Starting Gym from Today, What should I do?



May 5, 2020
Are there any gymmaxxing threads or articles? on this or other forums. I am completely clueless and I dont trust those YouTube motherfuckers
  • JFL
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Are there any gymmaxxing threads or articles? on this or other forums. I am completely clueless and I dont trust those YouTube motherfuckers
You might be the most retarded person on this forum. “Don’t trust YouTube motherfuckers” on a topic such as the gym? 😂😂 How complex is it to pick up a couple dumbbells? Do you want someone to hold you’re hand like the toddler you are? Dude actually take some control in you’re life.
  • JFL
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subscribe to greg doucette
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Are there any gymmaxxing threads or articles? on this or other forums. I am completely clueless and I dont trust those YouTube motherfuckers
Also I didn’t mean that in a asshole douche way, meant that more in a bigger bro giving you advice in a way like a man. Don’t ask questions on topics you can figure out by yourself in the search of a second, but start a specific lifting routine such as Push Pull, Starting Strength, or just split you’re muscle groups per day hit each 2x a week and include forearms. If you need to put on mass just eat more calories and try to do it in the healthiest way possible no dirty bulking bullshit cause that’s how you get fat. Consume a ton of protein, if you need to use protein shakes with some protein powder. But it shouldn’t be hard to make significant process since it’s you’re first time lifting you should be gaining 1-2 pounds of muscle a month.
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arent gyms closed
also, pm me, ill be happy to coach you if u want. only if you have access to a gym tho
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subscribe to greg doucette

and get spammed crappy drama/ fitness youtuber review videos, his older videos about steroids are good though
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Just get on roids bro
curls for the girls bro
Just workout bro and eat healthy

That’s all
Bench press
pull ups
overhead press
Barbell row

Eat protein rich foods, get enough sleep.

All you need tbh everything else is optional
  • +1
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Just pick up random shit and move it around, or watch someone else and copy them
Heres what you need to do bro:

Learn basic muscle groups and how they work with and against eachother, this will help you understand your workouts better and what is being exercised.

Learn about basic exercises and the names of gym equipment

You should focus on compound lifts (google that) and then do isolation exercises at the end of your gym sessions or later on

Correct any imbalances you may have e.g rounded shoulders, nerd neck, hip tilt etc. I recommend watching AthleanX for this

Eat a lot and sleep

Those are basically the basics bro
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Best blackpilled coach there
I subscired to him a week ago
More like whiny cunt with a bitch voice who looks like shit. The hell would you take his advice for. IDK how he can use androgens or so long and still sound like such a bitch.
More like whiny cunt with a bitch voice who looks like shit. The hell would you take his advice for. IDK how he can use androgens or so long and still sound like such a bitch.
If this looks like shit, show your physique.

9bb41ea3 f32f 478f 892e 7c4f47a3fbea
Are there any gymmaxxing threads or articles? on this or other forums. I am completely clueless and I dont trust those YouTube motherfuckers
Look Up
If this looks like shit, show your physique.

View attachment 408696
Nrrow clavicles, arm dominant, , awful height, shit voice. Whats hard to comprehend u moron? He doesn't even give good advice his health advice is fkin atrocious. I dont understand how you can take androgens as much as he has and still have such a whiny bitch voice its insufferable even listening to him.
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  • +1
Reactions: JustTrynnaAscend
Nrrow clavicles, arm dominant, , awful height, shit voice. Whats hard to comprehend u moron? He doesn't even give good advice his health advice is fkin atrocious. I dont understand how you can take androgens as much as he has and still have such a whiny bitch voice its insufferable even listening to him.
Honestly, he reminds me of that YouTuber Alpha M, and that bubble gut is disgusting with a tiny fucking frame.
Nrrow clavicles, arm dominant, , awful height, shit voice. Whats hard to comprehend u moron? He doesn't even give good advice his health advice is fkin atrocious. I dont understand how you can take androgens as much as he has and still have such a whiny bitch voice its insufferable even listening to him.
You sound very whiny yourself. Probably high estrogen and irritable like a pms woman.

TitusA aka Whiny Pussy:
ArQ1ozxA 700w 0
You sound very whiny yourself. Probably high estrogen and irritable like a pms woman.

TitusA aka Whiny Pussy:
View attachment 408796
Low estro actually considering i'm actually taking aromasin as appose to half of this forum who just mentally mastrubate about some looksmax/mentalmax regime but never do anything.
Low estro actually considering i'm actually taking aromasin as appose to half of this forum who just mentally mastrubate about some looksmax/mentalmax regime but never do anything.
So you feel like you 'doing something' is admirable but shit on Doucette who looks better than 99% of the population because of his narrow clavicle genetics. You know the difference between you and him? He's done something about his physique and isn't too much of a pussy to put himself out there to be scrutinized.

You talk shit but after running a cycle, you still don't think you look good enough to want to show your physique you weak ass bitch. Btw, low estro can be just as bad if not worse than low T. You're amateur hour. Probably crashed your hdl, have a sickly cardiovascular system, gave yourself hypogonadism, still look like trash, and on top of that are afraid to show yourself even after running gear. Pathetic
Eat clen, tren hard, test yourself, anavar give up.
Thats it basically
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  • +1
Reactions: Bruh567
You should get that De Niro “Taxi Driver” look
3B659A59 67CF 4428 93DB 010F4BF4A45E
So you feel like you 'doing something' is admirable but shit on Doucette who looks better than 99% of the population because of his narrow clavicle genetics. You know the difference between you and him? He's done something about his physique and isn't too much of a pussy to put himself out there to be scrutinized.

You talk shit but after running a cycle, you still don't think you look good enough to want to show your physique you weak ass bitch. Btw, low estro can be just as bad if not worse than low T. You're amateur hour. Probably crashed your hdl, have a sickly cardiovascular system, gave yourself hypogonadism, still look like trash, and on top of that are afraid to show yourself even after running gear. Pathetic
You mean I dont want to doxx myself on an incel forum you stupid cunt? Also i'm well aware moron that estro is cardioprotective and crashing it too low can have a bunch of negatives. Also my hdl-ldl ratio is great, liver function great, kidney function great. Been getting all of these things tested since I first touched steroids. Hypogonadism? I just took 8 months off completely you fucking retard. I was back to normal literally a month in. Stop flapping you're gums you retarded fuck and get the facts before you start talking shit. What has he done about his physique? You mean competed and fucked himself (because that's when the real damage starts happening) by taking cutting drugs, crashing his estro and fking his kidneys over with diuretics. Just adding onto the kidney damage caused by high bp that pretty much everyone gets at the doses taken to compete. You're 38 and on a looksmaxxing forum full of teenagers/early 20s take a look at yourself.
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You mean I dont want to doxx myself on an incel forum you stupid cunt? Also i'm well aware moron that estro is cardioprotective and crashing it too low can have a bunch of negatives. Also my hdl-ldl ratio is great, liver function great, kidney function great. Been getting all of these things tested since I first touched steroids. Hypogonadism? I just took 8 months off completely you fucking retard. I was back to normal literally a month in. Stop flapping you're gums you retarded fuck and get the facts before you start talking shit. What has he done about his physique? You mean competed and fucked himself (because that's when the real damage starts happening) by taking cutting drugs, crashing his estro and fking his kidneys over with diuretics. Just adding onto the kidney damage caused by high bp that pretty much everyone gets at the doses taken to compete.
Still no pics after talking shit about his physique. You're afraid to be doxxed because you look like trash. You can easily cut your head out btw. No one cares about what your physique looks like, including me, but you are obviously insecure about it and making excuses after being negative about a guy who looks better than 99% of the population. Your body dysmorphia is part of the reason you hopped on the sauce in the first place.

It can take 14-18 months for your lh and fsh to normalize after a cycle and shbg levels often never return to normal for the rest of your life. You ruined your body and felt like trash for the last 8 months, hence why you're back on. You fucked up your hpt and are now at an increased risk for hypogonadism, sexual dysfunction, and depression and the longer you run gear and the older you get, the moreso this becomes true.

Doucette is kind of stupid for running that shit, but he wanted the ifbb pro card so he did what it took to attain his goal. He's on low dose trt now which is the smartest thing he could do.

Here, you can educate yourself on how you fucked up your natural production. Keep that hcg handy whiny boy.

Insecure about it? Because It how it is. He doesn't have an aesthetic physique its that simple. Also I'm well aware I wrote a quick post skimming over things in response to you're bullshit and missed the info. Its called 'making a mistake' I'm sure you've heard that phrase from you're parents a few times. Reality is theirs far better people to get health advice from and far better people to get anabolics advice from and that's that. Its pretty bizarre that an old man like you is still idolising people to such an extent that you get so butthurt when they are legitimately criticised.
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