Social Lifemaxxing - how I went from basically lonely to going out with friends 2+ times/week

Chico Chicowski

Chico Chicowski

Apr 16, 2019
I feel after the holidays nostalgia (spent a few days with friends), some kind of loneliness, believe there are some people who are also lonely and feel like shit so
decided I wont be Jewish and I will share as much as I can in terms of sociallife maxxing. Maybe someone's life gonna change

First of all, why the f should you listen to me?>

I went from taking aspie selfies, doing sports alone, never been to club to being invited to home parties/trips etc

20201129 005458

20210212 232456

181125851 1356994411344543 2328691391264340858 n

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1. How I did it?
I met a guy who was in the student organization and he knew some people who started inviting me to the house parties. But this is not mandatory. He (+his friends) are recruiting (mostly women) from Tinder and invite them to social activities.
they are insanely average looking, not rich
I personally make $150 euros a month in EE

2. How you can do it? (basically the tl:dr)
The simple system goes with:
>recruiting women from tinder/badoo/facebook groups/ social groups etc to either
a) your house/rented room and throwing a party (people who are in the social group should also throw parties and bring their friends there)
b) inviting them to social events *like playing pool in a bar (perfectly if it would a "closed space" - it gives the party vibe)*

Would be good if you knew any people (even male friends) to invite them to the party/event. It looks natural then. Lets say you invited like 3 girls from tinder, would be good if there would be at least 2 more males

Tinder/Badoo -> facebook/insta -> party invitation/event invitation -> trusted person -> added to facebook/whatsapp whatever group -> brings new people -> repeat

How to invite/tindermax

You might have seen many negative comments about online game but its not that bad if you have the good attitude
attitude? - looks of the girl are secondary, the key is she is pretty non-primivite (if you care) why? Because the female friends <or male> she will bring matters
and getting better-looking girl through the social circle is much easier

Start simple/non-aspie,non frauded tinder account
You can say "I'm looking for friends/someone to hangout" - go with simple convo and ask if she/he wants to meet up. If she does, meet up either straight to the house party/or go to the pub/walk. Be normal - yourself, dont try pua.
Sometimes you might have to go with the "date" route aka you give the hope to the femoid you are gonna be her boyfriend, but at the and you friendzone her and you start the friends relation - aka meeting each other regularly and her/him bringing new people

bbbbut I'm ugly - softmaxes that helped me the most: bfmaxxing, stubblemaxxing with minox/genetics/getting longer haircut,self-tanner (if u are white), biting cheeks,squinching, better style <darker clothes>, height increasing shoes

Facebook/Whatsapp/whatever in your country group
you should the this type of "social group": when you will invite people to parties/trips/events etc
you should be the only moderator of the group and have the most control. Invited only the people who meet with ou reguarly/bring new people

Should you also invite male friends?
It depends. Some of guys don't invite other guys. Imho you should mostly invite your old male friends + sometimes rich/influencial socially males who will
bring you girls/fun. I met a programmer who throws parties regularly and met like 10 new women thanks to him. You must get the experience and you will know
how to deal with it

What's the end-goal/it rolls on it own
Lets say you have the facebook group of 10 people. Now, you meet them regularly - lets say - Wednesday you go playing pool, friday/saturday - you throw a party/you go the the club/pub/drink in the public. The 10 people should bring new people/if they are trusted males - they will be bringing new tinder friends. Get
the relationship with these chicks, they will bring new people. At this moment - I know like 30-40 people I could meet this week, we could go out to the nightlifemax -
anyone who has been nightlifemaxxing knows, its super easy to meet new people there - its gonna be your next lead generation method - groups joins groups "boom" - you have next 5 leads. You are waiting in the club line - boom - your female friend talks to a guy who is with 2 friends and you meet new people.

Its like a snowball - it gets bigger, bigger and bigger

Some other tips:
- you can start out with your old friends. I knew the fraternity guy since 2016, but my life started in 2020.. wastes so many years. if you are not shy ask old friends if they want to hang out
- dont tell your secrets. Most people will tell everything they've been told
- dont get drunk/preferably dont drink at all/dont start dramas/ if anyone is toxic - kick them out from the social circle
- force yourself not to be shy, dont overthink what people think about you - many times I thought someone doesnt like me and then it turned out they did. I understand it might be hard to invite people to FB friends or start following on insta but its actually simpler that I thought. Sometimes stacies dont know their life value and they end up with social guys
- what can you do with people? Play football - meet males, pool, nightlife, home parties, hiking, car trips

Now, I know it not that super simple to go from shy nerd to some-kind of NT - but belive me its worth it. Im not shy anymore, I wish, I fcking wish I did it much qicker
Start your social circle know

I'm quite chaotic, English is not my language, if you have any questions - ask

Some people say just be gl and find friends

I will Tell only the 1 tHing
My 172 cm friend fucked 187 stacy face female. My 180 cm friend got blowjob
My online lead generating friends are not even chsdlites
Last edited:
  • +1
Reactions: nathan, mogstar, AlexAP and 25 others
are u still incel
So you used dating apps to make friends?

basically, just be good looking theory. Wow great content
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 2816, fjor2096, Deleted member 14543 and 8 others
So you used dating apps to make friends?

basically, just be good looking theory. Wow great content
I've never used tinder personally, only my male + female friends
I bet you that 99% of people here could build good-looking social circle through simply generation avg/ugly leads of people
who will bring their friends
  • +1
Reactions: Yerico7 and OOGABOOGA
i have a friend with a dorm who does something similiar, legit thread
  • +1
Reactions: OOGABOOGA
invite strangers to your house for a party

high iq thread
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: zeshama, Deleted member 761, Yerico7 and 3 others
What do I do if I have a subhuman follower count on ig, everytime I've added someone they've commented on it, I can get around this problem with snapchat by score boosting very easily but for instagram all I can think of is buying followers
Didn’t Rea
I feel after the holidays nostalgia (spent a few days with friends), some kind of loneliness, believe there are some people who are also lonely and feel like shit so
decided I wont be Jewish and I will share as much as I can in terms of sociallife maxxing. Maybe someone's life gonna change

First of all, why the f should you listen to me?>

I went from taking aspie selfies, doing sports alone, never been to club to being invited to home parties/trips etc

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1. How I did it?
I met a guy who was in the student organization and he knew some people who started inviting me to the house parties. But this is not mandatory. He (+his friends) are recruiting (mostly women) from Tinder and invite them to social activities.
they are insanely average looking, not rich
I personally make $150 euros a month in EE

2. How you can do it? (basically the tl:dr)
The simple system goes with:
>recruiting women from tinder/badoo/facebook groups/ social groups etc to either
a) your house/rented room and throwing a party (people who are in the social group should also throw parties and bring their friends there)
b) inviting them to social events *like playing pool in a bar (perfectly if it would a "closed space" - it gives the party vibe)*

Would be good if you knew any people (even male friends) to invite them to the party/event. It looks natural then. Lets say you invited like 3 girls from tinder, would be good if there would be at least 2 more males

Tinder/Badoo -> facebook/insta -> party invitation/event invitation -> trusted person -> added to facebook/whatsapp whatever group -> brings new people -> repeat

How to invite/tindermax

You might have seen many negative comments about online game but its not that bad if you have the good attitude
attitude? - looks of the girl are secondary, the key is she is pretty non-primivite (if you care) why? Because the female friends <or male> she will bring matters
and getting better-looking girl through the social circle is much easier

Start simple/non-aspie,non frauded tinder account
You can say "I'm looking for friends/someone to hangout" - go with simple convo and ask if she/he wants to meet up. If she does, meet up either straight to the house party/or go to the pub/walk. Be normal - yourself, dont try pua.
Sometimes you might have to go with the "date" route aka you give the hope to the femoid you are gonna be her boyfriend, but at the and you friendzone her and you start the friends relation - aka meeting each other regularly and her/him bringing new people

bbbbut I'm ugly - softmaxes that helped me the most: bfmaxxing, stubblemaxxing with minox/genetics/getting longer haircut,self-tanner (if u are white), biting cheeks,squinching, better style <darker clothes>, height increasing shoes

Facebook/Whatsapp/whatever in your country group
you should the this type of "social group": when you will invite people to parties/trips/events etc
you should be the only moderator of the group and have the most control. Invited only the people who meet with ou reguarly/bring new people

Should you also invite male friends?
It depends. Some of guys don't invite other guys. Imho you should mostly invite your old male friends + sometimes rich/influencial socially males who will
bring you girls/fun. I met a programmer who throws parties regularly and met like 10 new women thanks to him. You must get the experience and you will know
how to deal with it

What's the end-goal/it rolls on it own
Lets say you have the facebook group of 10 people. Now, you meet them regularly - lets say - Wednesday you go playing pool, friday/saturday - you throw a party/you go the the club/pub/drink in the public. The 10 people should bring new people/if they are trusted males - they will be bringing new tinder friends. Get
the relationship with these chicks, they will bring new people. At this moment - I know like 30-40 people I could meet this week, we could go out to the nightlifemax -
anyone who has been nightlifemaxxing knows, its super easy to meet new people there - its gonna be your next lead generation method - groups joins groups "boom" - you have next 5 leads. You are waiting in the club line - boom - your female friend talks to a guy who is with 2 friends and you meet new people.

Its like a snowball - it gets bigger, bigger and bigger

Some other tips:
- you can start out with your old friends. I knew the fraternity guy since 2016, but my life started in 2020.. wastes so many years. if you are not shy ask old friends if they want to hang out
- dont tell your secrets. Most people will tell everything they've been told
- dont get drunk/preferably dont drink at all/dont start dramas/ if anyone is toxic - kick them out from the social circle
- force yourself not to be shy, dont overthink what people think about you - many times I thought someone doesnt like me and then it turned out they did. I understand it might be hard to invite people to FB friends or start following on insta but its actually simpler that I thought. Sometimes stacies dont know their life value and they end up with social guys
- what can you do with people? Play football - meet males, pool, nightlife, home parties, hiking, car trips

Now, I know it not that super simple to go from shy nerd to some-kind of NT - but belive me its worth it. Im not shy anymore, I wish, I fcking wish I did it much qicker
Start your social circle know

I'm quite chaotic, English is not my language, if you have any questions - ask

Some people say just be gl and find friends

I will Tell only the 1 tHing
My 172 cm friend fucked 187 stacy face female. My 180 cm friend got blowjob
My online lead generating friends are not even chsdl

didn’t read yet, but this thread deserves to be on best of best. Good job bro :feelsyay:
  • +1
Reactions: Chico Chicowski
True how if you capitalize and don’t fuck up it snowballs. I’ve been very anti social due to my sleep but I remember when I was in college I went to a couple of parties and it was very easy to make “friends” when you’re drunk and grow that social network. Having social media is very important and costed me a lot. I was the weirdo who, when I met someone new and had a good convo, and to explain that I didn’t use social media. Ta da, now the person they thought was pretty cool is actually a weirdo and you’ve missed out on a connection. Developing a social network should be a very deliberate effort, and that’s a lesson much of our generation was never taught.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8765, Yerico7 and Danish_Retard
Which self tanner do you use?
True how if you capitalize and don’t fuck up it snowballs. I’ve been very anti social due to my sleep but I remember when I was in college I went to a couple of parties and it was very easy to make “friends” when you’re drunk and grow that social network. Having social media is very important and costed me a lot. I was the weirdo who, when I met someone new and had a good convo, and to explain that I didn’t use social media. Ta da, now the person they thought was pretty cool is actually a weirdo and you’ve missed out on a connection. Developing a social network should be a very deliberate effort, and that’s a lesson much of our generation was never taught.
What do you post on social media?
Which self tanner do you use?

What do you post on social media?
I don’t have social media. It fucked me over. I’m planning to make an ig to reconnect with hs mfs soon
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8765 and Yerico7
I don’t have social media. It fucked me over. I’m planning to make an ig to reconnect with hs mfs soon
Good luck when you have 0 followers. I can't even connect with my old high school friends. I look like a completely different person after hardmaxxing. My old friends are still incels last time I checked their accounts so they will be jealous of me and try to fuck me over.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8765
Good luck when you have 0 followers. I can't even connect with my old high school friends. I look like a completely different person after hardmaxxing. My old friends are still incels last time I checked their accounts so they will be jealous of me and try to fuck me over.
I was a popular athlete, drug dealer, partier in hs. Just fell of the map due to health issues. A year or two ago I made a Facebook for some online business group and spammed people from hs and had 200 friends in a day, all genuine acquaintances. And could definitely find more on ig
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 8765
What do I do if I have a subhuman follower count on ig, everytime I've added someone they've commented on it, I can get around this problem with snapchat by score boosting very easily but for instagram all I can think of is buying followers
I would fraud, but honestly I dont have Insta account
Maybe you have met only primitive people
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 761
Attend for Salsa Class also help to get girlfriends into your social circle
I feel after the holidays nostalgia (spent a few days with friends), some kind of loneliness, believe there are some people who are also lonely and feel like shit so
decided I wont be Jewish and I will share as much as I can in terms of sociallife maxxing. Maybe someone's life gonna change

First of all, why the f should you listen to me?>

I went from taking aspie selfies, doing sports alone, never been to club to being invited to home parties/trips etc

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1. How I did it?
I met a guy who was in the student organization and he knew some people who started inviting me to the house parties. But this is not mandatory. He (+his friends) are recruiting (mostly women) from Tinder and invite them to social activities.
they are insanely average looking, not rich
I personally make $150 euros a month in EE

2. How you can do it? (basically the tl:dr)
The simple system goes with:
>recruiting women from tinder/badoo/facebook groups/ social groups etc to either
a) your house/rented room and throwing a party (people who are in the social group should also throw parties and bring their friends there)
b) inviting them to social events *like playing pool in a bar (perfectly if it would a "closed space" - it gives the party vibe)*

Would be good if you knew any people (even male friends) to invite them to the party/event. It looks natural then. Lets say you invited like 3 girls from tinder, would be good if there would be at least 2 more males

Tinder/Badoo -> facebook/insta -> party invitation/event invitation -> trusted person -> added to facebook/whatsapp whatever group -> brings new people -> repeat

How to invite/tindermax

You might have seen many negative comments about online game but its not that bad if you have the good attitude
attitude? - looks of the girl are secondary, the key is she is pretty non-primivite (if you care) why? Because the female friends <or male> she will bring matters
and getting better-looking girl through the social circle is much easier

Start simple/non-aspie,non frauded tinder account
You can say "I'm looking for friends/someone to hangout" - go with simple convo and ask if she/he wants to meet up. If she does, meet up either straight to the house party/or go to the pub/walk. Be normal - yourself, dont try pua.
Sometimes you might have to go with the "date" route aka you give the hope to the femoid you are gonna be her boyfriend, but at the and you friendzone her and you start the friends relation - aka meeting each other regularly and her/him bringing new people

bbbbut I'm ugly - softmaxes that helped me the most: bfmaxxing, stubblemaxxing with minox/genetics/getting longer haircut,self-tanner (if u are white), biting cheeks,squinching, better style <darker clothes>, height increasing shoes

Facebook/Whatsapp/whatever in your country group
you should the this type of "social group": when you will invite people to parties/trips/events etc
you should be the only moderator of the group and have the most control. Invited only the people who meet with ou reguarly/bring new people

Should you also invite male friends?
It depends. Some of guys don't invite other guys. Imho you should mostly invite your old male friends + sometimes rich/influencial socially males who will
bring you girls/fun. I met a programmer who throws parties regularly and met like 10 new women thanks to him. You must get the experience and you will know
how to deal with it

What's the end-goal/it rolls on it own
Lets say you have the facebook group of 10 people. Now, you meet them regularly - lets say - Wednesday you go playing pool, friday/saturday - you throw a party/you go the the club/pub/drink in the public. The 10 people should bring new people/if they are trusted males - they will be bringing new tinder friends. Get
the relationship with these chicks, they will bring new people. At this moment - I know like 30-40 people I could meet this week, we could go out to the nightlifemax -
anyone who has been nightlifemaxxing knows, its super easy to meet new people there - its gonna be your next lead generation method - groups joins groups "boom" - you have next 5 leads. You are waiting in the club line - boom - your female friend talks to a guy who is with 2 friends and you meet new people.

Its like a snowball - it gets bigger, bigger and bigger

Some other tips:
- you can start out with your old friends. I knew the fraternity guy since 2016, but my life started in 2020.. wastes so many years. if you are not shy ask old friends if they want to hang out
- dont tell your secrets. Most people will tell everything they've been told
- dont get drunk/preferably dont drink at all/dont start dramas/ if anyone is toxic - kick them out from the social circle
- force yourself not to be shy, dont overthink what people think about you - many times I thought someone doesnt like me and then it turned out they did. I understand it might be hard to invite people to FB friends or start following on insta but its actually simpler that I thought. Sometimes stacies dont know their life value and they end up with social guys
- what can you do with people? Play football - meet males, pool, nightlife, home parties, hiking, car trips

Now, I know it not that super simple to go from shy nerd to some-kind of NT - but belive me its worth it. Im not shy anymore, I wish, I fcking wish I did it much qicker
Start your social circle know

I'm quite chaotic, English is not my language, if you have any questions - ask

Some people say just be gl and find friends

I will Tell only the 1 tHing
My 172 cm friend fucked 187 stacy face female. My 180 cm friend got blowjob
My online lead generating friends are not even chsdlites
good thread. need lowinhibmax asap.

btw is that you in the 3rd pic? you reminded me of opry ded srs:)
again, this shit works
tommorow -home party
wendseday - going to the restaurant with 4 or 5 friends
Thursday - meeting friends in a bar
sat/sun - probably clubbing/house party
its inane, I started living
  • Love it
Reactions: AlexAP, amorfati, Yerico7 and 1 other person
again, this shit works
tommorow -home party
wendseday - going to the restaurant with 4 or 5 friends
Thursday - meeting friends in a bar
sat/sun - probably clubbing/house party
its inane, I started living
ok Chad:y'all:
  • +1
Reactions: oldcelloser
Chad + above average wealth needed to run this game
he makes 150€ a month lol but yea need your own flat and look decent and be somewhat NT. or have a friend who has a flat. i will try this tbh, i guess the start is the hardest. problem is my social circle doesnt bring in new women. only some have a gf thats it. need to meet cool nt guys too
  • +1
Reactions: Chico Chicowski
he makes 150€ a month lol but yea need your own flat and look decent and be somewhat NT. or have a friend who has a flat. i will try this tbh, i guess the start is the hardest. problem is my social circle doesnt bring in new women. only some have a gf thats it. need to meet cool nt guys too
flat is very useful, but you could always organize social activities outside, like in a bar/pool etc.
If the circle is big and good enough, people will start to throw home parties
  • +1
Reactions: .👽.
again, this shit works
tommorow -home party
wendseday - going to the restaurant with 4 or 5 friends
Thursday - meeting friends in a bar
sat/sun - probably clubbing/house party
its inane, I started living
evrything happened till thursday, and friday,saturday are also booked
Dude do you live in the US?
Too many letters and effort

Rather stay alone
  • Hmm...
Reactions: The_God
in on Chad bragging thread
  • +1
Reactions: Danish_Retard
The amount of social filtering via Instagram is literally suicide inducing imagine being an autist posting pictures by yourself and everyone just looks at that and says JFL that retarded ugly fucking autist probably stays up all night playing pc games or some shit.

this is not life this is a scam
  • +1
Reactions: 123abc
1. How I did it?
I met a guy who was in the student organization and he knew some people who started inviting me to the house parties
If this is the first step won’t many fail here already? Because you were obv lucky to meet such a „popular“ guy who then invited you and basically introduced you.

The thread is good and all but I still don’t really understand how I can start all this. I’m going to university for the first semester in ca. 1.5 months.
Do you have tips how I can accomplish this what you explained here?
  • +1
Reactions: p0lishsubhuman and ifyouwannabemylover
If this is the first step won’t many fail here already? Because you were obv lucky to meet such a „popular“ guy who then invited you and basically introduced you.

The thread is good and all but I still don’t really understand how I can start all this. I’m going to university for the first semester in ca. 1.5 months.
Do you have tips how I can accomplish this what you explained here?
he started by himself, he is not popular because of gl or status but because of tinder recuritment
the recruitment and throwing parties/inviting for social events is important
One of the rare threads with good advice,good job op
he makes 150€ a month lol but yea need your own flat and look decent and be somewhat NT. or have a friend who has a flat. i will try this tbh, i guess the start is the hardest. problem is my social circle doesnt bring in new women. only some have a gf thats it. need to meet cool nt guys too
Hanging with couples, is not that great.
I notice. Especially couples with kids.
Often, they hang with other couples. And that's not fun, as a single person.
Can you afford the partying, on your income?

I recall it's quit expensive.
50 euro a night was easily spent.
I feel after the holidays nostalgia (spent a few days with friends), some kind of loneliness, believe there are some people who are also lonely and feel like shit so
decided I wont be Jewish and I will share as much as I can in terms of sociallife maxxing. Maybe someone's life gonna change

First of all, why the f should you listen to me?>

I went from taking aspie selfies, doing sports alone, never been to club to being invited to home parties/trips etc

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View attachment 1169321

1. How I did it?
I met a guy who was in the student organization and he knew some people who started inviting me to the house parties. But this is not mandatory. He (+his friends) are recruiting (mostly women) from Tinder and invite them to social activities.
they are insanely average looking, not rich
I personally make $150 euros a month in EE

2. How you can do it? (basically the tl:dr)
The simple system goes with:
>recruiting women from tinder/badoo/facebook groups/ social groups etc to either
a) your house/rented room and throwing a party (people who are in the social group should also throw parties and bring their friends there)
b) inviting them to social events *like playing pool in a bar (perfectly if it would a "closed space" - it gives the party vibe)*

Would be good if you knew any people (even male friends) to invite them to the party/event. It looks natural then. Lets say you invited like 3 girls from tinder, would be good if there would be at least 2 more males

Tinder/Badoo -> facebook/insta -> party invitation/event invitation -> trusted person -> added to facebook/whatsapp whatever group -> brings new people -> repeat

How to invite/tindermax

You might have seen many negative comments about online game but its not that bad if you have the good attitude
attitude? - looks of the girl are secondary, the key is she is pretty non-primivite (if you care) why? Because the female friends <or male> she will bring matters
and getting better-looking girl through the social circle is much easier

Start simple/non-aspie,non frauded tinder account
You can say "I'm looking for friends/someone to hangout" - go with simple convo and ask if she/he wants to meet up. If she does, meet up either straight to the house party/or go to the pub/walk. Be normal - yourself, dont try pua.
Sometimes you might have to go with the "date" route aka you give the hope to the femoid you are gonna be her boyfriend, but at the and you friendzone her and you start the friends relation - aka meeting each other regularly and her/him bringing new people

bbbbut I'm ugly - softmaxes that helped me the most: bfmaxxing, stubblemaxxing with minox/genetics/getting longer haircut,self-tanner (if u are white), biting cheeks,squinching, better style <darker clothes>, height increasing shoes

Facebook/Whatsapp/whatever in your country group
you should the this type of "social group": when you will invite people to parties/trips/events etc
you should be the only moderator of the group and have the most control. Invited only the people who meet with ou reguarly/bring new people

Should you also invite male friends?
It depends. Some of guys don't invite other guys. Imho you should mostly invite your old male friends + sometimes rich/influencial socially males who will
bring you girls/fun. I met a programmer who throws parties regularly and met like 10 new women thanks to him. You must get the experience and you will know
how to deal with it

What's the end-goal/it rolls on it own
Lets say you have the facebook group of 10 people. Now, you meet them regularly - lets say - Wednesday you go playing pool, friday/saturday - you throw a party/you go the the club/pub/drink in the public. The 10 people should bring new people/if they are trusted males - they will be bringing new tinder friends. Get
the relationship with these chicks, they will bring new people. At this moment - I know like 30-40 people I could meet this week, we could go out to the nightlifemax -
anyone who has been nightlifemaxxing knows, its super easy to meet new people there - its gonna be your next lead generation method - groups joins groups "boom" - you have next 5 leads. You are waiting in the club line - boom - your female friend talks to a guy who is with 2 friends and you meet new people.

Its like a snowball - it gets bigger, bigger and bigger

Some other tips:
- you can start out with your old friends. I knew the fraternity guy since 2016, but my life started in 2020.. wastes so many years. if you are not shy ask old friends if they want to hang out
- dont tell your secrets. Most people will tell everything they've been told
- dont get drunk/preferably dont drink at all/dont start dramas/ if anyone is toxic - kick them out from the social circle
- force yourself not to be shy, dont overthink what people think about you - many times I thought someone doesnt like me and then it turned out they did. I understand it might be hard to invite people to FB friends or start following on insta but its actually simpler that I thought. Sometimes stacies dont know their life value and they end up with social guys
- what can you do with people? Play football - meet males, pool, nightlife, home parties, hiking, car trips

Now, I know it not that super simple to go from shy nerd to some-kind of NT - but belive me its worth it. Im not shy anymore, I wish, I fcking wish I did it much qicker
Start your social circle know

I'm quite chaotic, English is not my language, if you have any questions - ask

Some people say just be gl and find friends

I will Tell only the 1 tHing
My 172 cm friend fucked 187 stacy face female. My 180 cm friend got blowjob
My online lead generating friends are not even chsdlites
true, social circle game mogs when inviting girls to go out, my friend had a stacy girlfriend because of social circle, and fucked one htb becky. but im too fucking lazy to invite girls to hangout with my friends or party.
Seems too much effort for me, instead i invite them for coffe and bang after the first coffe date/2nd date (1-2 hours face time with little time and money spend) while you have to hangout with them whole night without knowing is you gonnabang or what etc.

my fucking country is "oldschool" so people like to meet their lts through social circle.
you can get higher quality through social but it takes more time spend and effort. Works if you are younger and in social circle of 18-23, harder to work if you are oldcel like me(it does but it involves way more money spend than what i do.)

Good on you tho.
if you made all these „friends“ then why are you feeling lonely rn? Ah because it‘s all fake social life with fake people, you‘re a clown and partying is for subhumans
if you made all these „friends“ then why are you feeling lonely rn? Ah because it‘s all fake social life with fake people, you‘re a clown and partying is for subhumans
I feel after the holidays nostalgia (spent a few days with friends)
Great thread. Just invite people theory, I have a flat so I may try it.

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