should I continue bulking or get shredded and lean



Jul 5, 2024
Let me know if I have potential to look decent if I get lean, otherwise ima bulk I’m 23%bf rn (also don’t mind my hair ik its shit getting it fixed)
IMG 2814
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bulking is cope just get lean
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guys stop viewing my posts and not replying 🤬
I feel like I’ve seen you post at least three times if not more in the last week. The same people who commented on your last two are prob not gonna comment on your third unless you’re me. You’re also asking a water question that you and everyone else with >13 IQ knows the answer to.
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I feel like I’ve seen you post at least three times if not more in the last week. The same people who commented on your last two are prob not gonna comment on your third unless you’re me. You’re also asking a water question that you and everyone else with >13 IQ knows the answer to.
yeah but what should I do? I know I have good bones but since I’m 6’5 should I bulk and look scary or cut and jacksfitnessmaxx for me this is a hard decision, also yes I am the new FunkyFlamingo😭
yeah but what should I do? I know I have good bones but since I’m 6’5 should I bulk and look scary or cut and jacksfitnessmaxx for me this is a hard decision, also yes I am the new FunkyFlamingo😭
nigga u livin life on easy mode being 6”5 and having decent bone mass im a recessed 5’11 js do whatever its going to work anyways
nigga u livin life on easy mode being 6”5 and having decent bone mass im a recessed 5’11 js do whatever its going to work anyways
Bro ur not even short😭 and I Do NOT live life on easy mode been called ugly all my life and never get girls ever
hell nah, im getting heightmogged by 50% of girls and 8th graders im not chillin
bro since when was 5’11 small or am I just too tall to even know about issues with height
bro since when was 5’11 small or am I just too tall to even know about issues with height
aint no way this nigga getting height mogged by 50% of girls at 5 11, larping ass nigga
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  • JFL
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so u can fraud 6’1/6’2 and u still get height mogged by girls idk abt that one bud😂
no i do not fraud my height since i find it stupid and a sign of weakness, even buying shoes with bigger soles js to be that extra 0.5 inch taller seems a lil pussy to me
no i do not fraud my height since i find it stupid and a sign of weakness, even buying shoes with bigger soles js to be that extra 0.5 inch taller seems a lil pussy to me
I fraud 6’7 and I feel pretty cool 🤷🏽‍♂️
What if I brought you coffee and cakes?
I’d become a happy bloatcel😁 bit of a reach but is the reason I get NO girls cold approaching me my unapproachable face?
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Kinda dumb to ask that question and post a face pic
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Kinda dumb to ask that question and post a face pic
Whys that? I’m asking for my face, as it shows my bones at a high body fat (meaning I have good bones) I only care about face not body I can show physique in PM
Whys that? I’m asking for my face, as it shows my bones at a high body fat (meaning I have good bones) I only care about face not body I can show physique in PM
No physique pic, no body fat assessment, I personally only cut if my waist becomes 47-48% of my height, 50% would be the upper limit, past that point it's medically unhealthy. 43-44% is the leanest I would go, also for health reasons.
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No physique pic, no body fat assessment, I personally only cut if my waist becomes 47-48% of my height, 50% would be the upper limit, past that point it's medically unhealthy. 43-44% is the leanest I would go, also for health reasons.
Lemme PM u my physique (not gymcelled or anything I’m just fat)
I’d become a happy bloatcel😁 bit of a reach but is the reason I get NO girls cold approaching me my unapproachable face?
They are scared of you because they think you are mad
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I’m only bulking for gym gains lmao and male validation anyway, real question is would I have potential if I got lean ?
unless you are skinny or really skinny you don’t need to bulk for gym gains, a high protein diet lean bulk will be more than enough and train with intensity
unless you are skinny or really skinny you don’t need to bulk for gym gains, a high protein diet lean bulk will be more than enough and train with intensity
oh really? I thought if I lost weight I’d also lose muscle, I don’t know how to keep my muscle/gain muscle and cut at the same time
oh really? I thought if I lost weight I’d also lose muscle, I don’t know how to keep my muscle/gain muscle and cut at the same time
you gotta keep your protein intake high, calories are mainly needed just to give you the energy you need to workout but excessive amounts of calories will only translate to unnecessary fat gains
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you gotta keep your protein intake high, calories are mainly needed just to give you the energy you need to workout but excessive amounts of calories will only translate to unnecessary fat gains
can I lose weight without doing any cardio?? so if I was to still lift heavy and calories deficit would I lose it as quick as if I was just doing cardio
can I lose weight without doing any cardio?? so if I was to still lift heavy and calories deficit would I lose it as quick as if I was just doing cardio
cardio is just another way to burn calories so it’s up to you if you wanna eat more but more cardio or eat less but less/no cardio.

Either way cardio is still important for overall health and athletic performance
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