Some ethnic sub-groups aren't designed to thrive at reproducing outside tight knit communal settings



Juggernaut Genes Possessor
Jul 12, 2019
There's been a lot of talk on the forum recently about the inceldom rates in Germany as well as talk about Low inhib, NT ethnics thriving in countries like Germany and Sweden in terms of dating white foids who dont extend the same leniency regarding lack of height or looks to their own men.

Having grown up in Ireland it was normal for interactions with groups of foids who were strangers to take place at social events, even when I was a sober aspie I had some foids try to interact with me.
Throughout my drinking career such culture remained in place particularly at concerts where foids were fine with being low inhib
When I went to my first festival in the Netherlands I felt invisible because no foid attempted to speak to me at any point and I didn't witness many people associate with others who were outside of their group. I was also shocked that Chadlites weren't being molested by girls they walked past like they would be at an Irish festival.
I partially put this down to me being an outsider and maybe Dutch speaking strangers were mingling with each other but I just couldn't recognize it.

This allowed me to recognize the difference in culture between Ireland and NL with an NL raised slav PSLer I met saying that you have no chance at cracking into a Dutch social circle unless you were part of their soccer club since 5 years old. Hyperbole for effect but you get the idea.

In my time in Belgium the thought of getting a GF seemed utterly impossible unless you were part of a social circle which I obviously wasn't.
On the few nights out I went on there, I seen one Chadlite across 5 nights with the rest being LTN-MTN yet the girls were so dull and standoffish when it came to me trying to interact with them. They stuck so hard to their own groups.
There were barely any foids on tinder there except ugly ones who obviously failed to get any interest from guys through social circle yet there were some Stacies visible during the daytime but next to no HTBs on tinder.

When you do see couples in Western Mainland europe it just looks so obvious that they met through social circle or school, particularly if the foid mogs the guy.
This leads me to believe that there is something in the nature of the Dutch/Belgians whereby they partner up through people they know for an extended amount of time in their social circle and the effectiveness of other matchmaking methods is giga bad by comparison.
You could say this is the most effective method everywhere which is likely the case since it allows sub Chadlites the best chance to get their foot in the door but in other populations, other methods can work when they can compensate for sub Chadlite looks with extraversion, NT and Low inhib.

Even though I'm well aware of Dutch Giga slayers via clubs and tinder, it did seem to be the case that casual sex like that was reserved for legit Chads and most decent looking guys did little to no slaying from clubs or from tinder.
I will assume this to be the same case in Germany and the Nordic countries as well and just pile them in together as Germanic peoples behavioural patterns even if things vary from country to country but correct me if Im wrong.

To contrast this with Ireland, while social circle game is of course giga effective here for getting a GF hence why I always struggled due to lack of NT and lack of social circle, there was always a large focus on match making and partnering up happening by meeting strangers at social events such as dances, matchmaking festivals, pubs, discos and later nightclubs.
There is footage from back in the 70s of youngcels of the time talking about going to dances to meet girls, with the objective being that they meet a girl to become their GF then marry and have a family.
Social circle game was arguably second place to this method, with most of my friends parents presumably meeting via dances/clubs based on where their parents lived, rather than them meeting directly via social circle.
The problem with Ireland now is that the in person method of meeting strangers at social events is pretty much dying out with the death of clubbing and foids using clubbing for validation and the ego boost of rejecting men rather than using it to actually find a husband which used to be a legitimate tactic.
The incel rate here however is probably pretty low comparitively since MTNs generally manage a club slay from college while HTNs can dupster dive for a tinder slay with most couples happening now through being NT and social circle maxxed.

When it comes to England it seems club game has died a decade earlier than Ireland however online dating seems giga legit for meeting girls and getting relationships there with most of the UKcels group chat meeting their GF via online dating with it being somewhat common among normies as well.
Then when it comes to extraverted NT jack the lads I'm sure they're not struggling at finding a potential GF when they socialize via festivals and house parties etc.

So where am I going with all of this..
When the traditional methods of meeting a partner that were crucial to couples getting together start to decline, the rates of inceldom go up if the men of that population cannot find another means to appeal to their foids.
So lets say German men who had no issues partnering up with girls from their village/social circle who they knew for an extended period of time now become atomized and dont hang out with anyone from their village and dont have any social circle, their most effective method for meeting a partner is gone but they have nothing to fall back on assuming it wasn't a major part of German culture for a foid to meet her husband at a matchmaking festival or at a dance/nighclub.
Then on tinder foids become Chad because there are giga Chads to compare the average guy to.

This is where the 80IQ ethnic manlets come in because should they manage to have exposure to a foid through a minimum wage job or if he runs street approach game, he will find foids who are willing to give him a chance simply because theres a shortage of her native men who she could date through the traditional means and the contrasting low IQ impulsive ethnic behaviour is the only kind of behaviour that works via the non traditional means.
Through traditional means: high sentient, higher inhib behaviour can work to get a GF
Through modern time constraint means: Only impulsive low inhib behaviour has a chance of working

Germanic nature only allows for most couples to meet through extended exposure through trusted mutuals.
Opportunities for extended exposure through trusted mutuals declines massively in modern society meaning there is no other effective means for Germanics to partner up but there are still effective means for Germanic foids to partner up with males of a different nature
  • +1
  • Ugh..
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Do you think italians are ethnics?
  • JFL
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I think you are over analyzing these things most white girls that date ethnics grew up around them and don't view them as aliens and date them as result. The mentally sane ones that is. White girls/guys that date decent looking ethnics with good upbringing are different from the ones that date subhumans, those don't have that Savior complex but the unstable ones that do it date ethnics as a form of rebellion.

White girls that date subhuman/ugly ethnics like refugees, thugs, criminals etc have some kind of mental issues. Whites who grew up in broken homes or/and have troubled childhoods are often neurodivergent and very aspie because of their secluded environment and cultures. They lack basic social skills and are very timid/shy. These type of whites will gladly date literal subhumans if they are shown little affection and are given a bit of attention. This is why u see white dudes dating ugly fat foids and white girls with ugly ethnics. . You can see couples like these in those refugee cities in germany, Italy etc. It's essentially a survival and coping strategy
  • +1
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not a single molecule
There's been a lot of talk on the forum recently about the inceldom rates in Germany as well as talk about Low inhib, NT ethnics thriving in countries like Germany and Sweden in terms of dating white foids who dont extend the same leniency regarding lack of height or looks to their own men.

Having grown up in Ireland it was normal for interactions with groups of foids who were strangers to take place at social events, even when I was a sober aspie I had some foids try to interact with me.
Throughout my drinking career such culture remained in place particularly at concerts where foids were fine with being low inhib
When I went to my first festival in the Netherlands I felt invisible because no foid attempted to speak to me at any point and I didn't witness many people associate with others who were outside of their group. I was also shocked that Chadlites weren't being molested by girls they walked past like they would be at an Irish festival.
I partially put this down to me being an outsider and maybe Dutch speaking strangers were mingling with each other but I just couldn't recognize it.

This allowed me to recognize the difference in culture between Ireland and NL with an NL raised slav PSLer I met saying that you have no chance at cracking into a Dutch social circle unless you were part of their soccer club since 5 years old. Hyperbole for effect but you get the idea.

In my time in Belgium the thought of getting a GF seemed utterly impossible unless you were part of a social circle which I obviously wasn't.
On the few nights out I went on there, I seen one Chadlite across 5 nights with the rest being LTN-MTN yet the girls were so dull and standoffish when it came to me trying to interact with them. They stuck so hard to their own groups.
There were barely any foids on tinder there except ugly ones who obviously failed to get any interest from guys through social circle yet there were some Stacies visible during the daytime but next to no HTBs on tinder.

When you do see couples in Western Mainland europe it just looks so obvious that they met through social circle or school, particularly if the foid mogs the guy.
This leads me to believe that there is something in the nature of the Dutch/Belgians whereby they partner up through people they know for an extended amount of time in their social circle and the effectiveness of other matchmaking methods is giga bad by comparison.
You could say this is the most effective method everywhere which is likely the case since it allows sub Chadlites the best chance to get their foot in the door but in other populations, other methods can work when they can compensate for sub Chadlite looks with extraversion, NT and Low inhib.

Even though I'm well aware of Dutch Giga slayers via clubs and tinder, it did seem to be the case that casual sex like that was reserved for legit Chads and most decent looking guys did little to no slaying from clubs or from tinder.
I will assume this to be the same case in Germany and the Nordic countries as well and just pile them in together as Germanic peoples behavioural patterns even if things vary from country to country but correct me if Im wrong.

To contrast this with Ireland, while social circle game is of course giga effective here for getting a GF hence why I always struggled due to lack of NT and lack of social circle, there was always a large focus on match making and partnering up happening by meeting strangers at social events such as dances, matchmaking festivals, pubs, discos and later nightclubs.
There is footage from back in the 70s of youngcels of the time talking about going to dances to meet girls, with the objective being that they meet a girl to become their GF then marry and have a family.
Social circle game was arguably second place to this method, with most of my friends parents presumably meeting via dances/clubs based on where their parents lived, rather than them meeting directly via social circle.
The problem with Ireland now is that the in person method of meeting strangers at social events is pretty much dying out with the death of clubbing and foids using clubbing for validation and the ego boost of rejecting men rather than using it to actually find a husband which used to be a legitimate tactic.
The incel rate here however is probably pretty low comparitively since MTNs generally manage a club slay from college while HTNs can dupster dive for a tinder slay with most couples happening now through being NT and social circle maxxed.

When it comes to England it seems club game has died a decade earlier than Ireland however online dating seems giga legit for meeting girls and getting relationships there with most of the UKcels group chat meeting their GF via online dating with it being somewhat common among normies as well.
Then when it comes to extraverted NT jack the lads I'm sure they're not struggling at finding a potential GF when they socialize via festivals and house parties etc.

So where am I going with all of this..
When the traditional methods of meeting a partner that were crucial to couples getting together start to decline, the rates of inceldom go up if the men of that population cannot find another means to appeal to their foids.
So lets say German men who had no issues partnering up with girls from their village/social circle who they knew for an extended period of time now become atomized and dont hang out with anyone from their village and dont have any social circle, their most effective method for meeting a partner is gone but they have nothing to fall back on assuming it wasn't a major part of German culture for a foid to meet her husband at a matchmaking festival or at a dance/nighclub.
Then on tinder foids become Chad because there are giga Chads to compare the average guy to.

This is where the 80IQ ethnic manlets come in because should they manage to have exposure to a foid through a minimum wage job or if he runs street approach game, he will find foids who are willing to give him a chance simply because theres a shortage of her native men who she could date through the traditional means and the contrasting low IQ impulsive ethnic behaviour is the only kind of behaviour that works via the non traditional means.
Through traditional means: high sentient, higher inhib behaviour can work to get a GF
Through modern time constraint means: Only impulsive low inhib behaviour has a chance of working

Germanic nature only allows for most couples to meet through extended exposure through trusted mutuals.
Opportunities for extended exposure through trusted mutuals declines massively in modern society meaning there is no other effective means for Germanics to partner up but there are still effective means for Germanic foids to partner up with males of a different nature
This is super accurate. Wow. Perfectly describes my situation as an atomized village germanic.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
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Every ethnic group .
  • +1
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I think you are over analyzing these things most white girls that date ethnics grew up around them and don't view them as aliens and date them as result. The mentally sane ones that is. White girls/guys that date decent looking ethnics with good upbringing are different from the ones that date subhumans, those don't have that Savior complex but the unstable ones that do it date ethnics as a form of rebellion.

White girls that date subhuman/ugly ethnics like refugees, thugs, criminals etc have some kind of mental issues. Whites who grew up in broken homes or/and have troubled childhoods are often neurodivergent and very aspie because of their secluded environment and cultures. They lack basic social skills and are very timid/shy. These type of whites will gladly date literal subhumans if they are shown little affection and are given a bit of attention. This is why u see white dudes dating ugly fat foids and white girls with ugly ethnics. . You can see couples like these in those refugee cities in germany, Italy etc. It's essentially a survival and coping strategy
I think u just described why some Polish women like ethnics. Saviour complex from a damaged household and low confidence.
  • JFL
  • Woah
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I’ve noticed that it’s actually symmetrical between the sexes. Yes I’ve known and seen German and Slavic WFEM but I’ve also seen the other way around at least as much, and not just that, the guys turn it up to 11, including German and Slavic members of this forum making threads openly glazing ethnic foids. It’s just that the reactions are different when it’s a white woman doing it.

Maybe this takes an outside perspective to see but in person I found Europe’s ethnics to be the opposite of “low inhib and NT”, more like high inhib and submissive, I’m sure they wanna be like black Americans but they’re not. In America the younger generations of whites are kinda subhuman so it’s not difficult for blacks to compete here. In Europe I saw the complete opposite, the average German mogs the average ethnic so insurmountably that when a German HTB+ is with an ethnic 100% it’s because she’s so desperate for the mental kinks of dating down that she’s legit blind to what’s in front of her. Either that or more commonly the couples are almost looksmatched, most of these Slavic and German foids in WFEM are below average with something noticeably off about their face.

Also I think “low inhib and NT” are overused as catch all terms on here, especially when talking about entire groups, a lot of what might go into “NT” is deeply culturally relative so it’s not some quantity that can be compared. Maybe the one thing that ethnics do that’s low inhib is play the numbers game, that’s all anyone can do if they’re on the outside.
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I would agree but I dont have any experience. I will see for myself in uni
I think u just described why some Polish women like ethnics. Saviour complex from a damaged household and low confidence.
Polish women liking ethnics is larp , my mum was in krakow and said she didn’t see any curries and the polish people are anti immigrant asf and pretend they don’t speak english
  • +1
Polish women liking ethnics is larp , my mum was in krakow and said she didn’t see any curries and the polish people are anti immigrant asf and pretend they don’t speak english
Then why is there this much propaganda about it?
Im srsly starting to think it's some Russian troll to keep the Polish fighter spirit down.
  • +1
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Then why is there this much propaganda about it?
Im srsly starting to think it's some Russian troll to keep the Polish fighter spirit down.
Idk bro
Then why is there this much propaganda about it?
Im srsly starting to think it's some Russian troll to keep the Polish fighter spirit down.
it has to do with polish immigrants, foid immigrants from poorope migrate to ghettos of the west, are isolated as they are hyper minority unlike asian ethnics which are significant in number and virtually create a state of their own within the west. Nature kicks in (need cawk and social circle) and will take whoever gives them attention (low inhib ethnics), combine the fact that these foids mog ethnic foids, they get constant positive feedback from ethnics and are put on pedastool. Just like a white foid gets groomed by blackfoid friend group and end up taking their tyrones.
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I'm in Germany, people here are much different compared to south Europe

They are cold, distant and have bad social skills, from what I noticed a lot of German guys struggle with dating

Social circle and school rules here, if you didn't grow up with people, even as a German, you won't become part of another social circle easy

Again the best way to find a gf is through friendships, but tough luck if you're outsider

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