slaying is extremely overrated



returning when I ascend
Feb 10, 2024
nobody I know IRL that can slay does it they all have ltr with HTB+ and I can see why

fucking a new girl every day is just innately degenerate and emotionless, sex with a girl you have a connection with easily mogs fucking some random slut you found in a bar every time. Even historically men who had multiple women had mistresses they kept on seeing, not just random girl after random girl.

I've seen many forum chads say this because number-wise, they are fucking mostly beckies and rarely HTB. Slaying every stacylite+ you come across makes sense but this just isn't realistic even for chads, so after fucking random whore becky after random whore becky it becomes meaningless fast

like slaying is pretty much a sub5s idea of what they want to do when they ascend, to fill their bruised ego, most MTN+ don't have this need most of the time
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nobody I know IRL that can slay does it they all have ltr with HTB+ and I can see why
Why look through other people's perspective?

U can't slay yourself?

If u can't, then ur thinking about non existent problems bud.
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says 14yo fatcel bitch ass nigga with 0 girls at all

no offense btw
I'm a bloatcel and also 15 now, get it right
Why look through other people's perspective?

U can't slay yourself?

If u can't, then ur thinking about non existent problems bud.
the point is most people don't "slay" this is a myth people on .org like to think will happen when they reach CL
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I'm a bloatcel and also 15 now, get it right
McDonalds slay story :forcedsmile::unsure:

also snapchat means nothing crodie girls give that to anyone, they have 1mil+ scores for a reason
McDonalds slay story :forcedsmile::unsure:

also snapchat means nothing crodie girls give that to anyone, they have 1mil+ scores for a reason
Nigga, foids don't just walk up to a random guy and ask for his snap.

especially at my age

Genuine cope if you're finding excuses to not call this a victory
the point is most people don't "slay" this is a myth indians on .org like to think will happen when they reach CL
Exactly. For the Chads who can pull it off it probably gets boring.

But if u and I wake up tomorrow with the looks to slay, I bet my life savings we wouldn't call it "overrated"
Nigga, foids don't just walk up to a random guy and ask for his snap.
maybe but now your just one of their many people they send snaps too, unless they took it further and asked to link it means nothing
maybe but now your just one of their many people they send snaps too, unless they took it further and asked to link it means nothing
Read the story nigga we've been chatting for days now
But if u and I wake up tomorrow with the looks to slay, I bet my life savings we wouldn't call it "overrated"
overrated dosent mean its terrible, im sure fucking random beckys is cool the first two times but fucking a girl you have a connection with would 100% mog some random whore
It's for fakecels
Read the story nigga we've been chatting for days now
chatting means nothing brah, do you know how many guys girls chat to on SC? its water you need to take it off the app into messages through her number
overrated dosent mean its terrible, im sure fucking random beckys is cool the first two times but fucking a girl you have a connection with would 100% mog some random whore
Sure the sex and shit would mog. But slaying is more about feeding ur ego tbh.
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chatting means nothing brah, do you know how many guys girls chat to on SC? its water you need to take it off the app into messages through her number
I got her number

Also nigga stop being a hater, you know this is a victory
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Sure the sex and shit would mog. But slaying is more about feeding ur ego tbh.
Yeah but this is for sure more of an sub5 fantasy of what they want to do when they ascend, most HTN+ I know don't have this need to fill their ego, they just want LTR with women on their level
I got her number

Also nigga stop being a hater, you know this is a victory
it aint a victory till you hit brah or at least an established relationship
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Yeah but this is for sure more of an sub5 fantasy of what they want to do when they ascend, most HTN+ I know don't have this need to fill their ego, they just want LTR with women on their level
Slaying, imho, peaks in college. That's when you're not really rushing to get into a LTR necessarily but you have access to a lot of parties, alcohol, drugs, and horny college bitches.'ll be fucking more Becky's than Stacy's but that's a given since the former outnumber the latter. And most men aren't Chads either.

Post college, though, it becomes much more pointless cause the access is much less common and more expensive and it's easier to get consistent sex in a regular relationship.
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"Slaying" is internet meme invented by PSL virgins.
IRL nobody does anything similar to that and everyone, including "Chad" is in classic LTR.
Chad is in LTR with stacey, he is not out there to get your oneitis.
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"Slaying" is internet meme invented by PSL virgins.
IRL nobody does anything similar to that and everyone, including "Chad" is in classic LTR.
Chad is in LTR with stacey, he is not out there to get your oneitis.
exactly, only sub5s dream about slaying to fill bruised egos, normal people don't have this need or feeling to prove something so they want LTR
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exactly, only sub5s dream about slaying to fill bruised egos, normal people don't have this need or feeling to prove something so they want LTR
Incels dream about "slaying" that is supposed to cure their missed teen love.
Nobody else cares about "slaying", and people IRL know that girl quality>>>>bodycount.
For example, having 1 stacey GF mogs "slaying" 10 MTB girls, incels don't know this because they have no real life experience, they get information about real life from the internet.
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nobody I know IRL that can slay does it they all have ltr with HTB+ and I can see why

fucking a new girl every day is just innately degenerate and emotionless, sex with a girl you have a connection with easily mogs fucking some random slut you found in a bar every time. Even historically men who had multiple women had mistresses they kept on seeing, not just random girl after random girl.

I've seen many forum chads say this because number-wise, they are fucking mostly beckies and rarely HTB. Slaying every stacylite+ you come across makes sense but this just isn't realistic even for chads, so after fucking random whore becky after random whore becky it becomes meaningless fast

like slaying is pretty much a sub5s idea of what they want to do when they ascend, to fill their bruised ego, most MTN+ don't have this need most of the time
Yeah, it's precisely that, we're looking to fill our ego because we haven't received any of the positive reinforcement and validation that every normie and chad gets when they were younger.
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LTR harem with rotation of gling women
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