Slaying is COPE



Feb 7, 2024
Slaying is pretty much 100% cope. For one it’s clear why khhv on this forum idolize slayers, they have what they want. However all slaying is, is fucking damaged women and whores who are 1-4 points below your looks level. Imagine you’re a chad, 6ft1 23yo and look like Alan delon. Everyday you do what? Get mtb/htb girls off tinder or social media, go to parties and nightclubs bring girls back to your apartment.

Guess what, you’re learning to get girls who are exactly what you hate. Promiscuous modern women who hookup with chad every weekend no questions asked.

very low chance you will ever like any of these women beyond for sex, and if you do, they are still whores. So no point in anything more than hitting it a few times.

This type of behavior is not rewarding, it makes you feel good for a while, you feel like a CHAD. Cuz you can get ALL these women to fuck you so easily. But that doesn’t matter. Same way a woman thinks she has value and gets an ego boost because chad chose her for his drunken hookup. Your ego is being boosted by foids that have no value past their looks, no integrity.

A little slaying is helpfull tho. It gives you perspective and experience, especially for sex (very important) however a lot of this experience is misguided because the type of girl you would be hooking up with VS ltr is different. I think slaying in situations where a LTR is not possible or realistic makes sense, or if you’re limited in experience. (Lots of guys have sex with 10+ girls and still suck at it so read the guides on the forum and apply them to see what works)

Basically I’m saying the mentality and skills you learn to slay are the opposite of what you want to get a LTR.

Lots of the info on this forum like “muh be giga low inhib” is basically useful for slaying only (obviously don’t be high inhib tho jfl)

Nobody is 25 forever and even if you were validation doesn’t fill the hole in your soul.

Maybe dating/not fucking foids right away and acting more innocent around them not like an arrogant chad sounds cucked but you might be glad when you get a girl who is making eggs and bacon in the morning for your oldcell ass 60 years down the line.

But you just might have to lower your own level of degeneracy if you want to get a less degenerate girl, Someone not driven just by lust and emotion.

Jfl at this forum validating themselves with the opinions of whores.

Also if I had to venture a guess there’s a strong connection between intelligence and promiscuity in women. Just what I have observed.
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All this just for you not to get laid.
  • JFL
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IMG 1656
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You snuck in the below your looks level and damaged parts
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Yeah LTR matters most.
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It’s all about owning their mind /soul
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  • JFL
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fuck them hoes
they all cheat anyway
have fun with the pretty ones, but don’t take them too seriously
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  • JFL
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It’s all about owning their mind /soul
When you’ve fully convinced a girl that they can’t live without you, that they need you to survive and shifted their perception to believe that you’re not the problem they are… is peak life
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  • JFL
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Incel mindset. Having sex with "desired" male as a women is not being "used up"

Slaying is not any better due to this mindset. They are "used up" anyways. Stay incel then JFL.
  • JFL
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Incel mindset. Having sex with "desired" male as a women is not being "used up"

Slaying is not any better due to this mindset. They are "used up" anyways. Stay incel then JFL.
What you said makes no sense
  • JFL
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Niqqer slaying matters the most for those who have experienced being unable to slay and want to feel the wildness

A chad experiences everything, love slaying and a good healthy relationship throughout his life.

Don't expect to suddenly become philosophical just because somehow you turn chad
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  • JFL
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What you said makes no sense
Pussy is not a value to be protected. Doesn't your penis get dirty when you fuck a woman? By this logic your penis is "used up" Why would any female take your used up dick?

Even if you prefer "slay" over LTR, the woman you fucked today was fucked by another man last night. Why are you putting your penis in a dirty cunt?

Stay incel.
  • JFL
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Niqqer slaying matters the most for those who have experienced being unable to slay and want to feel the wildness

A chad experiences everything, love slaying and a good healthy relationship throughout his life.

Don't expect to suddenly become philosophical just because somehow you turn chad
Lots of chads get with attention whores and get their life ruined, “why would a woman cheat on chad” becouse one man’s attention isn’t enough. Plus you’re not a chad forever, look at like Johnny depp, Had everything, looks, fame, women, how did it go.
  • JFL
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Lots of chads get with attention whores and get their life ruined, “why would a woman cheat on chad” becouse one man’s attention isn’t enough. Plus you’re not a chad forever, look at like Johnny depp, Had everything, looks, fame, women, how did it go.
That nigga was dating amber heard like last week
Chad remains forever
  • JFL
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Lots of chads get with attention whores and get their life ruined, “why would a woman cheat on chad” becouse one man’s attention isn’t enough. Plus you’re not a chad forever, look at like Johnny depp, Had everything, looks, fame, women, how did it go.
Its your perspective lmao
Jhonny depp prolly had so much fun in his life, your mind will explode if u can feel even 1% of it.
Obviously looks won't stay forever but he could still get more Stacies than you if you were 8 psl

Absolute shit example to prove ur theory
  • JFL
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what type of statement is that?
  • JFL
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Also if I had to venture a guess there’s a strong connection between intelligence and promiscuity in women. Just what I have observed.

Actually it's the exact opposite. Based on studies, higher IQ and higher education are positively correlated with promiscuity, sexual exploration, liberal views, atheism and feminism in women.

Besides that, I agree. Slaying is pointless. Don't waste significant amount of time and physical or mental resources in order to fuck physically inferior women. Even for bragging purposes it's pointless. It doesn't increase your status. Noone gives a fuck or envies you if you fucked 100 beckies or sub5s. Men only envy the men who fuck and date beautiful women.
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Tagging the top slayer @Clavicular
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Incel mindset. Having sex with "desired" male as a women is not being "used up"

Slaying is not any better due to this mindset. They are "used up" anyways. Stay incel then JFL.
Pussy is not a value to be protected. Doesn't your penis get dirty when you fuck a woman? By this logic your penis is "used up" Why would any female take your used up dick?

Even if you prefer "slay" over LTR, the woman you fucked today was fucked by another man last night. Why are you putting your penis in a dirty cunt?

Stay incel.
There is no way this is not used up slut foid
Someone investigate that account
Hope you get raped to death foid
  • JFL
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Actually it's the exact opposite. Based on studies, higher IQ and higher education are positively correlated with promiscuity, sexual exploration, liberal views, atheism and feminism in women.

Besides that, I agree. Slaying is pointless. Don't waste significant amount of time and physical or mental resources in order to fuck physically inferior women. Even for bragging purposes it's pointless. It doesn't increase your status. Noone gives a fuck or envies you if you fucked 100 beckies or sub5s. Men only envy the men who fuck and date beautiful women.
I disagree, also education isn’t what I’m talking about, I mean like social intelligence if that makes sense.
It’s hard to explain but it’s true based on my personal experience.

Lots of booksmart foids are whores. But not very smart, It’s hard to explain, Like they don’t process information from the world around them properly.

They don’t understand their own motivations they have no metacognition

Some people understand how Ted kazinski thinks

Some don’t

That’s the best I can explain it
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  • JFL
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All that to get cucked by the big asian cock transfer students
Snapchat 1173818505
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Slaying is pretty much 100% cope. For one it’s clear why khhv on this forum idolize slayers, they have what they want. However all slaying is, is fucking damaged women and whores who are 1-4 points below your looks level. Imagine you’re a chad, 6ft1 23yo and look like Alan delon. Everyday you do what? Get mtb/htb girls off tinder or social media, go to parties and nightclubs bring girls back to your apartment.

Guess what, you’re learning to get girls who are exactly what you hate. Promiscuous modern women who hookup with chad every weekend no questions asked.

very low chance you will ever like any of these women beyond for sex, and if you do, they are still whores. So no point in anything more than hitting it a few times.

This type of behavior is not rewarding, it makes you feel good for a while, you feel like a CHAD. Cuz you can get ALL these women to fuck you so easily. But that doesn’t matter. Same way a woman thinks she has value and gets an ego boost because chad chose her for his drunken hookup. Your ego is being boosted by foids that have no value past their looks, no integrity.

A little slaying is helpfull tho. It gives you perspective and experience, especially for sex (very important) however a lot of this experience is misguided because the type of girl you would be hooking up with VS ltr is different. I think slaying in situations where a LTR is not possible or realistic makes sense, or if you’re limited in experience. (Lots of guys have sex with 10+ girls and still suck at it so read the guides on the forum and apply them to see what works)

Basically I’m saying the mentality and skills you learn to slay are the opposite of what you want to get a LTR.

Lots of the info on this forum like “muh be giga low inhib” is basically useful for slaying only (obviously don’t be high inhib tho jfl)

Nobody is 25 forever and even if you were validation doesn’t fill the hole in your soul.

Maybe dating/not fucking foids right away and acting more innocent around them not like an arrogant chad sounds cucked but you might be glad when you get a girl who is making eggs and bacon in the morning for your oldcell ass 60 years down the line.

But you just might have to lower your own level of degeneracy if you want to get a less degenerate girl, Someone not driven just by lust and emotion.

Jfl at this forum validating themselves with the opinions of whores.

Also if I had to venture a guess there’s a strong connection between intelligence and promiscuity in women. Just what I have observed.
You sound like someone talking from the outside looking in. You think if you’re slaying all the time you can’t also have girls you think of as LTR potential and treat them differently than the hoes you’re fucking? It sounds like you do and bro, trust me niggas do both. I get that people on the forum might not mention this but it shouldn’t have to be

Slaying, or hooking up with women, is often a temporary ego boost and involves promiscuous women who aren't ideal for long-term relationships. The skills learned through slaying, like low inhibition, are not helpful for building meaningful connections. To attract a more genuine partner, one might need to shift their mindset and focus less on short-term validation.
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LTR would be so ideal and low cortisol
Hunting for a slay is a pain in the ass
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Slaying, or hooking up with women, is often a temporary ego boost and involves promiscuous women who aren't ideal for long-term relationships. The skills learned through slaying, like low inhibition, are not helpful for building meaningful connections. To attract a more genuine partner, one might need to shift their mindset and focus less on short-term validation.
damn me if my verbal iq was over 80
LTR would be so ideal and low cortisol
Hunting for a slay is a pain in the ass
it is, people hear slay stories from forum chads but the truth is your only hearing the best shit. im like HTN at best and i have stories like that. mostly a pain in the ass tho. staying up till 4am, constant texting/manipulation tactics ets...

much better in LTR you can focus on life instead of girls.
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I mostly agree but I'm more extreme in that I think men & women both benefit from being kissless virgins.

Most men are having sex with women below their league which leads to hoeflation that they bitch about.

I honestly regret being a degenerate when I was younger and part of it was that I was pressured by other males to have "experience" which has amounted to the perfect virgin girl for me having a hard time accepting my past 😔
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  • JFL
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I mostly agree but I'm more extreme in that I think men & women both benefit from being kissless virgins.

Most men are having sex with women below their league which leads to hoeflation that they bitch about.

I honestly regret being a degenerate when I was younger and part of it was that I was pressured by other males to have "experience" which has amounted to the perfect virgin girl for me having a hard time accepting my past 😔
yes but its lowk not the fault of either. they are just doing what they are forced to by the social dynamic. modern society is a bitch aint it.
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yes but its lowk not the fault of either. they are just doing what they are forced to by the social dynamic. modern society is a bitch aint it.
Yup honestly I wish I grew up in a "purity" society but it is what it is.

People want validation and getting laid is the ultimate ego boost for most people so you can't really blame them.
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you see its actually easy as fuck why do u see all these normies getting laid I mean as long as you arent butt ugly you can get pussy but if u are there are things u can do to help op it sounds like you have a shit body all these chads on tinder what all do they have in common? many have bad faces but have muscles! muscles yes that's right. many women will be too drunk at a club to even care if you have a nice pair of abs bro. face matters a lot I have an anorexic body with a alien face that's me in my pfp no filter or edits. and chances are your not nt I'm autistic you can tell I am a retard. just be nt theory.
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you see its actually easy as fuck why do u see all these normies getting laid I mean as long as you arent butt ugly you can get pussy but if u are there are things u can do to help op it sounds like you have a shit body all these chads on tinder what all do they have in common? many have bad faces but have muscles! muscles yes that's right. many women will be too drunk at a club to even care if you have a nice pair of abs bro. face matters a lot I have an anorexic body with a alien face that's me in my pfp no filter or edits. and chances are your not nt I'm autistic you can tell I am a retard. just be nt theory.
@GigaRetard what dont you understand bro
Yeah Normies get laid but i've noticed really good looking men and women ironically have a harder time (especially if they're picky.)
no they do not have a hard time as non nt women can easily can easily fall attracted to nonnt men cuz they can relate in a way sooner or later hell fuck he’s easy for them really I can explain more if you’d like
no they do not have a hard time as non nt women can easily can easily fall attracted to nonnt men cuz they can relate in a way sooner or later hell fuck he’s easy for them really I can explain more if you’d like
You'd be suprised. Women will self-sabotage if they think a man is out of their league.

But yeah shit's complicated. Beckies are often hella picky and cold while real Stacies tend to be down-to-earth and sweet.

Low-hanging fruit. People take what's easy.
  • JFL
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Yeah LTR matters most.
Just LTR some bitch as sub chad theory. Good luck with that. In todays world of insta, dating apps etc. I've see too much girls in LTRs dragged by their sluts female friends into that dating other guys even if she is in LTR. The only way is destiny's way. You let her fuck other guys, pay for everything and suck her bulls dick - you will get more love from your girlfriend's bull than from slut.
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You'd be suprised. Women will self-sabotage if they think a man is out of their league.

But yeah shit's complicated. Beckies are often hella picky and cold while real Stacies tend to be down-to-earth and sweet.

Low-hanging fruit. People take what's easy.
preach g
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you see its actually easy as fuck why do u see all these normies getting laid I mean as long as you arent butt ugly you can get pussy
yeah pussy doesent mean a lot.
op it sounds like you have a shit body
quite innacurate actually. i used to have pretty insane body actually for a high schooler (still do but i havent gone to the gym seriously in like over a year, gotta get back on that)

and yeah girls would compliment me all the time and say i had bigger boobs than them and stuff, joke about me taking off my shirt and stuff. body is underrated here.
Yeah bro literally the best looking people I know have dry ass phones and are not getting laid every night like most of the faggots on here think they are.
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Yeah bro literally the best looking people I know have dry ass phones and are not getting laid every night like most of the faggots on here think they are.
htn badboys get laid

should be water

getting laid and getting the girl everyone wants is different obviously
htn badboys get laid

should be water

getting laid and getting the girl everyone wants is different obviously
The best looking guy i know is a drug dealer. Legit beautiful face, looks youthful in his 30s, and is 6ft. Bro got shy around ME.

I'm telling you beautiful people are shy asf.

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