Should I be clubbing, cold approaching and trying to slay even tho im LTN? Or should I wait til i've ascended? Im 23yo



Apr 4, 2024
I ask because im 23yo and never have been in an LTR so I want to cold approachmaxx and try to JBmaxx since the age pill is gonna hit me like a truck but at the same time, approaching girls/partying will prob fuck up my sleep schedule heavy along with the alcohol which will slow down my ascension heavily. Btw im LTN currently at 25% bf with acne scars, white passing latino, and im 5'10 but have HTN/ maybe Chadlite bones (being optimistic if softmaxxing goes perfectly)

What would yall recommend me to do? and how do you slay while ascending if ur not in HS or college?
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alot of this is cope,if your ltn at 25 percent body fat you will probs be mtn when leaned down
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alot of this is cope,if your ltn at 25 percent body fat you will probs be mtn when leaned down
Nah Nero angelo and wheat waffles said I was HTN when I leaned down a while ago And that was before when I had a more narrow jaw, more UEE, and still had my bulbous acne scarred nose. Like I said If i get the scars lasered off and build masseters then ill be HTN maybe chadlite. I already have good zygos and tall ramus and almond eyes with no uee
Nah Nero angelo and wheat waffles said I was HTN when I leaned down a while ago And that was before when I had a more narrow jaw, more UEE, and still had my bulbous acne scarred nose. Like I said If i get the scars lasered off and build masseters then ill be HTN maybe chadlite. I already have good zygos and tall ramus and almond eyes with no uee

Wheat Waffles mentioned. :lul::lul::lul:

Imagine getting scammed from a UK Ginger nigger.
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I ask because im 23yo and never have been in an LTR so I want to cold approachmaxx and try to JBmaxx since the age pill is gonna hit me like a truck but at the same time, approaching girls/partying will prob fuck up my sleep schedule heavy along with the alcohol which will slow down my ascension heavily. Btw im LTN currently at 25% bf with acne scars, white passing latino, and im 5'10 but have HTN/ maybe Chadlite bones (being optimistic if softmaxxing goes perfectly)

What would yall recommend me to do? and how do you slay while ascending if ur not in HS or college?
Tough situation, imo you should try now even if it’s harder, aging is your enemy and will make you lose many opportunities of youth that you’re still in, you should try not to be left with nothing later
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Tough situation, imo you should try now even if it’s harder, aging is your enemy and will make you lose many opportunities of youth that you’re still in, not to be left with nothing later
Yeah... I think I need to try to daygamemaxx and social circlemaxx without fucking up my sleep schedule and drinking.
Btw im LTN currently at 25% bf with acne scars, white passing latino, and im 5'10 but have HTN/ maybe Chadlite bones (being optimistic if softmaxxing goes perfectly)

25% bodyfat bruh. Get down to 15% minimum before you even consider approaching anyone.

5'10 bruh. Buy 4 inch lifts or you are just a coping manlet subhuman.

Acne scars bruh. Girls are cringing and vomiting in disgust at the sight of your subhuman skin texture

Muh "HTN/chadlite potential". It sounds over for you.

Soft-maxx religiously and get the surgeries needed within the next 12 months, or just LDAR until death.
I ask because im 23yo and never have been in an LTR so I want to cold approachmaxx and try to JBmaxx since the age pill is gonna hit me like a truck but at the same time, approaching girls/partying will prob fuck up my sleep schedule heavy along with the alcohol which will slow down my ascension heavily. Btw im LTN currently at 25% bf with acne scars, white passing latino, and im 5'10 but have HTN/ maybe Chadlite bones (being optimistic if softmaxxing goes perfectly)

What would yall recommend me to do? and how do you slay while ascending if ur not in HS or college?
Save yourself the humiliation and get to low BF. Youll get nothing but rejections as a LTN
25% bodyfat bruh. Get down to 15% minimum before you even consider approaching anyone.

5'10 bruh. Buy 4 inch lifts or you are just a coping manlet subhuman.

Acne scars bruh. Girls are cringing and vomiting in disgust at the sight of your subhuman skin texture

Muh "HTN/chadlite potential". It sounds over for you.

Soft-maxx religiously and get the surgeries needed within the next 12 months, or just LDAR until death.
Wish i could do rhino but with my skin type I don't think its feasible. and if it is, it takes years to recover. I have thicker skin. I'll have to cope with c02 laser and hydrocortisone and hope that does enough
alot of this is cope,if your ltn at 25 percent body fat you will probs be mtn when leaned down
Yep softmaxxing usually can only ascend you 0.5-1 points on the decile scale. Unless youre obese or have some really big surface level but fixable failo like severe acne.
Yep softmaxxing usually can only ascend you 0.5-1 points on the decile scale. Unless youre obese or have some really big surface level but fixable failo like severe acne.
Idk maybe im underrating myself by saying im LTN now. Can you show examples if what an LTN would look like?
Idk maybe im underrating myself by saying im LTN now. Can you show examples if what an LTN would look like?
Go ahead.

Wish i could do rhino but with my skin type I don't think its feasible. and if it is, it takes years to recover. I have thicker skin. I'll have to cope with c02 laser and hydrocortisone and hope that does enough
I dont think C02 laser does much. I did a hybrid version of that laser thats called IPL, had 3 treatments and it didnt really do much for my redness or texture, wasted 2800 on that crap. Maybe co2 works though since its more powerful
Go ahead.

I dont think C02 laser does much. I did a hybrid version of that laser thats called IPL, had 3 treatments and it didnt really do much for my redness or texture, wasted 2800 on that crap. Maybe co2 works though since its more powerful
Yeah i'd get ablative c02 laser.

Plus wym "Go ahead" lol. Im asking u to send a pics of LTNs
Yeah i'd get ablative c02 laser.

Plus wym "Go ahead" lol. Im asking u to send a pics of LTNs

Try Derminator 2 - go between 1mm and 2.5mm depending on facial area x Apply Copper Peptides (7% concentration mixed with hyaluronic serum) after needling, then apply 0.1% Tazarotene gel after applying copper peptides. Should permeate into deeper layers of epidermis and induce healing.

You can do this at home in-between ablative laser treatments.
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Try Derminator 2 - go between 1mm and 2.5mm depending on facial area x Apply Copper Peptides (7% concentration mixed with hyaluronic serum) after needling, then apply 0.1% Tazarotene gel after applying copper peptides. Should permeate into deeper layers of epidermis and induce healing.

You can do this at home in-between ablative laser treatments.
Its okay to do that while the skin is healing from the ablative treatment?
Its okay to do that while the skin is healing from the ablative treatment?
Probably best to give it some time. Don't want to overload your skin and damage the skin barrier. I would wait a month personally after an ablative treatment, and do it every 4-6 weeks.

Don't listen to any pussies that say you shouldn't needle beyond a certain depth or apply actives after though. I got the most insane glow after doing 2mm+ on the cheeks and applying tretinoin 0.1% after.

I bought tazarotene, and just recently got some copper peptides which should arrive within 6 weeks. Will make a thread documenting results, but copper peptides x strong retinoid should be an insane combo to heal acne scars after a needling session. Might combine with DIY subcision as well.
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Cold approach is making a real version of Tinder and you should only do it after you know for sure you ascended, meaning women are already calling you hot looking.

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