Should I stay in Germany and try to become a politician or geomax to some country like Japan?

Pale God

Pale God

Mar 7, 2023
I‘m 27 and unemployed. I never had a job but I‘m not enjoying this lifestyle anymore. I lived on unemployment benefits in Germany for over 5 years but until 5 years ago I was still in night school when I dropped out in early 2019.

I desperately want to find a girlfriend who is close to my ideal so I can be motivated to get a job in the first place or get a career as a politician if it’s possible.

My CV is shit though and I also have a criminal record by now probably because I shoplifted and punched a guy who checked tickets in the tram so I wouldn’t have to pay the fine for not having a ticket (I know retarded). I got away with paying a fine of 650€ for both shoplifting and punching that guy.

Maybe just going to Japan and being a waiter, English teacher or getting a sugar mama is the more reliable and better option to get an attractive girlfriend (maybe I could cheat on the sugar mama or dump her after extracting enough money or just try to build a harem).

I really want to change my life since I don’t enjoy video games and other form of entertainment anymore.

I don’t know if I want children. Probably not since it would mean a lot of responsibility. I know I would be a good father but I have no money anyway to provide them a good life and I‘m scared of getting dumped at some point and having to pay alimony or my children not turning out optimally because I can’t discipline and teach them values. I‘m also a proponent of anti-natalism but I haven‘t made up my mind up yet completely.

I definitely don’t wanna race mix and have children with Asians or another other race even if the woman is extremely attractive.

I just want my German looksmatch but the relationship would probably not last forever unless I get lucky and she is a decent person or we both don’t get bored of each other.
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  • JFL
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How tf would you become a politician I think its too late already, most politicians are in the youth organization of their party and have worked their way up.

Best you could hope for is some shitty seat in your city council where you don't even get money

And just do a Ausbildung in Germany as plumber or electrician and then do that in Japan, those jobs are needed in every country and better then being some shitty waiter (who tf would hire a waiter that doesn'T speak japanese anyway)
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  • Hmm...
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How tf would you become a politician I think its too late already, most politicians are in the youth organization of their party and have worked their way up.

Best you could hope for is some shitty seat in your city council where you don't even get money

And just do a Ausbildung in Germany as plumber or electrician and then do that in Japan, those jobs are needed in every country and better then being some shitty waiter (who tf would hire a waiter that doesn'T speak japanese anyway)
Gab ein paar die erst Ende 20 in eine Partei eingetreten sind, aber deren Lebenslauf war auch nicht so beschissen wie meiner und hatten Kontakte. Ich kann‘s ja mal für eine Weile probieren.
Gab ein paar die erst Ende 20 in eine Partei eingetreten sind, aber deren Lebenslauf war auch nicht so beschissen wie meiner und hatten Kontakte. Ich kann‘s ja mal für eine Weile probieren.
Welche Partei?
How tf would you become a politician I think its too late already, most politicians are in the youth organization of their party and have worked their way up.

Best you could hope for is some shitty seat in your city council where you don't even get money

And just do a Ausbildung in Germany as plumber or electrician and then do that in Japan, those jobs are needed in every country and better then being some shitty waiter (who tf would hire a waiter that doesn'T speak japanese anyway)
Irgendwelche deutschen Restaurants und englisch-sprachigen schätze ich, wäre eh nur vorübergehend.
Welche Partei?
AfD, der Mann von einer Freundin meiner Mutter ist irgendwie Vertreter beruflich und schon seit Jahren in der Partei, dachte er wäre schon Politiker, aber steht anscheinend auf dem Wahlzettel oder so.
AfD, der Mann von einer Freundin meiner Mutter ist irgendwie Vertreter beruflich und schon seit Jahren in der Partei, dachte er wäre schon Politiker, aber steht anscheinend auf dem Wahlzettel oder so.
Die AfD will eine volksnahe Partei sein die die Arbeiterklasse vertritt, denkst du ernsthaft du kommst ohne Ausbildung oder Studium in der Partei eine nennenswerte Position? :feelskek:

Die Partei macht permanent Polemik gegen Dauerarbeitslose, wie würde es aussehen wenn einer ne wichtige Position erhält.

Wenn du wenigstens Handwerker wärst, der Vorsitzende Chrupalla ist so weit ich weiß auch nur Schreinermeister oder so.
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  • JFL
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How tf would you become a politician I think its too late already, most politicians are in the youth organization of their party and have worked their way up.

Best you could hope for is some shitty seat in your city council where you don't even get money

And just do a Ausbildung in Germany as plumber or electrician and then do that in Japan, those jobs are needed in every country and better then being some shitty waiter (who tf would hire a waiter that doesn'T speak japanese anyway)
I don’t really want to go into the trades. I have no interest in those jobs. My dad is an electrician and earns a good salary and could probably get me a job maybe even this fall but I only see myself as a artist or some other stuff like politician, entrepreneur, CEO or scammer. I‘m probably too lazy for all of them though.

If I had a girlfriend who I really liked I would be motivated to do something I don’t like but not forever either probably. I always sucked in science because I had no interest in it. I was interested in stuff like economics, art, music and languages.
It’s so over :ROFLMAO:
Why? I‘m 6‘3 and look decent, just a bit out of shape and could maybe benefit from a nose job.

I‘m not as fucked as most other guys. If I looksmaxxed a bit I might even ascend to Chadlite. I‘m 6.5-7/10 at the moment easily with no looksmaxxing effort.
I don’t really want to go into the trades. I have no interest in those jobs. My dad is an electrician and earns a good salary and could probably get me a job maybe even this fall but I only see myself as a artist or some other stuff like politician, entrepreneur, CEO or scammer. I‘m probably too lazy for all of them though.

If I had a girlfriend who I really liked I would be motivated to do something I don’t like but not forever either probably. I always sucked in science because I had no interest in it. I was interested in stuff like economics, art, music and languages.
Just try to meet another unemployed girl.

Some low IQ slut who grew up in the Hartz IV cycle
Why? I‘m 6‘3 and look decent, just a bit out of shape and could maybe benefit from a nose job.

I‘m not as fucked as most other guys. If I looksmaxxed a bit I might even ascend to Chadlite. I‘m 6.5-7/10 at the moment easily.
Looks ain't everything past highschool dude
Die AfD will eine volksnahe Partei sein die die Arbeiterklasse vertritt, denkst du ernsthaft du kommst ohne Ausbildung oder Studium in der Partei eine nennenswerte Position? :feelskek:

Die Partei macht permanent Polemik gegen Dauerarbeitslose, wie würde es aussehen wenn einer ne wichtige Position erhält.

Wenn du wenigstens Handwerker wärst, der Vorsitzende Chrupalla ist so weit ich weiß auch nur Schreinermeister oder so.
Stimmt, habe ich auch schon drüber nachgedacht, ist wahrscheinlich aussichtslos.
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Why? Does only money matter? If that’s the case I don’t want to date any gold diggers anyway.
No, but you have done nothing with your life, have no friends and no job, it will be hard to get a decent women thats just facts.

With looks and that prospect you can find a low class women but no university educated foid will want you.
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So what? If I got money all of a sudden I would be golden or what? I doubt it‘s that easy.
You’ve lived your entire life from handouts. You are not a man
No, but you have done nothing with your life, have no friends and no job, it will be hard to get a decent women thats just facts.

With looks and that prospect you can find a low class women but no university educated foid will want you.
I don’t want foids from universities anyway. Most of them are bossy or ugly anyway. Attractive women can cruise through life without making use of their mental faculties much. I can do the thinking for her.
You’ve lived your entire life from handouts. You are not a man
I don’t care about your stupid concept regarding what a „real man“ is. I mog almost every short Asian dude on this planet.

Money is just a concept anyway. I‘m not a slave to something that is imaginary. Nature is more powerful.
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  • JFL
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Doesn't the jobcenter put you into some measures to better find a job.

Maybe you can find some there.
I ignore all of their letters and appointments. Unlikely I will meet my dream girl there.
Monogamous and committed relationships don't exist anymore in 2024. Don't be delusional and don't chase unattainable goals.
Do they still send you money?
Yeah, but maybe not soon in the future. I haven’t checked my letters in weeks. I probably missed some appointment or it was just a letter to extend the Bürgergeld itself.
I‘m 27 and unemployed. I never had a job but I‘m not enjoying this lifestyle anymore. I lived on unemployment benefits in Germany for over 5 years but until 5 years ago I was still in night school when I dropped out in early 2019.

I desperately want to find a girlfriend who is close to my ideal so I can be motivated to get a job in the first place or get a career as a politician if it’s possible.

My CV is shit though and I also have a criminal record by now probably because I shoplifted and punched a guy who checked tickets in the tram so I wouldn’t have to pay the fine for not having a ticket (I know retarded). I got away with paying a fine of 650€ for both shoplifting and punching that guy.

Maybe just going to Japan and being a waiter, English teacher or getting a sugar mama is the more reliable and better option to get an attractive girlfriend (maybe I could cheat on the sugar mama or dump her after extracting enough money or just try to build a harem).

I really want to change my life since I don’t enjoy video games and other form of entertainment anymore.

I don’t know if I want children. Probably not since it would mean a lot of responsibility. I know I would be a good father but I have no money anyway to provide them a good life and I‘m scared of getting dumped at some point and having to pay alimony or my children not turning out optimally because I can’t discipline and teach them values. I‘m also a proponent of anti-natalism but I haven‘t made up my mind up yet completely.

I definitely don’t wanna race mix and have children with Asians or another other race even if the woman is extremely attractive.

I just want my German looksmatch but the relationship would probably not last forever unless I get lucky and she is a decent person or we both don’t get bored of each other.
Ngl your a bigger failure than me holy shit :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I mean at least I got mogger grades in uni but I’m jobless cos Europe needs to be nuked but you…. Holy shit
Monogamous and committed relationships don't exist anymore in 2024. Don't be delusional and don't chase unattainable goals.
How would you know? Maybe there are some exceptions.

I‘m kinda losing hope in that hypothesis too though.

I just like being delusional I guess because else I would become severely depressed and just lose all hope forever.
Ngl your a bigger failure than me holy shit :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

I mean at least I got mogger grades in uni but I’m jobless cos Europe needs to be nuked but you…. Holy shit
I wouldn‘t have been if I just started an apprenticeship at 16 or 22 or studied more for tests in school but I hated the concept of work always because it’s essentially exploitation so it was likely that I would end up in this situation.
bro You are literally living my biggest fear, I hope your life gets better
How would you know? Maybe there are some exceptions.

I‘m kinda losing hope in that hypothesis too though.

I just like being delusional I guess because else I would become severely depressed and just lose all hope forever.
Traditionally-established institutions were ideologically subverted in the 20st century when the Woke movements, especially the sexual revolution influenced by con artists like Alfred Kinsey and The Rockefellers, started.

In 21st century, we have a society that is entirely consumerist, and social aromatization and alienation are rampant. This brought us hypergamy, which is what ended monogamy.

When you have a girlfriend in 2024, you must know the following:

1. You are not her first choice.

2. She has been with men who are better than you at at least one thing, and at least of them lives rent-free in her head.

3. If the rent-free guy returns, she will dump you.

4. If someone, who is better good-looking or richer than you, asks her out, she will dump you.

5. She is sexually desensitized due to sleeping around and will be with you because doesn't want to be alone and needs someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown.

Understand that committed relationships and monogamy can't exist in a society that has no values, bonding, close relatives, is in a state of atomization and alienation, and most people are under the influence of drugs and instant gratification stimulations, and have grown up with pornography which gave them unrealistic expectations, meaning that porn and masturbation will always give them more dopamine than sex and bonding with another human being.

Forget about girlfriends, committed relationship and monogamy. It's not happening in 2024, especially for the average men. Being a man and average is simply not enough anymore.
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bro You are literally living my biggest fear, I hope your life gets better
I was afraid of this happening to me at 15 but it still ended up happening to me.

It would probably instantly get better if I got a work and travel visa and went to Japan but I can’t make my mind if I should leave my family behind and maybe never see them again.

I would also have to work some shitty job there most likely which I don’t want to but maybe I would do it if I got an attractive girlfriend as a reward.
Traditionally-established institutions were ideologically subverted in the 20st century when the Woke movements, especially the sexual revolution influenced by con artists like Alfred Kinsey and The Rockefellers, started.

In 21st century, we have a society that is entirely consumerist, and social aromatization and alienation are rampant. This brought us hypergamy, which is what ended monogamy.

When you have a girlfriend in 2024, you must know the following:

1. You are not her first choice.

2. She has been with men who are better than you at at least one think, and at least of them lives rent-free in her head.

3. If the rent-free guy returns, she will dump you.

4. If someone, who is better good-looking or richer than you, asks her out, she will dump you.

5. She is sexually desensitized due to sleeping around and will be with you because doesn't want to be alone and needs someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown.

Understand that committed relationships and monogamy can't exist in a society that has no values, bonding, close relatives, is in a state of atomization and alienation, and most people are under the influence of drugs and instant gratification stimulations, and have grown up with pornography which gave them unrealistic expectations, meaning that porn and masturbation will always give them more dopamine than sex and bonding with another human being.

Forget about girlfriends, commuted relationship and monogamy. It's not happening in 2024.
Sounds like a generalization to me but maybe you are right for the most part.
Traditionally-established institutions were ideologically subverted in the 20st century when the Woke movements, especially the sexual revolution influenced by con artists like Alfred Kinsey and The Rockefellers, started.

In 21st century, we have a society that is entirely consumerist, and social aromatization and alienation are rampant. This brought us hypergamy, which is what ended monogamy.

When you have a girlfriend in 2024, you must know the following:

1. You are not her first choice.

2. She has been with men who are better than you at at least one thing, and at least of them lives rent-free in her head.

3. If the rent-free guy returns, she will dump you.

4. If someone, who is better good-looking or richer than you, asks her out, she will dump you.

5. She is sexually desensitized due to sleeping around and will be with you because doesn't want to be alone and needs someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown.

Understand that committed relationships and monogamy can't exist in a society that has no values, bonding, close relatives, is in a state of atomization and alienation, and most people are under the influence of drugs and instant gratification stimulations, and have grown up with pornography which gave them unrealistic expectations, meaning that porn and masturbation will always give them more dopamine than sex and bonding with another human being.

Forget about girlfriends, commuted relationship and monogamy. It's not happening in 2024.
I read the full comment and I think you are right.
I wouldn‘t have been if I just started an apprenticeship at 16 or 22 or studied more for tests in school but I hated the concept of work always because it’s essentially exploitation so it was likely that I would end up in this situation.
Same here man ;(

My adhd also makes working or applying to jobs rough and an uphill battle and my shit country won’t get me ADHD meds for a good couple years
  • +1
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Traditionally-established institutions were ideologically subverted in the 20st century when the Woke movements, especially the sexual revolution influenced by con artists like Alfred Kinsey and The Rockefellers, started.

In 21st century, we have a society that is entirely consumerist, and social aromatization and alienation are rampant. This brought us hypergamy, which is what ended monogamy.

When you have a girlfriend in 2024, you must know the following:

1. You are not her first choice.

2. She has been with men who are better than you at at least one thing, and at least of them lives rent-free in her head.

3. If the rent-free guy returns, she will dump you.

4. If someone, who is better good-looking or richer than you, asks her out, she will dump you.

5. She is sexually desensitized due to sleeping around and will be with you because doesn't want to be alone and needs someone for the purpose of tax and bill breakdown.

Understand that committed relationships and monogamy can't exist in a society that has no values, bonding, close relatives, is in a state of atomization and alienation, and most people are under the influence of drugs and instant gratification stimulations, and have grown up with pornography which gave them unrealistic expectations, meaning that porn and masturbation will always give them more dopamine than sex and bonding with another human being.

Forget about girlfriends, committed relationship and monogamy. It's not happening in 2024.
So should I join some religion and pretend to believe in it to get a relationship?
So should I join some religion and pretend to believe in it to get a relationship?
I don't know what you should do, because I don't really have a solution for this problem. I just know monogamy is no longer possible nowadays, and that's about it. I'm not trying to fix anything or my own social condition. I just gave up and I'm no longer trying.

Monogamy requires specific conditions, and these conditions don't exist in 2024 anymore. There is nothing you can do.

No conditions = no monogamy. There isn't really anything we can do about it.
I was afraid of this happening to me at 15 but it still ended up happening to me.

It would probably instantly get better if I got a work and travel visa and went to Japan but I can’t make my mind if I should leave my family behind and maybe never see them again.

I would also have to work some shitty job there most likely which I don’t want to but maybe I would do it if I got an attractive girlfriend as a reward.
I hope everything turns out in the best way for you, I don't say it in a bad way and I will understand if you don't want to say it but I am 16 years old, school has been terrible for me, despite always being one of the best in the class, I have been through many schools by teachers who hate me and that has led me to fail, I always think about my future and how afraid I am of failing, can you tell me what happened? at least to get a realistic idea of what I don't have to do
I don't know what you should do, because I don't really have a solution for this problem. I just know monogamy is no longer possible nowadays, and that's about it. I'm not trying to fix anything or my own social condition. I just gave up and I'm no longer trying.

Monogamy requires specific conditions, and these conditions don't exist in 2024 anymore. There is nothing you can do.

No conditions = no monogamy. There isn't really anything we can do about it.
I mean doesn’t hurt trying at least even if you have to think outside of the box.
I hope everything turns out in the best way for you, I don't say it in a bad way and I will understand if you don't want to say it but I am 16 years old, school has been terrible for me, despite always being one of the best in the class, I have been through many schools by teachers who hate me and that has led me to fail, I always think about my future and how afraid I am of failing, can you tell me what happened? at least to get a realistic idea of what I don't have to do
My first girlfriend dumped me after 6 months at age 15 and I was devasted and just didn’t care about much anymore so my grades got worse since I was focusing on getting her back when I should just have ignored her and she would have returned eventually but instead I got rid of her forever by begging indirectly for her to give me another chance but when I lost patience I insulted her and drove her away for good before she was about to give me another chance.

After middle school I tried getting into higher education but I wasted a lot of time and in the end I failed due to laziness, not being interested in memorizing for tests, etc. i just wanted to go to the gym and play video games, listen to music in my free time and at some point I realized my scores would be too bad to pass the exams and I just dropped out of night school at 22.

I was pretty brainwashed as teenager that I would have to get a university degree to have a cushy job and be able to work abroad if I wanted to. But for Germany that’s probably accurate. I wouldn’t even had to get into debt that deep compared to America.

I should have just started some tolerable apprenticeship when I was 16 or 22 when I dropped out but I saw it as beneath me. That‘s why I tried to avoid work and get into university and eventually I failed that particular goal and just stayed unemployed for over 5 years because I didn’t want to get up early and be exploited. I would have a bit more money if I worked a shitty minimum wage job or started an apprenticeship but I just wanted to have those 10+ hours daily to myself and work on some hobby like a career as an artist but I got lazy and just played video games and fapped for the most part. I also listened to tons of music, watched movies, did a lot of thinking including philosophy, etc.
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  • Woah
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My first girlfriend dumped me after 6 months at age 15 and I was devasted and just didn’t care about much anymore so my grades got worse since I was focusing on getting her back when I should just have ignored her and she would have returned eventually but instead I got rid of her forever by begging indirectly for her to give me another chance but when I lost patience I insulted her and drove her away for good before she was about to give me another chance.

After middle school I tried getting into higher education but I wasted a lot of time and in the end I failed due to laziness, not being interested in memorizing for tests, etc. i just wanted to go to the gym and play video games, listen to music in my free time and at some point I realized my scores would be too bad to pass the exams and I just dropped out of night school at 22.

I was pretty brainwashed as teenager that I would have to get a university degree to have a cushy job and be able to work abroad if I wanted to. But for Germany that’s probably accurate. I wouldn’t even had to get into debt that deep compared to America.

I should have just started some tolerable apprenticeship when I was 16 or 22 when I dropped out but I saw it as beneath me. That‘s why I tried to avoid work and get into university and eventually I failed that particular goal and just stayed unemployed for over 5 years because I didn’t want to get up early and be exploited. I would have a bit more money if I worked a shitty minimum wage job or started an apprenticeship but I just wanted to have those 10+ hours daily to myself and work on some hobby like a career as an artist but I got lazy and just played video games and fapped for the most part. I also listened to tons of music, watched movies, did a lot of thinking including philosophy, etc.
oh I get it bro, thanks, this gives me a more open idea, I think I will never fight or feel sad for a girl, I just don't believe in love and I also think it's stupid to depend on someone, but everything will get better for you
oh I get it bro, thanks, this gives me a more open idea, I think I will never fight or feel sad for a girl, I just don't believe in love and I also think it's stupid to depend on someone, but everything will get better for you
I doubt it. It could but I would have to get lucky or do something I don’t want to. At this point I feel like a regular job is hell and I couldn’t tolerate it even if it means I‘ll be alone forever. I just hate capitalism and I won’t ever spend a dime on a girl. They‘re emancipated now and can earn and spend their own money but I guess that disqualifies me in a lot of cases when it comes to getting a girlfriend. I also doubt I would ever have a decent amount of money unless I try to scam someone or marry into wealth which is unlikely unless it’s some old sugar mama which I would probably be disgusted by.
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*learn to read and it’s been 10 years, ur a new born khhv failure buddy
English isn’t my native language so I don’t the grammar that well but thanks for correcting me.

Yeah, pretty much. If I moved to Asia or some other place I wouldn’t be in the matter of days so that’s subjective. I just didn’t try a lot but I also didn’t have many opportunities. Didn’t want to actively try a lot though.
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27 yrs and still believes things are possible. You have either low IQ or ridiculously good neurotransmitters
  • JFL
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