stacylite ex has ruined my ability to ever date/trust women ever again.



Nobody is safe from me.
Feb 3, 2022
still can't believe she dumped me over whatsapp for voting for a poltical party she didn't like.

i had met her parents, her family liked me, we were calling daily, having sex 3 times a day, had a holiday planned, always had fun together, making eachother laugh.

she even said: 'you always make me laugh, I feel like I can really be myself around you and I feel really safe, I have the best sex with you I've ever had in my life, but I feel like these political differences make it impossible for us to be together in the long run and I don't want to invest in a relationship where I feel like it has no long-term potential'

jfl honestly

this was just such an insane break of trust
i felt discarded like some worthless toy

being broken up for some bs reason like this feels worse than being cheated on honestly. it IS worse. its worse than being cucked.

at least if you get cheated on or cucked, it was likely already obvious before that the LTR was shit. sex was non-existent, constant arguments, fights. not talking, no attraction, etc.

this was completely random

ill never trust women again. never date women. never have sex with women

ever again in my life
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  • JFL
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women arent worthy of a lion


their loss. ill never let them hurt me again.
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stacies in my OLD inbox can go fuck themselves, they dont treat me with the respect i deserve
Women hold “their” (meaning, soycietal conditioning) convictions strongly. They’ll make allowances for Chad to fuck them, he can be a child rapist but as long as it’s a dirty little secret it’s fine. But they’ll always choose status, and fitting in, over any man, no matter how Chad he may be.
  • +1
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Women hold “their” (meaning, soycietal conditioning) convictions strongly. They’ll make allowances for Chad to fuck them, he can be a child rapist but as long as it’s a dirty little secret it’s fine. But they’ll always choose status, and fitting in, over any man, no matter how Chad he may be.
she was always in these extreme leftist liberal spheres of influence

she would say things like: 'if my friends/family found out who you voted for, they would hate you.'

which is insane honestly, absolutely insane.
Imagine hating someone for voting for a political party you don't like, despite them never hurting anyone and being a good person, etc.

women being brainwashed has destroyed the dating market
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Reactions: twojei, lowiqNormie, got.daim and 1 other person
rent-free in my head, is what it is.

why date when this is the quality of women out there. there is no quality
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this is what happens when you’re replaceable at the snap of one’s fingers
  • +1
Reactions: twojei and MoggerGaston
Unironically it’s over and you should just drive your car into the ocean and end your life. You reached the peak. There’s no getting that feeling back. Might as well save face and cut your losses. You better…before it’s too late.
  • +1
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  • JFL
Reactions: nigtard, DalitBoss and MoggerGaston
she was always in these extreme leftist liberal spheres of influence

she would say things like: 'if my friends/family found out who you voted for, they would hate you.'

which is insane honestly, absolutely insane.
Imagine hating someone for voting for a political party you don't like, despite them never hurting anyone and being a good person, etc.

women being brainwashed has destroyed the dating market

Part of the reason my oneitis left me was because I was anti vax at the time (before they started forcing you to get vaxxed or basically you lose a ton of societal privileges). They really are pieces of shit who can’t think independently.
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston, Sprinkles and Whatever
this is what happens when you’re replaceable at the snap of one’s fingers
You are so easily replaced, you hold no value in modern society.

Any point in time a woman can dump you and find another man instantly.
Any moment a company can fire you and hire another person to take your place
Any possible time a friend can ditch you because you have no meaning or value in his/her life.

Fuck this shit.
  • +1
Reactions: Foreverbrad
Why are you and @the BULL so similar?
  • +1
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You are so easily replaced, you hold no value in modern society.

Any point in time a woman can dump you and find another man instantly.
Any moment a company can fire you and hire another person to take your place
Any possible time a friend can ditch you because you have no meaning or value in his/her life.

Fuck this shit.

life as a man is a scam tbh, unless 0.1% in looks, height, and family you’re born into
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
You are so easily replaced, you hold no value in modern society.

Any point in time a woman can dump you and find another man instantly.
Any moment a company can fire you and hire another person to take your place
Any possible time a friend can ditch you because you have no meaning or value in his/her life.

Fuck this shit.

You can’t build anything with anyone; you are reduced to your present value at a particular moment in time.

This is why self improvement has become so popular in recent years as it’s the only guaranteed way you can make progress in your life; invest in yourself, and ONLY yourself.
  • +1
Reactions: MoggerGaston
Unironically it’s over and you should just drive your car into the ocean and end your life. You reached the peak. There’s no getting that feeling back. Might as well save face and cut your losses. You better…before it’s too late.
Life is so beautiful though

+ There is always someone for you, he just has to be himself and try again :>
I would’ve told her she’s a retarded fucking bitch to her face. Literally who does that
  • JFL
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Images   2024 07 12T145034941

You were too good for her, anyway.
  • +1
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I would’ve told her she’s a retarded fucking bitch to her face. Literally who does that
Nah but that would show he felt bad about it.
If it was me, I would answer as nonchalantly as possible like "Well ok, at least we have had some fun"
(Implying that I didn't even see it as a serious relationship anyway)
  • So Sad
Reactions: MoggerGaston
You can’t build anything with anyone; you are reduced to your present value at a particular moment in time.

This is why self improvement has become so popular in recent years as it’s the only guaranteed way you can make progress in your life; invest in yourself, and ONLY yourself.
This is it.

Fuck everyone else and everything else. Everything is transactional.
what you thinking, observer?

she told me I am the first guy she ever dared introducing to her family because her previous boyfriends wouldn't have been approved according to her. JFL honestly, meaningless compliments in the end.

Never listen to women ever again.

I need to find a way to live completely alone, isolated, and be happy. somehow

ill achieve this, i dont need anybody
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  • So Sad
Reactions: ascension
she told me I am the first guy she ever dared introducing to her family because here previous boyfriends wouldn't have been approved according to her. JFL honestly, meaningless compliments in the end.

That basically translates into her fucking badboys/thugs before you.

Ngl it seems like to me that the "political views" thing was an excuse for her to get out. For a girl who's fucked thugs for years, settling down with a normal guy like you would be boring to her. She could also explain the breakup to her parents more easily with the political excuse. Did you vote for a right wing party or something?
  • +1
Reactions: nigtard, infini and MoggerGaston
That basically translates into her fucking badboys/thugs before you.
true, they were lowIQ. HighIQ doomed me.
Ngl it seems like to me that the "political views" thing was an excuse for her to get out. For a girl who's fucked thugs for years, settling down with a normal guy like you would be boring to her. She could also explain the breakup to her parents more easily with the political excuse. Did you vote for a right wing party or something?
ye right-wing party

it's just a value-problem in the end I guess. If I had more value I wouldn't be replaced as easily. I guess it's the general issue with male-female relationships that the function of a man has been replaced. Governments offer protection now etc. what is the purpose of men.

I pray for a society in which women are raped on the streets, people are starving, violence is everywhere.
As a slavic brute I would thrive in such harsh environments and my value would increase as I am extremely capable of dominating under stress.
  • Woah
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Is this the stace you recently shared or the one way back that gave you ptsd cause I remember a similar story to this way back? She's just mad at the recent Euro result for Nethercels.

true, they were lowIQ. HighIQ doomed me.

ye right-wing party

it's just a value-problem in the end I guess. If I had more value I wouldn't be replaced as easily. I guess it's the general issue with male-female relationships that the function of a man has been replaced. Governments offer protection now etc. what is the purpose of men.

I pray for a society in which women are raped on the streets, people are starving, violence is everywhere.
As a slavic brute I would thrive in such harsh environments and my value would increase as I am extremely capable of dominating under stress.
Honestly. Armed forces maxx yourself.
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still can't believe she dumped me over whatsapp for voting for a poltical party she didn't like.

i had met her parents, her family liked me, we were calling daily, having sex 3 times a day, had a holiday planned, always had fun together, making eachother laugh.

she even said: 'you always make me laugh, I feel like I can really be myself around you and I feel really safe, I have the best sex with you I've ever had in my life, but I feel like these political differences make it impossible for us to be together in the long run and I don't want to invest in a relationship where I feel like it has no long-term potential'

jfl honestly

this was just such an insane break of trust
i felt discarded like some worthless toy

being broken up for some bs reason like this feels worse than being cheated on honestly. it IS worse. its worse than being cucked.

at least if you get cheated on or cucked, it was likely already obvious before that the LTR was shit. sex was non-existent, constant arguments, fights. not talking, no attraction, etc.

this was completely random

ill never trust women again. never date women. never have sex with women

ever again in my life
could have told you this. Foids in the Netherlands are scared of losing social standing if someone finds out they associaste with someone that votes for a far right party. Who did you vote for PVV? Im thinking FvD.
what you thinking, observer?

she told me I am the first guy she ever dared introducing to her family because her previous boyfriends wouldn't have been approved according to her. JFL honestly, meaningless compliments in the end.

Never listen to women ever again.

I need to find a way to live completely alone, isolated, and be happy. somehow

ill achieve this, i dont need anybody
Banderas react Shorten

@ascension, @ReadBooksEveryday @WishIwasChico @forevergymcelling, @the BULL tell me please this was your initial response to this shit.

Fuarkinhell I'm sorry. On the other end women (especially the hipster types) are becoming more unlikable even socially to a point their politics/ feminism/ career driven agenda that is a turn off to us simply by attitude AFTER expressing opinion. Because they can't seperate opinons with how you treat people and as as result they burn off whatver bridge and collapse in and of themselves.

Muuh depression.
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It means that she never really loved you,you think someone in love is going to break up with their partner because of retarted politics.She did you a favour, you would've gotten cheated on a few months down the line.
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