Status: how to win as a pathetic loser



Atlas Mountains
Feb 18, 2021

I thought it d be interesting to discuss this from the blackpill perspective
This is pretty much being low inhib NT and high class imo.
Apparently those behaviors boost your T
You prolly have low t because of your personality and how competant you are irl
Pretty much natural selection, your body is signaling whether you are an incel loser cuck or a high tier male, which leads to sub human features.
Maybe you arent sub human because of looks, maybe your looks are subhuman because you really are subuuman.
Maybe Khabib isnt a great figyter because he was predisposed to be a great fighter which is apparent in his face.
Maybe he has dom features because he is a great fighter afterall.
All the bs talk about how normies are retards and incels are woke is just psychosis induced mental illness, if they were the losers you wouldnt be the one rotting here.
Saying behavior habits and having a social life is irellevant is the reason you are an incel.
We evolved to need those things, following on the looks only pill will isolate you and kill you slowly.
Take the normie life pill.
This forum is only good when you vet your sources, follow the practical threads and ignore the rest.
Being mentally ill isn't cool, not being a normal person isnt cool either.
You re just coping.
How you communicate matters irl
How you dress matters
Your social circle matters
Reputation matters
Moneymaxing and STEM maxing matters.
Stop comparing yourself to the top 0.1% PSL men to have ever existed.
It s like constantly shitposting about the guys who won +100mil dollars in lottery and saying autistic shit like, if he got it without working a good job and STEM maxing why should i?
You re either a normie or a mentally ill hobo.
I hope this will save the young ones who arent too far gone on here.
If you believe in the looks only theory, you can suck my cock fat lazy retard.
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> insert"Didnt read lmfao lmao lol ahahaha insert gif greycel bluepilled khkhk."
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The only thing you're going to get by attempting to use outside sources to emulate what good looking people get naturally is rats using you until what you have is dried up. It's better to just be a normal subhuman than a status/moneymaxxed subhuman with a big target on his back for every sociopath in the immediate vicinity to pounce on.

Looksmaxxing is the only thing worthwhile, it's the closest you'll ever get to having people love you for you, instead of pretending to love you, so they can try to take what you have from you.

Being a statusmaxxed subhuman is the most cucked existence imaginable, jfl at you striving towards that awful lifestyle. May as well just hire escorts and kick them out when you're finished at that point, because the absolute ideal scenario for a statusmaxxed subhuman is essentially just that anyway.
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why yes, I am an intj sigma male how could you guess?
  • JFL
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This was confusing, seems like too much work
The only thing you're going to get by attempting to use outside sources to emulate what good looking people get naturally is rats using you until what you have is dried up. It's better to just be a normal subhuman than a status/moneymaxxed subhuman with a big target on his back for every sociopath in the immediate vicinity to pounce on.

Looksmaxxing is the only thing worthwhile, it's the closest you'll ever get to having people love you for you, instead of pretending to love you, so they can try to take what you have from you.

Being a statusmaxxed subhuman is the most cucked existence imaginable, jfl at you striving towards that awful lifestyle. May as well just hire escorts and kick them out when you're finished at that point, because the absolute ideal scenario for a statusmaxxed subhuman is essentially just that anyway.
Charisma breeds genuine desire too.
It s not about sex alone, it s also the fact that our brain evolved like this.
You will always be a depressed miserable cuck if u only hire escorts have no social life and add nothing to the community.
You re over rationalizing and over simplifying the human experience at the same time.
At the end of the day you will never ascend being a human being.
Accept it and move on with life like everyone else, either that or mental illness.
You need those things not as means for getting sex, you need it the same way you need sex.
It s what the autistic kids here call NT.
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Charisma breeds genuine desire too.
It s not about sex alone, it s also the fact that our brain evolved like this.
You will always be a depressed miserable cuck if u only hire escorts have no social life and add nothing to the community.
You re over rationalizing and over simplifying the human experience at the same time.
At the end of the day you will never ascend being a human being.
Accept it and move on with life like everyone else, either that or mental illness.
You need those things not as means for getting sex, you need it the same way you need sex.
It s what the autistic kids here call NT.
you just said a whole lot of nothing
anyway I know what being gl gets you from experience, and I know what being a statusmaxxed subhuman gets you from observation, it's not up for debate
Charisma comes from face btw, same with confidence, same with all that bullshit, you're ridiculously bluepilled
and even with the guys who manage to be charismatic without being chads (have to be AT LEAST normie level, inb4 you send me some pic of some fat guy who would be above average while lean) they're like top 1% level social skills, so you may as well tell people "just be chad bro"

having relationships (any kind, not just romantic) with people based on your looks will always be infinitely more real than having relationships with people based on your status/money
Even statusmaxxed chads can run into problems from it, let alone a subhuman jfl

if I had to be normie I'd rather be a normal life normie, he absolutely has a chance for someone to like him genuinely, statusmaxxed normie will just have the vultures swooping and he likely won't have the energy or trust required to sift through the trash to MAYBE find a decent person
Charisma breeds genuine desire too.
It s not about sex alone, it s also the fact that our brain evolved like this.
You will always be a depressed miserable cuck if u only hire escorts have no social life and add nothing to the community.
You re over rationalizing and over simplifying the human experience at the same time.
At the end of the day you will never ascend being a human being.
Accept it and move on with life like everyone else, either that or mental illness.
You need those things not as means for getting sex, you need it the same way you need sex.
It s what the autistic kids here call NT.
Charisma = looks
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What you don't understand is that social skills are a natural thing, you can't learn how to be better at socializing, you can only gain experience. Money only matters for survival and quality of life, it doesn't attract women unless you're very rich but nobody will reach that, and even then, a very rich man is considered as boyfriend material, not hookup material, so women don't pick him for sex, although they still have sex with him within a relationship.

Looks matter the most when you're trying to hookup with women whether you are on online dating apps, or in a bar or club, or meeting women during the daytime. Looks also matter at work and when you are around friends. A good looking man will gain the respect of his peers while an ugly man will be more likely to be ridiculed and disrespected by the group because he is seen as a weak pushover.

So, if your goal is to do well in social situations and to attract as many women as possible, then your main focus should be your looks, everything else you tell yourself is cope because it won't fix the problem. I know because I was invisible to women before my jaw surgery and after that, a lot of women that I thought were out of my league actually liked me, it was like living a completely different life, I didn't even know how to react, and at first, I didn't even believe it, I thought I was imagining it but then it kept happening more and more.

My friend and my cousin also told me that people started to treat them differently when they got gymmaxxed, because that is also a very big improvement in looks. So, when you claim that looks don't matter or that they are only one minor variable, you really have no clue of what you're talking about.

I don't think that we all need plastic surgeries or jaw surgeries, but you should focus on fixing major deformities in your face, and then you should gymmax before even thinking of improving upon normie features. Like for example, I fixed my jaw and now I have a normie eye area, but since eye surgeries are expensive and I have a very skinny body, I'm focusing on gymmaxxing only because that will help me so much more than changing my eye socket a bit. Gymmaxxing only makes sense when you have fixed your biggest failos, otherwise, you're just a gymcel. I got my jaw surgery done because I was especially afraid of turning into a gymcel and afraid of making no progress and looking back on it now, that was one of the best choices I have ever made in my entire life.
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This is extremely true, when i was a kid i was subconsciously shy of mewing because i was anxious what if other people notice I'm trying to become good looking, and they do something about it.

It's ridiculous how much bullying fucked me over.
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The only thing you're going to get by attempting to use outside sources to emulate what good looking people get naturally is rats using you until what you have is dried up. It's better to just be a normal subhuman than a status/moneymaxxed subhuman with a big target on his back for every sociopath in the immediate vicinity to pounce on.

Looksmaxxing is the only thing worthwhile, it's the closest you'll ever get to having people love you for you, instead of pretending to love you, so they can try to take what you have from you.

Being a statusmaxxed subhuman is the most cucked existence imaginable, jfl at you striving towards that awful lifestyle. May as well just hire escorts and kick them out when you're finished at that point, because the absolute ideal scenario for a statusmaxxed subhuman is essentially just that anyway.
Or do both?
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Or do both?

Even statusmaxxed chads can run into problems from it, let alone a subhuman jfl

if I had to be normie I'd rather be a normal life normie, he absolutely has a chance for someone to like him genuinely, statusmaxxed normie will just have the vultures swooping and he likely won't have the energy or trust required to sift through the trash to MAYBE find a decent person
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Right. I feel like with either way there’s a spectrum. I wouldn’t run for presidency or aim for “model tier looks or death.” But improving both a decent amount could improve ones life. Whether professional careerist or htn etc. I’d prefer to improve what I could within reason personally versus to one extreme or the other.
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Right. I feel like with either way there’s a spectrum. I wouldn’t run for presidency or aim for “model tier looks or death.” But improving both a decent amount could improve ones life. Whether professional careerist or htn etc. I’d prefer to improve what I could within reason personally versus to one extreme or the other.
you should improve everything you can while being careful of focusing on things like status and money unless you're prepared to be on your guard 24/7, especially if you end up at subpar looks + very above average status/money, because that specifically is the biggest recipe for disaster
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  • JFL
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you should improve everything you can while being careful of focusing on things like status and money unless you're prepared to be on your guard 24/7, especially if you end up at subpar looks + very above average status/money, because that specifically is the biggest recipe for disaster
Yea. I think it’s even worse when people have the subpar looks/but baller money/status but gloat. Those guys are definitely setting themselves up many times.
Example A
What you don't understand is that social skills are a natural thing, you can't learn how to be better at socializing, you can only gain experience. Money only matters for survival and quality of life, it doesn't attract women unless you're very rich but nobody will reach that, and even then, a very rich man is considered as boyfriend material, not hookup material, so women don't pick him for sex, although they still have sex with him within a relationship.

Looks matter the most when you're trying to hookup with women whether you are on online dating apps, or in a bar or club, or meeting women during the daytime. Looks also matter at work and when you are around friends. A good looking man will gain the respect of his peers while an ugly man will be more likely to be ridiculed and disrespected by the group because he is seen as a weak pushover.

So, if your goal is to do well in social situations and to attract as many women as possible, then your main focus should be your looks, everything else you tell yourself is cope because it won't fix the problem. I know because I was invisible to women before my jaw surgery and after that, a lot of women that I thought were out of my league actually liked me, it was like living a completely different life, I didn't even know how to react, and at first, I didn't even believe it, I thought I was imagining it but then it kept happening more and more.

My friend and my cousin also told me that people started to treat them differently when they got gymmaxxed, because that is also a very big improvement in looks. So, when you claim that looks don't matter or that they are only one minor variable, you really have no clue of what you're talking about.

I don't think that we all need plastic surgeries or jaw surgeries, but you should focus on fixing major deformities in your face, and then you should gymmax before even thinking of improving upon normie features. Like for example, I fixed my jaw and now I have a normie eye area, but since eye surgeries are expensive and I have a very skinny body, I'm focusing on gymmaxxing only because that will help me so much more than changing my eye socket a bit. Gymmaxxing only makes sense when you have fixed your biggest failos, otherwise, you're just a gymcel. I got my jaw surgery done because I was especially afraid of turning into a gymcel and afraid of making no progress and looking back on it now, that was one of the best choices I have ever made in my entire life.
Tldr: Looks matter the most doesn't mean that nothing else matters is the point i'm trying to make in this post.
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Right. I feel like with either way there’s a spectrum. I wouldn’t run for presidency or aim for “model tier looks or death.” But improving both a decent amount could improve ones life. Whether professional careerist or htn etc. I’d prefer to improve what I could within reason personally versus to one extreme or the other.
This man gets it
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Tldr: Looks matter the most doesn't mean that nothing else matters is the point i'm trying to make in this post.
No, I meant that only looks matter when attracting women, because everyone already has social skills, you can't work on them, and opportunities come when you go out more. Everything else that you do has nothing to do with attracting women. Only your looks matter.

But, when your face looks decent, then you must focus on your body. You have to prioritize the areas of your looks that are the worst. So, I fixed my jaw first, now I am fixing my body, and then when that's done, I'll probably be satisfied with the results.
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Yea. I think it’s even worse when people have the subpar looks/but baller money/status but gloat. Those guys are definitely setting themselves up many times.
Example A

indeed, if you're ugly society won't even sympathize with you when that shit happens, they'll act like it was your fault
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The only legit way everything else is cope

Yea. I think it’s even worse when people have the subpar looks/but baller money/status but gloat. Those guys are definitely setting themselves up many times.
Example A

Dumb ass beta buxx. He prob let her do her onlyfans shit but lets ask ourselves. Why would she do that when shes set for life w him? Truth is she didnt wanna go through a few years of marriage and wanted to have her backup (onlyfans) for when she ditched him after she made a few mil off the cuck
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Yea. I think it’s even worse when people have the subpar looks/but baller money/status but gloat. Those guys are definitely setting themselves up many times.
Example A

Funny shit that he lets the neighbour bros watch her onlyfans shit in person jfl. Mans really pimping her out lmaooo. Imagine your bro telling you to come watch his girl strip so yall can both enjoy it. Hes a real bro in that aspect ngl
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Another Day another just be NT thread
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Yea. I think it’s even worse when people have the subpar looks/but baller money/status but gloat. Those guys are definitely setting themselves up many times.
Example A

Thats one reason why i wanna get rich. I wanna do cool degenerate shit w powerful people.
you should improve everything you can while being careful of focusing on things like status and money unless you're prepared to be on your guard 24/7, especially if you end up at subpar looks + very above average status/money, because that specifically is the biggest recipe for disaster
Recipe for disaster in what sense? Like people only dating you for money?
Recipe for disaster in what sense? Like people only dating you for money?
using them for money, wanting to use them more than they would an average or above average person, either from the complete lack of halo effect, or the existence of a "horn effect," and lack of sympathy/help/understanding from the rest of society when someone does take advantage of them in that way
using them for money, wanting to use them more than they would an average or above average person, either from the complete lack of halo effect, or the existence of a "horn effect," and lack of sympathy/help/understanding from the rest of society when someone does take advantage of them in that way
I mean idk I would just be highly selective with who you associate with then. Fuck it’s probably better than being poor all of your life. You’d make that sacrifice just for a social life?
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I mean idk I would just be highly selective with who you associate with then. Fuck it’s probably better than being poor all of your life. You’d make that sacrifice just for some pussy?
huh? you'd get more pussy from being statusmaxxed even as a subhuman, getting pussy has nothing to do with it
it's about putting a target on yourself, there's also more options than just poor or rich, and it also has to do with more than just girls
Like I said, if you make that decision you have to be prepared to keep your guard up 24/7. It would be better than being poor though (being a poor chad mogs being a rich subhuman though, many will try to disagree on that but it's objective)

Statusmaxxed subhuman = ultimate target, no allies to speak of in the entire world
statusmaxxed normie = still a target, but more of a balance
statusmaxxed chad = god, the world belongs to him, still a target tho tbh ngl
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looks > status lol fagger jew
thinking like a chad wont make u a chad retarded
997B7D72 9C52 4799 86A8 474DE603009E
huh? you'd get more pussy from being statusmaxxed even as a subhuman, getting pussy has nothing to do with it
it's about putting a target on yourself, there's also more options than just poor or rich, and it also has to do with more than just girls
Like I said, if you make that decision you have to be prepared to keep your guard up 24/7. It would be better than being poor though (being a poor chad mogs being a rich subhuman though, many will try to disagree on that but it's objective)

Statusmaxxed subhuman = ultimate target, no allies to speak of in the entire world
statusmaxxed normie = still a target, but more of a balance
statusmaxxed chad = god, the world belongs to him, still a target tho tbh ngl
Status and money are two entirely different things. You could be wealthy and be very private about it. Maybe you’re not Bezos level ultra rich but still comfortable. Getting to that level I don’t think would put a huge target on your back, so as long as your humble and private about it. Status would be broadcasting your wealth to the world which obviously is going to put a target on your back.
Status and money are two entirely different things. You could be wealthy and be very private about it. Maybe you’re not Bezos level ultra rich but still comfortable. Getting to that level I don’t think would put a huge target on your back, so as long as your humble and private about it. Status would be broadcasting your wealth to the world which obviously is going to put a target on your back.
How else can a subhuman get status without also being rich?
the kind of status I'm talking about, 9 times out of 10 the person who has it is rich anyway

Also by target I'm not talking about getting robbed and shit, a subhuman would be a target to any girl around him who knows he's rich
if I was a subhuman I'd aim for middle class, maybe upper middle class at the very maximum, so there's a balance between having a good life while not attracting EVERY golddigger near you

alternatively, I would maybe try just hitting and quitting the golddiggers dumb enough to give it up without getting anything in return upfront (but I already said at that point you may as well just escortmaxx) but jfl you'd probably end up with a rape charge

but it is OVER for top % level status/rich subhumans, something bad is going to happen to them, 100%

I'll put it like this, a subhuman's number one goal should be to remain as invisible as he can (I mean if he can't looksmaxx obviously)
normies can do whatever
chads can do even more of whatever
How else can a subhuman get status without also being rich?
the kind of status I'm talking about, 9 times out of 10 the person who has it is rich anyway

Also by target I'm not talking about getting robbed and shit, a subhuman would be a target to any girl around him who knows he's rich
if I was a subhuman I'd aim for middle class, maybe upper middle class at the very maximum, so there's a balance between having a good life while not attracting EVERY golddigger near you

alternatively, I would maybe try just hitting and quitting the golddiggers dumb enough to give it up without getting anything in return upfront (but I already said at that point you may as well just escortmaxx) but jfl you'd probably end up with a rape charge

but it is OVER for top % level status/rich subhumans, something bad is going to happen to them, 100%

I'll put it like this, a subhuman's number one goal should be to remain as invisible as he can (I mean if he can't looksmaxx obviously)
normies can do whatever
chads can do even more of whatever
He can’t. But what I’m saying is you can get rich without having status. What sort of bad things?
He can’t. But what I’m saying is you can get rich without having status. What sort of bad things?
He can't be invisible but he can do everything in his power to remain as invisible as he possibly can, like not becoming rich for starters.
In terms of people using you, status alone would be better than money alone, people can't exactly pretend to love you in order to STEAL (to clarify, when I say "steal" I don't just mean an actual, physical robbery, I mean any form of stealing including golddigger divorces etc etc) your status, they can do that with money though. The emotional impact would be similar but the actual consequences would be very different. It doesn't matter how public your wealth is if everyone who is close to you will find out about it eventually.

When I think of rich subhumans I think of shit like rape charges, but the most likely would just be every single person in your life not actually caring about you (but pretending they do) and trying to use you at every opportunity. Maybe people constantly coming to you trying to scam you in some way (since they'll assume you're an easy target, horn effect)

When I speak about someone being a target, I'm not talking about being a target in the public eye, I'm talking about being a target to everyone who knows you. Maybe you could try to constantly hide your wealth, I don't know how realistic of a goal that is, but it would probably be the #1 life a subhuman could live if he were rich and hid his wealth extremely well, good luck to him when it comes to marriage though, (I mean good luck to any subhuman when it comes to marriage, but especially a rich one) hope he's blackpilled
He can't be invisible but he can do everything in his power to remain as invisible as he possibly can, like not becoming rich for starters.
In terms of people using you, status alone would be better than money alone, people can't exactly pretend to love you in order to STEAL (to clarify, when I say "steal" I don't just mean an actual, physical robbery, I mean any form of stealing including golddigger divorces etc etc) your status, they can do that with money though. The emotional impact would be similar but the actual consequences would be very different. It doesn't matter how public your wealth is if everyone who is close to you will find out about it eventually.

When I think of rich subhumans I think of shit like rape charges, but the most likely would just be every single person in your life not actually caring about you (but pretending they do) and trying to use you at every opportunity. Maybe people constantly coming to you trying to scam you in some way (since they'll assume you're an easy target, horn effect)

When I speak about someone being a target, I'm not talking about being a target in the public eye, I'm talking about being a target to everyone who knows you. Maybe you could try to constantly hide your wealth, I don't know how realistic of a goal that is, but it would probably be the #1 life a subhuman could live if he were rich and hid his wealth extremely well, good luck to him when it comes to marriage though, (I mean good luck to any subhuman when it comes to marriage, but especially a rich one) hope he's blackpilled
Yeah idk dude I think you’re overthinking this. If those are the worst things that could happen, he’d be perfectly fine as long as he doesn’t get married or have kids. As far as scams go just don’t be fucking stupid and you won’t get scammed, duh. Most people can see that shit from a mile away unless your brain dead. Anyone who turns down a chance at being rich is fucking retarded. As long as you get to keep your money who gives a fuck about shallow friends or having a girlfriend? As the blackpill admits, 99% of people are shallow in this world anyways so fuck them. I can honestly say that as someone who has been poor and struggled to make ends meet their entire life, and will probably die in poverty.
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