Some days I just want to blast (T)

Deleted member 10551

Deleted member 10551

Nov 1, 2020
Is it worth it? I just want to make more progress and look big in clothes.

I’m already on TRT.
Is it worth it? I just want to make more progress and look big in clothes.

I’m already on TRT.

What dose are you on , and whats your goals with your new body.I'll be likely cycling Test as well once my Sarms cycle ends.
What dose are you on , and whats your goals with your new body.I'll be likely cycling Test as well once my Sarms cycle ends.
Currently on 100mg E3.5D. I’m cutting rn, but was thinking of doing a small blast after.
Currently on 100mg E3.5D. I’m cutting rn, but was thinking of doing a small blast after.

I heard 250 mg is the sweet spot for a BLAST. More then that has diminishing returns for non competitive bodybuilders. If your trying to get pussy TRT would probably work, but a lot of big bodybuilders are able to retain a lot of there mass even when they cycled a lot more roids since the myonuclei bank


Brief exposure to anabolic steroids may have long lasting, possibly permanent, performance-enhancing effects, shows a study published today [28 October] in The Journal of Physiology."

Therefore if your young and your hairloss isn't happening on TRT, then hopping on would work for that extra mass, and retain majority of it even on TRT. Hows your hair loss on TRT by the way.

Myself I'm taking Rad 140 20mg Every Other Day. Online claims it has a half life of 24 hours but I feel it far longer, 50-60 hours after each dose, so doing it every other day, and plan to stack it with LGD 4033 starting around Jan 1st for a 8 week blast with MK-677.
I don't plan to use Rad 140 again as it seems to cause some hair loss. Normally I lose 10-15 hairs a day, and Rad 140 its 40-50, so I'm using MK-677 now to promote hair growth and reduce the shedding while on cycle, and plan to switch to anabolic steroids around april after a 4-6 week pct
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Is it worth it? I just want to make more progress and look big in clothes.

I’m already on TRT.
ur on trt? from a clinic or self administered
how much do u take
I heard 250 mg is the sweet spot for a BLAST. More then that has diminishing returns for non competitive bodybuilders. If your trying to get pussy TRT would probably work, but a lot of big bodybuilders are able to retain a lot of there mass even when they cycled a lot more roids since the myonuclei bank


Brief exposure to anabolic steroids may have long lasting, possibly permanent, performance-enhancing effects, shows a study published today [28 October] in The Journal of Physiology."

Therefore if your young and your hairloss isn't happening on TRT, then hopping on would work for that extra mass, and retain majority of it even on TRT. Hows your hair loss on TRT by the way.

Myself I'm taking Rad 140 20mg Every Other Day. Online claims it has a half life of 24 hours but I feel it far longer, 50-60 hours after each dose, so doing it every other day, and plan to stack it with LGD 4033 starting around Jan 1st for a 8 week blast with MK-677.
I don't plan to use Rad 140 again as it seems to cause some hair loss. Normally I lose 10-15 hairs a day, and Rad 140 its 40-50, so I'm using MK-677 now to promote hair growth and reduce the shedding while on cycle, and plan to switch to anabolic steroids around april after a 4-6 week pct
Good to know, considering 100mg puts me on the high-end of the range.

I haven’t noticed any hair loss, and I’ve been on for 5 months. My hairline is naturally bad, though so it’s hard to tell. I naturally lose up to 20 hairs a day. I’ve been using Mk-677 and oral castor oil to help, and I’ve picked up some RU58841 and nizoral.
ur on trt? from a clinic or self administered
how much do u take
Self-administered. I’m on 100mg E3.5D. Split into 50mg E3.5D I should’ve said.
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Some days I wanna inject my balls w/ trenbolone
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Self-administered. I’m on 100mg E3.5D. Split into 50mg E3.5D I should’ve said.
What was the reason to hop on trt? Did you have diagnosed hypogonadism? How low where your t levels before trt?
Do you feel any benefits? Was it worth so far?
I am thinking about blasting t or starting trt everyday, but i am just to scared of all the risks and problems.
What was the reason to hop on trt? Did you have diagnosed hypogonadism? How low where your t levels before trt?
Do you feel any benefits? Was it worth so far?
I am thinking about blasting t or starting trt everyday, but i am just to scared of all the risks and problems.
I tested at 489ng/dL, but the clinic I went to did not test for any thing else (free T, estrodiol, etc.). I decided to just inject, because I was experiencing little to no libido, energy, and anxiety.

This was after making sure I was getting sufficient sleep, a well-balanced diet, adequate exercise, and supplements.

So far, It's well worth it. My libido is great, my confidence is better, and I have a bit too much energy at times, even after only getting 5 hours of sleep. I do sometimes get heart palpitations, but I've had those before and they are manageable.

It was irresponsible going on without further bloodwork, though.
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I tested at 489ng/dL, but the clinic I went to did not test for any thing else (free T, estrodiol, etc.). I decided to just inject, because I was experiencing little to no libido, energy, and anxiety.

This was after making sure I was getting sufficient sleep, a well-balanced diet, adequate exercise, and supplements.

So far, It's well worth it. My libido is great, my confidence is better, and I have a bit too much energy at times, even after only getting 5 hours of sleep. I do sometimes get heart palpitations, but I've had those before and they are manageable.

It was irresponsible going on without further bloodwork, though.
Damn thats a big coincidence 🧐 I have heart arrythmias since 10 years, and its literally my biggest fear of starting with trt or blasting.
I got my heart checked by a cardiologist, and he found nothing bad, but still it feels strange and i am scared of getting a heart attack when blasting. ive done a bit of reseach, and found out that that testosterone really increases risk of serious heart problems for guys with existing complaints

So your palpations are coming more frequent since trt? Have you tried taking beta blocker?
Damn thats a big coincidence 🧐 I have heart arrythmias since 10 years, and its literally my biggest fear of starting with trt or blasting.
I got my heart checked by a cardiologist, and he found nothing bad, but still it feels strange and i am scared of getting a heart attack when blasting. ive done a bit of reseach, and found out that that testosterone really increases risk of serious heart problems for guys with existing complaints

So your palpations are coming more frequent since trt? Have you tried taking beta blocker?
I haven't tried those since I don't think they are really causing me any issues. They do come and go. I can feel them all the way into my stomach at times. No pain, just mild discomfort/annoyance.

Zinc and Magnesium are maybe helping them, though.

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