Solipsism is flawed

Deleted member 3177

Deleted member 3177

Life just isn't hard enough
Sep 14, 2019
If everything is a projection of your mind, mind is all, how do you explain transsexuals and homosexuals as anything more than a subconscious suppression of homosexual and transsexual tendencies? Furthermore, how could you explain your own lack of success, personally and socially, as anything else than profound self-hate and an inferiority complex? Thus, you must attribute at least a definite amount of individuality to others, lest you accept that your mind is projecting your degenerate traits onto others, and onto the physical, manifested world
  • JFL
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Globohomo wins again
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You're torturing yourself bro jfl
That being said
If everything is a projection of your mind success is a construction, as are homosexual and transsexual tendencies. Since they are constructions and not objective experiences, as per the solipsistic paradigm, you would just assign arbitrary moral judgements to morally neutral pure mental constructions. Get what I mean? If solipsism is true then transsexualism isn't real, it isn't objective. Same for success. If you don't succeed it's not because your hate yourself, but because that's how your mental universe is built. Self-hatred wouldn't even be real anyway. You don't have transsexual tendencies, you have transsexualism as a mental construction in your mental universe.
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Reactions: EckhartTollemaxx and Deleted member 3177
You're torturing yourself bro jfl
That being said
If everything is a projection of your mind success is a construction, as are homosexual and transsexual tendencies. Since they are constructions and not objective experiences, as per the solipsistic paradigm, you would just assign arbitrary moral judgements to morally neutral pure mental constructions. Get what I mean? If solipsism is true then transsexualism isn't real, it isn't objective. Same for success. If you don't succeed it's not because your hate yourself, but because that's how your mental universe is built. Self-hatred wouldn't even be real anyway. You don't have transsexual tendencies, you have transsexualism as a mental construction in your mental universe.
Depends on the grade of isolationism a solipsistic subject experiences. If objects are constructions within the mind, with no relation whatsoever to the subject, and however are lent a certain amount of free will or identity within the manifested world, then hard solipsism collapses, as you accept that not all is mind, or, in that case, you don't actively control construction within the manifested world. Soft solipsism, like the simulation theory, would be a possibility if objects are lent this grade of free will, and may justify the existence of homos as part of the globohomo
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Reactions: Matheus
You're torturing yourself bro jfl
That being said
If everything is a projection of your mind success is a construction, as are homosexual and transsexual tendencies. Since they are constructions and not objective experiences, as per the solipsistic paradigm, you would just assign arbitrary moral judgements to morally neutral pure mental constructions. Get what I mean? If solipsism is true then transsexualism isn't real, it isn't objective. Same for success. If you don't succeed it's not because your hate yourself, but because that's how your mental universe is built. Self-hatred wouldn't even be real anyway. You don't have transsexual tendencies, you have transsexualism as a mental construction in your mental universe.
Now that I read this more thoroughly, I understand that what you say is true. I was overstating the importance of objects as projections of the mind, when in fact they are assigned moral judgement within the realm of the mind and are not subject to judgement from outside; thus, you yourself are attributing a value onto the object, irrespective of the mind itself. However, if you take that into account, what difference stands between solipsism and just accepting that everything outside the mind exists?
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Reactions: Matheus
Depends on the grade of isolationism a solipsistic subject experiences. If objects are constructions within the mind, with no relation whatsoever to the subject, and however are lent a certain amount of free will or identity within the manifested world, then hard solipsism collapses, as you accept that not all is mind, or, in that case, you don't actively control construction within the manifested world. Soft solipsism, like the simulation theory, would be a possibility if objects are lent this grade of free will, and may justify the existence of homos as part of the globohomo

Oh I thought you meant solipsism as a paradigm not as an isolated subject in an objective world. I didn't really say that objects have no relation to the subject, rather that the subject doesn't exist because the notion of self in hard solipsism is itself a construction of your mind-universe. Or maybe I don't have the right definition? Btw I don't see how not having full conscious control of the world would be against solipsism. It could be unconscious processes of the mind, and one could say (if assuming the notion of self is somewhat tangible) that you don't actually have found a way to alter the world you perceive as objective, eg alter the unconscious processes and representations.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
Now that I read this more thoroughly, I understand that what you say is true. I was overstating the importance of objects as projections of the mind, when in fact they are assigned moral judgement within the realm of the mind and are not subject to judgement from outside; thus, you yourself are attributing a value onto the object, irrespective of the mind itself. However, if you take that into account, what difference stands between solipsism and just accepting that everything outside the mind exists?

Yes that's what I meant. The difference IMO would be not in the perception (you perceive the world as objective either way) but in the underlying functioning, the core of this objectivity. Is it fake and simulated (solipsism) or is it truly objective (standard worldview)?
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Everything is a figment of your imagination
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Everything is a figment of your imagination
We ourselves are figments of the imagination of someone else, as is everything. We are given "free will" within the mind of another. Perhaps someday you will see the architect walking around the street, and he'll be an incel. And when he wakes up, all of us will disappear
If everything is a projection of your mind, mind is all, how do you explain transsexuals and homosexuals as anything more than a subconscious suppression of homosexual and transsexual tendencies? Furthermore, how could you explain your own lack of success, personally and socially, as anything else than profound self-hate and an inferiority complex? Thus, you must attribute at least a definite amount of individuality to others, lest you accept that your mind is projecting your degenerate traits onto others, and onto the physical, manifested world
all philosophy is annoying mental masturbation. The only real explanation is hard determinism. Everything you do is a result of genetics and environment programming.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3177
We ourselves are figments of the imagination of someone else, as is everything. We are given "free will" within the mind of another. Perhaps someday you will see the architect walking around the street, and he'll be an incel. And when he wakes up, all of us will disappear
Everything started when you were born, and everything is ending the day you die. There's no way of proving anything nor anyone's existence past the physical form. There's no way of ensuring the past nor the future. Your brain is the universe and shutting it down means terminating this dimension
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3177
If everything is a projection of your mind, mind is all, how do you explain transsexuals and homosexuals as anything more than a subconscious suppression of homosexual and transsexual tendencies? Furthermore, how could you explain your own lack of success, personally and socially, as anything else than profound self-hate and an inferiority complex? Thus, you must attribute at least a definite amount of individuality to others, lest you accept that your mind is projecting your degenerate traits onto others, and onto the physical, manifested world
solipsism is real and i’m the lead role motherfucker!!!
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3177
If everything is a projection of your mind, mind is all, how do you explain transsexuals and homosexuals as anything more than a subconscious suppression of homosexual and transsexual tendencies? Furthermore, how could you explain your own lack of success, personally and socially, as anything else than profound self-hate and an inferiority complex? Thus, you must attribute at least a definite amount of individuality to others, lest you accept that your mind is projecting your degenerate traits onto others, and onto the physical, manifested world
high IQ.Solipsism is huge cope.

Once you're blackpilled you see through every single bullshit this world has to offer.

How could you the only one that is existing when no one gives a single shit about you?

The blackpill debunks that world view.

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