Slaves for the elite.



May 7, 2020
For example. The rich own the government. Everyone knows this. At least they should. The rich lobby. Meaning they pay our representatives money to introduce new laws, or say yes or no to certain laws. They control what laws and rights exist. They fund campaigns. Which means they use their money to get certain people into office. Yes this includes presidents. And in return the people in office give power/control to the rich or give them favors.

The rich control the government so much that they own the military. How do we know this? The government has lied to us. Created fake terrorists attacks. Ect. To make us, the citizens, be okay with going to war with certain countries. Afghanistan. Vietnam. Ect. What do they do in those countries? Well we know that as well. They over throw the governments, or encourage the citizens to over throw the governments through manipulation. Then companies swoop in and steal all of the countries resources. Just like in old times. We have war to steal resources. Companies also do this without war, in many ways. Basically giving countries loans to help them industrialize and progress, the countries do, but end up not being able to pay the loans back, and they fall deep into debt. The countries then have to sell all of the oil to the companies at super cheap prices to get out of debt. Basically just scamming countries. Tricking them into selling off their resources at a small fraction of the would be original price.

So how does slavery mainly come into this?

Well we are crops. It’s illegal to live without working. What? How? You can’t fish. You can’t build a house. Collect rain water, in many places. Use solar panels to get electricity, in many places. Live on, or own land. Hunt. Dig wells to get your own water. Trade crops or supplies with other people. Ect. Without all paying the government money. Constantly. You have to pay the government money to do all of those things, the things required to be free and not work. Meaning you can’t be free and not work. You can try to find a way to live without working but you won’t be able to, it’s set up this way. You cannot live without working, without breaking one of these laws. You either work or go to jail. If you try to keep your freedom and resist jail, you die. For the non conformists, it’s work or die. There is no option to remain free. Slave or die.

Have you ever wondered why when countries go to war they don’t just bomb the rich, or the government, or the individuals in power?

Have you ever wondered? The ones in power are the ones who did the wrong. They are the ones in control. Why do they bomb and attack the citizens instead?

Because citizens are crops. Money machines. All of the large bombings. Like Hiroshima. They didn’t bomb the powerful people in control. They bombed large cities. Why? Money. They wanted to harm the elites crop. Their power. Their wealth. Same as burning a farmers cornfield.

You are a crop. A pawn. A slave. Put in a system you don’t question. You conform. Do your job. Die.

Why do we do this? Because everyone else is doing it, it’s ‘normal.’ People naturally like to follow the herd, and conform. It’s also because we are put in a position that makes us comfortable. It’s risky to seek out something better, it’s easier and more assuring to just stay put and be comfortable. Our brains are hardwired to fear the unknown. To stay away from it unless absolutely necessary. To enjoy being comfortable, and to dislike change. The people in power use this to their advantage. They put us in a place just comfortable enough, so that we decide to accept it how it is, and not strive for something better, for the unknown, the risky, and the uncomfortable. We also do it because we think luxuries (Air conditioning, house, car, cell phone, internet, ect.) will make us happy. When they don’t. Yes, they give us small hits of dopamine, but not true happiness. They often make life a little bit easier too, but thats not what’s going make us happy, just comfortable. Those luxuries are sometimes a big one. They’re presented as holding the key to happiness, and a better life. That’s why many people support this system. They think, if I just do this, or if I just work a little bit harder I’ll get those things, and life will be good. When in reality, no. It won’t have any significant positive effect on your life. You truly won’t make it very far up the chain either. Anyone who thinks they will is delusional, and has been manipulated. They want you to strive for it. Work for it, because that work you’re doing benefits them. You will forever be stuck in the lower classes. It’s set up this way. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. And it gets harder and harder to move up, not even move up, it gets harder and harder to stay in the same place. Quality of life decreases over time. This system, society, has failed us. It uses us. Gives us empty promises. And leaves us drained. We truly need to seek something different. Seek change. I want you to go look at videos of kids in Africa. The ones who are living in huts. The ones in the forest, who have food, and water. They are the happiest people you will ever see. Truly happy. Learn from them. Their primitive lifestyle is what makes them happy. If they wanted to live in our society they easily could, but they choose to keep living how they’re living. They’ve figured something out most of us haven’t.

If we all woke up, realized the truth, and decided to change we could get rid of this system. Live in peace and harmony. Be happy. We could be growing all of our own food. Getting our own water. Having farms and cattle. Living nice, happy, primitive lifestyles.

Question, why has the number of depressed and unhappy citizens increased 1000s of times within the last 200 years? Society. The state of it. Humans are not meant to be like this. Live like this. We need to wake up. We need to wake each other up. We need to change.

This was copied from u/thebzksjsj5688 found on r/conspiracytheories, this is not mine, just sharing.
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