Skinny fat problem


Deleted member 1990

May 28, 2022
How do I get out of being skinny fat. I used to weight 190 pounds at 5'11 and after I went on a cut I now weigh 129 pounds. My ribs are visible. But my abs are still not visible and I still have a belly which is not obvious to anyone. According to my calculations and navy calculator I am 19 percent bf which is over category. I don't want to leanmaxx anymore because I would look like an aushwitz survivor if I do that. Any solutions?
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Over for your genes
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Make sure you're getting protein and start lifting weights.
You need to go on a bulk (caloric surplus) and actually hit protein.

You will likely benefit from doing PPL or any other high volume split in the gym (5-6 days a week).
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the only solution bulking up, no recomp bullshit no maingaining bullshit, bulk until you gain enough muscle mass then go on a cut
You need to go on a bulk (caloric surplus) and actually hit protein.

You will likely benefit from doing PPL or any other high volume split in the gym (5-6 days a week).
Really? Wouldn't that make me fatter. I look like a truecel if I bulk.
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the only solution bulking up, no recomp bullshit no maingaining bullshit, bulk until you gain enough muscle mass then go on a cut
it takes around a year
  • JFL
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nicotine gum modafinil eat less more protein fruits instead of starch to limit cortisol from protein and nicotine, l theanine and magnesium glycinate for restful sleep. coffee and aspirn, two tbsp of coconut oil everyday.
I kept cutting until the fat was gone (and looked like a skeleton) then did a proper bulk.
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Bulk on a 1000 calorie surplus from just "whole foods" and lift weights 5-6 times a week and sleep good. Then cut

Everything else is BS, add enhancement if you want
nicotine gum modafinil eat less more protein fruits instead of starch to limit cortisol from protein and nicotine, l theanine and magnesium glycinate for restful sleep. coffee and aspirn, two tbsp of coconut oil everyday.
I'm already doing everything except for coconut oil.
Really? Wouldn't that make me fatter. I look like a truecel if I bulk.
You look skinny fat because you are low body weight with no muscle.

Going on a proper bulk (max of 500 over maintenance, while counting protein) will make you gain some fat (this is to be expected) but also muscle.

Consider then going on a cut after 3-6 months of bulking.

Your physique will look lean but not as fat as you now have muscle on your frame.
Ok so now I'll bulk. I'll only wait a month because I have to prove my family who told me I won't be able to lose weight by showing them I have done it then I'll start bulking. Thanks for the help boyos.
Ok so now I'll bulk. I'll only wait a month because I have to prove my family who told me I won't be able to lose weight by showing them I have done it then I'll start bulking. Thanks for the help boyos.
Just make sure you are actually going to the gym lmfao.

Do it for yourself, not others.
Would that make me leaner even if I eat above maintainence?
Exercise will make you leaner in general.

You may have other bad habits preventing you from getting lean too.
Build muscle. Sounds like you have zero muscle. I was the same as you. Extremely light weight but no abs and skinny fat. Looked like a fat skeleton. Now I have muscle, good frame, good looking body after lean bulking
build more muscle and the fat will go naturally
Just make sure you are actually going to the gym lmfao.

Do it for yourself, not others.
I think it's more to do with my cucked hormones btw. My t levels before dieting were 758 and after dieting they were around 120 meaning my body didn't have the building blocks to sustain lean body mass. Can that be possible. My t levels have returned to around 587 rn. Hopefully they will return to 700s after I fix that problem.
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You look skinny fat because you are low body weight with no muscle.

Going on a proper bulk (max of 500 over maintenance, while counting protein) will make you gain some fat (this is to be expected) but also muscle.

Consider then going on a cut after 3-6 months of bulking.

Your physique will look lean but not as fat as you now have muscle on your frame.
fixing skinny fat fix face fat too ?
Build muscle. Sounds like you have zero muscle. I was the same as you. Extremely light weight but no abs and skinny fat. Looked like a fat skeleton. Now I have muscle, good frame, good looking body after lean bulking
After building muscle did your body fat percentage go down or did it stay the same? Also did you go on a bulk or no. And I agree I have negative 100 muscle currently.
Build muscle. Sounds like you have zero muscle. I was the same as you. Extremely light weight but no abs and skinny fat. Looked like a fat skeleton. Now I have muscle, good frame, good looking body after lean bulking
did your face changed too or nah
shit hormonal balance. with ideal hormones you should be 6pack ottermode lean without doing anything
Bulk on a 1000 calorie surplus from just "whole foods" and lift weights 5-6 times a week and sleep good. Then cut

Everything else is BS, add enhancement if you want
1000 calorie surplus is absolutely ridicolous he can eat at 300-500 with almost the same benefits
After building muscle did your body fat percentage go down or did it stay the same? Also did you go on a bulk or no. And I agree I have negative 100 muscle currently.
I’m leaner now but not as low as I want, still at 18-20% range just like I was when I had 0 muscle and very skinny. I lean bulked so put on muscle mass eating tons of protein while not putting on too much fat. Could probably get more muscle doing a full bulk but I didn’t want to get visibly fat ans fatter than I already was
did your face changed too or nah
Nah my bf percentage is the same it always has been, but I have bones at 18-20% so when I get leaner I reckon my face will change a bit
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fixing skinny fat fix face fat too ?
Face is usually up to genetics if you get lean enough with a good muscle base.

Depends where you store fat.
nigga so what
Retard. Steroids inevitably increase estrogen which will cuck my growth plates up. Plus acne. Plus balding if I'm prone.
Retard. Steroids inevitably increase estrogen which will cuck my growth plates up. Plus acne. Plus balding if I'm prone.
OR nuke ur estrogen with anti-estrogens
skincare or accutane if bad
minox topical finasteride

plus a normal cycle wont give u insane sides
OR nuke ur estrogen with anti-estrogens
skincare or accutane if bad
minox topical finasteride

plus a normal cycle wont give u insane sides
Just hop on every med possible and fuck your homeostasis up at 16 theory.
I'm already on letrozole btw
Just hop on every med possible and fuck your homeostasis up at 16 theory.
fineee pussy do a cycle of clen and then bulk naturally and ur not going to be skinny fat
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Natty lifting is a meme boyo, you need 1000 calorie surplus for a good year atleast during your newbie gain phase to maximize the results. Ideally you should bulk for 2 straight years with whole foods before doing your first cut. Just wait and watch I'll show you what an actual bulk and cut cycle looks like
Bulk on a 1000 calorie surplus from just "whole foods" and lift weights 5-6 times a week and sleep good. Then cut

Everything else is BS, add enhancement if you want
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