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After years of mediocre results with my current look, I've become more open to full-on prettyboy maxxing before I get too old. Watching Tails videos made me give up and finally go with the current trends, as cringe as they are. But first I wanted to see how many young guys actually go for the prettyboy tiktoker look irl to see if it would stand out as too cringe.
I was at a mall recently to try to upgrade my fashion, and so I paid attention to what other guys were wearing and how they styled their hair. Long story short, what I learned is this: If you don't have the face or physique, it looks tryhard and cringe af to have the tiktok broccoli hairstyle and jewelry like chains and earrings. I saw some chubby teens with that hairstyle and chains and laughed internally at how ridiculous they looked because of their 20% bf. Other guys lacked the jawline to pull it off.
It was another reminder that fashion is for chads and stacies. The rest of us just try to follow what they do, and comically fail while doing so.
To avoid embarrassment, I think people need to stay in their lane. They need to have clothes and hair appropriate for their looks level. If you're a sub 5, wear extremely boring, neutral clothes to try to just blend in with the background. If you're a normie, wear decent clothes but nothing flashy or tryhard. Guys who are 7+/10 can go for the slayer fuckboi aesthetic with the messy stylish fringes, bling, etc.
Why am I telling subhumans to never get up? To spare them from the ridicule of trying to be something they ain't.
Even blackpillers on this forum make the mistake of thinking that having stylish clothes will improve your smv, and then post pics of chads wearing the outfits. For instance, in this thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/a-guide-to-the-fashion-style-that-appeals-to-the-most-girls.1054383/, @geenger recommended fits shown in pics like this:
And said not to wear stuff like this:
And he seemingly failed to realize that the chad faces are haloing the clothes they're wearing, and the subhuman's face is failoing his clothes. I guarantee you that if you face-swapped the above images in photoshop, people would tell the subhuman that he gets no bitches because his clothes are too boring. Meanwhile the chads would suddenly have girls pretending to like Metallica as an excuse to talk to them.
To be fair, he said the goal of his thread was to appeal to as many girls as possible, and to not alienate any of them with clothes that are too niche. But my point is that if you cover up the faces in these pics and just focus on the clothes, the outfits look boring af. But if you see a chad wearing them, suddenly the pics are eye-catching and pleasing to look at. A sub 5 or normie wearing them is completely invisible.
(btw @geenger I mean no disrespect to you, and I actually found your thread useful for me. I just used it as an example to prove my point that only HTNs and up can use clothes to improve their smv. I'm interested to know what you think)
Here are some other fashion guides that keep showing pics of chads to prove how cool the clothes are (rolling my eyes rn):
Meanwhile in a guide specifically for normies: https://looksmax.org/threads/stylemaxxing-guide-for-normies.463120/
Some outfits feature chads, and some are like this abomination:
It doesn't matter what a normie like this wears. He's a normie. He's invisible unless he jestermaxes.
It gets worse for people as they get old and fat. E.g. when I was at the mall, it was full of subhuman boomers who were dressed up for some weekend shopping, and it was a display of how deep the fashion cope goes. If you're a balding, portly, wrinkly ass boomer thinking that buying a gold watch, or a nice jacket, or a new cologne is gonna make you popular with the single milfs over 40, you've reached levels of delusion I never thought possible.
Does this guy get any extra play just because he buys a nice watch? Hell nah. Lipstick on a pig.
It reminds me of something Tails said about this. It was something like: Does smelling nice increase your smv? Well, have you ever been around an old woman who wore perfume and thought to yourself "damn, I'm really attracted to this grandma now." ?
The same idea applies for other softmaxxes like clothes and jewelry.
TLDR: Cool clothes and accessories only work to get bitches if you're already good-looking to begin with. If you're not at least HTN after softmaxxing, it's probably a waste of money and effort since you're still invisible. Wearing chad's clothes without chad's facial features means people are laughing at you (if we're talking flashy, outrageous styles). If you like a particular outfit or hair style, then get it for yourself, but not with the hope that you'll get more ioi's.
@Lev Peshkov @Daqirius @enchanted_elixir
I was at a mall recently to try to upgrade my fashion, and so I paid attention to what other guys were wearing and how they styled their hair. Long story short, what I learned is this: If you don't have the face or physique, it looks tryhard and cringe af to have the tiktok broccoli hairstyle and jewelry like chains and earrings. I saw some chubby teens with that hairstyle and chains and laughed internally at how ridiculous they looked because of their 20% bf. Other guys lacked the jawline to pull it off.
It was another reminder that fashion is for chads and stacies. The rest of us just try to follow what they do, and comically fail while doing so.
To avoid embarrassment, I think people need to stay in their lane. They need to have clothes and hair appropriate for their looks level. If you're a sub 5, wear extremely boring, neutral clothes to try to just blend in with the background. If you're a normie, wear decent clothes but nothing flashy or tryhard. Guys who are 7+/10 can go for the slayer fuckboi aesthetic with the messy stylish fringes, bling, etc.
Why am I telling subhumans to never get up? To spare them from the ridicule of trying to be something they ain't.
Even blackpillers on this forum make the mistake of thinking that having stylish clothes will improve your smv, and then post pics of chads wearing the outfits. For instance, in this thread: https://looksmax.org/threads/a-guide-to-the-fashion-style-that-appeals-to-the-most-girls.1054383/, @geenger recommended fits shown in pics like this:

And said not to wear stuff like this:

And he seemingly failed to realize that the chad faces are haloing the clothes they're wearing, and the subhuman's face is failoing his clothes. I guarantee you that if you face-swapped the above images in photoshop, people would tell the subhuman that he gets no bitches because his clothes are too boring. Meanwhile the chads would suddenly have girls pretending to like Metallica as an excuse to talk to them.
To be fair, he said the goal of his thread was to appeal to as many girls as possible, and to not alienate any of them with clothes that are too niche. But my point is that if you cover up the faces in these pics and just focus on the clothes, the outfits look boring af. But if you see a chad wearing them, suddenly the pics are eye-catching and pleasing to look at. A sub 5 or normie wearing them is completely invisible.
(btw @geenger I mean no disrespect to you, and I actually found your thread useful for me. I just used it as an example to prove my point that only HTNs and up can use clothes to improve their smv. I'm interested to know what you think)
Here are some other fashion guides that keep showing pics of chads to prove how cool the clothes are (rolling my eyes rn):

Stylemaxxing Guide - For Dummies 101
Stylemaxxing - The MOST Underrated Looksmax (hurr durr idc didnt read) Let me put a story in your head. When you see some tiktok glow up video, you typically see: Gym, lean, hair, skin, and STYLE, but we all notice everything BUT style for some reason? Lets take a look at this young chap over...

Fashion Maxxing v2 (2024 update)
That’s all for 2024, if you incels have something to say debate me in the comments. This is the comprehensive guide to male dress code and for majority of purposes members of this forum will not have to look in depth regarding anything else. Thanks for reading and I hope this is more useful...
Meanwhile in a guide specifically for normies: https://looksmax.org/threads/stylemaxxing-guide-for-normies.463120/
Some outfits feature chads, and some are like this abomination:

It gets worse for people as they get old and fat. E.g. when I was at the mall, it was full of subhuman boomers who were dressed up for some weekend shopping, and it was a display of how deep the fashion cope goes. If you're a balding, portly, wrinkly ass boomer thinking that buying a gold watch, or a nice jacket, or a new cologne is gonna make you popular with the single milfs over 40, you've reached levels of delusion I never thought possible.

It reminds me of something Tails said about this. It was something like: Does smelling nice increase your smv? Well, have you ever been around an old woman who wore perfume and thought to yourself "damn, I'm really attracted to this grandma now." ?
The same idea applies for other softmaxxes like clothes and jewelry.
TLDR: Cool clothes and accessories only work to get bitches if you're already good-looking to begin with. If you're not at least HTN after softmaxxing, it's probably a waste of money and effort since you're still invisible. Wearing chad's clothes without chad's facial features means people are laughing at you (if we're talking flashy, outrageous styles). If you like a particular outfit or hair style, then get it for yourself, but not with the hope that you'll get more ioi's.
@Lev Peshkov @Daqirius @enchanted_elixir
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