Starting My Extra-Chromosome Based Height-Maxxing Stack

Deleted member 13754

Deleted member 13754

I Sell Roids and AIs
Apr 30, 2021
Welcome Everyone.
Next week I am starting my height stack (too poor for reliable HGH) which is as follows: (please say if I'm missing anything important/being retarded with dosages/doing this in vain)

CJC-1295 with DAC -- 4000mcg before bed daily
MK-677 -- 25mg before bed daily
Aromasin -- 6.25mg before bed every other day (I don't want frail bones so I'm not going to blast 25mg daily)
Huperzine A -- 250mg morning and night (I know it's not necessarily effective at inhibiting somatostatin as something like physostigmine but it has no bad sides)
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

I'm Currently 16.5 and 181cm (5'11") but I am certainly still growing as I measure myself frequently and also only hit puberty at around 15.
I'm also aware that there are plenty of threads like this but they never seem to update progress/give reliable results (there are autists claiming 3 inches in a month with mk JFL) so I will make sure to actually give proper results (with DIY stadiometer)

Tagging a couple high IQ height-maxxers for their opinions
@WadlowMaxxing @TakaTeo @Darmstadtium
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Dnrd but GL
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Following to see results, good luck my man
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Welcome Everyone.
Next week I am starting my height stack (too poor for reliable HGH) which is as follows: (please say if I'm missing anything important/being retarded with dosages/doing this in vain)

CJC-1295 with DAC -- 4000mcg before bed daily
MK-677 -- 25mg before bed daily
Aromasin -- 6.25mg before bed every other day (I don't want frail bones so I'm not going to blast 25mg daily)
Huperzine A -- 250mg morning and night (I know it's not necessarily effective at inhibiting somatostatin as something like physostigmine but it has no bad sides)
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

I'm Currently 16.5 and 181cm (5'11") but I am certainly still growing as I measure myself frequently and also only hit puberty at around 15.
I'm also aware that there are plenty of threads like this but they never seem to update progress/give reliable results (there are autists claiming 3 inches in a month with mk JFL) so I will make sure to actually give proper results (with DIY stadiometer)

Tagging a couple high IQ height-maxxers for their opinions
@WadlowMaxxing @TakaTeo @Darmstadtium
pretty much perfect height stack. as for cjc dac 12-15mg (you could consider lowering your dosage to save money, not sure if there's much benefit going higher) a week with mk677 alone is equivalent to a decent dose of hgh. are you injecting before bed daily to ensure your levels are continuously elevated? , its got a long half life so you could megadose once a week. update us on how it goes. you shouldn't have any issues with eating enough to support your growth + with vitamins and minerals your good to go. take your aromasin with peanut butter/fats it allows your body to absorb it better and it becomes more efficacious.
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pretty much perfect height stack. as for cjc dac 12-15mg (you could consider lowering your dosage to save money, not sure if there's much benefit going higher) a week with mk677 alone is equivalent to a decent dose of hgh. are you injecting before bed daily to ensure your levels are continuously elevated? , its got a long half life so you could megadose once a week. update us on how it goes. you shouldn't have any issues with eating enough to support your growth + with vitamins and minerals your good to go. take your aromasin with peanut butter/fats it allows your body to absorb it better and it becomes more efficacious.
Thanks for the advice bro, it's probably easier to inject more cjc dac less often just to use less needles and yeah definitely will take the aromasin with fats now. (y) Will tag you in results which I'll post every 4 weeks or so.
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kinda anecdotal , but i personally stopped growing at 22 (my epiphyseal plate confirmed to be closed via x-ray, my final height was 179 cm , 1 inch shorter than my dad , and 5 inch shorter than my younger brother , sadge ) .You have plenty of time dont worry .

I doubt aromasin would be necessary at your age , especially that you started puberty late, but i guess your dose is fine . also dont forget that MK can cause insulin resistance so you would need to cycle it . dont worry about your GH and IGF -1 serum level as it would not deplete in just 2-3 months, which is the recommended off - cycle length (there are dozens of meta analysis studies to back this up) good luck brother , keep us updated . hope you ascend and eat all the manlet in this planet
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kinda anecdotal , but i personally stopped growing at 22 (my epiphyseal plate confirmed to be closed via x-ray, my final height was 179 cm , 1 inch shorter than my dad , and 5 inch shorter than my younger brother , sadge ) .You have plenty of time dont worry .

I doubt aromasin would be necessary at your age , especially that you started puberty late, but i guess your dose is fine . also dont forget that MK can cause insulin resistance so you would need to cycle it . dont worry about your GH and IGF -1 serum level as it would not deplete in just 2-3 months, which is the recommended off - cycle length (there are dozens of meta analysis studies to back this up) good luck brother , keep us updated . hope you ascend and eat all the manlet in this planet
Thanks for the reply brother, I was also planning on cycling the MK for that reason just didn't specify in the original. Could I ask what your growth rate was from 17-22? because from most sources tend to say there's not much growth that occurs after that age. I'll also tag you in 4 week updates from now on. (y)
kinda anecdotal , but i personally stopped growing at 22 (my epiphyseal plate confirmed to be closed via x-ray, my final height was 179 cm , 1 inch shorter than my dad , and 5 inch shorter than my younger brother , sadge ) .You have plenty of time dont worry .

I doubt aromasin would be necessary at your age , especially that you started puberty late, but i guess your dose is fine . also dont forget that MK can cause insulin resistance so you would need to cycle it . dont worry about your GH and IGF -1 serum level as it would not deplete in just 2-3 months, which is the recommended off - cycle length (there are dozens of meta analysis studies to back this up) good luck brother , keep us updated . hope you ascend and eat all the manlet in this planet
how do i cycle this stuff also what are rhe dangers of AI?
how do i cycle this stuff also what are rhe dangers of AI?
Apparently AIs can be suppressive on ur test but idk ppl say Aromasin or Exestamene doesn't do this
Welcome Everyone.
Next week I am starting my height stack (too poor for reliable HGH) which is as follows: (please say if I'm missing anything important/being retarded with dosages/doing this in vain)

CJC-1295 with DAC -- 4000mcg before bed daily
MK-677 -- 25mg before bed daily
Aromasin -- 6.25mg before bed every other day (I don't want frail bones so I'm not going to blast 25mg daily)
Huperzine A -- 250mg morning and night (I know it's not necessarily effective at inhibiting somatostatin as something like physostigmine but it has no bad sides)
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

I'm Currently 16.5 and 181cm (5'11") but I am certainly still growing as I measure myself frequently and also only hit puberty at around 15.
I'm also aware that there are plenty of threads like this but they never seem to update progress/give reliable results (there are autists claiming 3 inches in a month with mk JFL) so I will make sure to actually give proper results (with DIY stadiometer)

Tagging a couple high IQ height-maxxers for their opinions
@WadlowMaxxing @TakaTeo @Darmstadtium
How much does this stack cost plus sourcing....male sure u have good sources
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SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

HOW much of each of these daily OP i also have mk677 coming will use for twomonths no cjcdac then buy some hgh if crypto goes well
how do i cycle this stuff also what are rhe dangers of AI?
Cycling just means taking breaks every 8 weeks or so to allow your body to reset. A low dose of an AI (what I'm taking) is very low risk but higher dosages can cause joint pain, depression (estrogen has important neuroprotective effects) and lower bone density, there's also a risk with higher dosages of screwing up your HPTA development but still unlikely. Don't let me put you off though, there's plenty of studies out there on kids with ISS who have taken much higher dosages of AIs than me with practically no negative short term effects and seemingly no negative long term effects either.
Apparently AIs can be suppressive on ur test but idk ppl say Aromasin or Exestamene doesn't do this
They are the complete opposite actually, the negative feedback of having low e causes you to produce more t as a result, this is why it's occasionally prescribed to grandpas as an oral alternative to TRT or clomid.
How much does this stack cost plus sourcing....male sure u have good sources
I'm using swiss chems for all the research chemicals as it's third party tested and amazon for the supplements. Total cost for a 10 week cycle is roughly 350£ or 500$.
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

HOW much of each of these daily OP i also have mk677 coming will use for twomonths no cjcdac then buy some hgh if crypto goes well
200mg Sam-e, 2000mg glucosamine, 500mg chondritn, 250mg MSM, 6000IU Vit D, 100% NRV for Calcium and Zinc, 300% NRV K2 M4.
Would highly recommend a low dose AI just because using a compound like MK will age your plates more and you want to reduce that effect. Also bro the HGH sounds good, if you can afford it then you're winning at life, Good luck with Crypto and Heightmaxxing (y)(y).
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Cycling just means taking breaks every 8 weeks or so to allow your body to reset. A low dose of an AI (what I'm taking) is very low risk but higher dosages can cause joint pain, depression (estrogen has important neuroprotective effects) and lower bone density, there's also a risk with higher dosages of screwing up your HPTA development but still unlikely. Don't let me put you off though, there's plenty of studies out there on kids with ISS who have taken much higher dosages of AIs than me with practically no negative short term effects and seemingly no negative long term effects either.
how long a break should i take? i been going for like 3 months non stop
Apparently AIs can be suppressive on ur test but idk ppl say Aromasin or Exestamene doesn't do this
this is incorrect, they are ANTI ESTROGENS in fact they would have positive effects on test levels, its mainly joint/mental sides to look out for
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200mg Sam-e, 2000mg glucosamine, 500mg chondritn, 250mg MSM, 6000IU Vit D, 100% NRV for Calcium and Zinc, 300% NRV K2 M4.
Would highly recommend a low dose AI just because using a compound like MK will age your plates more and you want to reduce that effect. Also bro the HGH sounds good, if you can afford it then you're winning at life, Good luck with Crypto and Heightmaxxing (y)(y).
Please uodate soon like every two weeks wish u luck !!
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Haven't people followed similar stacks like this with no results?
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Holy Mother of cope. Good luck getting all that
Holy Mother of cope. Good luck getting all that

Wouldn't call it the mother of cope mate, it's perfectly reasonable that I could gain a couple extra inches than my genetic height.

Wouldn't call it the mother of cope mate, it's perfectly reasonable that I could gain a couple extra inches than my genetic height.
No I mean getting hold of all those drugs
Are you 6'3 now?
  • JFL
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Any growth?
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Welcome Everyone.
Next week I am starting my height stack (too poor for reliable HGH) which is as follows: (please say if I'm missing anything important/being retarded with dosages/doing this in vain)

CJC-1295 with DAC -- 4000mcg before bed daily
MK-677 -- 25mg before bed daily
Aromasin -- 6.25mg before bed every other day (I don't want frail bones so I'm not going to blast 25mg daily)
Huperzine A -- 250mg morning and night (I know it's not necessarily effective at inhibiting somatostatin as something like physostigmine but it has no bad sides)
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

I'm Currently 16.5 and 181cm (5'11") but I am certainly still growing as I measure myself frequently and also only hit puberty at around 15.
I'm also aware that there are plenty of threads like this but they never seem to update progress/give reliable results (there are autists claiming 3 inches in a month with mk JFL) so I will make sure to actually give proper results (with DIY stadiometer)

Tagging a couple high IQ height-maxxers for their opinions
@WadlowMaxxing @TakaTeo @Darmstadtium
how old r u
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can u send link for armosain
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they are all out of stock 😭
Rip, I think Swiss Chems have some in liquid form but make sure you’re going for a supplier that’s legit bro.
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Rip, I think Swiss Chems have some in liquid form but make sure you’re going for a supplier that’s legit bro.
wait whats the exact one you have called
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do you take one per day
I take 1/4 tablet every other day (6.25mg) because last thing I want is to crash my estrogen because it has so many important effects and is neuroprotective. The main idea is get a better t:e ratio via positive feedback on the hpta axis.
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I take 1/4 tablet every other day (6.25mg) because last thing I want is to crash my estrogen because it has so many important effects and is neuroprotective. The main idea is get a better t:e ratio via positive feedback on the hpta axis.
this would crash ur estrogen tbh jfl

6.25 is practically 25mg
  • JFL
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this would crash ur estrogen tbh jfl

6.25 is practically 25mg
Hasn't so far, I've been feeling great. I take it at night after having not eaten for a while meaning that as it's fat soluble it won't be digested as well as normal so in effect dosage might be even less
Tell us more about aromasin, I've always wondered about taking AI. Do you have any increased hair loss?
You've grown 8mm since starting this stack?
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How are you so sure tho? You could be measuring incorrectly putting whatever you use to measure a couple millimeters over your head accidentally.
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How are you so sure tho? You could be measuring incorrectly putting whatever you use to measure a couple millimeters over your head accidentally.
The measurement error is smaller than the measured change trust bro, the longer I do it the better the accuracy will be though
Welcome Everyone.
Next week I am starting my height stack (too poor for reliable HGH) which is as follows: (please say if I'm missing anything important/being retarded with dosages/doing this in vain)

CJC-1295 with DAC -- 4000mcg before bed daily
MK-677 -- 25mg before bed daily
Aromasin -- 6.25mg before bed every other day (I don't want frail bones so I'm not going to blast 25mg daily)
Huperzine A -- 250mg morning and night (I know it's not necessarily effective at inhibiting somatostatin as something like physostigmine but it has no bad sides)
SAM-E and MSM -- For increased DNA methylation to keep plates open longer
Glucosamine and Chondritin -- For cartilage growth
Vit D, Calcium, Zinc, K2 and Magnesium Supplement -- For no important mineral deficiencies.

I'm Currently 16.5 and 181cm (5'11") but I am certainly still growing as I measure myself frequently and also only hit puberty at around 15.
I'm also aware that there are plenty of threads like this but they never seem to update progress/give reliable results (there are autists claiming 3 inches in a month with mk JFL) so I will make sure to actually give proper results (with DIY stadiometer)

Tagging a couple high IQ height-maxxers for their opinions
@WadlowMaxxing @TakaTeo @Darmstadtium
u tall now nigga?
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