is different because you’re a Turk. Turkish stacies aren’t the same as western stacies. Most western stacy trophy wives will mess around with a pool boy on the side. Hence it’s an L to betabuxx a stacy

Actually any stacy would do this. But maybe Turkish stacies respect money/power more and wouldn’t even consider entertaining a side nigga IDK.
  • JFL
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The truth is, you need all. Besides, they all boost each other. Money can boost your status, status boosts your happiness, happiness boosts your NT, NT boosts your...

Play to your strengths boyos.
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The truth is, you need all. Besides, they all boost each other. Money can boost your status, status boosts your happiness, happiness boosts your NT, NT boosts your...

Play to your strengths boyos.
yes but the thing is status and power can hardly boost your money and often it doesnt come out as legitimate when you use them to acquire money because you are abusing your power at best and you are taking bribes or committing treasons at worst.
  • Hmm...
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Looks >> money >status >power .
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Who tf is stupid enough to betabux some used up whore and marry her?

Rather go mgtow and keep my money and spend it on hobbies , myself, escorts, etc
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You guys are so autistic when you talk about "STATUS AND POWER"

As if we are in some cringe 50 Laws of Power fantasy where you are all little cocked high knights of the roman empire at a bathhouse

no girl has ever told me "omg he has POWER and STATUS.... YIPPPEEEEE."

All these hoes give a fuck about is COLD. HARD. CASH. Not bitcoin. Not ethereum. Motherfucking cash on dEBIT Cards you stupid nigs. THey don't care if you're a lawyer, a banker, or if you sell your socks online.

they want that PAPER baby
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Primalsplit and Sprinkles
Who tf is stupid enough to betabux some used up whore and marry her?

Rather go mgtow and keep my money and spend it on hobbies , myself, escorts, etc
You guys are so autistic when you talk about "STATUS AND POWER"

As if we are in some cringe 50 Laws of Power fantasy where you are all little cocked high knights of the roman empire at a bathhouse

no girl has ever told me "omg he has POWER and STATUS.... YIPPPEEEEE."

All these hoes give a fuck about is COLD. HARD. CASH. Not bitcoin. Not ethereum. Motherfucking cash on dEBIT Cards you stupid nigs. THey don't care if you're a lawyer, a banker, or if you sell your socks online.

they want that PAPER baby
We statistically have really low chance about being a member of the people who has actual status and power anyway. (%1 of %1)

so yes money is the most important thing for almost all people here.
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Who tf is stupid enough to betabux some used up whore and marry her?
You guys are so autistic when you talk about "STATS AND POWER"
You guys are so autistic when you talk about "STATUS AND POWER"
nvm fuck you retarded niggers learn to read right or kill yourself. if you read it right you would not write these shits.
Betabuxx img is an incel myth
  • JFL
Reactions: Tallooksmaxxer

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