Socializing is not for the weak (Story)



Mar 15, 2023
Decided to go out with some guy I know to smoke just me and him. Turns out another 6 guys I know from school turned up uninvited. Me and this guy where in no mood to go out as we just wanted to smoke and walk about.

we arrive at some guys house and it turns all the foids in this group who hate me are here. (Long story but the guy who's house we where at did something and blamed me so he could remain friends with the foids) as I walk in they all stare at me for like 5 mins. Every time I looked up to speak these foids wouldn't stop looking at me.

I was sat there Like a complete aspie. I was so high I did not understand anything, all the conversations where about things I had no idea about. No matter what I did I was just ignored. Anytime someone directed themselves at me it was to make me the butt of a joke to impress the foids, over the next hour these guys where all trying to make fun of me to impress the foids. It was so cancer. All these 7 guys fighting over 4 mtb roasties. Awful. When they all left they did not even say bye to me.

Never going out again.
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Jestermaxxers and bitter roasties... brutal combination
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Turns out another 6 guys I know from school turned up uninvited
I would have left

Yesterday I saw a hilarious situation, on one side piles of 15-20 year olds, predominantly female mtb+, on the other side 25 year olds+, a dozen males around two three female ltb
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I have never socialized and probably never will. It always seems like a negative interaction, like something you have to put up with and endure rather than something that benefits you. I guess if I was looking for a fight, then I would socialize.
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I have never socialized and probably never will. It always seems like a negative interaction, like something you have to put up with and endure rather than something that benefits you. I guess if I was looking for a fight, then I would socialize
If I was not high out of my mind I would have probably been pissed off. an hour of putting up with completes retards. Not one good interaction all night.
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I would have left

Yesterday I saw a hilarious situation, on one side piles of 15-20 year olds, predominantly female mtb+, on the other side 25 year olds+, a dozen males around two three female ltb
Pretty much the situation I was in.

When you go out you realize how crazy hypergamy is. Everyone wants to impress the foids but she only realy cares about the chads of the group and vice versa.
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This is why I do not go outside because I can't handle the humilation ritual of normies
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Pretty much the situation I was in.

When you go out you realize how crazy hypergamy is. Everyone wants to impress the foids but she only realy cares about the chads of the group and vice versa.
I had actually seen normies/subhumans with the girls mentioned, but in the other context it was as you say
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: JefeM0g and Nick.Harte
This is why I do not go outside because I can't handle the humilation ritual of normies
Normies are the worse to be around, its like they can sense any amount of not-NT behaviour
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Reactions: Darkeningstar and Nick.Harte
Normies are the worse to be around, its like they can sense any amount of not-NT behaviour
Worse thing is that they'll act nice to your face and then talk shit behind your back.
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Worse thing is that they'll act nice to your face and then talk shit behind your back.
Bro the entire group I was with are like this. If you are not the chads or the self proclaimed Stacy's of the group you are nothing but a bit of gossip.

The real friend group are the 4-5 best looking people in the group jfl.
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore, Nick.Harte and Darkeningstar
Bro the entire group I was with are like this. If you are not the chads or the self proclaimed Stacy's of the group you are nothing but a bit of gossip.

The real friend group are the 4-5 best looking people in the group jfl.
I was talking about this yesterday with an old friend of mine, it used to happen in the past when I was better looking than my friends, that I would unintentionally monopolise the discussion (also because of my own problems), and I was sorry to do it but the others would listen to my crap
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Bro the entire group I was with are like this. If you are not the chads or the self proclaimed Stacy's of the group you are nothing but a bit of gossip.

The real friend group are the 4-5 best looking people in the group jfl.
Yeah. Chads and Tyrones are very nice but the normies are cruel as fuck.
They've always called me by certain nicknames,and embarass me in front of foids.
iF YOU'RE subHTN, it's poitnless to socialize
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Reactions: JefeM0g
Yeah. Chads and Tyrones are very nice but the normies are cruel as fuck.
They've always called me by certain nicknames,and embarass me in front of foids.
iF YOU'RE subHTN, it's poitnless to socialize
The chads of the group are usually ok. more genuine compared to the jestermaxxing normies.

If your sub chadlite there is no point socializing tbh
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What’s ur looks level and race, it’s probably the reason why
What’s ur looks level and race, it’s probably the reason why
I mean im white and probably a weak mtn. Doesn't matter though because anything under chad is invisible.
I mean im white and probably a weak mtn. Doesn't matter though because anything under chad is invisible.
Idk bro chads don’t exist irl, you barely see em. Those aren’t your real friends if they make fun of you in front of bitches. Ur inhib is holding u back too
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