Should I get a tooth extraction?



Mar 10, 2020
I have one decidious tooth which just won't become loose and the permanent tooth is beginning to fall out in the region BEHIND the decidious tooth. I don't trust jew dentists a lot so what's the best solution?

I've tried chewing but since the teeth around the deciduous one are permanent and bigger, I just can't get to apply force on the one which has to fall.

I'm 16 btw.
Tooth extraction, loss = bone shrinkage
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if it’s a baby tooth then get it extracted ASAP, otherwise the permanent tooth might become impacted and might not properly go into the proper position.

this sadly happend to me since my dentist wanted to wait and see if I could get the baby tooth to fall out by itself, which didn’t happen. this lead to one of my canines becoming impacted and I now have to either get it removed or go through a long ass orthodontic process. good luck.
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if it’s a baby tooth then get it extracted ASAP, otherwise the permanent tooth might become impacted and might not properly go into the proper position.

this sadly happend to me since my dentist wanted to wait and see if I could get the baby tooth to fall out by itself, which didn’t happen. this lead to one of my canines becoming impacted and I now have to either get it removed or go through a long ass orthodontic process. good luck.
Thanks for the response. Will consider it.
Tooth extraction, loss = bone shrinkage
Since the force to the alveolar process will now be applied by the permanent teeth, I think no bone loss will occur, yes?
no, your face will permanently look worse
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dont extract it if u have tooth on the opposite side unless you plan to get implant immediately afterwards otherwise your face will be asymmetrical
dont extract it if u have tooth on the opposite side unless you plan to get implant immediately afterwards otherwise your face will be asymmetrical
But my permanent tooth will fall out soon after I extract it.
you are talking about extracting the baby tooth correct?
Yes. The permanent tooth is currently slightly coming out of the palate region behind the baby tooth.
Yes. The permanent tooth is currently slightly coming out of the palate region behind the baby tooth.
in that case I’m pretty sure it doesn’t matter if the baby tooth falls out by itself or if you get it extracted since the same thing basically happens, you are going to lose the bone from the baby tooth either way.
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Tooth extraction = facial recession = ugly face
Tooth extraction = facial recession = ugly face
it’s a baby tooth though, it’s meant to go away so that the permanent tooth can take it’s place instead.
If its baby tooth and you gonna have new adult tooth there then extract it but never extract adult teeth even wisdoms.

Also JFL you are 16 and still don't have full set of adult teeth?
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I’ve been in the same situation op and I waited too long to take out the baby tooth, which resulted in me having to get braces for 1 year
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If its baby tooth and you gonna have new adult tooth there then extract it but never extract adult teeth even wisdoms.

Also JFL you are 16 and still don't have full set of adult teeth?
Yeah that one tooth didn't fall out for some reason. Now the permanent tooth is falling behind it. IDK I always chewed in that area too. I have near perfect teeth except for that one baby tooth anomaly.

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