Someone please give me that PSL autism copypasta where it recommends a shit ton of surgeries



Celtic Prince Mogger
May 3, 2024
Like you know what I mean? Please someone know what I’m talking about
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no clue but i like your pfp cromagnon!
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What’re some words in it?
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Reactions: Art of Pattinson
What’re some words in it?
It’s like “here’s what you need to ascend, 20mm genio, CCW rotation + rhino, infraorbiral implants as well as canthoplasty for” etc etc listing a shit ton. Of surgeries
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Reactions: RichardSpencel and not__cel
It’s like “here’s what you need to ascend, 20mm genio, CCW rotation + rhino, infraorbiral implants as well as canthoplasty for” etc etc listing a shit ton. Of surgeries
Is this it?

You haven’t gone far enough yet, simple as that.

Most normie to sub5 guys unironically need multiple procedures that will add up to multiple 10s of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands. This is because most or all of said normie/sub5 guy’s features will be hovering around the average to below average range, and thus most or all of those features will need surgical correction to get bumped up to average or above average (in other words, fix failos and create halos)

You have a good start with your lower third osteotomies and skin procedures. But that’s only one part of the larger journey, because always remember as a man the brutal truth is you need almost EVERYTHING on point to be good looking.

Generalized ascension process for the vast majority is osteotomies -> implants -> soft tissue work.

You got the lower third osteotomies which fixed your mandible and chin recession, so check that off. You only have your side profile on this post so I can’t see your eye area ratios and countour, so let’s just assume it’s okay. If not, luckily Giant Implants has pioneered a modified cosmetic OBO to fix that.

Next, you’ll probably need infraorbital-malar and supraorbital-brow-forehead implants to ascend the upper and mid face bone structure, and probably jaw angles or a wraparound implant to create further angularity and projection in the lower third.

Following that, soft tissue work. Looks like you could use a rhino, and I can’t see your brows or lips very well but perhaps those are off too (so maybe eyebrow lift/lowering + eyelash transplants and a lip lift). And if your eyes suck (upper eyelid exposure, negative canthal tilt, etc) you can combine the trifecta of canthoplasty, lower lid retraction, and supra rim fat grafting with the “passive” soft tissue changes from the aforementioned mid and upper face implants for top tier ascension.

You are also 5’9 so double LL. And chances are your frame won’t match that newfound height so single or double sliding clavicle osteotomy too. And at this point might as well throw in arm lengthening to avoid t-rex arms.

You’re already on hair loss meds so let’s see where that gets you, then if you aren’t satisfied after 2 years of use, get a high density packing HT for a square nw0 hairline.

And of course NT maxxing and the legit softmaxxes (get really lean, skincare, and grooming).

But lets be real, at this point I’ve recreated the “I’ll have an orbital box osteotomy with…” copypasta and most users are JFLing at this wall of text. Add in the fact you are halfway through your 20s and almost certainly do not have the time, money, resources, and autistic-neurotic drive to carefully research and coordinate all of this shit so you don't get botched - I don’t actually expect you to follow through.

I’m just simply demonstrating how cagefuel difficult it is to TRULY ascend most normie/inkwell men to HTN-chadlite.

So tl;dr: sorry bro, it’s over.

My real, practical solution is this: go consult with Giant Implants (hopefully his consultation portal actually launches soon lol), see what he’ll recommend for your face and get it, then maxx out your softmaxxes and touch grass/NTmaxx, then fraud height with lifts and go to SEA
  • JFL
Reactions: heyheyheybro22, Art of Pattinson, BeanletMogger and 2 others
Is this it?

You haven’t gone far enough yet, simple as that.

Most normie to sub5 guys unironically need multiple procedures that will add up to multiple 10s of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands. This is because most or all of said normie/sub5 guy’s features will be hovering around the average to below average range, and thus most or all of those features will need surgical correction to get bumped up to average or above average (in other words, fix failos and create halos)

You have a good start with your lower third osteotomies and skin procedures. But that’s only one part of the larger journey, because always remember as a man the brutal truth is you need almost EVERYTHING on point to be good looking.

Generalized ascension process for the vast majority is osteotomies -> implants -> soft tissue work.

You got the lower third osteotomies which fixed your mandible and chin recession, so check that off. You only have your side profile on this post so I can’t see your eye area ratios and countour, so let’s just assume it’s okay. If not, luckily Giant Implants has pioneered a modified cosmetic OBO to fix that.

Next, you’ll probably need infraorbital-malar and supraorbital-brow-forehead implants to ascend the upper and mid face bone structure, and probably jaw angles or a wraparound implant to create further angularity and projection in the lower third.

Following that, soft tissue work. Looks like you could use a rhino, and I can’t see your brows or lips very well but perhaps those are off too (so maybe eyebrow lift/lowering + eyelash transplants and a lip lift). And if your eyes suck (upper eyelid exposure, negative canthal tilt, etc) you can combine the trifecta of canthoplasty, lower lid retraction, and supra rim fat grafting with the “passive” soft tissue changes from the aforementioned mid and upper face implants for top tier ascension.

You are also 5’9 so double LL. And chances are your frame won’t match that newfound height so single or double sliding clavicle osteotomy too. And at this point might as well throw in arm lengthening to avoid t-rex arms.

You’re already on hair loss meds so let’s see where that gets you, then if you aren’t satisfied after 2 years of use, get a high density packing HT for a square nw0 hairline.

And of course NT maxxing and the legit softmaxxes (get really lean, skincare, and grooming).

But lets be real, at this point I’ve recreated the “I’ll have an orbital box osteotomy with…” copypasta and most users are JFLing at this wall of text. Add in the fact you are halfway through your 20s and almost certainly do not have the time, money, resources, and autistic-neurotic drive to carefully research and coordinate all of this shit so you don't get botched - I don’t actually expect you to follow through.

I’m just simply demonstrating how cagefuel difficult it is to TRULY ascend most normie/inkwell men to HTN-chadlite.

So tl;dr: sorry bro, it’s over.

My real, practical solution is this: go consult with Giant Implants (hopefully his consultation portal actually launches soon lol), see what he’ll recommend for your face and get it, then maxx out your softmaxxes and touch grass/NTmaxx, then fraud height with lifts and go to SEA
It’s not but this works anyway :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: not__cel
Is this it?

You haven’t gone far enough yet, simple as that.

Most normie to sub5 guys unironically need multiple procedures that will add up to multiple 10s of thousands of dollars, if not hundreds of thousands. This is because most or all of said normie/sub5 guy’s features will be hovering around the average to below average range, and thus most or all of those features will need surgical correction to get bumped up to average or above average (in other words, fix failos and create halos)

You have a good start with your lower third osteotomies and skin procedures. But that’s only one part of the larger journey, because always remember as a man the brutal truth is you need almost EVERYTHING on point to be good looking.

Generalized ascension process for the vast majority is osteotomies -> implants -> soft tissue work.

You got the lower third osteotomies which fixed your mandible and chin recession, so check that off. You only have your side profile on this post so I can’t see your eye area ratios and countour, so let’s just assume it’s okay. If not, luckily Giant Implants has pioneered a modified cosmetic OBO to fix that.

Next, you’ll probably need infraorbital-malar and supraorbital-brow-forehead implants to ascend the upper and mid face bone structure, and probably jaw angles or a wraparound implant to create further angularity and projection in the lower third.

Following that, soft tissue work. Looks like you could use a rhino, and I can’t see your brows or lips very well but perhaps those are off too (so maybe eyebrow lift/lowering + eyelash transplants and a lip lift). And if your eyes suck (upper eyelid exposure, negative canthal tilt, etc) you can combine the trifecta of canthoplasty, lower lid retraction, and supra rim fat grafting with the “passive” soft tissue changes from the aforementioned mid and upper face implants for top tier ascension.

You are also 5’9 so double LL. And chances are your frame won’t match that newfound height so single or double sliding clavicle osteotomy too. And at this point might as well throw in arm lengthening to avoid t-rex arms.

You’re already on hair loss meds so let’s see where that gets you, then if you aren’t satisfied after 2 years of use, get a high density packing HT for a square nw0 hairline.

And of course NT maxxing and the legit softmaxxes (get really lean, skincare, and grooming).

But lets be real, at this point I’ve recreated the “I’ll have an orbital box osteotomy with…” copypasta and most users are JFLing at this wall of text. Add in the fact you are halfway through your 20s and almost certainly do not have the time, money, resources, and autistic-neurotic drive to carefully research and coordinate all of this shit so you don't get botched - I don’t actually expect you to follow through.

I’m just simply demonstrating how cagefuel difficult it is to TRULY ascend most normie/inkwell men to HTN-chadlite.

So tl;dr: sorry bro, it’s over.

My real, practical solution is this: go consult with Giant Implants (hopefully his consultation portal actually launches soon lol), see what he’ll recommend for your face and get it, then maxx out your softmaxxes and touch grass/NTmaxx, then fraud height with lifts and go to SEA
Mental illness
  • JFL
Reactions: not__cel and cromagnon
Hey, you're a pretty good looking guy but you seem to want to improve yourself even further. Not an issue at all. I've compiled a list of surgeries you should do in order to improve your SMV:

  • MSE : +10 mm upper intermolar
  • Teeth Alignment : fix dental crowding & mandibular dental arch broadening
  • Neurocranial Narrowization : −10 mm head width ( narrows the neurocranium only & doesn’t narrow zygomas & doesn’t narrow zygomatic processes )
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Forward Cranium : +25 mm anterior skull length (moves the maxilla with it)
  • OBO : +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygorbital Expansion : +7.5 mm PFL & +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygomatic Breadth Reduction : −25 mm bizygomatic breadth on fronts (to compensate for +30 mm bizygomatic breadth due to orbital separation & due to orbit width expansion) & −2.5 mm bizygomatic breadth on processes
  • Le Fort 1 Impaction : −5 mm face length
  • Le Fort 2 : +25 mm maxilla–midface advancement
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible : +25 mm mandibular body length
  • Sagittal Mandible Jaw Rami Thickening : +15 mm side profile view ramus bones’ width & unchanged mandible length
  • Genioplasty : +10 mm chin projection & consequently +10 mm mandibular body length
  • 15º Degrees Counter-Clockwise Double-Jaw Rotation
  • Custom Wrap-Around Jaw Implant : +7.5 mm jaw width & +10 mm chin breadth
  • Glabellar Forwardization : +12.5 mm glabellar forwardness
  • Supraorbital Forwardization : +7.5 mm brow ridge prominence
  • Medial Canthoplasty : +2.5 mm PFL
  • Lateral Canthoplasty: +2.5 mm PFL
  • Rhinoplasty : Mongoloid nose → Caucasoid nose ( +10 mm radix\nasion projection & more changes )
  • Lip Lift : −5 mm philtrum length & +5 mm chin height
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Paranasal Augmentation
  • Infraorbital Implants
  • Eyebrows Lowering, Bilateral Lengthening, Positive-Tilting, Thickening, and Densification
  • Double Leg Lengthening with Tendon Release for Maximum Extension
  • Aggressive Clavicle Lengthening
  • JFL
Reactions: lowtiernormiechad, cromagnon, sigma ✰ and 1 other person
Hey, you're a pretty good looking guy but you seem to want to improve yourself even further. Not an issue at all. I've compiled a list of surgeries you should do in order to improve your SMV:

  • MSE : +10 mm upper intermolar
  • Teeth Alignment : fix dental crowding & mandibular dental arch broadening
  • Neurocranial Narrowization : −10 mm head width ( narrows the neurocranium only & doesn’t narrow zygomas & doesn’t narrow zygomatic processes )
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Forward Cranium : +25 mm anterior skull length (moves the maxilla with it)
  • OBO : +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygorbital Expansion : +7.5 mm PFL & +7.5 mm IPD & +15 mm frontolateral cheekbonal breadth
  • Bilateral Zygomatic Breadth Reduction : −25 mm bizygomatic breadth on fronts (to compensate for +30 mm bizygomatic breadth due to orbital separation & due to orbit width expansion) & −2.5 mm bizygomatic breadth on processes
  • Le Fort 1 Impaction : −5 mm face length
  • Le Fort 2 : +25 mm maxilla–midface advancement
  • Distraction Osteogenesis of the Mandible : +25 mm mandibular body length
  • Sagittal Mandible Jaw Rami Thickening : +15 mm side profile view ramus bones’ width & unchanged mandible length
  • Genioplasty : +10 mm chin projection & consequently +10 mm mandibular body length
  • 15º Degrees Counter-Clockwise Double-Jaw Rotation
  • Custom Wrap-Around Jaw Implant : +7.5 mm jaw width & +10 mm chin breadth
  • Glabellar Forwardization : +12.5 mm glabellar forwardness
  • Supraorbital Forwardization : +7.5 mm brow ridge prominence
  • Medial Canthoplasty : +2.5 mm PFL
  • Lateral Canthoplasty: +2.5 mm PFL
  • Rhinoplasty : Mongoloid nose → Caucasoid nose ( +10 mm radix\nasion projection & more changes )
  • Lip Lift : −5 mm philtrum length & +5 mm chin height
  • Buccal Fat Removal
  • Paranasal Augmentation
  • Infraorbital Implants
  • Eyebrows Lowering, Bilateral Lengthening, Positive-Tilting, Thickening, and Densification
  • Double Leg Lengthening with Tendon Release for Maximum Extension
  • Aggressive Clavicle Lengthening
is this it @cromagnon

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