Status and Money Difference?



Face, Height, Frame, Dick
Oct 15, 2019
Isn't Money and Status practically the same?

And yeah there are famous chad tiktokers that are broke but they have EXPOSURE only, and that exposure is due to their Looks.

Politicians, Chief Executives, Doctors, Professors, Managers and Supervisors all have a high income and high status profession.

From my point of view status can either a result of Looks, that's the case of chad tiktokers, or Money, in the case of before mentioned professions.

Therefore STATUS shouldn't be be included in LMS.

LM is already everything and the basis for high Status.
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Isn't Money and Status practically the same?

And yeah there are famous chad tiktokers that are broke but they have EXPOSURE only, and that exposure is due to their Looks.

Politicians, Chief Executives, Doctors, Professors, Managers and Supervisors all have a high income and high status profession.

From my point of view status can either a result of Looks, that's the case of chad tiktokers, or Money, in the case of before mentioned professions.

Therefore STATUS shouldn't be be included in LMS.

LM is already everything and the basis for high Status.
@PubertyMaxxer I Will Feel The Taste Of Your Ass.
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average looking people can amass a million followers on social media and earn less than 100k per year which they blow easily and remain broke

Does that 1million followers equate to status in your book?
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Isn't Money and Status practically the same?

And yeah there are famous chad tiktokers that are broke but they have EXPOSURE only, and that exposure is due to their Looks.

Politicians, Chief Executives, Doctors, Professors, Managers and Supervisors all have a high income and high status profession.

From my point of view status can either a result of Looks, that's the case of chad tiktokers, or Money, in the case of before mentioned professions.

Therefore STATUS shouldn't be be included in LMS.

LM is already everything and the basis for high Status.
Money is Status
Status isn't Money

Follower count, or wanna be instagram star/ DJs/Club promoters can make 0-50k and still date low IQ stacey bartinders. I see it all the time

Rich ass guys are dating the same girls except they are traveling the world and living god tier life styles

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average looking people can amass a million followers on social media and earn less than 100k per year which they blow easily and remain broke

Does that 1million followers equate to status in your book?
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this girl doesnt care about money and status, she isnt superficial like the rest of you 99% subhumans. bend over and beg for her kindness, she can behead you cocroaches any time she wants, behave or your soul will rot in hell for eternity. hail
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but for real now. money without status and being below average looking will only get you gold digger whores with shitty personalities and they will try to use snd steal all your money. they would even kill your ugly ass just to get your money. and if you lose your money, she will leave you instantly. also stacy tier gold diggers can get better looking and higher status betabuxxes, so its over for the subhuman betabuxx.

status without money though is rare, but it can happen if you spend all your money like an idiot on unimportant normie things. also if your high status people may even lend or give you money to help you out. status without money can attract financial independent women, but only if the men looks decent.
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but for real now. money without status and being below average looking will only get you gold digger whores with shitty personalities and they will try to use snd steal all your money. they would even kill your ugly ass just to get your money. and if you lose your money, she will leave you instantly. also stacy tier gold diggers can get better looking and higher status betabuxxes, so its over for the subhuman betabuxx.

status without money though is rare, but it can happen if you spend all your money like an idiot on unimportant normie things. also if your high status people may even lend or give you money to help you out. status without money can attract financial independent women, but only if the men looks decent.

Status due to Looks mogs Status due to Money
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Status due to Looks mogs Status due to Money
do you think a guy with status but no looks and no money could get a decent gf/wife? for a example a broke retired famous footbal player that spend all his money on drugs , you think he still mogs a rich guy with no looks and no status (for example a guy who inherited much money or won in a lotto)?
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Think of all the rich people in the world that no one gives two fucks about.

Now think of all the famous rappers who could end up in debt to a record label despite having millions of streams and followers.

Money and Status are different but have some overlap.
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Being an oldie and seeing the changes with social media and internet etc. I can definitely say money without the looks or major status doesn't have nearly the pull it used to.
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Think of all the rich people in the world that no one gives two fucks about.

Now think of all the famous rappers who could end up in debt to a record label despite having millions of streams and followers.

Money and Status are different but have some overlap.
Exposure isn't Status

Those Rappers have high Exposure but not high Status. Their low Iq and degenerate behaviour disgusts me.

Surgeons, Investment Managers etc have high Status.
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Isn't Money and Status practically the same?

And yeah there are famous chad tiktokers that are broke but they have EXPOSURE only, and that exposure is due to their Looks.

Politicians, Chief Executives, Doctors, Professors, Managers and Supervisors all have a high income and high status profession.

From my point of view status can either a result of Looks, that's the case of chad tiktokers, or Money, in the case of before mentioned professions.

Therefore STATUS shouldn't be be included in LMS.

LM is already everything and the basis for high Status.

As an example, if you are a good karaoke singer, it can give you a lot of status in your group. For example, my whole company knows me, because I am a good singer. Also, after I sing karaoke at corporate parties, collegue women sometimes approach me, I even made out a few times (well, 2 times :p) with them. Sheer impossible without being a good singer. So, here goes Status.

Am I rich though? In comparison to my collegues, not at all. So, no money going for me.

Status - is more like a position in the group. It can be earned in many many ways. You can be good at work, be clever, have talents, or anything of that caliber.

Money - is money. Having a high position in the group does not necessarily translate into a Ferrari. For example, many scientists, professors have a high status. Yes, they are not poor. But their primary strength is NOT their money. No exceptional woman would date a professor with their income. But they often end up with young beautiful wives. Some people think women are attracted by intellect, but I disagree - it is pure status of professors in high social circles.

Visa versa, some guys like Soros have only money. While guys like Musk have both status and money. this robably why he cucked Johnny Depp, while being ugly autist. :bigbrain:
Exposure isn't Status

Those Rappers have high Exposure but not high Status. Their low Iq and degenerate behaviour disgusts me.

Surgeons, Investment Managers etc have high Status.
There could be a scenario in which a high earning individual is a complete shut in outside of work and therefore no one knows them.
There could be a scenario in which a high earning individual is a complete shut in outside of work and therefore no one knows them.
My point is Status doesn't really exist because its either directly tied to Looks ( famous influences and actors) or directly tied to Money ( STEMcels, Executives, Lawyers) or a mixture of Both

Thus the only thing that matters is Looks and Money ( Resources)
My point is Status doesn't really exist because its either directly tied to Looks ( famous influences and actors) or directly tied to Money ( STEMcels, Executives, Lawyers) or a mixture of Both

Thus the only thing that matters is Looks and Money ( Resources)
No Status is separate. If you wanted money quickly, you could go into real estate or crypto or go into an in demand field.

If you wanted status, you become an athlete or rapper. Most athletes and rapper make no money.

Also status is aobut your social circle too and social media. Who here makes a livable income from social media?
Ur oversimplifying it.

99% of drug dealers make below minimum wage yet will have status (in HS/college) for being a plug

Being low inhib, ie getting into fights and winning, boosts status. No $$/looks required

Meh rappers are high status as fuck regardless of whatever nomenclature you want to assign to them
Broke ugly drug dealers have no status. Even if they are low inhib they will be seen as filthy lowclass rubbish
No Status is separate. If you wanted money quickly, you could go into real estate or crypto or go into an in demand field.

If you wanted status, you become an athlete or rapper. Most athletes and rapper make no money.
Exposure isn't Status

By your logic 15 year old tiktok prettyboys going viral from their basement should also be considered high status
Also status is aobut your social circle too and social media. Who here makes a livable income from social media?
Status can either result from Looks or Money.

Justin Bieber would NOT be high status without his Looks.

Jeff Bezos would NOT be high status without his Money from high IQ & Luck
How about for an honest comparison financially and facially average drug dealers?

Do you live in America? In america, especially college towns, they would have high status.
No western Europe

Teenagers here don't take drugs. They live healthy.
By your logic 15 year old tiktok prettyboys going viral from their basement should also be considered high status

Their SMV skyrockets when that happens.
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Their SMV skyrockets when that happens.
Status is just a number on the screen ( likr and view count) then which can easily be frauded.

Also in that example, the Status of the tiktok prettyboy is 100% determined by his Looks
number on the screen ( likr and view count) then which can easily be frauded.
I don't even wanna take your seriously after this point...

"Millions of real followers don't matter bro cuz exposure isn't status and someone can buy bots!" headass
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I don't even wanna take your seriously after this point...

"Millions of real followers don't matter bro cuz exposure isn't status and someone can buy bots!" headass
You seem very low IQ


Their SMV skyrockets when that happens.

Right here you admitted that i am right with my thesis that Status = Looks

The 15 year old viral tiktok prettyboy never did anything besides recording simple moves while being extremely attractive.

This led to his video being saved, watched very long by females etc which results in the algorithm showing his video to even more females.

Thus Status is almost completely dependent on Looks

Status can also stem from Money which can be more easily be earned by being highly attractive

BUT High IQ and Luck also play a major role in obtaining Money, imagine Jeff Bezos. Thus there also exist high-status ugly rich males, whose status stems from Money.

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