Mar 12, 2025
Hello, over the last 3 years of looksmaxxing I want to discuss the softmaxes that worked + anyone who has anything else good

Diet: Diet is a big and easy softmax, adopting your species appropiate diet (carnivore diet) is great for looksmaxxing as you can put on muscle and get lean effortlessly. I stick to raw animal foods like eggs, meat, dairy etc.

Tan: tan is good for health and looks, def increase smv as a white guy

Dying: Dying my hair blond and eyebrows darker (using acv and black henna dye) def was a easy softmax

Niche: I nichemaxxed to a surfer boy, blond hair tan skin with specific jewelry def helps with appeal

Gym: gym is cope imo, doesnt do shit for what girls care about, eat ur natural diet and your body will develope well

Height: I did hgh and didnt grow, i eventually found out how to grow taller, fixing posture, no joke everyone is 3 inches shorter than they should from cooked posture, some good reasources too look at the Gokhale method and Functional Patterns. Plus proper nutrition.

Jaw: The Myobrace A series is very helpful for developing your skull and proper oral habits along with mewing and fixing your posture. Chewing hard foods or mastic gum is good for fixing your jaw

Breathing: Proper breathing is a healthmax, not really a looksmax, but health is looks, so i bet it does help, making sure to noise breath and increasing c02 tolerance like buteyko breathing

Being healthy overall: like getting sun, grounding, being outside, eating well, journal, meditate etc, having good mental health

Hairmax: most people skulls are shit today from malnutrition so longer hair is way better on everyone, get a good haircut is def a easy softmax

Anyone else have any other good softmaxes that helped them, some things I never looked into was like penismaxxing or things like that
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girls of my college care a lot about gymboys
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do i even have to say it
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girls of my college care a lot about gymboys
do u want those girls tho, people who work out are less fertile and narcisists and usually sluts (both men and women) life isnt about slaying but building meaningful relationships
  • JFL
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just being healthy . sunning my ballsss
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I agree with all apart from 2 points. By posture max, you mean you gained 3 inch just by fixing posture and neck up tall or over time 3 inch increase?

Diet: Diet is a big and easy softmax, adopting your species appropiate diet (carnivore diet) is great for looksmaxxing as you can put on muscle and get lean effortlessly. I stick to raw animal foods like eggs, meat, dairy etc.
Carnivore is a meme. I had done it for a year or so. Low test and high cortisol
>Their research showed that the level of testosterone in men following the high-carbohydrate diet was higher when compared to men following the high-protein diet.

hunter gatherer tribes eat up to 20,000 calories worth of honey while they're hunting which is basically just raw processed sugar.

and average of 85% of their calories are literally just honey while they're out.

yet people think carbs are the devil.

The goal should be whole foods. Potatoes, meat, eggs, butter etc. Not cutting a whole macro out. I feel better on this, but if you feel good on carnivore by all means.

Gym: gym is cope imo, doesnt do shit for what girls care about, eat ur natural diet and your body will develope well
Not hard to spend 40 mins a day lifting weights to increase muscle mass, your not going to gain an amount of muscle that females find unattractive natty.
I agree with all apart from 2 points. By posture max, you mean you gained 3 inch just by fixing posture and neck up tall or over time 3 inch increase?

Carnivore is a meme. I had done it for a year or so. Low test and high cortisol
>Their research showed that the level of testosterone in men following the high-carbohydrate diet was higher when compared to men following the high-protein diet.

hunter gatherer tribes eat up to 20,000 calories worth of honey while they're hunting which is basically just raw processed sugar.

and average of 85% of their calories are literally just honey while they're out.

yet people think carbs are the devil.

The goal should be whole foods. Potatoes, meat, eggs, butter etc. Not cutting a whole macro out. I feel better on this, but if you feel good on carnivore by all means.

Not hard to spend 40 mins a day lifting weights to increase muscle mass, your not going to gain an amount of muscle that females find unattractive natty.
no offense but ur wrong about diet, using hunter gathers as a example isnt good, lookat what humans were for 100s of thousands of years, collagen tests in long bones show humans were insanely carniverous more so then lions, so while some tribes domesticated bees, just like humans did agricultural domestication which caused us to grow shorter and less intelligent doesnt disprove carnivore, people run into isuusess on carnivore i see because they dont consume enough iodine from seafood which fucks there thyroid

yeah most peoples postures are so cooked u can def get a increase by 2-3 inches, by optimally fixing your posture
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I agree with all apart from 2 points. By posture max, you mean you gained 3 inch just by fixing posture and neck up tall or over time 3 inch increase?

Carnivore is a meme. I had done it for a year or so. Low test and high cortisol
>Their research showed that the level of testosterone in men following the high-carbohydrate diet was higher when compared to men following the high-protein diet.

hunter gatherer tribes eat up to 20,000 calories worth of honey while they're hunting which is basically just raw processed sugar.

and average of 85% of their calories are literally just honey while they're out.

yet people think carbs are the devil.

The goal should be whole foods. Potatoes, meat, eggs, butter etc. Not cutting a whole macro out. I feel better on this, but if you feel good on carnivore by all means.

Not hard to spend 40 mins a day lifting weights to increase muscle mass, your not going to gain an amount of muscle that females find unattractive natty.
i like doing functional patterns functional movement instead of the gym
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no offense but ur wrong about diet, using hunter gathers as a example isnt good, lookat what humans were for 100s of thousands of years, collagen tests in long bones show humans were insanely carniverous more so then lions, so while some tribes domesticated bees, just like humans did agricultural domestication which caused us to grow shorter and less intelligent doesnt disprove carnivore, people run into isuusess on carnivore i see because they dont consume enough iodine from seafood which fucks there thyroid

yeah most peoples postures are so cooked u can def get a increase by 2-3 inches, by optimally fixing your posture
None taken, i’m open to learning from other peoples experiences etc. I didn’t eat see food on carnivore, so it could have made an impact, however on carnivore forums and reddit page say you don’t need it. Thing I don’t like about carnivore is that many act like vegans jfl and think it’s some holy gail diet where calories etc doesn’t matter. The idea IMO is right that 90% of your diet should realistically be red meat, eggs, butter (animal products in general) but from my research and experimenting I feel better with some carbs from whole foods especially because I do go to the gym. If your inactive then carnivore can make sense.

yeah most peoples postures are so cooked u can def get a increase by 2-3 inches, by optimally fixing your posture
Yeah, i’m talking is it like an instant 2- 3 inches by just not having a nerd neck etc or are you talking about certain stretches or something for posture max?
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  • +1
do u want those girls tho, people who work out are less fertile and narcisists and usually sluts (both men and women) life isnt about slaying but building meaningful relationships
Good luck finding that when you're young bro...
None taken, i’m open to learning from other peoples experiences etc. I didn’t eat see food on carnivore, so it could have made an impact, however on carnivore forums and reddit page say you don’t need it. Thing I don’t like about carnivore is that many act like vegans jfl and think it’s some holy gail diet where calories etc doesn’t matter. The idea IMO is right that 90% of your diet should realistically be red meat, eggs, butter (animal products in general) but from my research and experimenting I feel better with some carbs from whole foods especially because I do go to the gym. If your inactive then carnivore can make sense.

Yeah, i’m talking is it like an instant 2- 3 inches by just not having a nerd neck etc or are you talking about certain stretches or something for posture max?
fixing posture through fixing your skull like with the myobrace will make u taller many people grow taller from getting bimax as it fixes there skull, plus fixing imbalances like anterior pelvic tilt or bow legs helps with height
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