Someone here tried trt or a low dose of test too raise his mood?



Coping never ends
Jul 28, 2019
See title. I currently have the hope that a big part of my depression and lethargy comes from low t. (Yeah being ugly and having no gf play a role, too, I know)
Already made an appointment with a means health clinic for the next days.

Has anyone of the 20+ yo oldcels here has experience with trt or low doses of test cycles (max 250mg a week) and how it affected his mood/depression?
Is test really that much of a micracle drug like reddit fags say?

I am seriously considering taking it for the rest of my life if it can help me improve my mood.
See title. I currently have the hope that a big part of my depression and lethargy comes from low t. (Yeah being ugly and having no gf play a role, too, I know)
Already made an appointment with a means health clinic for the next days.

Has anyone of the 20+ yo oldcels here has experience with trt or low doses of test cycles (max 250mg a week) and how it affected his mood/depression?
Is test really that much of a micracle drug like reddit fags say?

I am seriously considering taking it for the rest of my life if it can help me improve my mood.
If you do end up having low t they won't just give it to you. They'll want you to do everything you can do to fix naturally before they give you a TRT for the rest of your life. They'll make you exercise, diet, try a bunch of different things before they give u TRT. When u go for test they'll ask u about how much u exercise, what u eat and shit like that, just lie and say u lift heavy weights 5 days a week, sleep 8-10 hours a day and eat healthy clean foods
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Testosterone does make a difference mentally. Better mood, less irritable and aggressive, more confident and outgoing etc. At your age though, you should fix the underlying causes if you're deficient. Because these, more often than not, can cause other issues/deficiencies as well which trt wouldn't fix.
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Testosterone does make a difference mentally. Better mood, less irritable and aggressive, more confident and outgoing etc. At your age though, you should fix the underlying causes if you're deficient. Because these, more often than not, can cause other issues/deficiencies as well which trt wouldn't fix.

What would these causes be except for sleep, overweight, sendentive lifestyle. I have all these in check for quote some time because I hoped for betterment that never came.

I read about zinc and magnesium.

My free t was 9 while 'normal' range was from 13.5 - 28. Not sure whether thats fixable through some easy lifestyle changes.

I think in my case it might be genetically. My mother, sister and uncle are on thyroid hormones and my uncle is on androgel. SO my family is pretty fucked in regard to hormones.
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Get bloodwork done. If you're below 500ng/dl get on trt with hcg to keep fertility.
test and proviron for moodmaxxing (but rip hair)
Get bloodwork done. If you're below 500ng/dl get on trt with hcg to keep fertility.

This were my results:

test and proviron for moodmaxxing (but rip hair)

I am afraid of that, too. I think I wil give ru a try.
This were my results:
View attachment 220505

I am afraid of that, too. I think I wil give ru a try.
Bro that's low. Cuck doctore will tell you it's nlrmal but it isn't. Try working out 4 times a week/eating well/sleeping 8 hours a night. If it doesn't improve get on trt.
What would these causes be except for sleep, overweight, sendentive lifestyle. I have all these in check for quote some time because I hoped for betterment that never came.

I read about zinc and magnesium.

My free t was 9 while 'normal' range was from 13.5 - 28. Not sure whether thats fixable through some easy lifestyle changes.

I think in my case it might be genetically. My mother, sister and uncle are on thyroid hormones and my uncle is on androgel. SO my family is pretty fucked in regard to hormones.
Most likely nutrient deficiencies. Can't tell you which ones though. Important ones to look at are vitamin A, B6, C, D, zinc, magnesium and iodine. Do you eat enough calories, carbohydrates and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids? Do you have lots of stress/get stressed out easily?

If thyroid problems are running in your family, that could be a cause as well. Thyroid is involved in everything, including HPTA function. You should definitely get it checked and make sure to get enough magnesium, vitamin C, selenium and iodine(!). Work up to 12.5 mg of iodine (not just iodide) which equals two drops of lugol's iodine and 200 mcg of selenium per day and see how you feel. Get your vitamin D levels up, shoot for at least 90 ng/ml and see how you feel. Take plenty of vitamin K2 and magnesium along with it to avoid soft tissue calcification. Find ways to reduce stress (meditation, regular sports, whatever works for you) and sleep around 8-10 hours per night. Do all this for a couple of months to half a year, see how you feel and then get your hormones checked again. Listen to your gut, you can probably find out the culprit yourself if you become more aware of your habits, body and circumstances.
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Get bloodwork done. If you're below 500ng/dl get on trt with hcg to keep fertility.
Clomid will give you a decent test boost & as far as I know it's legal to buy
Clomid will give you a decent test boost & as far as I know it's legal to buy
Yes but it's used to restore fertility a'd natty T production you can't run it year round it has some harsh side effects
Important ones to look at are vitamin A, B6, C, D, zinc, magnesium and iodine.

Can I reliably check these with bloodwork to avoid months of testing?

Any recommendations on links/books for how much vitamins and the best sources? I often read official recommendations are way to low.
I already started with cod liver oil some days ago.

Do you eat enough calories, carbohydrates and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids?

Yes, in my most active phases I ate 3300kcal with 80+ grams of fat and 4-5times gym a week.

Do you eat enough calories, carbohydrates and saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids?

Yes, in my most active phases I ate 3300kcal with 80+ grams of fat and 4-5times gym a week.

Do you have lots of stress/get stressed out easily?

I have allmost no friends and except for 2 month never had a girlfriend am absolutely deprived from romantic contact and friendship.
Yes I am stressed, but no amount of meditation will fix that.

If am honest I am kind of looking for a quick fix cause my whole life is going downhill recently due to allmost zero energy and this lethargy I am facing.

I may have to pay a fine of 8000 € because I avoided filling out a couple of papers for some months.
Beginning of this year I lost my job because I barly could leave my bed for a whole month.
Now I am in the process of building a company, already have 1 employee, but my brain fog and concentration issues are getting much worse which makes me very unproductive cause my mind can not focus. This puts at risk of losing my well paid contracts.
This would be devasting as this is my only hope to be able to afford necessary surgeries in the near future.
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Are you a Deutschcel?
Can I reliably check these with bloodwork to avoid months of testing?
The only things you'd want to get tested are your thyroid and vitamin D. You only need to do it once (for now) and then after a couple of months for checkup.
Any recommendations on links/books for how much vitamins and the best sources? I often read official recommendations are way to low.
I already started with cod liver oil some days ago.
No links/books to recommend, I have some experience to offer though. I crashed my t levels once as well, suffered different health problems etc. so if you want, pm me and I'll try to help you.
Yes, in my most active phases I ate 3300kcal with 80+ grams of fat and 4-5times gym a week.
Do you catch colds/infections often?
I have allmost no friends and except for 2 month never had a girlfriend am absolutely deprived from romantic contact and friendship.
Yes I am stressed, but no amount of meditation will fix that.

If am honest I am kind of looking for a quick fix cause my whole life is going downhill recently due to allmost zero energy and this lethargy I am facing.

I may have to pay a fine of 8000 € because I avoided filling out a couple of papers for some months.
Beginning of this year I lost my job because I barly could leave my bed for a whole month.
Now I am in the process of building a company, already have 1 employee, but my brain fog and concentration issues are getting much worse which makes me very unproductive cause my mind can not focus. This puts at risk of losing my well paid contracts.
This would be devasting as this is my only hope to be able to afford necessary surgeries in the near future.
Intuitively, sounds like your vitamin C levels are close to non-existent. Stressed easily, no energy, low mood... This is what I feel like when I'm deficient. First thing you should do is grab some ascorbic acid powder - available at the drugstore, pharmacy and some supermarkets for dirt cheap - and dissolve it in drinking water. You can use a straw or neutralize the acid with baking soda if you have sensitive teeth. Take around 2 g per hour until you reach bowel tolerance (liquid watery stool due to excess vitamin C being excreted). Once you reached that point, reduce the dose slightly and keep reducing it until your bowel movements normalize. That'll be your maintenance dose. Always rinse out your mouth after taking it (only if not buffered with baking soda) to protect your tooth enamel.

But then again, if you want me to try to help more, pm. Discussing it all here would make this thread too long.
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@Bewusst The clinic seems to be pretty responsible. They are doing extensive bloodwork first, checking roughly fifty parameters including thyroid, vitamin levels and lots of other stuff to possibly find the reason for low t first and adress that if possible.

Then they wan't to see whether they can do something about the high shbg and want to try other natural testosterone raising methods. Whatever they mean by that.
  • +1
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@Bewusst The clinic seems to be pretty responsible. They are doing extensive bloodwork first, checking roughly fifty parameters including thyroid, vitamin levels and lots of other stuff to possibly find the reason for low t first and adress that if possible.

Then they wan't to see whether they can do something about the high shbg and want to try other natural testosterone raising methods. Whatever they mean by that.
Awesome. Report back once you got the results.

What's your body fat level like?
I think about 16%. Was already lower, but I have gotten a bit lazy due to allmost no gains.
I think about 16%. Was already lower, but I have gotten a bit lazy due to allmost no gains.
You should eat around maintenance. Too little calories might interfere with your attempts to raise your t levels. Would also not work out too much. 45 min of resistance training should be enough. 5 times per week is too often. 3-4x should be the maximum now.

Are you on any drugs/medication or supplements?
You should eat around maintenance. Too little calories might interfere with your attempts to raise your t levels. Would also not work out too much. 45 min of resistance training should be enough. 5 times per week is too often. 3-4x should be the maximum now.

Are you on any drugs/medication or supplements?

I am currently going climbing 2 times a week as I am tired of the gym. I currently eat around maintenance as well, but probably a bit low on protein. I should also increase my veggies.

Finasteride since about 8 weeks. But the bloodwork was from before starting fin, so that is not the reason.

Even if they manage to help me get my t in the high normal, where a guy my age should be, I am very tempted to do a few t cycles as I have really tiny 11 inch stick arms that cant even fill out s size t shirts.

That really bothers me. two years of hard natty training added only have an inch that is likely already gone again.
Get bloodwork done. If you're below 500ng/dl get on trt with hcg to keep fertility.
Fuck this modern estrogenic world, 2 years ago i did heavy manual labor, smoked weed daily and ate hamburgers and lots of carbs every day, testosterone was around 450 ng/l.

I should test again now as my lifestyle has improved.
  • +1
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Fuck this modern estrogenic world, 2 years ago i did heavy manual labor, smoked weed daily and ate hamburgers and lots of carbs every day, testosterone was around 450 ng/l.

I should test again now as my lifestyle has improved.
Testosterone levels are at an all time low that's why i got on trt very recently.
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I am currently going climbing 2 times a week as I am tired of the gym. I currently eat around maintenance as well, but probably a bit low on protein. I should also increase my veggies.

Finasteride since about 8 weeks. But the bloodwork was from before starting fin, so that is not the reason.

Even if they manage to help me get my t in the high normal, where a guy my age should be, I am very tempted to do a few t cycles as I have really tiny 11 inch stick arms that cant even fill out s size t shirts.

That really bothers me. two years of hard natty training added only have an inch that is likely already gone again.
Finasteride isn't the best thing to do when testosterone deficient. It can also kill your libido. Protein doesn't have to be high, especially when not doing resistance training. Your body/appetite will tell you when you need protein so go by how you feel.

"A few t cycles" is the worst approach. First of all, slightly accelerated protein synthesis isn't worth the potential long-term HPTA shutdown imo. You will have even more difficulties getting your natural t to normal levels again when you come off AAS. Any gains made will diminish eventually and all you'll get out of it is a lesson, even lower t levels and more symptoms. Most likely your workout routine is trash. You need progressive overload and constant tension while maintaining good technique. Your arms wouldn't be small if you could benchpress 140+ kg and do bicep curls with 30+ kg per side with good technique. You need to build strength to build muscle. And steroids won't help nearly as much as you might think if you don't know how to work out properly. Everyone who isn't paralyzed, malnourished or has a disease like MS or ALS can get big arms naturally. But that's another topic.

Another highly underrated factor is social life. Loneliness is proven to increase risk of disease significantly and to shorten life span. It wouldn't surprise me in the very slightest if loneliness also causes low t. You should try to work on that as well. I have the same problem ngl.

Btw, have you started replenishing your vitamin C levels? Without it, everyone would have no energy and feel depressed. Virtually everyone is deficient. It starts with a runny nose and ends with chronic or recurrent viral infection. It's also involved in sex hormone synthesis.
Btw, have you started replenishing your vitamin C levels?
Yes taking it as a supplement.

Everyone who isn't paralyzed, malnourished or has a disease like MS or ALS can get big arms naturally.
I don't believe this anymore. I tried for years getting bigger but the most I got was have an inch maybe 1 inch.

I tried 1 programming from on which I even lost strength. Then I tried the reddit ppl on which I did not lose strength but made allmost nongains either. Then I did nsuns 5 days from reddit which involved heavy weight and low reps and big compound excersises. On thus program I indeed gained a bit of strength.
3x102.5 kg squats
3x140 kg deadlift
5x78 kg bench
2x50 kg overhead press

On these weights I began stagnating for weeks. When I tried to change something to overcome the plateu I lost strength again
Maybe my arms were 12 inch back then. But that was the absolute maximum possible for me.

I mean I can't up the weights if my forms breaks down, then I can only up the reps, but even that was impossible for me at that point.

I tried every of this programm for 6+ months each.
Ate 3300kcal with about 160g of protein to gain 1 kg a month, did multiple bulk and cut cycles like this. Each bulk was at least 4 month, so no fast switching that could have eaten the gainz.

I asked redditor for formchecks multiple times on the big compounds, they told me everything was alright. I even forced myself to keep a good sleep cycle.

I just don't see what else I could have done so fucking wrong that jept me from reaching a nice 14-15 inch arms

Except for absolute trash muscle building genetics.
(either bad t or bad andorgen receptors or bad myostatin)

I tried everything I can. For years without seeing progras. Meanwhile other well developed males have 14 inch arms untrained.

I mean I even did parcour for some years with a group of people allmost everyone did get a nice defined body only mine did not get better. All of them progressed hard in ther push up count, just I could never manage to go beyond 25. Neither when training exactly like them, nor wuen training harder.

Not a single time I was drunken in my life, I never smoked (except for passive smoking till 11) and have not taken any hard drugs ever, so this is not a reson for failing either.

I would deeply crave for an easy explanation that would differ from ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE SUBHUMAN GENETICS but I just cant see one.
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  • +1
Reactions: 6'4 looksmaxxxer
Yes taking it as a supplement.

I don't believe this anymore. I tried for years getting bigger but the most I got was have an inch maybe 1 inch.

I tried 1 programming from on which I even lost strength. Then I tried the reddit ppl on which I did not lose strength but made allmost nongains either. Then I did nsuns 5 days from reddit which involved heavy weight and low reps and big compound excersises. On thus program I indeed gained a bit of strength.
3x102.5 kg squats
3x140 kg deadlift
5x78 kg bench
2x50 kg overhead press

On these weights I began stagnating for weeks. When I tried to change something to overcome the plateu I lost strength again
Maybe my arms were 12 inch back then. But that was the absolute maximum possible for me.

I mean I can't up the weights if my forms breaks down, then I can only up the reps, but even that was impossible for me at that point.

I tried every of this programm for 6+ months each.
Ate 3300kcal with about 160g of protein to gain 1 kg a month, did multiple bulk and cut cycles like this. Each bulk was at least 4 month, so no fast switching that could have eaten the gainz.

I asked redditor for formchecks multiple times on the big compounds, they told me everything was alright. I even forced myself to keep a good sleep cycle.

I just don't see what else I could have done so fucking wrong that jept me from reaching a nice 14-15 inch arms

Except for absolute trash muscle building genetics.
(either bad t or bad andorgen receptors or bad myostatin)

I tried everything I can. For years without seeing progras. Meanwhile other well developed males have 14 inch arms untrained.

I mean I even did parcour for some years with a group of people allmost everyone did get a nice defined body only mine did not get better. All of them progressed hard in ther push up count, just I could never manage to go beyond 25. Neither when training exactly like them, nor wuen training harder.

Not a single time I was drunken in my life, I never smoked (except for passive smoking till 11) and have not taken any hard drugs ever, so this is not a reson for failing either.

I would deeply crave for an easy explanation that would differ from ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE SUBHUMAN GENETICS but I just cant see one.
You must be an ectomorph. Ectomorphs can't get big natty.
  • JFL
Reactions: Bewusst
Yes taking it as a supplement.

I don't believe this anymore. I tried for years getting bigger but the most I got was have an inch maybe 1 inch.

I tried 1 programming from on which I even lost strength. Then I tried the reddit ppl on which I did not lose strength but made allmost nongains either. Then I did nsuns 5 days from reddit which involved heavy weight and low reps and big compound excersises. On thus program I indeed gained a bit of strength.
3x102.5 kg squats
3x140 kg deadlift
5x78 kg bench
2x50 kg overhead press

On these weights I began stagnating for weeks. When I tried to change something to overcome the plateu I lost strength again
Maybe my arms were 12 inch back then. But that was the absolute maximum possible for me.

I mean I can't up the weights if my forms breaks down, then I can only up the reps, but even that was impossible for me at that point.

I tried every of this programm for 6+ months each.
Ate 3300kcal with about 160g of protein to gain 1 kg a month, did multiple bulk and cut cycles like this. Each bulk was at least 4 month, so no fast switching that could have eaten the gainz.

I asked redditor for formchecks multiple times on the big compounds, they told me everything was alright. I even forced myself to keep a good sleep cycle.

I just don't see what else I could have done so fucking wrong that jept me from reaching a nice 14-15 inch arms

Except for absolute trash muscle building genetics.
(either bad t or bad andorgen receptors or bad myostatin)

I tried everything I can. For years without seeing progras. Meanwhile other well developed males have 14 inch arms untrained.

I mean I even did parcour for some years with a group of people allmost everyone did get a nice defined body only mine did not get better. All of them progressed hard in ther push up count, just I could never manage to go beyond 25. Neither when training exactly like them, nor wuen training harder.

Not a single time I was drunken in my life, I never smoked (except for passive smoking till 11) and have not taken any hard drugs ever, so this is not a reson for failing either.

I would deeply crave for an easy explanation that would differ from ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE SUBHUMAN GENETICS but I just cant see one.
You probably started out with too heavy weights for your strength level.

One example for progression, with bicep dumbbell scott curls: grab a weight you can comfortably curl for 8-12 reps, with some power left in the tank (no muscle failure after 12 reps). This will be the weight you'll be working with for a week or two. It should get even easier over time so you can focus on contracting your biceps when you curl your arm up and do the negative a bit slower or do a two second break at the bottom of the rep - never extend your arm completely though, you want to keep tension on your bicep so stop an inch before full extension before curling up again. Constant tension will make your exercises way harder but also more effective. Use it for every exercise. If you can do more reps now, do more but don't go to failure.

Once the weight has become really light for you, grab a dumbell that's slightly heavier. If 12 kg have become very light for you, you'll wanna use 14 kg now. If they have 13 kg, use that instead. Small increments are easier to adapt to. Now do the same thing. Use the 13 kg dumbell and aim for 8-12 reps with good technique and constant tension. Use that weight for some time, until it has become very light and increase the load again. You don't need to rush this process like most do. It will just lead to eventual stagnation and bad form, possibly injury. The muscles need more time to grow to adapt to increasing loads than the nervous system. So if you want to get most out of your training, melk everything out of your progressive overload. Only increase the weights if they have actually become light. You can do an AMRAP set every couple of weeks, grab a spotter and go to failure for additional stimulus (with "cheating" at the last reps) but don't do it too often. This takes much more time to recover from.

Train your weak points like arms twice per week. Do them in the beginning of the workout with other muscle groups afterwards. Always do warmup sets with lighter weights before using your working weight. Work up to your working weight by increasing warmup weights.

Example (dumbbell scott curls):
warmup set 1: 15x5 kg
warmup set 2: 12x8 kg
warmup set 3: 8-12x10 kg

working set(s): 8-12x13 kg

it's really simple. Just remember to work with weights you can handle with proper technique (no swinging) and constant tension and only increase the load if it has become light. The most important thing really is the technique. You need to feel the targeted muscle working and the movement should come only from the muscle, not the joints or other muscles. Always try to isolate the targeted muscle as much as you can. Your whole focus will be on the muscle you're working out.

If you do all this, are patient and eventually able to handle some serious weights with good technique, your arms (and other body parts) will definitely grow bigger. On top of this, you're working on your t levels and improving your health in general. It's just a matter of time.
I am btw on 100mg test e + 500IU HCG per week since two weeks now.

I noticed first positive effects after only two days.
Before TRT I could easily sleep 9-10 hours and was still tired. No matter what, I always had a certain level of tiredness and almost never felt completely awake.

Bow with trt this tiredness and fatigue is completely gone. I feel fully recovered after about 7-8 hours of sleep now and the tiredness during daytimes is completely gone.
Plus I actually feel a desire to to physical excercise, which has been a chore before.

My depression is kind of gone as well. Kind of because a part is still there. My life still sucks because I am a low value incel. But this suck obly exists on a conscious level.
Unconsciously I don't feel bad about it, my mood is neutral and It feels impossible for me to enter ldar mode on a feeling based level. I am unable to feel depressed on a deeper level, even though sometimes I consciously would like to.

Making the fatigue go away alone was totally worth it so far.

TRT did however not put me in a euphoric positive state or made me in any way more aggressive/assertive, at least not yet. So it's not like being high or ultra positive for me, but it justs eradicates most of the negativity.
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