short wife are my kids going to be manlets



Mar 28, 2021
i haven’t been on here for almost 3 years jfl but i was wondering ur thoughts. i’m 6’1 and my girlfriend is 5’3 are my kids cooked? i thought so but my dad is 6’0 and my mum is 5’1 and i turned out good. my grandma juiced me up with coconut water for years and random shit from pakistan that she said was good but idk. i think my kids won’t be manlets. i’m pakistani and my girlfriend is 5’3 korean for reference
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GET OUT go flex somewhere else
  • JFL
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GET OUT go flex somewhere else
i was on these forums back in 2018 u fat retarded ape what flex i worked hard for where i am just answer the question
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blast hgh like a good father and you are good (not kidding)
i was on these forums back in 2018 u fat retarded ape what flex i worked hard for where i am just answer the question
lets say it like that , my dad is 5 10-5 11 and my mom is 5 2 and im here :D(5 7)growth plates prob closed cuz i dont know many never had a major growth spurt so yeah high chance ur future son especially since height grows by1cm on avg every decade might end up short but most likely average- above average
lets say it like that , my dad is 5 10-5 11 and my mom is 5 2 and im here :D(5 7)growth plates prob closed cuz i dont know many never had a major growth spurt so yeah high chance ur future son especially since height grows by1cm on avg every decade might end up short but most likely average- above average
what is your ethnicity? i think i got saved by south asian genetics but if my wife is korean he will be raped by short genes i will put him on hgh if needs be
what is your ethnicity? i think i got saved by south asian genetics but if my wife is korean he will be raped by short genes i will put him on hgh if needs be
palestinian. my bro is 5 8 and youngest is 6 foot he is 15 yrs old
5'3 is only an inch below average for foids so it could be worse. Kids will probably end up about average. My dad had a short mum and ended up 6ft but he married my 4'11 and I got fucked and ended up 5'6 and I think that's because there was way more short genes in my family than tall ones.
what is your ethnicity? i think i got saved by south asian genetics but if my wife is korean he will be raped by short genes i will put him on hgh if needs be
also look at how tall her brother and sisters and parents are. my uncles are all mostly short 5 7-8 excetpt for one who somehow is 6 3(idk either bro dont ask me how:lul:).
Don't. I think height is mainly influenced on the mother's brothers height rather than the actual mother herself. If she's 5'3, her brothers are at best 5'8 or 5'9, which means your son might end up being like 5'11 bc of your genes interfering, however if her brothers are short and like 5'6, your just gonna create a future org user unless u blast him on hgh at like 7
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also look at how tall her brother and sisters and parents are. my uncles are all mostly short 5 7-8 excetpt for one who somehow is 6 3(idk either bro dont ask me how:lul:).
her dad is 5’10 and her brother is idk
Don't. I think height is mainly influenced on the mother's brothers height rather than the actual mother herself. If she's 5'3, her brothers are at best 5'8 or 5'9, which means your son might end up being like 5'11 bc of your genes interfering, however if her brothers are short and like 5'6, your just gonna create a future org user unless u blast him on hgh at like 7
idk how tall her brother is her dad is 5’10 she said her mum is the shortest in her whole family (165cm)
idk how tall her brother is her dad is 5’10 she said her mum is the shortest in her whole family (165cm)
hm that might be a good indicator, if her mum is 5'5 and her dad is 5'10, the brother can range from 5'8-6'0, really just depends on how lucky he was tbh
just mate her with someone who is taller than you
If you found this cursed site before the hype, that in itself should tell you enough. JFL at having a wife and kids in this day and age :lul: Theblackpill will collect, natural is always the selection.
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hm that might be a good indicator, if her mum is 5'5 and her dad is 5'10, the brother can range from 5'8-6'0, really just depends on how lucky he was tbh
also how would i even get my kids on hgh they don’t sell that shit at the supermarket.
bruh u just sabotaged a life jfl
just hope he gets some magical growth spurt atp
If you found this cursed site before the hype, that in itself should tell you enough. JFL at having a wife and kids in this day and age :lul: Theblackpill will collect, natural is always the selection.
loads of morons on here. i came, learned to bonesmash and fixed skincare and i’m good. my close friend is 5’4 and found a girlfriend at 22 soon to be wife. this place is good for ascension but you apes who cry about the world hating you need to die jfl
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also how would i even get my kids on hgh they don’t sell that shit at the supermarket.
not a hgh maxxer but ask someone who does
5'3 is only an inch below average for foids so it could be worse. Kids will probably end up about average. My dad had a short mum and ended up 6ft but he married my 4'11 and I got fucked and ended up 5'6 and I think that's because there was way more short genes in my family than tall ones.
that's cause ur dad's mom probably had taller brothers, and the reason why ur 5'6 is cause ur 4'11 mom probs had 5'3-5'4 brothers and u likely ended up at 5'6 bc of ur dad's intervention
loads of morons on here. i came, learned to bonesmash and fixed skincare and i’m good. my close friend is 5’4 and found a girlfriend at 22 soon to be wife. this place is good for ascension but you apes who cry about the world hating you need to die jfl
honestly bravo first person on here who is brainrotted
5”3 isn’t that short for a female, like 1 inch below average in America. Ur kids should be around ur height or 5”11 at minimum
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Who knows. It's all random. Probably won't end up 5'7".
loads of morons on here. i came, learned to bonesmash and fixed skincare and i’m good. my close friend is 5’4 and found a girlfriend at 22 soon to be wife. this place is good for ascension but you apes who cry about the world hating you need to die jfl

You were retarded enough to believe in bonesmashing, that explains alot :lul: You literal subhuman, your wife is a used up roastie who's gonna cheat on you, and your kid will one day be on this site wondering why he had to be born.
You’ll have no idea tbh, he could luck out and get to a decent height. If you had a taller gf then the chance of him being tall would increase obviously. It just means you have to set him up earlier in life. Are you serious about her and going to marry her etc?

Theres a guide here about what you should do if you have a child and what you should give them to eat, lifestyle etc. If you type in “guide to having children” into google. It’s not this one but it has what I was going to say anyway.

It’s over ngl.

East Asians have the worst genes,
Especially short ones.

Pray you have a daughter, at least she can “muh jbw” max and find some incel to accept her.
You were retarded enough to believe in bonesmashing, that explains alot :lul: You literal subhuman, your wife is a used up roastie who's gonna cheat on you, and your kid will one day be on this site wondering why he had to be born.
it worked you ape. i got a virgin korean girl while you scratch your balls and sniff your hands while you cry at the world. cope more and cry more
You’ll have no idea tbh, he could luck out and get to a decent height. If you had a taller gf then the chance of him being tall would increase obviously. It just means you have to set him up earlier in life. Are you serious about her and going to marry her etc?

Theres a guide here about what you should do if you have a child and what you should give them to eat, lifestyle etc. If you type in “guide to having children” into google. It’s not this one but it has what I was going to say anyway.

oh yeah that thread is brilliant thanks
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it worked you ape. i got a virgin korean girl while you scratch your balls and sniff your hands while you cry at the world. cope more and cry more
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: Subhuman seamaxxer, she got railed by some random 5 inches ching chong way before you layed eyes on her, and congratulation on your future Supreme Gentleman.

A dude who's dumb enough to believe in bonesmashing and who went to asia to find a used up ER factory, jokes write themselves.
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: Subhuman seamaxxer, she got railed by some random 5 inches ching chong way before you layed eyes on her, and congratulation on your future Supreme Gentleman.

A dude who's dumb enough to believe in bonesmashing and who went to asia to find a used up ER factory, jokes write themselves.
:lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: Subhuman seamaxxer, she got railed by some random 5 inches ching chong way before you layed eyes on her, and congratulation on your future Supreme Gentleman.

A dude who's dumb enough to believe in bonesmashing and who went to asia to find a used up ER factory, jokes write themselves.
😭😭i wish you were real bro. she’s from my university in liverpool you dumb cunt, you’re not an incel or a looksmaxxer you’re just a retard with down syndrome
i agree i thought about that too. what would affect the embryo/fetus? what kind of diet should she have
Proteins, vitamins (especially vitamin D), and minerals (such as calcium and iron)
Hypertension, diabetes, and thyroid disorders can impair fetal growth
Alcohol, tobacco, and drugs can impair fetal growth
High levels of maternal stress and anxiety is bad too
😭😭i wish you were real bro. she’s from my university in liverpool you dumb cunt, you’re not an incel or a looksmaxxer you’re just a retard with down syndrome

Picture this: you're retarded enough to believe in bonesmashing and that she's a virgin. Natural is the selection my friend.
Picture this: you're retarded enough to believe in bonesmashing and that she's a virgin. Natural is the selection my friend.
hahahahahhahahah you are so right. natural selection is the reason your bloodline ends with you
Yeah korean girls are usually pretty tall she has good height genes
Yeah korean girls are usually pretty tall she has good height genes
she's 5'3

you're future kid is fucked, he is word for word that meme where a self hating gook girl picks a tall white guy and creates a short ugly mixed white x asian male (worst mix possible for a man)

make sure his diet is elite tier, mothers genes matter much more for height and your kid will most likely be 5'7

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