Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5


Deleted member 9467

Sep 2, 2020
Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (
"[Women] rarely see our partner's appearance as a measure of our own value, in stark contrast to those men who try to distract us from their deep-seated insecurities by dragging an extra-shiny, much-hotter lady friend around with them like an overpriced designer handbag."
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Great looksmaxxing advice.
  • JFL
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Lol your gay theory. Stop saying shit
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6.5 PSL is literally chad
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  • JFL
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Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (
another dark triad coper.

This right here is the only legitimate triad.
  • JFL
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6.5 PSL is literally chad
true that.
PSL5 = Chadlite (84%)
PSL6= Chad (97.75%)
PSL7= Giga Chad (99.865%)
PSL8 = Tera Chad (99.99..........%)

So 6.5 PSL looks dude. is when only 1 in 100 men pass the looks threshold.
And than also be "husband" material (aka betabuxx shit I suppose) on top of that; according to OP. Limiting the 1% even more tol like 0.3%
There are In a City of a 1 million, literally only 2000 men that would fit the 0.3% mark. Of which the 500.000 women in that city, they all like and want that dude.
yeah that will work out mathematically, and practically.

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  • +1
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true that.
PSL5 = Chadlite (84%)
PSL6= Chad (97.75%)
PSL7= Giga Chad (99.865%)
PSL8 = Tera Chad (99.99..........%)

So 6.5 PSL looks dude. is when only 1 in 100 men pass the looks threshold.
And than also be "husband" material (aka betabuxx shit I suppose) on top of that; according to OP. Limiting the 1% even more tol like 0.3%
There are In a City of a 1 million, literally only 2000 men that would fit the 0.3% mark. Of which the 500.000 women in that city, they all like and want that dude.
yeah that will work out mathematically, and practically.

Yeah but this is giga dependent on location. Chad in subhuman country is normie in california or miami.
Santa monica for example is full of fitness chads
Damn, I should not have taken the 5 to Santa monica boulevard.
But I should had taken a left on to the 51, and ehad out straight to Albuquerque Hillibilly town with 99% inbread subhumans
  • Hmm...
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Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (

Most beautiful women are slaves/prisoners of their appearance for their whole life or until the wall hits them. The ammount of time and effort they put into maintaining and prolonging their good looks is quite significant.

Hence why it is extremely rare that a very gl woman does some high IQ job, like some scientific research and whatnot, because they dont have enough time to put into anything else other than maintaining their good looks.

Damn right they are insecure af. If a Chadlite/Chad comes around, that is higher SMV than them, he breaks their barrier by being better looking than them, and then theres nothing left there. It is perma panic mode and cluelessness for the good looking women. They become just empty shells and mere toys for Chads.
6.5 PSL barely fucking exists so your theory sounds stupid
  • +1
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Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (
It’s because they have more power in the relationship, women fuck the hottest guy they can find but not date. In dating they want the upper hand
  • +1
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Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (
How many girlfriends have you had?
One of the most retarded threads I've ever seen on this forum, full of retarded theories
Staceys want to ONS chad but want a husband material 6.5 ish PSL.

Staceys know they're gorgeous and aren't in need of a top tier looks male to give them attractive children. (actually, if both parents are too beautiful, your child has a higher chance of being gay) All they need is a guy with a decent T, good frame, and good height.

Those chad chasers are mostly average women who want beautiful ("mixed" I should say) children.

Also, the most beautiful women are the most insecure, partly because obsessing over your looks makes you do more things to keep you attractive (like the women on r/Vindicta). This is similar to how Dark Triads are attractive mostly because they care about their looks and therefore are better looking.

This article: Why Beautiful Women Date Average-Looking Men (
6.5 PSL is by definition chad you fucking retard
Retarteded author. There are way more gigastacies than there are gigachads, they are simply forced to date men below their PSL.
Retarteded author. There are way more gigastacies than there are gigachads, they are simply forced to date men below their PSL.
Are you sure?
Look at men today and then females, females take way better care of themselves.
Yeah that makes sense, I was thinking more naturally so. But that is true women do on average take much better care.
Yeah that makes sense, I was thinking more naturally so. But that is true women do on average take much better care.
Females also rate males lower than men rate women. Men often complain it's because female standards are too high, but I reckon males don't take care of themselves.
Females also rate males lower than men rate women. Men often complain it's because female standards are too high, but I reckon males don't take care of themselves.
True so do you think that that ok cupid survey was much more representative of how men take care of themselves as opposed to hypergamy or? Honestly I get why you would think that because a large portion of men are simply oblivious to how they actually look and put zero effort in.
Legit lmao if you think she prefers 6.5 over Chad for relationship. The reason she ends up with 6.5 instead of Chad is because she wants someone that won't cheat on her and leave her. So she's happy with loyal 6.5 instead of risking it with 8 PSL chad that will leave her whenever he wants.

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