Someone hacked Disqus to get my information and temporarily place me into the Spam Folder



Feb 6, 2021
I posted the following last night:

You all are stuck on presidential votes and political pornographers as the nation deals with a major escalating pickle with China. Perhaps, you dummies should visit Taiwan, Philippines, Guam, and Thailand and see what's been happening with them involving China's aggression, and maybe, just maybe, you might see why the nation is catering to pronouns, nonbinaries, and letting mainstream media do whatever they want to produce the numbers to defend their rich sorry selves. Missiles, battleships, bombs, and fighter jets can do so much. The people will need to be drafted. And if Gen Z is pronouns and white people haters, then of course, OF COURSE, the nation will coddle their cause.

But don't tinkle on their legs again... you wouldn't want another time-out, hey?

If that made no sense to you... get f.

This morning, whatever I commented, was blocked and accused of Spam detected. Even, "Hey, all!" <--Spam Detected.

Brutally over for many of you. They're going to do it! And it's too late to undo the things you typed online.

You snitched yourselves out!

You told them how you would dodge the draft.

You told them your plans.

Why would you do that?

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