Socializing has no appeal.



Nobody is safe from me.
Feb 3, 2022
I just don't see the point. Niggas are boring as fuck and I'd rather just live alone with my own thoughts.

Only people on seem like chill people. IRL everyone is a boring NPC.

over. I wish we had our own country or sum shit. Incelistan.
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  • JFL
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Literally always the guy cracking jokes and telling cool stories (I am a really good story-teller), always have to be life of the party.

Cuz everyone else boring asf.
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DC4357A6 F2F5 4A16 8002 354B85D6310D
  • JFL
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  • WTF
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Hanging out with "friends" was the biggest waste of time in my life

Most of them were assholes, trying to bring me down

You only need money + virgin wife + family members
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  • JFL
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You think I and everyone else here are better than real people??
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no , loneliness is scary and sad
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Hanging out with "friends" was the biggest waste of time in my life

Most of them were assholes, trying to bring me down

You only need money + virgin wife + family members
My 'friends' don't bring me down, because I already use a lot of self-deprecating humor in my storytelling and conversations.

I guess this is part of the reason why guys like hanging out with me (I jestermaxx and pose no threat), but girls hate it.

But I agree with you, human socializing is a waste of time and effort.
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  • JFL
Reactions: aleksander, StuntmanMike and Sprinkles
You think I and everyone else here are better than real people??
Not everyone, but I would vibe better with the average person here than the average person IRL. Way better.
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no , loneliness is scary and sad
I sometimes feel out of touch with myself, with my own emotions, that is the only scary part in my life.

I have almost no real urge to socialize anymore. I only do it to seem NT lol, wtf.

Socializing because it is a NT activity, not because I care. over for me.
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Reactions: aleksander and BrahminBoss
I’m not happy alone or with people
Over for my demented brain
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Reactions: aleksander, BrahminBoss and MoggerGaston
i've found some good friends but you're right most people are npc's and boring as fuck
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Reactions: aleksander, try2beme, socialcel and 1 other person
I’m not happy alone or with people
Over for my demented brain
I feel completely blank, neutral, most of the time. With emotional lows, mostly of low-energy/lethargy, or anger/anxiety.

I am only happy on drugs/alcohol. You are not alone.

But I am not addicted tbh. Haven't used drugs for 24 days now, and no alcohol for 4 days.
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Reactions: BrahminBoss and apocalypse
I just don't see the point. Niggas are boring as fuck and I'd rather just live alone with my own thoughts.

Only people on seem like chill people. IRL everyone is a boring NPC.

over. I wish we had our own country or sum shit. Incelistan.
Very likely because you grew up ugly
I’m the same
I can be NT and even likeable, but I spent the bulk my teenage years ugly, foreign and socially isolated
So my development was way different and I couldn’t relate to normies
= convos with most are boring
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Reactions: aleksander, Marsik, BrahminBoss and 2 others
Very likely because you grew up ugly
I’m the same
I can be NT and even likeable, but I spent the bulk my teenage years ugly, foreign and socially isolated
So my development was way different and I couldn’t relate to normies
= convos with most are boring
yup very relatable. Growing up ugly stunts your development.

Now with my normie looks and jestermaxxed personality from being ugly in my youth, I can be really likeable (not to women though).

But, I don't find it enjoyable. So I avoid socializing all together JFL.

Can't win as an incel.
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I sometimes feel out of touch with myself, with my own emotions, that is the only scary part in my life.

I have almost no real urge to socialize anymore. I only do it to seem NT lol, wtf.

Socializing because it is a NT activity, not because I care. over for me.
yes its not fun but not having a gf is way more unfun
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
yes its not fun but not having a gf is way more unfun
having a gf is a balance between stress/pressure/judgement/abuse, and the joys of sex/cuddling/social appreciation/status.

It's a very delicate balance that can easily swing the wrong way, seemingly out of nowhere, making the relationship a net-negative.
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Reactions: bloomercel and Tai Lung
Most guys only care about pussy chasing
Gets kind of boring to listen to their stories
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Reactions: Debetro, copemaxxeer, socialcel and 1 other person
a good friend is so rare i dont even believe i will have new one ever again
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Reactions: bloomercel and MoggerGaston
I’m always the quiet guy
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Reactions: bloomercel and MoggerGaston
but do you enjoy it


I don’t like being the quiet/observer type in social groups and so I pretty much stay isolated, which unironically was always more enjoyable.

im a natural loner tbh.
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I don’t like being the quiet/observer type in social groups and so I pretty much stay isolated, which unironically was always more enjoyable.

im a natural loner tbh.
I used to be friends with a lot of quiet/observer types in middle school and high-school, but they would be way more extroverted while playing videogames with skype/discord or hanging out with just friends without larger social context.

So idk about the natural loner thing.

In any case it sucks hard and just like you, I avoid most social interaction now. Because there's nothing to gain honestly.
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Reactions: Marsik, socialcel and Sprinkles
I just don't see the point. Niggas are boring as fuck and I'd rather just live alone with my own thoughts.

Only people on seem like chill people. IRL everyone is a boring NPC.

over. I wish we had our own country or sum shit. Incelistan.
It's fun for me tbh, they are only npc because you don't get to know them, they can be dumb and still interesting

It's kind of annoying hearing normie problems as they are all so definitely easy to solve, or the path to solving it is painstaking obvious but they cope, always stupid shit

But I don't get lonely, so I don't really wanna try that hard rn anyway, it's a good place to be tbh

But I feel like you're lying to yourself if yoj really don't feel like socializing

How enjoyable would a country of loser virgins actually be? How much would you relate to these peoples minds and beliefs more than your shared subhumanity and social disgruntled past.

Normies are people that aren't completely held down by the way they look, whether they are wrong or not doesn't matter, they aren't bad for not getting it, and they can still be worth talking to
  • Woah
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Hanging out with "friends" was the biggest waste of time in my life

Most of them were assholes, trying to bring me down

You only need money + virgin wife + family members
I hung out with friends, homies, acquaintances and randos all the time... They just make you walk or go to a place, waste time, chat about dumb life shit and then bye bye, see you

I wish I had cool friends, the types that would do dumb shit or skate or do something funny or dangerous from time to time
I hung around with some of my high school friends back in the day and the most "exciting" thing we did was play some disk football and buy some weed from the slums of the city, then just sat on the pier not doing shit

Completely uninteresting, boring and useless people.
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Reactions: copemaxxeer, NewOneXY, MoggerGaston and 1 other person
i had one friend group before moving and they were actually interesting and shit, but I agree, like 99.9% of people are NPCs who probably aren’t even real people but bots or some shit. since moving all i do is ldar cause no real niggas here. Socializing is fun when the people are fun, which is very very rare.

.org country would be amazing tbh
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Reactions: HeightPilledum and MoggerGaston
i've found some good friends but you're right most people are npc's and boring as fuck
1-3 friends is enough
Everyone else is just a faggot whos point in socializing is tryna impress other niggas or a trifling psycho whore who will snake you
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Reactions: wsada
You retards act like interacting with normies is a waste of time

What do you spend your free time doing? Nothing could be more productive than further your social capacity.
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Reactions: Big White Cuck
You retards act like interacting with normies is a waste of time

What do you spend your free time doing? Nothing could be more productive than further your social capacity.
normies have literally nothing to offer

maybe if that person has some sort of talent, expertise, knowledge, that I need. Otherwise? Pretty fucking pointless.
normies have literally nothing to offer

maybe if that person has some sort of talent, expertise, knowledge, that I need. Otherwise? Pretty fucking pointless.
You're socially disgruntled and your mindset is singular, you're putting it on them, we both know it's on you, maybe your upbringing, not your fault, but YOU are the odd one out, you are not some super genius beyond them, you do not relate.

This mindset is deeply narcistic

i know you don't operate like a robot who seeks only productive and beneficial action because you have 18k posts and you're actively in unproductive argument with someone who has a differing opinion RIGHT NOW

You're too problematic to fit in so you pretend the "boring nt" normies are the issues, when you are the odd one out.

Wake up bro, not every person in real life is fucking boring, you gotta talk to people if you wanna get somewhere, I'm a super isolated yute but even I need a little something, my best friend died and my only other is moving, I'm no rush to make more friends because I genuinely lost the feeling of loneliness, it's completely escaped me. I don't need friends, at all, but I know I feel better with them.
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Reactions: MoggerGaston
You're socially disgruntled and your mindset is singular, you're putting it on them, we both know it's on you, maybe your upbringing, not your fault, but YOU are the odd one out, you are not some super genius beyond them, you do not relate.

This mindset is deeply narcistic

i know you don't operate like a robot who seeks only productive and beneficial action because you have 18k posts and you're actively in unproductive argument with someone who has a differing opinion RIGHT NOW

You're too problematic to fit in so you pretend the "boring nt" normies are the issues, when you are the odd one out.

Wake up bro, not every person in real life is fucking boring, you gotta talk to people if you wanna get somewhere, I'm a super isolated yute but even I need a little something, my best friend died and my only other is moving, I'm no rush to make more friends because I genuinely lost the feeling of loneliness, it's completely escaped me. I don't need friends, at all, but I know I feel better with them.
I am the odd one out in a sick society. I take pride in that.

It's not me who is wrong, but everyone else.

But for the rest you are right.
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be the change you want to see in the world
I will colonize Antarctica and create Incelistan there.

1 nuclear reactor and we have enough energy to make it a liveable place
I will colonize Antarctica and create Incelistan there.

1 nuclear reactor and we have enough energy to make it a liveable place
that place is too depressing and barren. we need to be happy not increase and bathe in misery
  • Hmm...
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I hung out with friends, homies, acquaintances and randos all the time... They just make you walk or go to a place, waste time, chat about dumb life shit and then bye bye, see you

I wish I had cool friends, the types that would do dumb shit or skate or do something funny or dangerous from time to time
I hung around with some of my high school friends back in the day and the most "exciting" thing we did was play some disk football and buy some weed from the slums of the city, then just sat on the pier not doing shit

Completely uninteresting, boring and useless people.

In my teens I even prefered being home alone and play videogames

With "friends" I only wasted time
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston and HeightPilledum
You retards act like interacting with normies is a waste of time

What do you spend your free time doing? Nothing could be more productive than further your social capacity.

What you really need in life is a gamer HTB that is happy with you, as a male you have basically won life at that point
What you really need in life is a gamer HTB that is happy with you, as a male you have basically won life at that point
these people are too far gone, they are bluepilled to the point of no return. muh NT, muh personality,

or as @Gaygymmaxx calls it: 'further your social capacity' :lul::lul:

nigga has no clue how the real world works. 'If only I made this joke instead of that one, she would've liked me' type nigga
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