Some notes on Insulin



My Dad is a War Criminal
Aug 11, 2024

Too many people fail to understand that that there is much more to the concept of hormones bringing about an effect than simply quantity. Most hormonal effect requires both a hormone and a receptor with which to bind. Most people seem to grasp this much... hormones dock to receptors, locks have no function without keys. This binary model of the world seems to be something easily grasped. Sperm plus egg preceded by vagina plus penis equals procreation... a binary view of the world is built into our DNA and seems to be carried from gene expression yes or no to our everyday decision making.

It takes more than a passing interest for us to understand a topic beyond this yes or no decision matrix. Comprehension takes focus, it takes a bit of effort. It is probably for this reason alone that I have been unwilling to much discuss insulin. Yet insulin should be examined. Not because insulin is unique in the cascade of intracellular events that a binding to it's receptor triggers. Rather It should be examined in part because there are concepts that are common to most hormone-receptor complexes.

In order to understand these common concepts we need to understand that there is more to it then simply the quantity of hormone and the quantity of it's receptor. We need to understand that when a hormone binds to a receptor it does not always result in one outcome. This is such an important concept to understand that I will repeat it. Unlike a key which binds to a lock and produces the singularly consistent outcome of locked or unlocked, hormones often when they bind to their receptor trigger different outcomes. The outcomes are defined in the literature. They are not unknown. Rather they are multiple choice. Whether a hormone ends up triggering outcome A, B or C will depend on several factors some of which are systemic.

However one very easy to understand and perhaps the most significant way a hormone will trigger a specific outcome is the way it binds to a receptor. As an analogy, in a fictional story we may read that a man shakes a woman's hand. From that bare description we visualize a connection made. But was it a brief connection? Was it prolonged? Was it a weak touch or a firm touch? These things are important. How did the hormone bind to the receptor? If it were an insulin handshake with it's receptor did it bring about the uptake of sweet nothings; did it lead to an element of repose where fat liberation was not possible or did it lead to a mitogenic proliferation?

A bit more than binary attention is needed so let's begin.

I will try to keep the science to a minimum. The reason for this is simple. This writing is more about the broader concepts. The broader concepts are in my opinion important in the building of protocols for health & well being as well as for bringing about positive body shape maintenance and change. Betterment in all respects requires that we understand the broader concepts with the understanding that they are built upon detail readily available.

Briefly what does this hormone insulin do in a METABOLIC Way?

Insulin is considered to be the primary hormone controlling "intermediary metabolism". Intermediary metabolism is the intracellular process by which nutritive material is converted into cellular components.
The most noticeable immediate effect on insulin is a lowering of blood glucose.
The primary factor stimulating or failing to stimulate the synthesis and secretion of insulin is the blood glucose concentration.1

Secondary stimuli for insulin release include fatty acids, amino acids (particularly arginine and leucine) and gastrointestinal hormones (such as glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide).
Insulin decreases blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells via GLUT-4 (an insulin-sensitive glucose transporter present in muscle and fat cells), increases glycogen and fatty acids synthesis, DNA replication and protein synthesis, decreases proteolysis, lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown. 1


1 - Beardsall, K., (2008), Insulin and carbohydrate metabolism, Best Pract. Res. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 22, 41?55

Insulin's Mitogenic Way?

If something is mitogenic it acts to encourage cells to begin cell division and enter the process that multiplies cells. The term is often used in regard to the growth of tumors. At times it may be misapplied to muscle acquisition. Muscle acquisition requires the making of proteins which can be incorporated into existing muscle structure. To expand the ability to do that the machinery components (primarily nuclei) are multiplied or proliferated and donated to existing muscle cell structures.

Whether "the mitogenic way" is good or bad depends on where and when it acts. To grow a fetus or repair a wound would be characterized as good. To grow a tumor would be bad. Controlled "mitogenic ways" are necessary to maintain us in healthy ways.

One way this process seems to be controlled is through the Globalge of preferred hormones in the proper tissue to trigger the process of proliferation. If we look inside a cell we can see the signalling pathway that triggers cellular proliferation. The pathway that involves the elements RAS -> ERK 1/2 is a "mitogenic way" that can lead to cellular proliferation. These same elements can be triggered by growth hormone, Insulin-like growth factor I, Insulin-like growth factor II or insulin. However it is best not to trigger these elements in the wrong tissue or at the wrong time.

In specific conditions like cancer and diabetes, the insulin receptor may acquire the ability to stimulate cell proliferation. This acquired ability may be thought of as a functional switch. Attempting to understand how that functional switch is triggered is important because insulin has beneficial roles to play which can be maximized or utilized to one's benefit. Benefit may require avoiding insulin triggered "mitogenic way" .

Metabolic/Mitogenic ratio

When we speak of insulin we refer to native insulin and the exogenously administered analogs. Humulin is the closest to native insulin and for the most part can be thought to have the same metabolic/mitogenic ratio. Using human insulin as a baseline Humalog has been found to exhibit a similar metabolic profile. Glucose transport and lipogenesis for example were found to be equivalent. Humalog has also been found to exhibit the same mitogenic potency in non-malignant and malignant tissue. Inhibition of apoptosis was also similar to human insulin.

The longer lasting, slow acting insulins that raise base insulin levels (glargine (Lantus?), and insulin detemir (Levemir?) seem to have increased mitogenic potency in malignant cells. 2

In my opinion this also underscores what happens when you raise base levels of native insulin. You increase "the mitogenic way"

What increases "the mitogenic way"?

It appears that insulin that dissociates very slowly from the receptor creates a sustained activation of the insulin receptor and sustained phosphorylation of Shc. See the mitogenic pathway Basically the longer insulin stays bound to it's receptor the more likely that the fundamental switch will be triggered from metabolic to mitogenic activity. The bound insulin-insulin receptor complex can become internalized into the cell. Some studies show a correlation between the internalization of the insulin analogs and the activation of the mitogenic pathway. High internalization of insulin-insulin receptor rates correlate with higher Shc phosphorylation and ERK activation whereas a low internalization rate correlated with marginal activation of ERK. These are the proliferative pathways. In addition prolonged receptor binding decreases insulin degradation. 3-5

It is important to also note that any increased interaction with the IGF1 receptor may also contribute to the higher mitogenicity.6



2 - Differences in bioactivity between human insulin and insulin analogues approved for therapeutic use compilation of reports from the past 20 years, Haim Werner, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2011, 3:13

3 - The bioactivity of insulin analogues from in vitro receptor binding to in vivo glucose uptake, Drejer, K., Diabetes Metab. Rev. 8, 259?285 1992

4 - Insulin and IGF-1 receptor trafficking and signalling, Foti, M., Novartis Found. Symp. 262, 125?141 (2004)

5 - A novel insulin analog with unique properties: LysB3,GluB29 insulin induces prominent activation of insulin receptor substrate 2, but marginal phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1, Rakatzi, I., Diabetes 52, 2227?2238 (2003)

6 - Correlations of receptor binding and metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs designed for clinical use, Kurtzhals, P., Diabetes 49, 999?991005 (2002)

To reiterate the actions of Insulin

When you are putting together a protocol that involves insulin, whether it be inducing native insulin release or using exogenous insulin, you need to keep in mind precisely what it is that you are attempting to accomplish during that moment. Are you attempting to induce anti-apoptosis, increase glycogen uptake, effect protein synthesis? Are you trying to effect gene expression? If so which? for instance are you attempting to prepare the body to respond more vigorously to the next round of growth hormone pulse? If so are you attempting to refresh a Stat5b response? Are you attempting to increase GH receptors in anticipation of an artificially induced GH pulse?

Are you trying to increase the release of fatty acids? If so insulin gets in the way.

Finally are you attempting to engage a mitogenic response? If so understand that much of the time insulin as a standalone way to activate the proliferative machinery is a potentially unhealthy approach. Far better to either avoid triggering that pathway with insulin or only use it sparingly as support for activation of those proliferative pathways via other hormone-receptor complexes.

Most importantly we do have an element of control over how this hormone (as well as others) will behave. By choosing the when, by choosing the type (i.e. pulses or elevations), by choosing the analogs and by fitting the hormone into an overall protocol where the hormone is expected to contribute to only a part of the overall strategy we can exert some sort of control over how the hormone will behave.


Schematic representation of IR signalling. Insulin binding leads to receptor autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of several intracellular substrates including IRS1/4. Phosphorylated IRS-1 recruits Grb2/Sos complex, which triggers the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway (on the right). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the mitogenic effect of insulin and insulin like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II). Recruitment of p85 on IRS-1 and IRS-2 leads to PI-3 kinase activation, and, as a consequence, Akt pathway activation and Glut4 translocation (on the left). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the metabolic effects of insulin, including glucose uptake, glycogen and protein synthesis. Moreover, Akt pathway activation is responsible for the anti-apoptotic effect of insulin, IGF-I and IGF-II.
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Dnr but seems high iq asf
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Insulin resistance is a concept. Just eat your species specific diet known as carnivore and your genes, who have survived for millions of years, will know what to do with every cell in your body.
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Reactions: Costcosuperstore
good rare thread. It is very true that these biological factors and pathways aren’t as simple as hormone -> receptor -> same simple expression.
There’s a lot of regulators, from epigenetic regulators, to other hormones, energy regulators (ampk), phosphorylation and etc.
Just read it quick though because I need to sleep asap
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Reactions: vratisevojvodo and Costcosuperstore
Here is a very basic article on GI and insulin in bodybuilding:

The Glycemic Index, Insulin and Bodybuilding

The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of the after-meal response foods have on blood sugar levels.

Foods are measured as compared to straight glucose. Glucose? Rating is 100 so a food such as milk with a rating of 34 means that milk will move into the blood at a rate about 3 times slower than straight glucose (100/34 = 2.94).

These are useful measurements because some complex carbs have very high GI ratings (such as a baked potato at 94) and some simple carbs have a low rating (an apple at 40). So, it becomes helpful to go beyond the typical simple and complex carb differentiations and know the GI values of the foods you are consuming.

Why is this important for bodybuilding? For building muscle mass? To understand the importance of the Glycemic Index to the muscle building diet, it is first important to have a basic understanding of insulin.

Understanding Insulin's Role In Building Muscle

Insulin is a hormone. It is released into the blood by the pancreas as a way to regulate blood sugar levels, doing so by shuttling the sugars (nutrients) into cells. The two predominate types of cells these nutrients are shuttled into are fat and muscle cells.

Without insulin, the nutrients could never reach the cells and the cells would therefore die (and so would you).

It follows, the more insulin that is present in the blood, the more nutrients are going to reach the cells (fat or muscle). This is good news when the nutrients are headed to the muscle cells and bad news when they are headed to the fat cells.

As you can probably guess, insulin is something that grabs the attention of all dieters, whether their goals are fat loss or muscle gain. The higher the blood glucose levels, the more insulin released.

Keeping a balanced insulin level is desired because it reduces the likelihood that the fat cells are excessively nourished (simple carbs equal high GI values which equals high insulin release which can create greater fat gains). Many weight loss diets focus on keeping insulin levels low for this reason.

On the other side of the coin, the more insulin present the more nutrients are likely to reach and nourish the muscle cells. In fact, many consider insulin to be the body? Stop anabolic hormone. Some bodybuilders looking for big muscle gains actually inject insulin (dangerous, and definitely not recommended).

How Should You Use Your Knowledge of Insulin To Help You Move Towards Your Bodybuilding Goals?

So, where does this leave you, the person trying to gain lean muscle weight while limiting body fat gains?

Basically, you want to increase your insulin levels when it is more likely that the nutrients are going to muscle cells and decrease your levels (balance) when it is more likely the nutrients are finding homes in fat cells. This speaks to the importance of spiking levels (loading up on simple carbs) pre and post-workout (the times when muscle cells are going to be the most receptive).

It also explains why it is a good thing to mix your creatine with high glycemic index drinks ?
The increased insulin helping increase creatine absorption.

At other times, keeping your blood sugar levels stable is most advantageous as it can help reduce the fat gain that can come from a high calorie diet. Eating a weight gain diet focused on low GI foods can help reduce the amount of body fat gained. Low GI foods are those with ratings below 55.

Understanding Glycemic Index Ratings

It is helpful to know the ratings for some of the common foods you eat but understand these numbers have some limitations.
They assume that you are not eating anything with the food being rated which will affect the relevancy of the numbers.

Eating a high GI food accompanied by protein portions, for example, will slow the release of blood sugar. Additionally, metabolism and other individual factors will affect the ratings.

Unless you are eating the foods by themselves, the Glycemic Index ratings will not be accurate.

Another number to know is the Glycemic Load (GL). While the Glycemic Index tells the speed with which a food?s carb content converts to glucose and enters the bloodstream, it doesn't take into consideration the amount of carbs in that food.

The glycemic load of a food is that food? index multiplied by its carb grams and divided by 100. A GL of 10 or less is considered low, anything over 20 relatively high.

How Much Attention Should You Be Paying To The Glycemic Index?

When considering pre and post-workout food choices it is a good idea to consult the Glycemic Index.

Outside of these times, you should be eating balanced meals which will limit the value of these numbers. Simple/Complex differentiations should suffice for making the majority of your carbohydrate picks and keep you focused on the "big picture".
good rare thread. It is very true that these biological factors and pathways aren’t as simple as hormone -> receptor -> same simple expression.
There’s a lot of regulators, from epigenetic regulators, to other hormones, energy regulators (ampk), phosphorylation and etc.
Just read it quick though because I need to sleep asap
thanks bro I appreciate it
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Reactions: Rhino LeFort and Donkeyballs

Too many people fail to understand that that there is much more to the concept of hormones bringing about an effect than simply quantity. Most hormonal effect requires both a hormone and a receptor with which to bind. Most people seem to grasp this much... hormones dock to receptors, locks have no function without keys. This binary model of the world seems to be something easily grasped. Sperm plus egg preceded by vagina plus penis equals procreation... a binary view of the world is built into our DNA and seems to be carried from gene expression yes or no to our everyday decision making.

It takes more than a passing interest for us to understand a topic beyond this yes or no decision matrix. Comprehension takes focus, it takes a bit of effort. It is probably for this reason alone that I have been unwilling to much discuss insulin. Yet insulin should be examined. Not because insulin is unique in the cascade of intracellular events that a binding to it's receptor triggers. Rather It should be examined in part because there are concepts that are common to most hormone-receptor complexes.

In order to understand these common concepts we need to understand that there is more to it then simply the quantity of hormone and the quantity of it's receptor. We need to understand that when a hormone binds to a receptor it does not always result in one outcome. This is such an important concept to understand that I will repeat it. Unlike a key which binds to a lock and produces the singularly consistent outcome of locked or unlocked, hormones often when they bind to their receptor trigger different outcomes. The outcomes are defined in the literature. They are not unknown. Rather they are multiple choice. Whether a hormone ends up triggering outcome A, B or C will depend on several factors some of which are systemic.

However one very easy to understand and perhaps the most significant way a hormone will trigger a specific outcome is the way it binds to a receptor. As an analogy, in a fictional story we may read that a man shakes a woman's hand. From that bare description we visualize a connection made. But was it a brief connection? Was it prolonged? Was it a weak touch or a firm touch? These things are important. How did the hormone bind to the receptor? If it were an insulin handshake with it's receptor did it bring about the uptake of sweet nothings; did it lead to an element of repose where fat liberation was not possible or did it lead to a mitogenic proliferation?

A bit more than binary attention is needed so let's begin.

I will try to keep the science to a minimum. The reason for this is simple. This writing is more about the broader concepts. The broader concepts are in my opinion important in the building of protocols for health & well being as well as for bringing about positive body shape maintenance and change. Betterment in all respects requires that we understand the broader concepts with the understanding that they are built upon detail readily available.

Briefly what does this hormone insulin do in a METABOLIC Way?

Insulin is considered to be the primary hormone controlling "intermediary metabolism". Intermediary metabolism is the intracellular process by which nutritive material is converted into cellular components.
The most noticeable immediate effect on insulin is a lowering of blood glucose.
The primary factor stimulating or failing to stimulate the synthesis and secretion of insulin is the blood glucose concentration.1

Secondary stimuli for insulin release include fatty acids, amino acids (particularly arginine and leucine) and gastrointestinal hormones (such as glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide).
Insulin decreases blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells via GLUT-4 (an insulin-sensitive glucose transporter present in muscle and fat cells), increases glycogen and fatty acids synthesis, DNA replication and protein synthesis, decreases proteolysis, lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown. 1


1 - Beardsall, K., (2008), Insulin and carbohydrate metabolism, Best Pract. Res. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 22, 41?55

Insulin's Mitogenic Way?

If something is mitogenic it acts to encourage cells to begin cell division and enter the process that multiplies cells. The term is often used in regard to the growth of tumors. At times it may be misapplied to muscle acquisition. Muscle acquisition requires the making of proteins which can be incorporated into existing muscle structure. To expand the ability to do that the machinery components (primarily nuclei) are multiplied or proliferated and donated to existing muscle cell structures.

Whether "the mitogenic way" is good or bad depends on where and when it acts. To grow a fetus or repair a wound would be characterized as good. To grow a tumor would be bad. Controlled "mitogenic ways" are necessary to maintain us in healthy ways.

One way this process seems to be controlled is through the Globalge of preferred hormones in the proper tissue to trigger the process of proliferation. If we look inside a cell we can see the signalling pathway that triggers cellular proliferation. The pathway that involves the elements RAS -> ERK 1/2 is a "mitogenic way" that can lead to cellular proliferation. These same elements can be triggered by growth hormone, Insulin-like growth factor I, Insulin-like growth factor II or insulin. However it is best not to trigger these elements in the wrong tissue or at the wrong time.

In specific conditions like cancer and diabetes, the insulin receptor may acquire the ability to stimulate cell proliferation. This acquired ability may be thought of as a functional switch. Attempting to understand how that functional switch is triggered is important because insulin has beneficial roles to play which can be maximized or utilized to one's benefit. Benefit may require avoiding insulin triggered "mitogenic way" .

Metabolic/Mitogenic ratio

When we speak of insulin we refer to native insulin and the exogenously administered analogs. Humulin is the closest to native insulin and for the most part can be thought to have the same metabolic/mitogenic ratio. Using human insulin as a baseline Humalog has been found to exhibit a similar metabolic profile. Glucose transport and lipogenesis for example were found to be equivalent. Humalog has also been found to exhibit the same mitogenic potency in non-malignant and malignant tissue. Inhibition of apoptosis was also similar to human insulin.

The longer lasting, slow acting insulins that raise base insulin levels (glargine (Lantus?), and insulin detemir (Levemir?) seem to have increased mitogenic potency in malignant cells. 2

In my opinion this also underscores what happens when you raise base levels of native insulin. You increase "the mitogenic way"

What increases "the mitogenic way"?

It appears that insulin that dissociates very slowly from the receptor creates a sustained activation of the insulin receptor and sustained phosphorylation of Shc. See the mitogenic pathway Basically the longer insulin stays bound to it's receptor the more likely that the fundamental switch will be triggered from metabolic to mitogenic activity. The bound insulin-insulin receptor complex can become internalized into the cell. Some studies show a correlation between the internalization of the insulin analogs and the activation of the mitogenic pathway. High internalization of insulin-insulin receptor rates correlate with higher Shc phosphorylation and ERK activation whereas a low internalization rate correlated with marginal activation of ERK. These are the proliferative pathways. In addition prolonged receptor binding decreases insulin degradation. 3-5

It is important to also note that any increased interaction with the IGF1 receptor may also contribute to the higher mitogenicity.6



2 - Differences in bioactivity between human insulin and insulin analogues approved for therapeutic use compilation of reports from the past 20 years, Haim Werner, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2011, 3:13

3 - The bioactivity of insulin analogues from in vitro receptor binding to in vivo glucose uptake, Drejer, K., Diabetes Metab. Rev. 8, 259?285 1992

4 - Insulin and IGF-1 receptor trafficking and signalling, Foti, M., Novartis Found. Symp. 262, 125?141 (2004)

5 - A novel insulin analog with unique properties: LysB3,GluB29 insulin induces prominent activation of insulin receptor substrate 2, but marginal phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1, Rakatzi, I., Diabetes 52, 2227?2238 (2003)

6 - Correlations of receptor binding and metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs designed for clinical use, Kurtzhals, P., Diabetes 49, 999?991005 (2002)

To reiterate the actions of Insulin

When you are putting together a protocol that involves insulin, whether it be inducing native insulin release or using exogenous insulin, you need to keep in mind precisely what it is that you are attempting to accomplish during that moment. Are you attempting to induce anti-apoptosis, increase glycogen uptake, effect protein synthesis? Are you trying to effect gene expression? If so which? for instance are you attempting to prepare the body to respond more vigorously to the next round of growth hormone pulse? If so are you attempting to refresh a Stat5b response? Are you attempting to increase GH receptors in anticipation of an artificially induced GH pulse?

Are you trying to increase the release of fatty acids? If so insulin gets in the way.

Finally are you attempting to engage a mitogenic response? If so understand that much of the time insulin as a standalone way to activate the proliferative machinery is a potentially unhealthy approach. Far better to either avoid triggering that pathway with insulin or only use it sparingly as support for activation of those proliferative pathways via other hormone-receptor complexes.

Most importantly we do have an element of control over how this hormone (as well as others) will behave. By choosing the when, by choosing the type (i.e. pulses or elevations), by choosing the analogs and by fitting the hormone into an overall protocol where the hormone is expected to contribute to only a part of the overall strategy we can exert some sort of control over how the hormone will behave.


Schematic representation of IR signalling. Insulin binding leads to receptor autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of several intracellular substrates including IRS1/4. Phosphorylated IRS-1 recruits Grb2/Sos complex, which triggers the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway (on the right). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the mitogenic effect of insulin and insulin like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II). Recruitment of p85 on IRS-1 and IRS-2 leads to PI-3 kinase activation, and, as a consequence, Akt pathway activation and Glut4 translocation (on the left). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the metabolic effects of insulin, including glucose uptake, glycogen and protein synthesis. Moreover, Akt pathway activation is responsible for the anti-apoptotic effect of insulin, IGF-I and IGF-II.
  • +1
Reactions: Rhino LeFort
Insulin resistance is a concept. Just eat your species specific diet known as carnivore and your genes, who have survived for millions of years, will know what to do with every cell in your body.
Shut the fuck up dumbass

Too many people fail to understand that that there is much more to the concept of hormones bringing about an effect than simply quantity. Most hormonal effect requires both a hormone and a receptor with which to bind. Most people seem to grasp this much... hormones dock to receptors, locks have no function without keys. This binary model of the world seems to be something easily grasped. Sperm plus egg preceded by vagina plus penis equals procreation... a binary view of the world is built into our DNA and seems to be carried from gene expression yes or no to our everyday decision making.

It takes more than a passing interest for us to understand a topic beyond this yes or no decision matrix. Comprehension takes focus, it takes a bit of effort. It is probably for this reason alone that I have been unwilling to much discuss insulin. Yet insulin should be examined. Not because insulin is unique in the cascade of intracellular events that a binding to it's receptor triggers. Rather It should be examined in part because there are concepts that are common to most hormone-receptor complexes.

In order to understand these common concepts we need to understand that there is more to it then simply the quantity of hormone and the quantity of it's receptor. We need to understand that when a hormone binds to a receptor it does not always result in one outcome. This is such an important concept to understand that I will repeat it. Unlike a key which binds to a lock and produces the singularly consistent outcome of locked or unlocked, hormones often when they bind to their receptor trigger different outcomes. The outcomes are defined in the literature. They are not unknown. Rather they are multiple choice. Whether a hormone ends up triggering outcome A, B or C will depend on several factors some of which are systemic.

However one very easy to understand and perhaps the most significant way a hormone will trigger a specific outcome is the way it binds to a receptor. As an analogy, in a fictional story we may read that a man shakes a woman's hand. From that bare description we visualize a connection made. But was it a brief connection? Was it prolonged? Was it a weak touch or a firm touch? These things are important. How did the hormone bind to the receptor? If it were an insulin handshake with it's receptor did it bring about the uptake of sweet nothings; did it lead to an element of repose where fat liberation was not possible or did it lead to a mitogenic proliferation?

A bit more than binary attention is needed so let's begin.

I will try to keep the science to a minimum. The reason for this is simple. This writing is more about the broader concepts. The broader concepts are in my opinion important in the building of protocols for health & well being as well as for bringing about positive body shape maintenance and change. Betterment in all respects requires that we understand the broader concepts with the understanding that they are built upon detail readily available.

Briefly what does this hormone insulin do in a METABOLIC Way?

Insulin is considered to be the primary hormone controlling "intermediary metabolism". Intermediary metabolism is the intracellular process by which nutritive material is converted into cellular components.
The most noticeable immediate effect on insulin is a lowering of blood glucose.
The primary factor stimulating or failing to stimulate the synthesis and secretion of insulin is the blood glucose concentration.1

Secondary stimuli for insulin release include fatty acids, amino acids (particularly arginine and leucine) and gastrointestinal hormones (such as glucagon-like peptide-1 and gastric inhibitory peptide).
Insulin decreases blood glucose by increasing glucose uptake into muscle and fat cells via GLUT-4 (an insulin-sensitive glucose transporter present in muscle and fat cells), increases glycogen and fatty acids synthesis, DNA replication and protein synthesis, decreases proteolysis, lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogen breakdown. 1


1 - Beardsall, K., (2008), Insulin and carbohydrate metabolism, Best Pract. Res. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 22, 41?55

Insulin's Mitogenic Way?

If something is mitogenic it acts to encourage cells to begin cell division and enter the process that multiplies cells. The term is often used in regard to the growth of tumors. At times it may be misapplied to muscle acquisition. Muscle acquisition requires the making of proteins which can be incorporated into existing muscle structure. To expand the ability to do that the machinery components (primarily nuclei) are multiplied or proliferated and donated to existing muscle cell structures.

Whether "the mitogenic way" is good or bad depends on where and when it acts. To grow a fetus or repair a wound would be characterized as good. To grow a tumor would be bad. Controlled "mitogenic ways" are necessary to maintain us in healthy ways.

One way this process seems to be controlled is through the Globalge of preferred hormones in the proper tissue to trigger the process of proliferation. If we look inside a cell we can see the signalling pathway that triggers cellular proliferation. The pathway that involves the elements RAS -> ERK 1/2 is a "mitogenic way" that can lead to cellular proliferation. These same elements can be triggered by growth hormone, Insulin-like growth factor I, Insulin-like growth factor II or insulin. However it is best not to trigger these elements in the wrong tissue or at the wrong time.

In specific conditions like cancer and diabetes, the insulin receptor may acquire the ability to stimulate cell proliferation. This acquired ability may be thought of as a functional switch. Attempting to understand how that functional switch is triggered is important because insulin has beneficial roles to play which can be maximized or utilized to one's benefit. Benefit may require avoiding insulin triggered "mitogenic way" .

Metabolic/Mitogenic ratio

When we speak of insulin we refer to native insulin and the exogenously administered analogs. Humulin is the closest to native insulin and for the most part can be thought to have the same metabolic/mitogenic ratio. Using human insulin as a baseline Humalog has been found to exhibit a similar metabolic profile. Glucose transport and lipogenesis for example were found to be equivalent. Humalog has also been found to exhibit the same mitogenic potency in non-malignant and malignant tissue. Inhibition of apoptosis was also similar to human insulin.

The longer lasting, slow acting insulins that raise base insulin levels (glargine (Lantus?), and insulin detemir (Levemir?) seem to have increased mitogenic potency in malignant cells. 2

In my opinion this also underscores what happens when you raise base levels of native insulin. You increase "the mitogenic way"

What increases "the mitogenic way"?

It appears that insulin that dissociates very slowly from the receptor creates a sustained activation of the insulin receptor and sustained phosphorylation of Shc. See the mitogenic pathway Basically the longer insulin stays bound to it's receptor the more likely that the fundamental switch will be triggered from metabolic to mitogenic activity. The bound insulin-insulin receptor complex can become internalized into the cell. Some studies show a correlation between the internalization of the insulin analogs and the activation of the mitogenic pathway. High internalization of insulin-insulin receptor rates correlate with higher Shc phosphorylation and ERK activation whereas a low internalization rate correlated with marginal activation of ERK. These are the proliferative pathways. In addition prolonged receptor binding decreases insulin degradation. 3-5

It is important to also note that any increased interaction with the IGF1 receptor may also contribute to the higher mitogenicity.6



2 - Differences in bioactivity between human insulin and insulin analogues approved for therapeutic use compilation of reports from the past 20 years, Haim Werner, Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2011, 3:13

3 - The bioactivity of insulin analogues from in vitro receptor binding to in vivo glucose uptake, Drejer, K., Diabetes Metab. Rev. 8, 259?285 1992

4 - Insulin and IGF-1 receptor trafficking and signalling, Foti, M., Novartis Found. Symp. 262, 125?141 (2004)

5 - A novel insulin analog with unique properties: LysB3,GluB29 insulin induces prominent activation of insulin receptor substrate 2, but marginal phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate 1, Rakatzi, I., Diabetes 52, 2227?2238 (2003)

6 - Correlations of receptor binding and metabolic and mitogenic potencies of insulin analogs designed for clinical use, Kurtzhals, P., Diabetes 49, 999?991005 (2002)

To reiterate the actions of Insulin

When you are putting together a protocol that involves insulin, whether it be inducing native insulin release or using exogenous insulin, you need to keep in mind precisely what it is that you are attempting to accomplish during that moment. Are you attempting to induce anti-apoptosis, increase glycogen uptake, effect protein synthesis? Are you trying to effect gene expression? If so which? for instance are you attempting to prepare the body to respond more vigorously to the next round of growth hormone pulse? If so are you attempting to refresh a Stat5b response? Are you attempting to increase GH receptors in anticipation of an artificially induced GH pulse?

Are you trying to increase the release of fatty acids? If so insulin gets in the way.

Finally are you attempting to engage a mitogenic response? If so understand that much of the time insulin as a standalone way to activate the proliferative machinery is a potentially unhealthy approach. Far better to either avoid triggering that pathway with insulin or only use it sparingly as support for activation of those proliferative pathways via other hormone-receptor complexes.

Most importantly we do have an element of control over how this hormone (as well as others) will behave. By choosing the when, by choosing the type (i.e. pulses or elevations), by choosing the analogs and by fitting the hormone into an overall protocol where the hormone is expected to contribute to only a part of the overall strategy we can exert some sort of control over how the hormone will behave.


Schematic representation of IR signalling. Insulin binding leads to receptor autophosphorylation and phosphorylation of several intracellular substrates including IRS1/4. Phosphorylated IRS-1 recruits Grb2/Sos complex, which triggers the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway (on the right). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the mitogenic effect of insulin and insulin like growth factors (IGF-I and IGF-II). Recruitment of p85 on IRS-1 and IRS-2 leads to PI-3 kinase activation, and, as a consequence, Akt pathway activation and Glut4 translocation (on the left). This pathway is mainly involved in mediating the metabolic effects of insulin, including glucose uptake, glycogen and protein synthesis. Moreover, Akt pathway activation is responsible for the anti-apoptotic effect of insulin, IGF-I and IGF-II.
insulin is bodybuilder cheap igf 1 but seriously duhh i dont understand anyone who use it withut being highly monitored that shit can one shot your ass

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