should i bulk or get lean???



300 iq mastermind sociopath manipulator demi-god
Sep 4, 2019
im a skinny fag, 5'7 and 55kg, and i keep seeing bulking is a meme
what should i do tbh? get low bf so my face looks better or just eat and lift? also what exactly is a lean bulk? whats the best diet for that?
Bulking and cutting is a fucking meme. Cut down on carbohydrates and eat lots of protein and healthy fats, it's simple no need to think about it. You will be getting lean muscle without gaining fat.

Or you can man up and roid tbh.
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Bulking and cutting is a fucking meme. Cut down on carbohydrates and eat lots of protein and healthy fats, it's simple no need to think about it. You will be getting lean muscle without gaining fat.

Or you can man up and roid tbh.
roiding at 16 doesnt seem to be a good idea tbh tbh ngl
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roiding at 16 doesnt seem to be a good idea tbh tbh ngl
Eat clean and lift to pubertymaxx, then roid at 19-20
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If your only 16 then theres a good chance you could have plenty of growing potential left (in terms of height and frame).
So DONT restrict calories. At the same time theres no point in going into BloatMax mode and slamming 5000cals a day and just making yourself insulin resistant.
I’d eat at slightly above maintenance to help gain muscle. If you gain muscle whilst keeping the same amount of fat, this will give you a lower bf percentage anyway.
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slayers eat high carb
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im a skinny fag, 5'7 and 55kg, and i keep seeing bulking is a meme
what should i do tbh? get low bf so my face looks better or just eat and lift? also what exactly is a lean bulk? whats the best diet for that?
Don't cut, i used to be 5'8, 54 kilograms, and after cut (had some surgery), so i am 49 kilograms now, and still look like shit, no any facial improvements, being under two digit bodyfat is a meme, i look the same i looked when i was much heavier
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Don't cut, i used to be 5'8, 54 kilograms, and after cut (had some surgery), so i am 49 kilograms now, and still look like shit, no any facial improvements, being under two digit bodyfat is a meme, i look the same i looked when i was much heavier
Def not a meme bro losing body fat drastically changes the face
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Don't cut, try to maintain your weight or eat in a slight calorie surplus to add bodyweight very slowly. Don't wanna compromise your growth tbh
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Ur 16 man get some muscles, your face will develop til 18, most likely to get you chicks at 16 is to bulk up some muscles, if ur afraid to roid use sarms.
and dont forget to mew
from my research and some experience sarms punish your hormonal systems way less than roids do
They're still suppressive to endogenous testosterone. Once he comes off he'll need to PCT and his HtPA axis might be fucked before finishing development....he should wait till he's 20 before using sarms or roids. MK677 might be the best thing to do for potential height and frame gains, as well as a slight boost in muscle mass and fat turnover.
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im a skinny fag, 5'7 and 55kg, and i keep seeing bulking is a meme
what should i do tbh? get low bf so my face looks better or just eat and lift? also what exactly is a lean bulk? whats the best diet for that?
Bulk if ur still 16 caloric surplus (not too much) = growth, lean bulk to 65 over a year then cut down slowly to 60
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They're still suppressive to endogenous testosterone. Once he comes off he'll need to PCT and his HtPA axis might be fucked before finishing development....he should wait till he's 20 before using sarms or roids. MK677 might be the best thing to do for potential height and frame gains, as well as a slight boost in muscle mass and fat turnover.
i'm kind of looking into MK677 now, is it a good idea to hop on it as 16yo tbh? ngl im high-inhibcel so im not sure about it
i'm kind of looking into MK677 now, is it a good idea to hop on it as 16yo tbh? ngl im high-inhibcel so im not sure about it
If you eat healthy and exercise you'll negate whatever possible health negatives can come from it. You're young, your body will be fine. It'll help you grow your bones and some muscle/strength (but won't be very noticeable tbh)
rofl dude if ur face look fat with 55kg ur bone structure isdogshit
just get big eat like 4k kcal a day and lift
rofl dude if ur face look fat with 55kg ur bone structure isdogshit
just get big eat like 4k kcal a day and lift
greycel tier comment
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rofl dude if ur face look fat with 55kg ur bone structure isdogshit
just get big eat like 4k kcal a day and lift

Body fat is not the same as weight...
Dirty bulk and grow everything tbh use MK677 while you do it
im a skinny fag, 5'7 and 55kg, and i keep seeing bulking is a meme
what should i do tbh? get low bf so my face looks better or just eat and lift? also what exactly is a lean bulk? whats the best diet for that?
Imo, if you life in the West.

* You need to bulk some muscles, when you're short like 5'7. And do MMA or whatever.
Women feeling you can offer protection, and men feeling intimidated. Aka people respecting you physically. Has 2 superficial factors: 1. height and 2. muscles. Since you lack in height, you need some/the muscles. Otherwise, you look to much like a non threatening guy. Doing the MMA, will help you likely mentally to also feel competent more, physically.

Tall dudes, can get away with being more skinny, or less muscled. Or being lean. Although probably not even totally with skinny, but to a large extend. Because women think tall men can protect them better, and maybe men also think it likewise.

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