Sry for Lack of Format, but interesting



C doubtless impossibility
Jul 15, 2022
“Sometimes I don’t remember what happened five minutes ago, but I can remember a detail from 22 January 2008,” Bill, an individual with a “highly superior autobiographical memory,” told BBC Future in 2016

Also u can write down or record things

Its also doesn't overload/overtax your brain and disc Space less full

My memory is perfect, obviously i need more longer exposure to the Stimuli and Repetition to remember it, thats normal, can't remember everything when only looking few Seconds at it or Takes Long to Retrieve it Cuz of my hyperfull discspace and brain noise

Btw in Computer memory era memory isn't

Research also suggests that having a great long-term memory can have an adverse impact on an individual’s working memory, which holds small amounts of information one might need to make decisions, organize tasks, or simply, to reason. A study conducted on mice suggests that “hav[ing] too much memory … mak[es] it harder to filter out information and increas[es] the time it takes for new short-term memories to be processed and stored,” explains an article on the website of Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

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