Status Pill.. (90% of the game)

normie tiktoker

normie tiktoker

Aug 19, 2023

status maxing is 90% of your SMV​

Building a strong online following and status is the #1 thing you need rn. Every single person is already chronically online and lives and dates online.

You need a way to gain a loyal following in order to be seen as a leader and powerful influence.

There can be some homeless looking people with thousands of followers that get 10x more attention than a looksmaxxed 1000 follower IG twink.

1. Find your passionate interest (or just do entertainment)​

  • Identify Your Niche: Focus on a specific area where you can offer unique value that you already have experience in.
  • Understand Your Audience: Research your target audience's interests, behaviors, and pain points. Make an avatar journal and write problems to solve/ video ideas.

2. Create High-Quality Content

  • Content Variety: stick to one or two content channels/platforms and stick with them. (Shorts only or long form only)
  • Consistency: you have to stay consistent, post the same shit over again but alter a bit.

3. Leverage Paid Advertising

  • Targeted Ads: Use social media advertising to target specific demographics and interests for your paid content/programs. IG ads are best.
  • Budget Wisely: Start with a small budget and scale up based on performance.

4. Analyse and Adapt

  • Track Metrics: Monitor engagement, reach, and follower growth using analytics tools. If you aren’t growing your doing something wrong. Figure it out.

5. Share Your Story

  • Personal Touch: Share your personal journey, successes, and failures. Authenticity can help build a loyal following. People want to relate to someone that isn’t perfect.
  • Behind the Scenes: Give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your life and business. Do this if you want authenticity that other big creators don’t have.

6. Offer free and paid Value

  • Educational Content: Provide valuable information, tips, and advice related to your niche for free. (Keep gated content in paid product)
  • Exclusive Offers: Give your followers exclusive offers to communities, programs, etc.
  • Communities: people are lonely asf so if you become big enough making a community on Skool or discord for $ is optimal.

if you have over 25k on IG, 100k on YT, 250k on TT you’re basically set online.

obviously if you’re subhuman you’ll need millions of followers to have any chance.
  • +1
Reactions: heightmaxxing and vevcred2_0
Richard Blumenthal GIF by GIPHY News
  • JFL
Reactions: Sean o' Tist and lilxder2
Status is something you can't really fake. It comes from confidence and it comes from being the person who'd actually be the "Alpha" of a tribe if we were still hunter/gatherers.

This sounds more like you want us to all become "influencers" or something. That's not status. No one cares about some LTN just because he has some clout on Youtube or Instagram.
  • +1
Reactions: Sean o' Tist and normie tiktoker

status maxing is 90% of your SMV​

Building a strong online following and status is the #1 thing you need rn. Every single person is already chronically online and lives and dates online.

You need a way to gain a loyal following in order to be seen as a leader and powerful influence.

There can be some homeless looking people with thousands of followers that get 10x more attention than a looksmaxxed 1000 follower IG twink.

1. Find your passionate interest (or just do entertainment)​

  • Identify Your Niche: Focus on a specific area where you can offer unique value that you already have experience in.
  • Understand Your Audience: Research your target audience's interests, behaviors, and pain points. Make an avatar journal and write problems to solve/ video ideas.

2. Create High-Quality Content

  • Content Variety: stick to one or two content channels/platforms and stick with them. (Shorts only or long form only)
  • Consistency: you have to stay consistent, post the same shit over again but alter a bit.

3. Leverage Paid Advertising

  • Targeted Ads: Use social media advertising to target specific demographics and interests for your paid content/programs. IG ads are best.
  • Budget Wisely: Start with a small budget and scale up based on performance.

4. Analyse and Adapt

  • Track Metrics: Monitor engagement, reach, and follower growth using analytics tools. If you aren’t growing your doing something wrong. Figure it out.

5. Share Your Story

  • Personal Touch: Share your personal journey, successes, and failures. Authenticity can help build a loyal following. People want to relate to someone that isn’t perfect.
  • Behind the Scenes: Give followers a behind-the-scenes look at your life and business. Do this if you want authenticity that other big creators don’t have.

6. Offer free and paid Value

  • Educational Content: Provide valuable information, tips, and advice related to your niche for free. (Keep gated content in paid product)
  • Exclusive Offers: Give your followers exclusive offers to communities, programs, etc.
  • Communities: people are lonely asf so if you become big enough making a community on Skool or discord for $ is optimal.

if you have over 25k on IG, 100k on YT, 250k on TT you’re basically set online.

obviously if you’re subhuman you’ll need millions of followers to have any chance.
yeah sure just accumulate millions of followers while being subhuman

what a shit thread but what can we expect from a tiktokcel

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