Skinny fat physique moggs



Incels rather die as virgins then fuck a escort.
Oct 20, 2022
Your not fat yet you have something to grab on basically best of both worlds. Easy to mantain not intimidating . Your not obsessed about how you look yet you look decent. Skinny fat studs stand up its our time .
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i laughed at my own post
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It also gives you wide hips and makes you look really breedable 😍❤️
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  • Ugh..
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Skinny fat = approachable
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Height and frame>>
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Your not fat yet you have something to grab on basically best of both worlds. Easy to mantain not intimidating . Your not obsessed about how you look yet you look decent. Skinny fat studs stand up its our time .
Skinny-Fat is one of the most subhuman physiques out there. No muscle, all fat. Skinnyfats often get stuck thinking if to bulk or cut, or get sucked into the maingaining trap, overthink fitness, it’s generally a very ugly position. Heck, some got it so bad they start unable to do a single pullup, and would need to eat so little calories to lose the fat due to low muscle mass they can’t. So lucky i just needed to lose a few lbs to start doing pullups/dips and from there gymceling progress accelerated
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Skinny-Fat is one of the most subhuman physiques out there. No muscle, all fat. Skinnyfats often get stuck thinking if to bulk or cut, or get sucked into the maingaining trap, overthink fitness, it’s generally a very ugly position. Heck, some got it so bad they start unable to do a single pullup, and would need to eat so little calories to lose the fat due to low muscle mass they can’t. So lucky i just needed to lose a few lbs to start doing pullups/dips and from there gymceling progress accelerated
Skinny fat feels like cheating
Its a death sentence
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Your not fat yet you have something to grab on basically best of both worlds. Easy to mantain not intimidating . Your not obsessed about how you look yet you look decent. Skinny fat studs stand up its our time .
You need to get rid of skinny fat to make your face leaner
Skinny fat feels like cheating
Like getting cheated.

Fat guys with some muscle underneath will have superior strength to start and be able to cut fat fairly quickly thanks to the extra calories that muscle demands. They will also know for sure 100% they must cut.

A twiggy mofo will know for a fact he has to bulk, and unless they’re a retard, they will not end up fat doing so, they also won’t have to spend months on a gruelling cut after their bulk.

By twiggy i count guys who start skinny without abs, but a very flat stomach. This is the physique shit-tuber refer to as skinnyfat when they say “I uSeD tO bE sKiNnYfAt” but it really ain’t. It’s just skinny with no ab muscles. Train them abs lmao.

A skinnyfat motherfucker experiences a hellish paradox. Their bodyweight is low, but they have a huge ass stomach, and the muscular of someone 30 pounds lighter. Imagine that. Due to the low muscle mass, cutting this weight off is fucking hell. I’m talking 1900 calorie diet, and daily cardio along with weight training horrible.

Imagine weighing 150lbs, but having a visible beer belly gut. That’s skinnyfat. To add salt to the wound, the entire trashtube fitness matrix is out to get your ass.

There’s 2 extreme camps:

There’s the “oPtImAl sOyEnCe” crowd that wants you maingaining/gaintaining focusing on retardation such as bench lying 45* cable lateral raises, one arm prone lying illiac pulldowns.

They will tell you lies like “you don’t have to bulk, just maingain to lose fat and gain muscle as a noob” and shit like “focus on the squeeze, go as slow as possible” and other trash that will never lead to gains. They’ll confuse you with words like “RPE” “lengthened-biased” “outter Latinos dorsi fibers” and have you spinning your wheels with their shitty methods.

The next crowd you gotta avoid at all costs is the Mark Rippentoe/starting strength/strong lifts powercopers. They’ll tell you to do full body routines 3 times a week, focus on only squat bench deadlift, and tell you to disregard isolation exercises. They’ll emphasize progress at all costs, and have you overeating a ton to keep up. The end result here is that you’ll becoming strong at a few lifts, maybe 195 for 5 on the bench, 400 deadlift, but you’ll gain 40 pounds of fat doing so. You’ll still have your 12 inch arms of course, but now you’ll be fat with bitchtits. Looking even worse than when you started, as squatting 3x a week will have the kardashians keeping up with you😉 But you’ll have no upper body mass. Like seriously, how much energy do you think you’ll have left to hit your back, chest, arms, shoulders, and do quality work for them if you exhaust yoursef squatting every fucking time?

“Squats work your biceps! Don’t waste time on muh curls”

And you’re caught inbetween them, with a few others such as the mentzer schizoids trying to defraud you too, you’re trying to figure out what to do, and failing at whichever choice you pick.

Should you find a successful, bodybuilding centric, and sane routine you stick to, that delivers gains, confuckingradulations, you mog the other 90% of skinnyfats that didn’t make it this fat, being stuck in endless loops of soyence based lifting or rippetoe fatmaxxing. Now your struggles have only fucking begun.

You must cut down as much weight as you possibly can, until your metabolism slows down and your hormones get fucked, inorder to get to a point you can bulk from. From here, you gotta eat at what’s supposed to be your maintenance calories for like a month to unfuck your metabolism and hormones you nuked starvemaxxing, and then start a slow, small surplus bulk, making sure you don’t overeat too much, and once you’ve completed that, and got your noob gains, you must cut the rest of the fat off which could take months but will be quicker than first time, to finally reveal a non-subhuman physique. Congrats.

That’s why it’s so damn hard fixing skinnyfat. Soyentists want to keep you small, and Mr Rippetoe has an inflation fetish.
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Bruv if your skinny fat just do fasted cardio and workout

Retards make it sound harder than it actually is to fix it
Skinny fat is impossible to fix naturally. It’s a hormonal issue. All the good skinny fat transformations are guys on gear
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Skinny fat is impossible to fix naturally. It’s a hormonal issue. All the good skinny fat transformations are guys on gear
A lot of that depends on your genetics and how you change your diet. The skinnyfat who’s skinnyfat because he was a fat slob who overate all his life and lived in his computer chair cannot be compared to the skinnyfat who is so despite working out for years.
Like getting cheated.
did read and my bmr is 1800 calories so i have to go on a female model starvation diet to loss weight its acc fucking over
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did read and my bmr is 1800 calories so i have to go on a female model starvation diet to loss weight its acc fucking over
How much you weight at what height? And are you able to do chin-ups and dips?

What I recommend is if you’re able to crank out some dips and do 1-5 chinups, and your stomach doesn’t stick out a ton throughout a loose shirt, start slowly bulking instead. You’ll need muscle mass to be able to cut down further without fucking up your hormones.

Go to oskar faarkog’s blog, read about diet.
Focus on red meat, dairy, eggs, and getting plenty of saturated animal fats. If you got canned oysters for sale nearby and can tolerate the taste, eat them like 3 times a week. I used to for 2 months and felt great but overprotective weird parents thought it was weird and toss them out🤷‍♂️

They aren’t necessary though.

I’m bulking even though i still got some stomach left and honestly it’s been going well. Strength increasing, even on calisthenics movements.
After i’m done escaping this hell, i’ll post transformation pictures and a full guide to help anyone else out
How much you weight at what height? And are you able to do chin-ups and dips?

What I recommend is if you’re able to crank out some dips and do 1-5 chinups, and your stomach doesn’t stick out a ton throughout a loose shirt, start slowly bulking instead. You’ll need muscle mass to be able to cut down further without fucking up your hormones.

Go to oskar faarkog’s blog, read about diet.
Focus on red meat, dairy, eggs, and getting plenty of saturated animal fats. If you got canned oysters for sale nearby and can tolerate the taste, eat them like 3 times a week. I used to for 2 months and felt great but overprotective weird parents thought it was weird and toss them out🤷‍♂️

They aren’t necessary though.

I’m bulking even though i still got some stomach left and honestly it’s been going well. Strength increasing, even on calisthenics movements.
After i’m done escaping this hell, i’ll post transformation pictures and a full guide to help anyone else out
I’m acc weak asf I can only do like 1.5 pushups and like some negative dips I’m 69-70kgs and 5’9 I’m closer to the skinny side than the skinny fat side but I still don’t have much ab definition (I can see them only in elite lighting but it’s not even like social media tier definition) or much muscle overall
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I’m acc weak asf I can only do like 1.5 pushups and like some negative dips I’m 69-70kgs and 5’9 I’m closer to the skinny side than the skinny fat side but I still don’t have much ab definition (I can see them only in elite lighting but it’s not even like social media tier definition) or much muscle overall
i’m 5’9, 74.4kgs rn, kinda on the fatter side and can now knock out pushups and dips, I had to lose 20lbs, to be able to do so, and only reason I was able to do pushups was because previous year I wasted tons of time doing some fullbody powercoper program that only made my barbell bench go up but kept everything else the same.

My advice is if you’re skinny with a flat or almost flat stomach, slowly bulk. Fuck the maingaining meme. focus on dumbell bench, dumbell incline bench for chest, and pushdowns for triceps till you can do like 3 normal dips, then add them to your routine before tricep pushdowns. don’t bother with assisted pullup/dips machines as they’re terrible and I find don’t allow me to move properly as my body does, same experience with most machines.

How do you stand with chinups, pullups?
i’m 5’9, 74.4kgs rn, kinda on the fatter side and can now knock out pushups and dips, I had to lose 20lbs, to be able to do so, and only reason I was able to do pushups was because previous year I wasted tons of time doing some fullbody powercoper program that only made my barbell bench go up but kept everything else the same.

My advice is if you’re skinny with a flat or almost flat stomach, slowly bulk. Fuck the maingaining meme. focus on dumbell bench, dumbell incline bench for chest, and pushdowns for triceps till you can do like 3 normal dips, then add them to your routine before tricep pushdowns. don’t bother with assisted pullup/dips machines as they’re terrible and I find don’t allow me to move properly as my body does, same experience with most machines.

How do you stand with chinups, pullups?
Never done them i remember trying them on a goal post once i was able to get 2-1 chin-ups and wasn’t able to get pull-ups
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Never done them i remember trying them on a goal post once i was able to get 2-1 chin-ups and wasn’t able to get pull-ups
spam chinups. It’s one of the greatest exercises for aesthetics.
I recommend you try to do a few sets of chinups first thing in your back day, before pulldowns/rows if any kind. Go to failiure rest 3 minutes try again, and repeat. If you cannot do after resting 3 minutes rest, then rest for 4.
spam chinups. It’s one of the greatest exercises for aesthetics.
I recommend you try to do a few sets of chinups first thing in your back day, before pulldowns/rows if any kind. Go to failiure rest 3 minutes try again, and repeat. If you cannot do after resting 3 minutes rest, then rest for 4.
i dont have anywhere to do them at home

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