Socialism is the way to go. NO MORE JEWPITALISM! đź‘Ť



Too high IQ to post here or waste any time anymore
Jan 5, 2025
Crapitalism has run its course in U.S.A.

1% of people control 90% of the wealth.

The Jewish Party has been the biggest enforcer of capitalism in the West.

United States was inherently more socialist until the 1900s (Jews).

We can't have fucks like Elon Musk having half a trillion while 80% of people never reach 1 million.

Jewpitlism & the Jewish Party have poisoned your brains as to what political system is optimal.

They want you dumbfucks thinking "hard work, equity, create value" when they have endless resources and privileges while you work your whole life dodging red tape and operating within hard lines of corporatism and legal doctrines against you (look it up -- Jews also made up many laws that benefited themselves & fucked you at the same time).

The system is RIGGED against you. You did not get pulled out of the cracks so you likely are forever the little playing pawn in the game. You are not going to join the ranks of the elite. You will forever be in the worker/slave class.

But you will own nothing and be happy.

This is the work of Jewish Party capitalism & NOTHING ELSE.

This is the work of the Jews in the early 1900s and the resulting system today. 

Enforcing a system where you support 0.005% of elites having near total market control & access while you wageslave your whole life to barely pay rent and never own any roof over your head is the biggest form of selfcucking. It is time to WAKE THE FUCK UP & realize we've all been had by the Jewish Party.

They made the laws that work in their favor while also working against you.

They made the social structures that benefit them and not you.

They made the specifics benefit them and not you.
You won't ever get too far up anywhere unless THEY want/allow you to.

So you forever are always in the class they allow you to be in most of the time.

Only with controlled or regulated access can you ever "climb the ladder" much.

And anything you do have or can get, they control the specifics as to how that works (taxes, laws, zoning, loaning, qualifications, etc.)

No "hard work" particularly gets around any of this exactly.

So it isn't about depth of effort it's particularity of value/implementation & your role in a system.
And so is why you're fucked & bound by everything THEY want you to be -- you are not FREE.

We need socio-capitalism or anarcho-capitalism/socialism, no longer Jewish Party capitalism.
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Reactions: Megfish21, idkwhattoputhere and Bitchwhipper2
Im starting to agree with this sentiment more and more tbh.

Conservacucks being cringelords isnt helping their case either
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Reactions: TalesFromTheSlums and valentine
Im starting to agree with this sentiment more and more tbh.

Conservacucks being cringelords isnt helping their case either

At first it seemed wrong to me too, I agree.

U.S.A. is brainwashed in to thinking "muh Capitalism is masculine."

"If you're a commie then you're a weak faggot."

Well people should prefer being a "weak faggot" trying to do great & dismantle fucked up shit than a worker class "strong retard" used & bound by chains & lies forever. Plus Che Guevara was communist & was considered a GigaChad.

Reality is if it's "masculine" to be poor & disadvantaged while a small few run the show, then that's BEING DECEIVED.

You ARE NOT THE ELITES RUNNING THE SHOW, so you are not "masculine" by supporting the drastic variance.

If socialism aims to make everything more better for everyone, then Jewish Party capitalism is a carefully implemented system meant to create classism more strongly -- such as extreme wealth gaps in which NO OTHER COUNTRY in the world compares with as far as inequality (such as in the U.S.).

Can't tell me being in the largest disadvantaged class means one "more masculine."

It makes you more of a loser because you ACCEPT this discrepancy without question.

You work hard everyday and never move forward, only stay still (economically).

Meanwhile the corporate Jewlords make record profits year after year.
And the people running their businesses make below living fucking wage working 40 hours a goddamn week.

How is this in any way a good or fair or stable system?

If you accept this & think your play in the game is as fair as anyone elses, you're exactly what the Jewish Party wants -- delusional little ants on the bottom scraping by to work while they become richer (corporations) and you barely survive.
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Reactions: Bitchwhipper2
At first it seemed wrong to me too, I agree.

U.S.A. is brainwashed in to thinking "muh Capitalism is masculine."

Reality is if it's "masculine" to be poor & disadvantaged while a small few run the show, then that's BEING DECEIVED.

You ARE NOT THE ELITES RUNNING THE SHOW, so you are not "masculine" by supporting the drastic variance.

If socialism aims to make everything more better for everyone, then Jewish Party capitalism is a carefully implemented system meant to create classism more strongly -- such as extreme wealth gaps in which NO OTHER COUNTRY in the world compares with as far as inequality (such as in the U.S.).

Can't tell me being in the largest disadvantaged class means one "more masculine."

It makes you more of a loser because you ACCEPT this discrepancy without question.

You work hard everyday and never move forward, only stay still (economically).

Meanwhile the corporate Jewlords make record profits year after year.
And the people running their businesses make below living fucking wage working 40 hours a goddamn week.

How is this in any way a good or fair or stable system?

If you accept this & think your play in the game is as fair as anyone elses, you're exactly what the Jewish Party wants -- delusional little ants on the bottom scraping by to work while they become richer (corporations) and you barely survive.
Yea, the entire concept of "muh masculinity" is just a scam to trick insecure men in to doing shit thats bad for them.

Its not like forcing yourself in to soycieties constructed concepts of masculinity is going to add an inch to your femur bone and make your dick bigger (actual masculinity)
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Reactions: averagenormie and TalesFromTheSlums
b-b-b--b-b-b-b-but socialism is for sissy liberals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ever since i grew my first neuron at 15 ive been socialist
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