Should I do an anavar cycle at 15?



Jan 7, 2024
Seen some dude saying it will make me growth faster. And I’m a late bloomer, I really want to grow to my potential faster. I will pair it with an AI (Anastrazole) is it worth it ?
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i would take it for ur face, dont expect anything for height
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i would take it for ur face, dont expect anything for height
Why not for the height? Wouldn’t it make me grow faster to my predicted height??
"anavar cycle" jfl retard
  • JFL
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absolutely the most retarded thing ive ever heard
significantly stimulates immediate growth during the first 6 months of treatment and results in a greater height age Δ than bone age Δ during this interval
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"In all three treatment groups the difference between final height and initial height prediction, calculated with all three methods, did not differ from the control group. We conclude that oxandrolone treatment for 1 yr has no effect on adult height"

how about you read it you fucking brain dead idiot, besides youre not a fucking dwarf are you
  • JFL
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cope, steroids at 16 did the most for me and im healthier than 90% of the population anyway
perhaps test and gh yes but taking anavar for your face is just retarded

It’s too long man… so you are saying it won’t help with my height but would increase my dimorphism and bonemass? What can I take for height then?
perhaps test and gh yes but taking anavar for your face is just retarded
elaborate, i combined it with test, but i saw facial changes in bone stucutre and collegen well before that
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It’s too long man… so you are saying it won’t help with my height but would increase my dimorphism and bonemass? What can I take for height then?
take and ai and get a blood test of ur estrogen so you can get the right dose of ai, take test and anavar and growth hormone
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Seen some dude saying it will make me growth faster. And I’m a late bloomer, I really want to grow to my potential faster. I will pair it with an AI (Anastrazole) is it worth it ?
take and ai and get a blood test of ur estrogen so you can get the right dose of ai
I took a test like a month ago. My prolactin is at the middle because I jack of a lot, it’s 289mml out of 483. And estradiol is low ,48nnmol out of 181
Why not man?
You will destroy your health, lifespan, and comfort.
You do no anderstand how it work. Taking an ai wont stop the speed of closure. Growth plates dont work like that, the interaction with anavar is far more complex. Dont take any illegal compound, and particularly NOT anavar.
i am, with others scientist's, working on something that will make you grow after puberty *naturally*, it will be out in less than 5 years, so dont fuck your body till then.
  • JFL
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You will destroy your health, lifespan, and comfort.
You do no anderstand how it work. Taking an ai wont stop the speed of closure. Growth plates dont work like that, the interaction with anavar is far more complex. Dont take any illegal compound, and particularly NOT anavar.
i am, with others scientist's, working on something that will make you grow after puberty *naturally*, it will be out in less than 5 years, so dont fuck your body till then
You are a scientist? Can you give me some proof on that?
You will destroy your health, lifespan, and comfort.
You do no anderstand how it work. Taking an ai wont stop the speed of closure. Growth plates dont work like that, the interaction with anavar is far more complex. Dont take any illegal compound, and particularly NOT anavar.
i am, with others scientist's, working on something that will make you grow after puberty *naturally*, it will be out in less than 5 years, so dont fuck your body till then.
If you are a scientist, what kind of compound can I get to boost my height and bonemass? Help me lit so I don’t hurt myself
If you are a scientist, what kind of compound can I get to boost my height and bonemass? Help me lit so I don’t hurt myself
You cant without hurting yourself. There is only one method that might give you significant results at 15, but you wont be able to afford it
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You cant without hurting yourself. There is only one method that might give you significant results at 15, but you wont be able to afford it
It’s too complicated I need a magic pill that will help me. I’m from a rich family so I have like a thousand dollars I can spend secretly. I just need someone to advice me and to help me because I never cycled anything before
It’s too complicated I need a magic pill that will help me. I’m from a rich family so I have like a thousand dollars I can spend secretly. I just need someone to advice me and to help me because I never cycled anything before
There is no magic pill. The only thing that MIGHT work as you want it to is farma grade + long release hgh, like somatropin, but its not magic, and it might destroy your facial harmony and cause sides
There is no magic pill. The only thing that MIGHT work as you want it to is farma grade + long release hgh, like somatropin, but its not magic, and it might destroy your facial harmony and cause sides
So how do I maximise everything naturally… I can’t deal with people height mogging me. Obv im average height already like 5’9 but a lot of teenagers height mog me… I want to grow faster, I don’t like being a late bloomer
So how do I maximise everything naturally… I can’t deal with people height mogging me. Obv im average height already like 5’9 but a lot of teenagers height mog me… I want to grow faster, I don’t like being a late bloomer
As i said, you can just wait some years until we develop a way, or you can optimize everything you can, take the right vitamins, sleep, take hgh releasing sup like arginine or ornithine, this kind of stuff. Wont do much tho
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As i said, you can just wait some years until we develop a way, or you can optimize everything you can, take the right vitamins, sleep, take hgh releasing sup like arginine or ornithine, this kind of stuff. Wont do much tho
How are you planning to develop it and is it gonna be expensive?
How are you planning to develop it and is it gonna be expensive?
We already developed it, i wont give you any details, but you can except it to be cheaper than a nose job, if everything goes accordingly.
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We already developed it, i wont give you any details, but you can except it to be cheaper than a nose job, if everything goes accordingly.
What’s the name of ur lab
Just take the anavar! It won't hurt you! It can only help! :blackpill::redpill:
"In all three treatment groups the difference between final height and initial height prediction, calculated with all three methods, did not differ from the control group. We conclude that oxandrolone treatment for 1 yr has no effect on adult height"

how about you read it you fucking brain dead idiot, besides youre not a fucking dwarf are you
now look at the height velocity you illiterate nigger, he said reach my predicted height faster. pair it with an AI and you do end up gaining predicted height btw
Yes, it doubles height growth and doubles bone aging.
i would take it for ur face, dont expect anything for height
Anavar wont do anything for face it barely even causes facial changes in women.
Seen some dude saying it will make me growth faster. And I’m a late bloomer, I really want to grow to my potential faster. I will pair it with an AI (Anastrazole) is it worth it ?
I wouldnt bother. Id wait untill ur 18 and have money then just decide if ur happy doing blast and cruise then take test. Ur gna feel terrible on anavar with no test base and its gna shut u down. Ur only 15 barely anybody is fully grown at 15. Tiktok and social media has rly rotted ur generations brains. U prob only got ur first boner 3 years ago and you couldn't find a girls clitoris if u had a map with a x on it but ur worried about being fully grown.
Anavar wont do anything for face it barely even causes facial changes in women.

I wouldnt bother. Id wait untill ur 18 and have money then just decide if ur happy doing blast and cruise then take test. Ur gna feel terrible on anavar with no test base and its gna shut u down. Ur only 15 barely anybody is fully grown at 15. Tiktok and social media has rly rotted ur generations brains. U prob only got ur first boner 3 years ago and you couldn't find a girls clitoris if u had a map with a x on it but ur worried about being fully grown.
I just feel like if I don’t do this things now, im not gonna gain as much bonemass; height and strength during puberty as I could of gain
I just feel like if I don’t do this things now, im not gonna gain as much bonemass; height and strength during puberty as I could of gain
U grow untill mid 20s as a man I blasted steroids from 18 (test 350mg year round with intermittent tren and anadrol) and even now after being off and on just 150mg a week for a year im 50 pounds heavier thn my twin brother (lean) and face way more masculinised compared to this. U are not fully grown at 18 all u have to do is go and see a bunch of students out during the first week of university/college and most still look like children/goofy teenagers.
U grow untill mid 20s as a man I blasted steroids from 18 (test 350mg year round with intermittent tren and anadrol) and even now after being off and on just 150mg a week for a year im 50 pounds heavier thn my twin brother (lean) and face way more masculinised compared to this. U are not fully grown at 18 all u have to do is go and see a bunch of students out during the first week of university/college and most still look like children/goofy teenagers.
How is your skin compared to his? Do you see a difference in skin quality?
Nah at 15 you're safer just running a test enanthate cycle with cjc1295 dac on top of it. Make sure to use an arimidex with it too. If you do this you'll have super high test, high DHT, low estrogen, and high HGH, all from 4 injections and 7 pills a week. If I could go back that's what I would do. I'm 17 now and doing this exact same thing.
How is your skin compared to his? Do you see a difference in skin quality?
No it looks a bit worse maybe when on bcause of water retention but now on trt dose 150mg fluctuating to 300mg mini cycles no difference in skin.
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