


Oct 4, 2021
Have you heard about the last mile problem in public transportation?

The last mile problem is the challenge of moving people between transportation hubs and their final destinations, like the walk from the nearest bus or train station to your place of work. When this distance creeps over a quarter mile (400m), our willingness to utilise public transport dwindles. Your commute is not just the train journey, it is the train journey plus the walking distance each side. And the last mile problem extends beyond just your commute to work. It’s going to grab some lunch, stopping by a friends house, making that quick journey to grab bread and milk. It emcompasses every aspect of how we move around in our daily lives.

I am thinking on buying a penny board to solve this (I think this is the best option for transportation because it is light and small)


I think I have lost chances with some girls because admittedly, my personality is pretty boring (compared to those faggots on tik tok), I refuse to simp females, put tattoos on my body or watch soyboy media like capeshit or rap, do you think this will be enough to offset my boring personality? I don’t intend on doing tricks besides those that help me to traverse obstacles
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This isn't 2014. Get an electric board or a legitimate skateboard. Pennyboards are non-NT now.
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  • JFL
  • Hmm...
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This would be shit to commute on. Get a regular board and put some big wheels on.
Too dangerous, I don't want to go as fast as bicycle while being on such an unstable machine

Are they significantly safer than pennyboards?


That's actually a good idea
Idk where you live but in the uk our pavements and roads are built like shit and the wheels would be broken within the first week.
Are they significantly safer than pennyboards?
No. Fuck skating man my ankle will never be whole again :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
Longboards are generally the safest but they're gay. Big + soft wheels can roll over pebbles and small cracks easier than hard wheels.
buy a longboard, skateboards are slow and require you to push every 3 seconds
Did you fucked yours from skating?
rolled my ankle so bad I almost teared my ligament in the ankle jfl :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: walked with a limp like a faggot for 10 months or smth
rolled my ankle so bad I almost teared my ligament in the ankle jfl :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul: walked with a limp like a faggot for 10 months or smth
Shit, how did it happen? would cruising at running speed be safe?
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Penny boards feel terrible to ride but if you've never used anything else should be ok, longboards feel the best, require the least effort and unlikely to get fucked over by the odd pebble. Can get ones that are a similar size to a normal skateboard
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Shit, how did it happen? would cruising at running speed be safe?
Heelflip down a set of 5 stairs :lul::lul::lul::lul::lul:

Cruising is fine as long as you’re comfortable on the board + not hitting pebbles. You’re bound to eat shit at some point though.
skating is a huge looksmins.

1. takes too much time to learn
2. impossible to gymcel effectively when ur getting injured all the time
3. lowkey a loser pick me non-nt sport anyways
non-nt sport
Being non nt is not that bad, expecially with girls on universities ,why would you ever choose a girl besides this demographic is beyond my imagination, they are both still young (so attractive) and smart enough to appreciate the advantages of being non nt (aka having actual hobbies beyond going to parties and soccer)
Being non nt is not that bad, expecially with girls on universities ,why would you ever choose a girl besides this demographic is beyond my imagination, they are both still young (so attractive) and smart enough to appreciate the advantages of being non nt (aka having actual hobbies beyond going to parties and soccer)
skating isn’t an actual hobby it’s just wasting time. when u skate for 6 hours u could’ve made almost a hundred bucks. u could’ve got a few hookers ffs
u could’ve got a few hookers ffs
Don't really like hookers, not even casual sex, I am only looking for long term relationships (at least 1 year), that being said you have a point, at the end of the day skating is not really that different from playing video games, but you see I am just looking to halo-maxx myself as much as I can, even If I barely cruise just having that retarded skateboard on my bag will make me stand out :lul:
Have you heard about the last mile problem in public transportation?

The last mile problem is the challenge of moving people between transportation hubs and their final destinations, like the walk from the nearest bus or train station to your place of work. When this distance creeps over a quarter mile (400m), our willingness to utilise public transport dwindles. Your commute is not just the train journey, it is the train journey plus the walking distance each side. And the last mile problem extends beyond just your commute to work. It’s going to grab some lunch, stopping by a friends house, making that quick journey to grab bread and milk. It emcompasses every aspect of how we move around in our daily lives.

I am thinking on buying a penny board to solve this (I think this is the best option for transportation because it is light and small)


I think I have lost chances with some girls because admittedly, my personality is pretty boring (compared to those faggots on tik tok), I refuse to simp females, put tattoos on my body or watch soyboy media like capeshit or rap, do you think this will be enough to offset my boring personality? I don’t intend on doing tricks besides those that help me to traverse obstacles
An actual skateboard can be a massive looksmaxx. When you learn how to skate, you go to the park. Meet other skaters. You start to dress different, act more aloof, overall more chilled out. I’ve skated for about 4 years, got some girls who just watch shirtless guys skate, took a few of them home. It’s legit but you gotta go all in
An actual skateboard can be a massive looksmaxx
Ok, got it no pennyboards then, small longboards look cool, I like angular designs, are those also a no?

got some girls who just watch shirtless guys skate, took a few of them home. It’s legit but you gotta go all in
Wouln't assmaxxing + cruising slowly shirtless be just as effective without the risks?

Eugen sandow pionero aleman culturista conocido como el padre del culturismo moderno eugen san

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