status to women is like tits and ass for men



Sep 6, 2023
Reality 101: Women Look at Status the Same Way Men Look at Tits and Ass
Andrew Anglin • November 24, 2024 • 2,400 Words • 53 Comments • Reply

There is a lot of confusion among men about women’s sexual attraction mechanism, largely because women want it that way, but also because female characters in media are all written by men.

The first and most important thing to understand here is that sex is about reproduction. That’s the only reason humans or any other animal does sex. The fact that modern society has separated sex from reproduction doesn’t change the fact that the underlying biological mechanisms that drive us to sex are solely driven by the internal drive to pass on the genes.

As a man, you understand your own sexual attraction mechanism. You see a woman’s body, with your eyes, and if you see signs of fertility – youth, health, fat and muscle deposits in the correct place – this creates sexual arousal. It’s very straightforward: you are attracted to her because she is capable of producing healthy children.

Aside from physical form, you look at signs that she is in heat. You can’t see those signs now, because women all wear makeup, which is designed to simulate the way their faces look when they are ovulating: they redden their cheeks, they darken their lips and eyes. Makeup is a big nasty trick women do, because without it, they would only be especially sexually attractive for 72 hours a month, and this would vastly reduce their ability to manipulate men.

Aside from the physical body, there are other attractiveness measures, which are minor: innocence, submissiveness, a childish disposition. But these are highly secondary.

The most relevant secondary attractiveness characteristic is appearance of availability. This can obviously go against the attraction to innocence and submissiveness, but it can be more powerful. If a woman demonstrates low availability, either because she has no interest or because she appears to already be owned by another man, you risk wasting your time or being injured or killed for pursuing her, and this is a turnoff. In this current time, women try to maximize signs of availability, again to increase their ability to manipulate men. Showing their bodies off is a sign of availability, as is speaking in a way that is provocative and making a lot of eye contact. They are doing this to manipulate you.

It’s All About the Biological Imperative of Passing on Genes

Perhaps slightly more esoteric, but still obvious is this: sexual attraction is not about feeling good, it’s not about love. It is about a desire to inseminate, because living things have a drive to reproduce, and mammals reproduce sexually. The good feelings around sex and the feelings of “love” are simulated in your brain in order to cause you to engage in the reproductive act, and then to a lesser extent to cause you to stay with the woman and raise the child, which obviously gives your offspring a better chance at survival.

Modern men are extremely susceptible to these emotions because for many generations, since the dawn of civilization, reproductive success has been based on men acting as fathers to children. Before civilization, you could roll through a tribal village and rape some woman and then slip away, and there would be a high likelihood that the child would be raised in a group setting by the tribe to which the woman belonged. After the start of civilization, the nuclear family has played a key role, and children without fathers had a low rate of survival (that has obviously changed now since the government started funding single mothers, but we haven’t adapted to that yet).

To this day, black people put a very low premium on marriage and fatherhood because their time in civilization has been so minimal. In Africa, where the blacks evolved, up until a couple hundred years ago, children were raised communally, and it didn’t really matter who a child’s father was, since the tribe was going to look after it. Blacks have a lot of different problems, but their lack of concern over monogamy, marriage, and two-parent households is a direct result of the fact that this is new to them and has never been necessary for their survival.

You’ll also note that blacks are a lot more likely to say things like “we don’t love these hoes,” whereas whites make faggot emotional music about how much they love women and all of these strong emotions they feel about women.

Video Link

It’s not love. It’s just fucking. All of this stuff is total dress-up for the sexual act, which helps men justify it all in their minds.

I’m not saying you don’t love your wife, but that is something that happens over a period of years, and it is not related to sex. The “eros” of sexual emotion gives way to the “philia” of mutual care during the process of marriage. Historically, this was a seamless transition, but nowadays, people have become fixated on sexual infatuation and think this is what “love” is. So you have situations where people say “I don’t love her anymore” and what they mean is that they are no longer sexually infatuated with her because they’ve gotten bored. If someone is saying that, they never developed real love in the first place, and simply did not understand the difference between sexual infatuation and actual love. Probably, it is impossible for sexual infatuation to turn into real feelings of love if you don’t have children. That appears to be what creates the bond.

So, What About Women?

While virtually 100% of men’s sexual attraction mechanism is based on what a woman looks like, women have a more varied set of needs.

The underlying drives of men revolve more or less entirely around a healthy body that will produce healthy children. Further, a man can impregnate unlimited amounts of women and just abandon them, and is only restrained by his own psychological mechanisms which cause him to have these “love” emotions.

A woman, on the other hand, is pretty well locked into place if some man impregnates her. She has to have some reason to think that man will stick around and take care of her for the 5 or so years where she is going to have to first be pregnant, then care for a small child who can’t do anything for itself and has to be watched constantly.

Most relevant here, however, is that if she is to bear this man’s child, and he is to become her protector, she wants him to be as powerful and influential as possible. She wants that for herself and for her child. If she’s going to commit to him, which she basically has to do in a post-tribal age when the nuclear family is necessary for the survival of women and children, then she wants the most resources she can possibly obtain, and she wants the highest possible social status. Generally, wealth and status are going to be linked.

Status, then, is the key determiner of women’s sexual attraction to a man. That is why rich and famous men in their fifties and sixties can easily obtain attractive women who are 1/3rd their age.

This is also why women, all things being equal, tend to be attracted to men who are older than them. While the most attractive age for a woman is 18 (actually significantly younger if you were allowed to do those studies), men reach peak attractiveness at 50.

Part of that is obviously due to differences in the way the sexes age, but that is obviously connected to fertility with women and status with men.

Insofar as Women Have an Attraction to a Man’s Body

I would not say that the physical attractiveness of a man is something that is totally unconsidered by women, but it should be viewed in a very strict context of the man’s physical appearance being representative of status.

Most obviously, we can see that being overweight is a serious sign of low status in our society, so obviously a woman is going to find a physically fit man more attractive than a fat slob. The same is true of height, with tall men typically having higher status in society, being more respected by other men, and more likely to be leaders. (In many ancient tribes, whatever male was the tallest was automatically made the leader, because male height is such a natural marker of status.)

That does not mean, however, that a short and fat man with extremely high status is not going to do extremely well with women. Of course he will.

What is not true is that women are attracted to extremely muscular men. I’ve spent most of my adult years in pretty great physical shape, and while I would get constant comments about this from men, the only women who ever commented on it were paid prostitutes (who are obviously looking at different things in men than a normal woman).

The symmetry of a man’s face has become more important in recent decades, because it is more associated with status, because of the entertainment culture. The “looksmaxxing” stuff on the internet is not completely wrong, but it is totally wrong in the assumption that looks are anything other than a marker of status.

In terms of the situation where black men, who are certainly not wealthy, are considered attractive by white women, there are several factors there. Firstly, being aggressive and quick to violence is considered by some women to be a marker of status. “He must be doing pretty well if he doesn’t care about anything.” Secondarily, blacks have a sort of special status in Western society now, and a white woman dating a black man can be looked at as a sign she has high status and is enlightened in some way. Still, BMWF relationships are relatively rare.

Birth Control Using Women and Their Botched Sexual Mechanisms

All of the above applies to a natural situation in a civilization. However, in the modern situation, we have these things called “birth control pills” which many or most young women are on. For those who don’t know, these are estrogen pills. Obviously, the sexual mechanisms are based on hormones, and these pills effectively completely wreck a woman’s endocrine system, turning them into something very different sexually.

This is a topic of its own, which is mostly beyond the scope of this essay, but it is worth mentioning that these women may exhibit totally unnatural sexual impulses.

On these pills, the reproductive impulses of a woman completely shut down, so effectively, instead of looking for a traditionally attractive mate (as defined above), they look for a man who can serve as an emotional support item, similar to a pet. They also want a man who will work as a kind of servant, so do not look for the dominant and powerful men who would normally be attractive to them. This is what most “boyfriends” are, and it is why you often see women with men who are pudgy, low status, and clearly below their own sexual attractiveness level.

There have been several different studies on this, but one 2019 PNAS study showed that women who had a partner and stopped taking birth control often lost all attraction to the man and wanted someone who met traditional standards of attractiveness.

There is No Point in Even Thinking About Women

My advice to men is to not think about women at all, at least until you are where you want to be in life, or on that path.

If you have uncontrollable sexual urges, it is better to go to a prostitute (in Christianity, this is no more of a sin than any other form of fornication, and is arguably more ethical).

There are only actually two kinds of women, and those are wives and whores. Professional whores offer a service that can be useful when you are working to become a successful man. Unprofessional whores, i.e., women you meet on Tinder or at the bar, do not offer much other than suffering.

If you do what is good for you, which is build a career and establish yourself as a powerful member of society, you will also be making yourself attractive to the kind of women who you would want to have as a wife. Age is completely irrelevant, and as shown above, you will be more attractive to 18 year old girls when you’re in your thirties or forties.

The sexual emotion can be very powerful, but it needs to be suppressed if you wish to be successful in life. Ironically, this includes reproductive success. Spending your teens and twenties, when you have the highest levels of energy, when you’ve got that dog in you, chasing women is a completely retarded way to behave, especially in this current environment. The women you will have access to will not be of the quality you are looking for, and insofar as you do get access to a high quality woman, it will be temporary access, and she will leave you. If you have money and are established in society, you are in a much better position to keep the woman around than if you have no money or status.

Unfortunately, you have to plan your life logically, rather than just making decisions based on what feels good or seems intuitive.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
  • +1
  • JFL
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Again that is cope what would be comparable to tits and ass for men is broad shoulders and a thin waste

Ofc as a man you don’t need to have that if ur attractive just as a attractive woman can get a pass if she has a not so fat ass or boobs

This status cope is what guys who work hard their whole life tell themselves do not have to come to the realisation that money and status doesn’t matter when ur attractive to the woman

They just can’t let themselves see it and assume it’s like that for every man
  • +1
Reactions: oldgymcel, TigranTheGreat, Pento and 11 others
Did read. Good read:feelsthink:
  • +1
Reactions: Megfish21 and Corpuscula
If you do what is good for you, which is build a career and establish yourself as a powerful member of society, you will also be making yourself attractive to the kind of women who you would want to have as a wife.

Comedy Central Lol GIF
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: oldgymcel, Raja Porus, JustABadDream and 12 others
Nigga did a 1000word schizo rant DNR
  • JFL
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Reactions: Raja Porus, voluptuousness, Chrysler8002 and 2 others
Imagine having prime Bieber’s status
  • +1
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Reactions: Raja Porus, Bjornn, EvilDarkskinManlet and 8 others
decent thread
  • +1
Reactions: Megfish21, Jova and Methylphenidate
all u need is 1-2 sentence

this aint college brah
  • +1
Reactions: JustABadDream, Jova, kam246 and 2 others
Nah it’s frame and dick size
  • +1
Reactions: JustHereToLooksmax and bloomercel
No frame, height and dick size for your your status
  • +1
Reactions: ihearvoices, Pandora, d3m4g5 and 1 other person
Looks money is only to get more status
Status is everything. It is literally is the reason for girls getting horny for normies. Something unheard of in the real world.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: ihearvoices, EvilDarkskinManlet, JustABadDream and 2 others
Reality 101: Women Look at Status the Same Way Men Look at Tits and Ass
Andrew Anglin • November 24, 2024 • 2,400 Words • 53 Comments • Reply

There is a lot of confusion among men about women’s sexual attraction mechanism, largely because women want it that way, but also because female characters in media are all written by men.

The first and most important thing to understand here is that sex is about reproduction. That’s the only reason humans or any other animal does sex. The fact that modern society has separated sex from reproduction doesn’t change the fact that the underlying biological mechanisms that drive us to sex are solely driven by the internal drive to pass on the genes.

As a man, you understand your own sexual attraction mechanism. You see a woman’s body, with your eyes, and if you see signs of fertility – youth, health, fat and muscle deposits in the correct place – this creates sexual arousal. It’s very straightforward: you are attracted to her because she is capable of producing healthy children.

Aside from physical form, you look at signs that she is in heat. You can’t see those signs now, because women all wear makeup, which is designed to simulate the way their faces look when they are ovulating: they redden their cheeks, they darken their lips and eyes. Makeup is a big nasty trick women do, because without it, they would only be especially sexually attractive for 72 hours a month, and this would vastly reduce their ability to manipulate men.

Aside from the physical body, there are other attractiveness measures, which are minor: innocence, submissiveness, a childish disposition. But these are highly secondary.

The most relevant secondary attractiveness characteristic is appearance of availability. This can obviously go against the attraction to innocence and submissiveness, but it can be more powerful. If a woman demonstrates low availability, either because she has no interest or because she appears to already be owned by another man, you risk wasting your time or being injured or killed for pursuing her, and this is a turnoff. In this current time, women try to maximize signs of availability, again to increase their ability to manipulate men. Showing their bodies off is a sign of availability, as is speaking in a way that is provocative and making a lot of eye contact. They are doing this to manipulate you.

It’s All About the Biological Imperative of Passing on Genes

Perhaps slightly more esoteric, but still obvious is this: sexual attraction is not about feeling good, it’s not about love. It is about a desire to inseminate, because living things have a drive to reproduce, and mammals reproduce sexually. The good feelings around sex and the feelings of “love” are simulated in your brain in order to cause you to engage in the reproductive act, and then to a lesser extent to cause you to stay with the woman and raise the child, which obviously gives your offspring a better chance at survival.

Modern men are extremely susceptible to these emotions because for many generations, since the dawn of civilization, reproductive success has been based on men acting as fathers to children. Before civilization, you could roll through a tribal village and rape some woman and then slip away, and there would be a high likelihood that the child would be raised in a group setting by the tribe to which the woman belonged. After the start of civilization, the nuclear family has played a key role, and children without fathers had a low rate of survival (that has obviously changed now since the government started funding single mothers, but we haven’t adapted to that yet).

To this day, black people put a very low premium on marriage and fatherhood because their time in civilization has been so minimal. In Africa, where the blacks evolved, up until a couple hundred years ago, children were raised communally, and it didn’t really matter who a child’s father was, since the tribe was going to look after it. Blacks have a lot of different problems, but their lack of concern over monogamy, marriage, and two-parent households is a direct result of the fact that this is new to them and has never been necessary for their survival.

You’ll also note that blacks are a lot more likely to say things like “we don’t love these hoes,” whereas whites make faggot emotional music about how much they love women and all of these strong emotions they feel about women.

Video Link

It’s not love. It’s just fucking. All of this stuff is total dress-up for the sexual act, which helps men justify it all in their minds.

I’m not saying you don’t love your wife, but that is something that happens over a period of years, and it is not related to sex. The “eros” of sexual emotion gives way to the “philia” of mutual care during the process of marriage. Historically, this was a seamless transition, but nowadays, people have become fixated on sexual infatuation and think this is what “love” is. So you have situations where people say “I don’t love her anymore” and what they mean is that they are no longer sexually infatuated with her because they’ve gotten bored. If someone is saying that, they never developed real love in the first place, and simply did not understand the difference between sexual infatuation and actual love. Probably, it is impossible for sexual infatuation to turn into real feelings of love if you don’t have children. That appears to be what creates the bond.

So, What About Women?

While virtually 100% of men’s sexual attraction mechanism is based on what a woman looks like, women have a more varied set of needs.

The underlying drives of men revolve more or less entirely around a healthy body that will produce healthy children. Further, a man can impregnate unlimited amounts of women and just abandon them, and is only restrained by his own psychological mechanisms which cause him to have these “love” emotions.

A woman, on the other hand, is pretty well locked into place if some man impregnates her. She has to have some reason to think that man will stick around and take care of her for the 5 or so years where she is going to have to first be pregnant, then care for a small child who can’t do anything for itself and has to be watched constantly.

Most relevant here, however, is that if she is to bear this man’s child, and he is to become her protector, she wants him to be as powerful and influential as possible. She wants that for herself and for her child. If she’s going to commit to him, which she basically has to do in a post-tribal age when the nuclear family is necessary for the survival of women and children, then she wants the most resources she can possibly obtain, and she wants the highest possible social status. Generally, wealth and status are going to be linked.

Status, then, is the key determiner of women’s sexual attraction to a man. That is why rich and famous men in their fifties and sixties can easily obtain attractive women who are 1/3rd their age.

This is also why women, all things being equal, tend to be attracted to men who are older than them. While the most attractive age for a woman is 18 (actually significantly younger if you were allowed to do those studies), men reach peak attractiveness at 50.

Part of that is obviously due to differences in the way the sexes age, but that is obviously connected to fertility with women and status with men.

Insofar as Women Have an Attraction to a Man’s Body

I would not say that the physical attractiveness of a man is something that is totally unconsidered by women, but it should be viewed in a very strict context of the man’s physical appearance being representative of status.

Most obviously, we can see that being overweight is a serious sign of low status in our society, so obviously a woman is going to find a physically fit man more attractive than a fat slob. The same is true of height, with tall men typically having higher status in society, being more respected by other men, and more likely to be leaders. (In many ancient tribes, whatever male was the tallest was automatically made the leader, because male height is such a natural marker of status.)

That does not mean, however, that a short and fat man with extremely high status is not going to do extremely well with women. Of course he will.

What is not true is that women are attracted to extremely muscular men. I’ve spent most of my adult years in pretty great physical shape, and while I would get constant comments about this from men, the only women who ever commented on it were paid prostitutes (who are obviously looking at different things in men than a normal woman).

The symmetry of a man’s face has become more important in recent decades, because it is more associated with status, because of the entertainment culture. The “looksmaxxing” stuff on the internet is not completely wrong, but it is totally wrong in the assumption that looks are anything other than a marker of status.

In terms of the situation where black men, who are certainly not wealthy, are considered attractive by white women, there are several factors there. Firstly, being aggressive and quick to violence is considered by some women to be a marker of status. “He must be doing pretty well if he doesn’t care about anything.” Secondarily, blacks have a sort of special status in Western society now, and a white woman dating a black man can be looked at as a sign she has high status and is enlightened in some way. Still, BMWF relationships are relatively rare.

Birth Control Using Women and Their Botched Sexual Mechanisms

All of the above applies to a natural situation in a civilization. However, in the modern situation, we have these things called “birth control pills” which many or most young women are on. For those who don’t know, these are estrogen pills. Obviously, the sexual mechanisms are based on hormones, and these pills effectively completely wreck a woman’s endocrine system, turning them into something very different sexually.

This is a topic of its own, which is mostly beyond the scope of this essay, but it is worth mentioning that these women may exhibit totally unnatural sexual impulses.

On these pills, the reproductive impulses of a woman completely shut down, so effectively, instead of looking for a traditionally attractive mate (as defined above), they look for a man who can serve as an emotional support item, similar to a pet. They also want a man who will work as a kind of servant, so do not look for the dominant and powerful men who would normally be attractive to them. This is what most “boyfriends” are, and it is why you often see women with men who are pudgy, low status, and clearly below their own sexual attractiveness level.

There have been several different studies on this, but one 2019 PNAS study showed that women who had a partner and stopped taking birth control often lost all attraction to the man and wanted someone who met traditional standards of attractiveness.

There is No Point in Even Thinking About Women

My advice to men is to not think about women at all, at least until you are where you want to be in life, or on that path.

If you have uncontrollable sexual urges, it is better to go to a prostitute (in Christianity, this is no more of a sin than any other form of fornication, and is arguably more ethical).

There are only actually two kinds of women, and those are wives and whores. Professional whores offer a service that can be useful when you are working to become a successful man. Unprofessional whores, i.e., women you meet on Tinder or at the bar, do not offer much other than suffering.

If you do what is good for you, which is build a career and establish yourself as a powerful member of society, you will also be making yourself attractive to the kind of women who you would want to have as a wife. Age is completely irrelevant, and as shown above, you will be more attractive to 18 year old girls when you’re in your thirties or forties.

The sexual emotion can be very powerful, but it needs to be suppressed if you wish to be successful in life. Ironically, this includes reproductive success. Spending your teens and twenties, when you have the highest levels of energy, when you’ve got that dog in you, chasing women is a completely retarded way to behave, especially in this current environment. The women you will have access to will not be of the quality you are looking for, and insofar as you do get access to a high quality woman, it will be temporary access, and she will leave you. If you have money and are established in society, you are in a much better position to keep the woman around than if you have no money or status.

Unfortunately, you have to plan your life logically, rather than just making decisions based on what feels good or seems intuitive.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
i agree with the title but dnrd
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Reactions: autistic_tendencies
There are some good points here, but also a lot of BS in my opinion.

There is no unconditional love for anyone. Love is your genes, brain and hormones tricking you. You love a woman because she's young and pretty. The notion that men unconditionally love women is nonsense. Hell, even a mother's love is not unconditional. Her brain and genes are tricking her to care for her baby and love it, because that's how her genetic lineage continues and that's the closest thing we have when it comes to immortality. The genes are the master. The vessel(body and mind) is the slave. Consciousness is just a virtual administrator to better process information, navigate the material world and increase chances of reproduction. The virtual administrator's free will is limited and everything it does is heavily influenced by the prime directive the genes give it whether it is aware of it or not. Survival of the vessel is only necessary up till it reproduces and passes its genes(ideally improves them even further, and also passes them on multiple times). After that survival of the vessel is not mandatory. It has done its job. Of course, some slaves are disobedient and try to rebel against or even harm/kill the master. Choosing not do the master's bidding and pass on the genes, choosing to fool themselves into believing they are the important ones not their master and choosing to pursue non reproductive ways of life, choosing to intentionally kill themselves and the master in order to stick it to the master. But I am going way off here, that's a discussion for another time.

Back on topic, ass, tits, hourglass shape(good waist to hips ratio) is comparable to height, muscularity, V taper(good shoulder to waist ratio) and even maybe big dick. So there are male equivalents to those stuff. The author is clearly speaking nonsense.

Also, just because a woman is young, fit, with nice tits and ass doesn't make her a top genetic specimen. A mathematically perfect face does. It's common in the redpillcoper circles to say they are looking for "young, feminine, friendly women with good bodies". I mean, bro, if her face is busted, all that stuff barely matters besides busting a nut at 2am if it requires low effort and investment. Same applies to guys. 6'2 with good physique and low body fat doesn't make a man a top genetic specimen. Above average? Sure. But if the face is mediocre, he isn't an apex stallion. Far from it actually.

Status and money is a cope, but also not a cope. It's a cope in that it has anything to do with a woman desiring and loving you. Status and money is not a cope in that you can leverage those to get what you want. High status wealthy unattractive dudes are not desirable or loveable. But they can be very sexually and reproductively successful if they play their cards like. Ultimately, if most men were honest with themselves, they'd know that what they actually want is a young ideally loyal Stacy wife to look at, fuck, show off in all social settings, and reproduce with to have beautiful kids. Ideally they also have a side-harem of slugs, low trust high sexiness sluts of usually questionable character and/or genetic quality, to fuck and reproduce with, but never legitimize or pay child support for their bastard kids. The bastards were always the second class citizens compared to the official legitimate kids. The bastards were always a failsafe, the plan b, in case disaster/tragedy happens. In that way, some of the man's genes(even if paired up with inferior genes) still get passed on, and resources and social capital he has accumulated also gets passed on. Because if disaster happens and there are no bastards, all the man's efforts in the reproductive race were in vain.

When it comes to women, I heavily doubt they ever cared much about status and money/resources. It might have seemed that way, but in reality women never had a say in anything. Men of superior physicality(but sometimes questionable beauty, essentially ogremaxxers) and violent/darktriad tendencies, or men with a lot of influence and resources(statusmaxxed resourcemaxxed leaders/kings), had the say who gets who and how many. In the male dominance hierarchy in a barely civilized world, a man's beauty never played a role. Men inherently respect one thing: power and ability to inflict large amounts of violence. A beautiful man with no skill or physical ability to do violence was a peon. A peasant. A beautiful man with no influence, no resources, and no bigger dudes behind him, was also a peon. You dared touching my wife, peon? Now you die because I am the more powerful male and I can easily kill you. Oh you want that virginal young Stacy? Fuck no, peon. That's mine, what you gonna do? Try anything and you will die. It was that simple then. Now in modern society that is bloated with rules and laws, conflict is not as easily resolved with violence or the threat of violence.

Women would choose a young beautiful man of course, if they have the option to do so. Reason is high genetic quality, just like how men choose women, especially the women they choose to invest time and resources in. The shift nowadays happens because women are independent, make their own money, we have laws and police, and are free to choose the guys they want, basically Chad and Tyrone. The reasons why you don't see middle aged sluts with young hot guys more often are: a)the middle aged sluts can fuck much younger attractive guys behind closed doors easily without paying a dime or investing anything in those guys thus fulfilling their sexual needs and desires, and b)it's inherently in their best interests to NOT leverage their resources trying to keep the young guys around. A middle aged woman spending large amounts of resources in order to seriously date and keep young Chad around is counterproductive for her. Inherently she knows that Chad will rarely stay loyal or stay for a longtime with her, it's a fickle relationship that requires tons of effort and investment.The other big reason is that she can't convert the financial capital into genetic capital, since her womb is barren. But a middle aged man can convert it since he is generally still fertile. And converting some financial capital, especially into genetic capital, is in most cases is very worth it for the man from a biological standpoint. That's why you see geriatric celebrities/billionaires dating and impregnating young Stacies publicly, while you rarely see middle aged women date young Chads publicly. Perhaps with more technological progress and improvement, the gap closes, and a middle aged woman can more effectively convert financial resources into genetic capital. But as it stands, egg freezing, IvF and surrogates have not being perfect yet, and are more like a hail mary than something that has a very high chance of success.
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Imagine having prime Bieber’s status
that's way too much

even the local chad's status is very double edged
when you have enough status to actually make a difference, then you also have a reputation, numerous large social circles, are involved in organizations - all of which is very susceptible to the most commonly used weapon by women - reputation destruction, slander or just overall spreading damaging rumors against you

now combine that with the strong, blind female in-group bias, and then with the general anti-male sentiment of our age
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
that's way too much

even the local chad's status is very double edged
when you have enough status to actually make a difference, then you also have a reputation, numerous large social circles, are involved in organizations - all of which is very susceptible to the most commonly used weapon by women - reputation destruction, slander or just overall spreading damaging rumors against you

now combine that with the strong, blind female in-group bias, and then with the general anti-male sentiment of our age
I have forum status, that’s it
Should be Water but some ppl here tend to forget it
  • +1
Reactions: Megfish21
Read it. Total nonsense. For girls, sex in secret with low status men they do not want to be seen with in public is far, far more common than sex within "legitimate", socially acceptable relationships. Status is major cope.
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love is real and it's the most beautiful thing in the world
okay it might be brain chemistry, genes or whatever but the feeling still stays the same.

U can fuck ppl and don't feel anything for them or you could fuck the same girl everyday and be totally in love. everything in this post is incredible thought-out cope.

status is cope too, all u need is to be low-inhib, psychopathic, occasionally being loving and look good. That's all there is.
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Once you say male peak is 50, you’ve obliterated your credibility
  • JFL
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Not really it's pretty meaningless
Again that is cope what would be comparable to tits and ass for men is broad shoulders and a thin waste

Ofc as a man you don’t need to have that if ur attractive just as a attractive woman can get a pass if she has a not so fat ass or boobs

This status cope is what guys who work hard their whole life tell themselves do not have to come to the realisation that money and status doesn’t matter when ur attractive to the woman

They just can’t let themselves see it and assume it’s like that for every man
small waist is just male gaze
There are some good points here, but also a lot of BS in my opinion.

There is no unconditional love for anyone. Love is your genes, brain and hormones tricking you. You love a woman because she's young and pretty. The notion that men unconditionally love women is nonsense. Hell, even a mother's love is not unconditional. Her brain and genes are tricking her to care for her baby and love it, because that's how her genetic lineage continues and that's the closest thing we have when it comes to immortality. The genes are the master. The vessel(body and mind) is the slave. Consciousness is just a virtual administrator to better process information, navigate the material world and increase chances of reproduction. The virtual administrator's free will is limited and everything it does is heavily influenced by the prime directive the genes give it whether it is aware of it or not. Survival of the vessel is only necessary up till it reproduces and passes its genes(ideally improves them even further, and also passes them on multiple times). After that survival of the vessel is not mandatory. It has done its job. Of course, some slaves are disobedient and try to rebel against or even harm/kill the master. Choosing not do the master's bidding and pass on the genes, choosing to fool themselves into believing they are the important ones not their master and choosing to pursue non reproductive ways of life, choosing to intentionally kill themselves and the master in order to stick it to the master. But I am going way off here, that's a discussion for another time.

Back on topic, ass, tits, hourglass shape(good waist to hips ratio) is comparable to height, muscularity, V taper(good shoulder to waist ratio) and even maybe big dick. So there are male equivalents to those stuff. The author is clearly speaking nonsense.

Also, just because a woman is young, fit, with nice tits and ass doesn't make her a top genetic specimen. A mathematically perfect face does. It's common in the redpillcoper circles to say they are looking for "young, feminine, friendly women with good bodies". I mean, bro, if her face is busted, all that stuff barely matters besides busting a nut at 2am if it requires low effort and investment. Same applies to guys. 6'2 with good physique and low body fat doesn't make a man a top genetic specimen. Above average? Sure. But if the face is mediocre, he isn't an apex stallion. Far from it actually.

Status and money is a cope, but also not a cope. It's a cope in that it has anything to do with a woman desiring and loving you. Status and money is not a cope in that you can leverage those to get what you want. High status wealthy unattractive dudes are not desirable or loveable. But they can be very sexually and reproductively successful if they play their cards like. Ultimately, if most men were honest with themselves, they'd know that what they actually want is a young ideally loyal Stacy wife to look at, fuck, show off in all social settings, and reproduce with to have beautiful kids. Ideally they also have a side-harem of slugs, low trust high sexiness sluts of usually questionable character and/or genetic quality, to fuck and reproduce with, but never legitimize or pay child support for their bastard kids. The bastards were always the second class citizens compared to the official legitimate kids. The bastards were always a failsafe, the plan b, in case disaster/tragedy happens. In that way, some of the man's genes(even if paired up with inferior genes) still get passed on, and resources and social capital he has accumulated also gets passed on. Because if disaster happens and there are no bastards, all the man's efforts in the reproductive race were in vain.

When it comes to women, I heavily doubt they ever cared much about status and money/resources. It might have seemed that way, but in reality women never had a say in anything. Men of superior physicality(but sometimes questionable beauty, essentially ogremaxxers) and violent/darktriad tendencies, or men with a lot of influence and resources(statusmaxxed resourcemaxxed leaders/kings), had the say who gets who and how many. In the male dominance hierarchy in a barely civilized world, a man's beauty never played a role. Men inherently respect one thing: power and ability to inflict large amounts of violence. A beautiful man with no skill or physical ability to do violence was a peon. A peasant. A beautiful man with no influence, no resources, and no bigger dudes behind him, was also a peon. You dared touching my wife, peon? Now you die because I am the more powerful male and I can easily kill you. Oh you want that virginal young Stacy? Fuck no, peon. That's mine, what you gonna do? Try anything and you will die. It was that simple then. Now in modern society that is bloated with rules and laws, conflict is not as easily resolved with violence or the threat of violence.

Women would choose a young beautiful man of course, if they have the option to do so. Reason is high genetic quality, just like how men choose women, especially the women they choose to invest time and resources in. The shift nowadays happens because women are independent, make their own money, we have laws and police, and are free to choose the guys they want, basically Chad and Tyrone. The reasons why you don't see middle aged sluts with young hot guys more often are: a)the middle aged sluts can fuck much younger attractive guys behind closed doors easily without paying a dime or investing anything in those guys thus fulfilling their sexual needs and desires, and b)it's inherently in their best interests to NOT leverage their resources trying to keep the young guys around. A middle aged woman spending large amounts of resources in order to seriously date and keep young Chad around is counterproductive for her. Inherently she knows that Chad will rarely stay loyal or stay for a longtime with her, it's a fickle relationship that requires tons of effort and investment.The other big reason is that she can't convert the financial capital into genetic capital, since her womb is barren. But a middle aged man can convert it since he is generally still fertile. And converting some financial capital, especially into genetic capital, is in most cases is very worth it for the man from a biological standpoint. That's why you see geriatric celebrities/billionaires dating and impregnating young Stacies publicly, while you rarely see middle aged women date young Chads publicly. Perhaps with more technological progress and improvement, the gap closes, and a middle aged woman can more effectively convert financial resources into genetic capital. But as it stands, egg freezing, IvF and surrogates have not being perfect yet, and are more like a hail mary than something that has a very high chance of success.
Excellent write-up. I agree on almost everything. I would add that women often prefer men within their social circle, as there is a social vetting process that can occur both as a function of the group and on an individual basis. Women have a fear of reproducing with a man who, even though he is attractive, may not be socially competent (autistic/too intelligent) and/or financially competent (cannot whatsoever build wealth, as in perpetually poor).

Women also seem to have a biological imperative for monogamy whilst raising children. Anyone on here who thinks women would suddenly leave their marriage and young children for a one-time fling with a 'Chad' is an idiot.
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Again that is cope what would be comparable to tits and ass for men is broad shoulders and a thin waste

Ofc as a man you don’t need to have that if ur attractive just as a attractive woman can get a pass if she has a not so fat ass or boobs

This status cope is what guys who work hard their whole life tell themselves do not have to come to the realisation that money and status doesn’t matter when ur attractive to the woman

They just can’t let themselves see it and assume it’s like that for every man
No. A girl getting a tit or ass job would net her WAY more male partners than a guy getting broad shoulders, tall and, a thin waist. (@mrdouchebag as well. Keep in mind, men give way more emphasis on the body compared to women who give more emphasis on the face. Because a woman's body is a greater fertility indicator than the face is. This is purely on a physical attraction basis. A girl who's face is a 7 but has amazing body will be more attractive to most men than a girl who's face is 9 but body is average. A guy who's 7 but has amazing body will not be more attractive to most women than a guy who's 9 facially but has an average body. If a man sees a topless woman's body, he will get a very strong reaction to it. A woman seeing a shirtless man who's super jacked, tall, V taper wouldn't have the same arousal level as the man does when he sees the topless woman.)

The difference between a guy say like Justin Beiber without fame and status vs him with fame and status is astronomical.

" Probably, it is impossible for sexual infatuation to turn into real feelings of love if you don’t have children. That appears to be what creates the bond."
This is wrong, the girl can have real feelings of love. People are in relationships without kids all the time. Having a child can also make the relationship between the man and woman weaker in many cases.

Male peaking at 50 is also cope. Only if he has Leonardo Di Caprio tier fame and status, and he didn't when he was younger.

"The symmetry of a man’s face has become more important in recent decades, because it is more associated with status, because of the entertainment culture. " I don't think this is in recent decades, it's the case in animal kingdom symmetry always indicators stronger genetic quality and resistance to diseases. And most things below these are wrong in my opinion.

Also @mrdouchebag you mentioned "Status and money is a cope, but also not a cope. It's a cope in that it has anything to do with a woman desiring and loving you. "
Not true. If an average guy gets immense status, he will get women he wouldn't otherwise give him a chance. Now you may say "If he loses she will leave." Same can be said for looks.

If status didn't work, Leonardo Di Caprio wouldn't be able to pull all these young hot models in his 50s. He once went in a club and brought back like 15 models. Keep in mind these were not "Instagram models", they were ACTUAL models. And these women do "DESIRE" him. It's not just for his money lol.
  • Hmm...
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Read it. Total nonsense. For girls, sex in secret with low status men they do not want to be seen with in public is far, far more common than sex within "legitimate", socially acceptable relationships. Status is major cope.
stacy has secret sex with me (in my dreams)
There are some good points here, but also a lot of BS in my opinion.

There is no unconditional love for anyone. Love is your genes, brain and hormones tricking you. You love a woman because she's young and pretty. The notion that men unconditionally love women is nonsense. Hell, even a mother's love is not unconditional. Her brain and genes are tricking her to care for her baby and love it, because that's how her genetic lineage continues and that's the closest thing we have when it comes to immortality. The genes are the master. The vessel(body and mind) is the slave. Consciousness is just a virtual administrator to better process information, navigate the material world and increase chances of reproduction. The virtual administrator's free will is limited and everything it does is heavily influenced by the prime directive the genes give it whether it is aware of it or not. Survival of the vessel is only necessary up till it reproduces and passes its genes(ideally improves them even further, and also passes them on multiple times). After that survival of the vessel is not mandatory. It has done its job. Of course, some slaves are disobedient and try to rebel against or even harm/kill the master. Choosing not do the master's bidding and pass on the genes, choosing to fool themselves into believing they are the important ones not their master and choosing to pursue non reproductive ways of life, choosing to intentionally kill themselves and the master in order to stick it to the master. But I am going way off here, that's a discussion for another time.

Back on topic, ass, tits, hourglass shape(good waist to hips ratio) is comparable to height, muscularity, V taper(good shoulder to waist ratio) and even maybe big dick. So there are male equivalents to those stuff. The author is clearly speaking nonsense.

Also, just because a woman is young, fit, with nice tits and ass doesn't make her a top genetic specimen. A mathematically perfect face does. It's common in the redpillcoper circles to say they are looking for "young, feminine, friendly women with good bodies". I mean, bro, if her face is busted, all that stuff barely matters besides busting a nut at 2am if it requires low effort and investment. Same applies to guys. 6'2 with good physique and low body fat doesn't make a man a top genetic specimen. Above average? Sure. But if the face is mediocre, he isn't an apex stallion. Far from it actually.

Status and money is a cope, but also not a cope. It's a cope in that it has anything to do with a woman desiring and loving you. Status and money is not a cope in that you can leverage those to get what you want. High status wealthy unattractive dudes are not desirable or loveable. But they can be very sexually and reproductively successful if they play their cards like. Ultimately, if most men were honest with themselves, they'd know that what they actually want is a young ideally loyal Stacy wife to look at, fuck, show off in all social settings, and reproduce with to have beautiful kids. Ideally they also have a side-harem of slugs, low trust high sexiness sluts of usually questionable character and/or genetic quality, to fuck and reproduce with, but never legitimize or pay child support for their bastard kids. The bastards were always the second class citizens compared to the official legitimate kids. The bastards were always a failsafe, the plan b, in case disaster/tragedy happens. In that way, some of the man's genes(even if paired up with inferior genes) still get passed on, and resources and social capital he has accumulated also gets passed on. Because if disaster happens and there are no bastards, all the man's efforts in the reproductive race were in vain.

When it comes to women, I heavily doubt they ever cared much about status and money/resources. It might have seemed that way, but in reality women never had a say in anything. Men of superior physicality(but sometimes questionable beauty, essentially ogremaxxers) and violent/darktriad tendencies, or men with a lot of influence and resources(statusmaxxed resourcemaxxed leaders/kings), had the say who gets who and how many. In the male dominance hierarchy in a barely civilized world, a man's beauty never played a role. Men inherently respect one thing: power and ability to inflict large amounts of violence. A beautiful man with no skill or physical ability to do violence was a peon. A peasant. A beautiful man with no influence, no resources, and no bigger dudes behind him, was also a peon. You dared touching my wife, peon? Now you die because I am the more powerful male and I can easily kill you. Oh you want that virginal young Stacy? Fuck no, peon. That's mine, what you gonna do? Try anything and you will die. It was that simple then. Now in modern society that is bloated with rules and laws, conflict is not as easily resolved with violence or the threat of violence.

Women would choose a young beautiful man of course, if they have the option to do so. Reason is high genetic quality, just like how men choose women, especially the women they choose to invest time and resources in. The shift nowadays happens because women are independent, make their own money, we have laws and police, and are free to choose the guys they want, basically Chad and Tyrone. The reasons why you don't see middle aged sluts with young hot guys more often are: a)the middle aged sluts can fuck much younger attractive guys behind closed doors easily without paying a dime or investing anything in those guys thus fulfilling their sexual needs and desires, and b)it's inherently in their best interests to NOT leverage their resources trying to keep the young guys around. A middle aged woman spending large amounts of resources in order to seriously date and keep young Chad around is counterproductive for her. Inherently she knows that Chad will rarely stay loyal or stay for a longtime with her, it's a fickle relationship that requires tons of effort and investment.The other big reason is that she can't convert the financial capital into genetic capital, since her womb is barren. But a middle aged man can convert it since he is generally still fertile. And converting some financial capital, especially into genetic capital, is in most cases is very worth it for the man from a biological standpoint. That's why you see geriatric celebrities/billionaires dating and impregnating young Stacies publicly, while you rarely see middle aged women date young Chads publicly. Perhaps with more technological progress and improvement, the gap closes, and a middle aged woman can more effectively convert financial resources into genetic capital. But as it stands, egg freezing, IvF and surrogates have not being perfect yet, and are more like a hail mary than something that has a very high chance of success.
  • +1
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Lol .org is too full of low-IQ literalist retards to appreciate an Andrew Anglin essay. No surprise.
didn’t read.
Women value physical looks just as much.
Would have been more accurate to draw some equivalence in the male form instead of coping to status
Status only matters if you’re mid.
If you’re attractive then status doesn’t matter as long as you’re not a brokie.
Stop aging-coping. Men are most desirable in the second half of their twenties. Most attractive age being 27 or 28. Only goes down from there.

World is different now. Women will be in their sixties and widowed and still have any army of simps waiting for their shot if she’s even kinda pretty.
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Umm, I prefer a woman who's at least reached peri-menopause. Specifically because I don't want kids.

The idea that we pick a woman based on her ability to give us children isn't entirely true.

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