Sometimes I honestly feel like I'm living a double life



Your face is your fate
May 24, 2020
My RL friends would NEVER know that I know all male model names from A to Z and everything about IPD, facial proportions, maxilla, hypergamy, female nature, ...

Whenever something about looks comes up as a topic I just downplay it and say bluepilled/normie-friendly stuff(as I didn't know better) or keep my mouth shut before I accidently sperg out PSL terms(would be even more awkward since we speak deutsch here)

It kind of feels like having a split personality, but it's not that I would lie when talking with others, I just try to avoid looks-related topics and to separate my looksmaxxing journey/the use of this forum and anything RL-related from each other

My plan is to bluepillmax mostly after my acension and/or maybe also look for some blackpilled friends (I had one that was semi-blackpilled back in school but lost contact since taking different paths, finding a blackpilled friend is unironically a life goal ngl)

How do you handle the duality?
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My RL friends would NEVER know that I know all male model names from A to Z and everything about IPD, facial proportions, maxilla, hypergamy, female nature, ...

Whenever something about looks comes up as a topic I just downplay it and say bluepilled/normie-friendly stuff(as I didn't know better) or keep my mouth shut before I accidently sperg out PSL terms(would be even more awkward since we speak deutsch here)

It kind of feels like having a split personality, but it's not that I would lie when talking with others, I just try to avoid looks-related topics and to separate my looksmaxxing journey/the use of this forum and anything RL-related from each other

My plan is to bluepillmax mostly after my acension and/or maybe also look for some blackpilled friends (I had one that was semi-blackpilled back in school but lost contact since taking different paths, finding a blackpilled friend is unironically a life goal ngl)

How do you handle the duality?
Tbh i dont even care abt the duality and shit
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Yeah i have absolutely no self control so I just say it’s over and shit to everyone i know
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same lmao, i can't even imagine telling my football teammates (or any person tbh) what is an antogonial notch or equally autistic shit like haplogroups
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Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions, Hero of the Imperium, Jamal2222 and 2 others
same lmao, i can't even imagine telling my football teammates (or any person tbh) what is an antogonial notch or equally autistic shit like haplogroups
Haplogroups isn't that niche. Its just that most normies are fucking ignorant and literally think race is just skin deep lol
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I talk about this shit casually with normies like if it's one of my many topics of interest. Even with girls. It's all about the way you spin it. I don't go overboard with hypergamy and how females are disgusting degenerate animals, and I try to avoid sperging out about jews and their nefarious schemes. One of my friends' gf loves talking about this stuff with me, and she even knows I'm escortcel and encourages me jfl.

What's infuriating is that most normies agree with whatever you say and forget about it the next day.
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if you say it the right way you sound high IQ and smart :
'' he has very good cheekbones with forwarding projection facially''

but if you say it like this then you're an autistic goblin :

''The problem with feature-relative ratios such as the 1.618 mouth-to-nose width ratio is that they don’t work if the reference feature (in this case, the nose) is of subhuman dimensions. That’s why we need all ratios standardized. All horizontal ratios should be in relation to the bizygomatic width, and all vertical ratios should be in relation to the facial height (hairline to chin distance). Why are standardized ratios superior? Take the ES ratio for example. Before PSL, people used the rule of thumb that eyes should be one eye width apart. Obviously, this doesn't mean shit if you have a narrow PFL. It’s pretty clear that ES ratio mogs “one eye width between” into oblivion with the standardized ideal ratios being IPD as 0.47, PFL as 0.235, Nose width 0.235 and mouth width 0.38''
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Reactions: NorwoodStyle
How do you handle the duality?
I lol @ Trump his way of dealing with his blackpilled and lookism views.

Obviously he married a GigaStacy.
And he has no shame, in using the blackpill knowledge to make fun of other. Like height, calling someone "mini-mike"

Or when Trump defended himself, about someone suggesting Trump had a small P. And Trump knowing very well, that haveing a microP will be game over forgetting elected in a popularity contest called the USA precidency.

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Reactions: Arkantos, Subhuman Philtrum, Need2Ascend and 1 other person
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Reactions: Chintuck22 and Need2Ascend
thats real good, don't ever let em know how much you know

Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others
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Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions, Deleted member 3635, Deleted member 9779 and 5 others
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Reactions: Deleted member 9391, Deleted member 3828 and wagbox
thats real good, don't ever let em know how much you know

Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others
Is it from 48 Laws of Power? Need to read the book sometime tbh, probably already doing many subconsciously
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Is it from 48 Laws of Power? Need to read the book sometime tbh, probably already doing many subconsciously
yea, its a good starting book to get into dark triad
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Reactions: Deleted member 3828 and Need2Ascend
How do you handle the duality?
I talk about the blackpill and looks with RL friends all the time. But I do it in a comedic/ridiculing way. My friends prob just think I am being weird/funny and that's it. I talk with strangers about it too: blackpilled topics are good conversation material.

You just can't be serious about it,joking makes it easy to talk about. I've had 1 make-out session with a girl that showed interest when I started talking about ball implants 'because girls love big balls on a guy'. Was a topic at the time that I read the day before. She thought it was funny and I was like : 'yeah theres ppl that actually do this, crazy. What do you think about man's balls, prefer big or small?'

Is what it is. I am kinda jestermaxxed irl so i prob wouldnt recommend this if you want to maintain status in your group.
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Reactions: Need2Ascend and NorwoodStyle
No it's funny and they have adapted to it and don't know where it's from
I seethe the day when I hear a soy LGBT normie utter the word “mog”
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Reactions: DharkDC and wagbox
I used to talk about blackpill with friends but stopped. You are giving bad vibes and people dont agree with you even though you see chad friends slay and non chad friends beiing virgins.
Most friends think looks doesn't matter even though you can see how it affects them in real life. Sometime they say slightly blackpill stuff. Like a friend who says that guy looks beta (low fwr, no frame , no length and no bones in face) or my ex roommate: "I am not afraid of my gfs best boy friend who had a crush". I asked why? He didnt say a word but just showed a picture of him. Savage
I honestly think through a blackpill lens that life can be so unfair. Some of my greatest friends are lonely asf why they are the most loyal good persons I know and the biggest douchebacks slay.
From the inside I am blackpill but I try to act redpill/ blue pill to come over more normal.
The normy friends that get laid or gfs sometimes do have fun personalities or are really nt and dont care about rejections.
Also having hobbies or some other subjects with other people to talk about helps. Blackpill can be depressing but you can still have hobbies and do other stuff and get outside.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6403, poplo, alex569 and 3 others
I talk about the blackpill and looks with RL friends all the time. But I do it in a comedic/ridiculing way. My friends prob just think I am being weird/funny and that's it. I talk with strangers about it too: blackpilled topics are good conversation material.

You just can't be serious about it,joking makes it easy to talk about. I've had 1 make-out session with a girl that showed interest when I started talking about ball implants 'because girls love big balls on a guy'. Was a topic at the time that I read the day before. She thought it was funny and I was like : 'yeah theres ppl that actually do this, crazy. What do you think about man's balls, prefer big or small?'

Is what it is. I am kinda jestermaxxed irl so i prob wouldnt recommend this if you want to maintain status in your group.
Yeah I mean I talk about a lot about girls/looks with friends, but I try to keep it superficial/in a joking manner aswell, I'm just kind of afraid that PSL Lingo could accidently slip out like "JBs" or "manlet" , would be awkward af
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Reactions: Deleted member 3828 and Pumanator
What's infuriating is that most normies agree with whatever you say and forget about it the next day.
Most normies are brain dead, they are literally NPCs....They don't have the ability to think for themselves, they don't read or research; they just repeat whatever other normies/mass media/government tell them....
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Reactions: Deleted member 6403, Patient A, NorwoodStyle and 4 others
What's infuriating is that most normies agree with whatever you say and forget about it the next day.

so true.. normies have an inability to go past stage 1 to any deeper thinking, thats why they're so easily brainwashed
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Reactions: Stevensmithgerard, alex569 and NorwoodStyle
One of my friends' gf loves talking about this stuff with me, and she even knows I'm escortcel and encourages me jfl.
lol 😂 it’s so you don’t bother women with your subhumanity.
DA576CFA 361B 490F BF4F B0386AD0450B

know your place and pay you complete and utter dog
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lol 😂 it’s so you don’t bother women with your subhumanity.
View attachment 777584
know your place and pay you complete and utter dog

It's a choice you moronic cuck. I might not be Chad but I've already had gfs and I don't wanna jestermax and monkey dance for pussy scrumbs anymore you cackling subhuman cunt.
Keep barking for me while I creampie 10/10 stacies my loyal pet slave.
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Reactions: Deleted member 4797 and Patient A
It's a choice you moronic cuck. I might not be Chad but I've already had gfs and I don't wanna jestermax and monkey dance for pussy scrumbs anymore you cackling subhuman cunt.
Keep barking for me while I creampie 10/10 stacies my loyal pet slave.
lol cream pie hookers.

Indeed jestermaxxxing and monkey dancing is degrading.

How much does a hooker cream pie cost for you
I talk about this shit casually with normies like if it's one of my many topics of interest. Even with girls. It's all about the way you spin it. I don't go overboard with hypergamy and how females are disgusting degenerate animals, and I try to avoid sperging out about jews and their nefarious schemes. One of my friends' gf loves talking about this stuff with me, and she even knows I'm escortcel and encourages me jfl.

What's infuriating is that most normies agree with whatever you say and forget about it the next day.
I know he feeling. You feel like you woke up a friend and then they just go back to npc ways
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Reactions: NorwoodStyle
My RL friends would NEVER know that I know all male model names from A to Z and everything about IPD, facial proportions, maxilla, hypergamy, female nature, ...

Whenever something about looks comes up as a topic I just downplay it and say bluepilled/normie-friendly stuff(as I didn't know better) or keep my mouth shut before I accidently sperg out PSL terms(would be even more awkward since we speak deutsch here)

It kind of feels like having a split personality, but it's not that I would lie when talking with others, I just try to avoid looks-related topics and to separate my looksmaxxing journey/the use of this forum and anything RL-related from each other

My plan is to bluepillmax mostly after my acension and/or maybe also look for some blackpilled friends (I had one that was semi-blackpilled back in school but lost contact since taking different paths, finding a blackpilled friend is unironically a life goal ngl)

How do you handle the duality?
yall taking this blackpill shit way too seriously wait you meant to tell me women like attractive men holy shit mann that's such a big discovery
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Reactions: Patient A
Standard price if I'm a regular, sometimes.

Inb4 enjoy your stds.
Fuck you

what is the standard price may I ask out of curiosity
100 to 250 euros per hour for independant escorts you can find them by googling escort "country/city". There are many catfishes and high end escorts can cost a lot more.
50-60 euros per 30 min in brothels in some Euro countries (Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Czech etc).
Bareback is a rare occurence, some fringe hookers specialize in it and even tho they ask for a recent test I wouldn't touch them. It mainly happens with semi-professionals who come to view you as a regular/sugardaddy; they also ask for test in my experience.
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Reactions: Patient A
My RL friends would NEVER know that I know all male model names from A to Z and everything about IPD, facial proportions, maxilla, hypergamy, female nature, ...

Whenever something about looks comes up as a topic I just downplay it and say bluepilled/normie-friendly stuff(as I didn't know better) or keep my mouth shut before I accidently sperg out PSL terms(would be even more awkward since we speak deutsch here)

It kind of feels like having a split personality, but it's not that I would lie when talking with others, I just try to avoid looks-related topics and to separate my looksmaxxing journey/the use of this forum and anything RL-related from each other

My plan is to bluepillmax mostly after my acension and/or maybe also look for some blackpilled friends (I had one that was semi-blackpilled back in school but lost contact since taking different paths, finding a blackpilled friend is unironically a life goal ngl)

How do you handle the duality?
Same bro, I live this same Double-Life. In real life I have regular friends and hood friends and with neither I will ever share this knowledge.
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Reactions: Need2Ascend
thats real good, don't ever let em know how much you know

Law 38: Think as you like but behave like others
dumbass actually believes the redpill rules of bullshit
  • So Sad
Reactions: AlwaysHaveQuestions

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