
Aug 16, 2020
PART 1 - My contribution about it

I found a post from @Seth Walsh that I think everyone in this forum should read. The irony is that it is a post with only 5 reactions lost in a random thread.

I would like to complement this giga high IQ post with the following:

-Be aware that not all of us will be humans have the same type of central nervous system (sympathetic or paransympathetic). Some have the sympathetic CNS more predominant than parasympathetic and vice versa. Eat according to your type of nervous system and your sleep disorders will disappear along with other problems such as depression, anxiety, obesity, etc. Knowing this (and acting on it) is probably the most important thing in this thread. I have yet to do a complete thread on metabolism where I will explain this in detail.

  • Parasympathetic CNS = passivity. Control everything that has to do with relaxing, sleeping, resting.
  • Sympathetic CNS = excitation. It is the opposite of the parasympathetic. It has to do with the alertness of the body, fighting, running, moving, etc.

Insomnia = overly excited and/or out of control CNS.

  • If you have a predominantly sympathetic CNS, the cause of insomia is that your CNS is very excited. The solution would be to relax your nervous system through proper nutrition, supplementation, body detoxification, (fungi, parasites, toxins), excercise, habits, etc.

  • If you have a predominantly paransympathetic CNS and you have insomnia, the cause of this is always the thyroid (it controls the body's energy), when the energy is very low the body goes into a state of alert so it cannot sleep.

Every human being needs a balance between the CNS for sympathetic and parasympathetic. Your diet, exercise, supplementation, etc. should be with the objective of balancing both parts of the nervous system. When there is an imbalance on both sides, it is when the metabolism cannot produce enough energy (ATP) for the body and that is when depression, anxiety, obesity, mental problems, insomnia, etc. appear. This is because the CNS is the one that controls the rest of the body's systems.

This is basically why I believe that Western medicine is a scam when it comes to curing diseases, because they treat symptoms with drugs instead of treating diseases from the root, which are regularly imbalances in the body.

-If you go to a psychiatrist and he prescribes drugs, before asking about your diet and lifestyle, tell him to screw him. Normie doctors are the cancer of this society. Please don't take sleeping drugs.

-DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that drugs are more powerful than food and movement. I understand that common sense tells us that eating "naturally" is enough to eat properly and that drugs have more potential to impact your life. But this is not the case, the problem is that eating naturally is not the solution, natural food can also screw you up. It's not just about randomly eating naturally, it's about eating the foods your body needs when and in the portions it needs. If you understand this, you can manipulate your body and hormones as much or better than drugs. Period.

-Avoid foods that excite the body (sugar, pork, fat), you do not want excitement before sleep, you want peace of mind

-Drink vegetable juices at night, green juices are high in magnesium and potassium and magnesium helps remove sodium from the cells, and magnesium excites the body preventing you from relaxing and sleeping. These are the benefits when it comes to sleep, but they have more benefits that I will share when I do a full thread on metabolism.

-You can supplement with magnesium citrate at night, @Seth Walsh mentioned it already, but I would like to add that citrate is the best of all types of magnesium since it is the body absorbs better. This will relax your muscles and nerves. Magnesium is the antistress king, it is the king of sleep, it is the most relaxing mineral that exists. 80% of people are deficient in mg because they do not consume green and vegetable juices (where there is a lot of magnesium).

Vitamin D3 is good for deep sleep and vitamin B1 (thiamine) disconnects the mind, disconnects negative images, good for insomnia and depression.

-Be aware that insomnia and circadian rhythm disorder (CRSD) are NOT the same. If you have CRSD, be aware of it and treat it as such. The most common treatments for CRSD are chronotherapy, light therapy, hypnotics (I do not recommend it), melatonin supplementation, dark therapy.

-If you have CRSD, do chronotherapy, which consist of going to sleep an hour earlier each day or getting up an hour earlier each day until your circadian rhythm is aligned with the outside. If your circadian rhythm sucks and it's been that way for years, you need an alarm clock to keep it at bay.

-Movement (exercise, work out, go to the supermarket, bathe the dog, go for a walk, clean your room) during the day to fix circadian rhythm. Do not sleep during the day, since it uncoordinates your circadian rhythm and sleep quality at night, when you are sleepy during the day, sunbathe outside the home, walk barefoot and sunbathe, etc. The part of going barefoot outside the home and sunbathing may sound strange, but it has a scientific explanation, it has to do with making physical ground and the energy of the sun.

-Sunbathe every day, the sun kills depression and sleep disorders. Try to see the sunrise and sunset every day. Sunrise and sunset are signals from the outside that are in sync with your hormones. Also sun is the main source of vitamin D, and as mentioned, vitamin D helps with deep sleep.

-Have some kind of "slavery" with the system, have a normie business, norimie work, or go to school. Don't be a NEET in other words. This will force you to follow the circadian rhythm, sunbathe every day, get up early, go to bed early, etc.

-Avoid using the damn cell phone after 6-7 PM. Once it has got dark stay away from electronic devices. What they do is screw up your melatonic production, prevent you from becoming a daytime person.

-Going for a walk 15-20 min, removes cortisol from the body, which will help you relax and sleep better. You can do this before sleeping.

-I disagree with @Seth Walsh about sleeping 9 hours a day. This is very general, a permarotter does not need the same hours of sleep as a giganormie or an elite athlete. Don't sleep 9 hours, sleep what your body asks, 9 hours is a long time that you can take advantage of in changing your life. My body right now asks me to sleep 7 hours a day. IMO you must sleep at least hours without affecting your quality of sleep and hormone production.

PART 2 - @Seth Walsh post

- Sleep for 9 hours or so, if possible.

- GET CURTAINS. Sleep in complete darkness. Any gaps in your blinds, lights outside your bedroom, street lights outside; block out that light! Get good curtains. Curtains are a far better investment than MK-677 and curtains have no side effects!

- Adjusting your circadian rhythm to match the universal Day/Night rhythm. Picture will be at the end of the post.

- Light is an inhibitor of melatonin. You must sleep in complete darkness. Supplement with melatonin to initially adjust your circadian rhythm. Short term supplementation. You don't need it. Your body will produce it. And if you take melatonin and then stay on your phone/laptop and don't aim to immediately go to sleep in the pitch black, then you're wasting time/effort/money. The melatonin wont do anything.

- Don't eat or drink within 2 hours of sleeping. Don't Consume caffeine in the PM. Including the afternoon. 1PM at the very latest if you really need to consume it. Same applies for all stimulants.

- Yohimbine will disrupt sleep. I didn't sleep at all on Monday night even though I took Yohimbine at 6AM!

- Eating chicken/turkey and drinking hot milk as your last meal of the day is really helpful. Turkey and hot milk especially have very high amounts of tryptophan. There's a supplement that aids in serotonin production called 5-hydroxytriptophan, melatonin is 5-hydroxytriptamine, serotonin aids in melatonin production. But there's no need to supplement with 5HTP. Eating foods high in tryptophan will greatly improve your chances of getting amazing sleep. tryptophan, 5HTP and serotonin are all important precursors in melatonin production.

- Unwind in the evening. Do your more stressful tasks early in the day and aim to relax in the evening.

- Universal circadian rhythm: 2AM = deepest sleep. 4:30AM = lowest body temperature. 6:45AM = sharpest blood pressure rise. 7:30AM = melatonin secretion stops. 10AM = highest alertness. 2:30PM = Best coordination. 3:30PM = fastest reaction time. 5PM = greatest cardiovascular efficiency and muscle strength. 6:30PM = highest blood pressure. 7:00PM = highest body temperature. 9PM = melatonin secretion starts.

- So, try your best to emulate that. Get out in the sun and expose yourself to blue light / UV to synthesise vitamin D and promote alertness at 10AM. Take a hot shower at 7PM. Try emulate these and mimic this circadian rhythm.

- Install blue light filters on your devices that emit red light instead of blue light in the evening/night. Blue light = 80% melatonin suppresion. Red light = 40% melatonin suppression. Fire = <2% melatonin supression. If you want to go hardcore, use candles before sleep lol.

- Getting exposure to blue light during the day is as important as avoiding exposure to it during the late evening/night. This helps your master-clock stay in sync. 10AM-2PM are the most important hours to get blue light exposure and to be active.

- Likewise 10PM-2AM should be the opposite. 2AM you should be in your deepest sleep. Growth hormone spikes between 10-11:30PM when you are asleep.

- Try fall asleep at 10PM. Or before midnight atleast.

- Supplement with magnesium 1-2 hours before bed. It helps you calm and unwind.

- Don't weight train at night. Tight muscle fascia works against helping you fall asleep.


Sorry this couldn't be longer. Tight for time. But TLDR: Fix your circadian rhythm. Try sleep from like 11PM - 8AM or 10PM - 7AM. Avoid blue light before bed. Avoid all light when trying to get to sleep. Any type of light inhibits melatonin secretion to one degree or another. Supplement with melatonin to kick start an optimal body clock but don't expose yourself to light after consuming it or else it's pointless. Be active during the day, it's as important to active and exposing yourself to lots of blue light in the late morning and afternoon, opposite of what you'll want 12hrs later but that activity and blue light exposure will help keep your master-clock in sync.

f.lux is a red light/ blue light display adjuster which will optimally adjust light on your PC, synchronising it with the universal circadian rhythm based on your location.

Please add more to the list in your comments. I hope you liked this thread, it is improvised so I may have missed important things. Also note that this is not my native language please.

Users who liked my other threads, Tell me if you want me to tag you in other threads.:
@St. Wristcel

Incels are not chads, chads also usually have a metabolism of the gods. They can eat a lot of shit without getting fat, insomnia, etc. They don't have hormonal imbalances in their body. This thread is for incels who have serious problems to sleep and it is screwing up their lives.
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Good thread OP
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Will use
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  • +1
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Another HI-IQ post 👏👏
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very good thread op
really important for puberycels
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Incel sleep schedule. Chads stays up all night pumping your oneitis and wake up at 3pm.
  • JFL
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Reactions: mike21, SAR, AsGoodAsItGets and 5 others
Incel sleep schedule. Chads stays up all night pumping your oneitis and wake up at 3pm.

I know, but incels are not chads, chads also usually have a metabolism of the gods. They can eat a lot of shit without getting fat, they don't have hormonal imbalances in their body. This thread is for incels who have serious problems to sleep and it is screwing up their lives.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1751 and Salludon
Incel sleep schedule. Chads stays up all night pumping your oneitis and wake up at 3pm.
If you have a Chad metabolism, skip this, skip this website because you don't need to know any of this.

If you are incel and have a screwed up hormone system, this information can literally save your life.
  • +1
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My sleep schedule is fucking up my gains, bookmarked!
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Whet do you tink ebout this
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Whet do you tink ebout this

If you don't have trouble sleeping or they don't affect your life or you have a Chad's hormonal system, you don't need to know any of this. This is for incels that really have serious trouble sleeping.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6997
Imagine doing all that shit and getting muscle mogged by @balding17yomanletcel because he is injecting.

Jokes aside good info for incels with bad sleep schedule. It could have helped me in the beginning of 12. grade.
  • JFL
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Reactions: wasted, Deleted member 3583, balding17yomanletcel and 1 other person
Imagine doing all that shit and getting muscle mogged by @balding17yomanletcel because he is injecting.

Jokes aside good info for incels with bad sleep schedule. It could have helped me in the beginning of 12. grade.

Thanks bro, but like i say this is for incels not chads.

And I know that steroids are better in terms of muscle gains. But a perfect natural hormonal balance is a thousand times better in terms of quality of life (depression, anxiety, insomnia, aging, etc.)
  • +1
Reactions: MentalistKebab
Imagine doing all that shit and getting muscle mogged by @balding17yomanletcel because he is injecting.

Jokes aside good info for incels with bad sleep schedule. It could have helped me in the beginning of 12. grade.
optimize everything just to get mogged by balding 18yo manlet who lets people inject himself 500mg test a week without working out and eating sougar
  • JFL
Reactions: Toth's thot and Deleted member 6997
Holy fuck, you expect me to read all that when i can just take melatonin.
  • JFL
Reactions: fjor2096 and AsGoodAsItGets
Holy fuck, you expect me to read all that when i can just take melatonin.
If you can solve your insomnia with melatonin alone, good for you.

This thread is for people who really need help.
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PART 1 - My contribution about it

I found a post from @Seth Walsh that I think everyone in this forum should read. The irony is that it is a post with only 5 reactions lost in a random thread.

I would like to complement this giga high IQ post with the following:

-Be aware that not all of us will be humans have the same type of central nervous system (sympathetic or paransympathetic). Some have the sympathetic CNS more predominant than parasympathetic and vice versa. Eat according to your type of nervous system and your sleep disorders will disappear along with other problems such as depression, anxiety, obesity, etc. Knowing this (and acting on it) is probably the most important thing in this thread. I have yet to do a complete thread on metabolism where I will explain this in detail.

  • Parasympathetic CNS = passivity. Control everything that has to do with relaxing, sleeping, resting.
  • Sympathetic CNS = excitation. It is the opposite of the parasympathetic. It has to do with the alertness of the body, fighting, running, moving, etc.

Insomnia = overly excited and/or out of control CNS.

  • If you have a predominantly sympathetic CNS, the cause of insomia is that your CNS is very excited. The solution would be to relax your nervous system through proper nutrition, supplementation, body detoxification, (fungi, parasites, toxins), excercise, habits, etc.

  • If you have a predominantly paransympathetic CNS and you have insomnia, the cause of this is always the thyroid (it controls the body's energy), when the energy is very low the body goes into a state of alert so it cannot sleep.

Every human being needs a balance between the CNS for sympathetic and parasympathetic. Your diet, exercise, supplementation, etc. should be with the objective of balancing both parts of the nervous system. When there is an imbalance on both sides, it is when the metabolism cannot produce enough energy (ATP) for the body and that is when depression, anxiety, obesity, mental problems, insomnia, etc. appear. This is because the CNS is the one that controls the rest of the body's systems.

This is basically why I believe that Western medicine is a scam when it comes to curing diseases, because they treat symptoms with drugs instead of treating diseases from the root, which are regularly imbalances in the body.

-If you go to a psychiatrist and he prescribes drugs, before asking about your diet and lifestyle, tell him to screw him. Normie doctors are the cancer of this society. Please don't take sleeping drugs.

-DO NOT make the mistake of thinking that drugs are more powerful than food and movement. I understand that common sense tells us that eating "naturally" is enough to eat properly and that drugs have more potential to impact your life. But this is not the case, the problem is that eating naturally is not the solution, natural food can also screw you up. It's not just about randomly eating naturally, it's about eating the foods your body needs when and in the portions it needs. If you understand this, you can manipulate your body and hormones as much or better than drugs. Period.

-Avoid foods that excite the body (sugar, pork, fat), you do not want excitement before sleep, you want peace of mind

-Drink vegetable juices at night, green juices are high in magnesium and potassium and magnesium helps remove sodium from the cells, and magnesium excites the body preventing you from relaxing and sleeping. These are the benefits when it comes to sleep, but they have more benefits that I will share when I do a full thread on metabolism.

-You can supplement with magnesium citrate at night, @Seth Walsh mentioned it already, but I would like to add that citrate is the best of all types of magnesium since it is the body absorbs better. This will relax your muscles and nerves. Magnesium is the antistress king, it is the king of sleep, it is the most relaxing mineral that exists. 80% of people are deficient in mg because they do not consume green and vegetable juices (where there is a lot of magnesium).

Vitamin D3 is good for deep sleep and vitamin B1 (thiamine) disconnects the mind, disconnects negative images, good for insomnia and depression.

-Be aware that insomnia and circadian rhythm disorder (CRSD) are NOT the same. If you have CRSD, be aware of it and treat it as such. The most common treatments for CRSD are chronotherapy, light therapy, hypnotics (I do not recommend it), melatonin supplementation, dark therapy.

-If you have CRSD, do chronotherapy, which consist of going to sleep an hour earlier each day or getting up an hour earlier each day until your circadian rhythm is aligned with the outside. If your circadian rhythm sucks and it's been that way for years, you need an alarm clock to keep it at bay.

-Movement (exercise, work out, go to the supermarket, bathe the dog, go for a walk, clean your room) during the day to fix circadian rhythm. Do not sleep during the day, since it uncoordinates your circadian rhythm and sleep quality at night, when you are sleepy during the day, sunbathe outside the home, walk barefoot and sunbathe, etc. The part of going barefoot outside the home and sunbathing may sound strange, but it has a scientific explanation, it has to do with making physical ground and the energy of the sun.

-Sunbathe every day, the sun kills depression and sleep disorders. Try to see the sunrise and sunset every day. Sunrise and sunset are signals from the outside that are in sync with your hormones. Also sun is the main source of vitamin D, and as mentioned, vitamin D helps with deep sleep.

-Have some kind of "slavery" with the system, have a normie business, norimie work, or go to school. Don't be a NEET in other words. This will force you to follow the circadian rhythm, sunbathe every day, get up early, go to bed early, etc.

-Avoid using the damn cell phone after 6-7 PM. Once it has got dark stay away from electronic devices. What they do is screw up your melatonic production, prevent you from becoming a daytime person.

-Going for a walk 15-20 min, removes cortisol from the body, which will help you relax and sleep better. You can do this before sleeping.

-I disagree with @Seth Walsh about sleeping 9 hours a day. This is very general, a permarotter does not need the same hours of sleep as a giganormie or an elite athlete. Don't sleep 9 hours, sleep what your body asks, 9 hours is a long time that you can take advantage of in changing your life. My body right now asks me to sleep 7 hours a day. IMO you must sleep at least hours without affecting your quality of sleep and hormone production.

PART 2 - @Seth Walsh post

- Sleep for 9 hours or so, if possible.

- GET CURTAINS. Sleep in complete darkness. Any gaps in your blinds, lights outside your bedroom, street lights outside; block out that light! Get good curtains. Curtains are a far better investment than MK-677 and curtains have no side effects!

- Adjusting your circadian rhythm to match the universal Day/Night rhythm. Picture will be at the end of the post.

- Light is an inhibitor of melatonin. You must sleep in complete darkness. Supplement with melatonin to initially adjust your circadian rhythm. Short term supplementation. You don't need it. Your body will produce it. And if you take melatonin and then stay on your phone/laptop and don't aim to immediately go to sleep in the pitch black, then you're wasting time/effort/money. The melatonin wont do anything.

- Don't eat or drink within 2 hours of sleeping. Don't Consume caffeine in the PM. Including the afternoon. 1PM at the very latest if you really need to consume it. Same applies for all stimulants.

- Yohimbine will disrupt sleep. I didn't sleep at all on Monday night even though I took Yohimbine at 6AM!

- Eating chicken/turkey and drinking hot milk as your last meal of the day is really helpful. Turkey and hot milk especially have very high amounts of tryptophan. There's a supplement that aids in serotonin production called 5-hydroxytriptophan, melatonin is 5-hydroxytriptamine, serotonin aids in melatonin production. But there's no need to supplement with 5HTP. Eating foods high in tryptophan will greatly improve your chances of getting amazing sleep. tryptophan, 5HTP and serotonin are all important precursors in melatonin production.

- Unwind in the evening. Do your more stressful tasks early in the day and aim to relax in the evening.

- Universal circadian rhythm: 2AM = deepest sleep. 4:30AM = lowest body temperature. 6:45AM = sharpest blood pressure rise. 7:30AM = melatonin secretion stops. 10AM = highest alertness. 2:30PM = Best coordination. 3:30PM = fastest reaction time. 5PM = greatest cardiovascular efficiency and muscle strength. 6:30PM = highest blood pressure. 7:00PM = highest body temperature. 9PM = melatonin secretion starts.

- So, try your best to emulate that. Get out in the sun and expose yourself to blue light / UV to synthesise vitamin D and promote alertness at 10AM. Take a hot shower at 7PM. Try emulate these and mimic this circadian rhythm.

- Install blue light filters on your devices that emit red light instead of blue light in the evening/night. Blue light = 80% melatonin suppresion. Red light = 40% melatonin suppression. Fire = <2% melatonin supression. If you want to go hardcore, use candles before sleep lol.

- Getting exposure to blue light during the day is as important as avoiding exposure to it during the late evening/night. This helps your master-clock stay in sync. 10AM-2PM are the most important hours to get blue light exposure and to be active.

- Likewise 10PM-2AM should be the opposite. 2AM you should be in your deepest sleep. Growth hormone spikes between 10-11:30PM when you are asleep.

- Try fall asleep at 10PM. Or before midnight atleast.

- Supplement with magnesium 1-2 hours before bed. It helps you calm and unwind.

- Don't weight train at night. Tight muscle fascia works against helping you fall asleep.

View attachment 776216

Sorry this couldn't be longer. Tight for time. But TLDR: Fix your circadian rhythm. Try sleep from like 11PM - 8AM or 10PM - 7AM. Avoid blue light before bed. Avoid all light when trying to get to sleep. Any type of light inhibits melatonin secretion to one degree or another. Supplement with melatonin to kick start an optimal body clock but don't expose yourself to light after consuming it or else it's pointless. Be active during the day, it's as important to active and exposing yourself to lots of blue light in the late morning and afternoon, opposite of what you'll want 12hrs later but that activity and blue light exposure will help keep your master-clock in sync.

f.lux is a red light/ blue light display adjuster which will optimally adjust light on your PC, synchronising it with the universal circadian rhythm based on your location.

Please add more to the list in your comments. I hope you liked this thread, it is improvised so I may have missed important things. Also note that this is not my native language please.

Users who liked my other threads, Tell me if you want me to tag you in other threads.:
@St. Wristcel

Incels are not chads, chads also usually have a metabolism of the gods. They can eat a lot of shit without getting fat, insomnia, etc. They don't have hormonal imbalances in their body. This thread is for incels who have serious problems to sleep and it is screwing up their lives.
Keep it up, bro. Qulity post! 💪
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Keep it up, bro. Qulity post! 💪
Thanks bro, I appreciate your comment.

Some people here are dumb. They despise information like this.

Obviously if you do not have serious problems sleeping, you do not need to know all this or you do not need to apply ALL of this. I did not think it was necessary to clarify this point. Unbelievable
Best of best ngl tag me in other high iq threads
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keep tagging me homie
just go to sleep bro
  • JFL
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Are you still alive? Chronotherapy is horrible tbh, it made me develop N24 which is hell

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