steroids and parents



massive side framecel
Sep 14, 2018
Want to take steroids, I have money for it but my parents would flip if they found out I do them or that I want to do them because of health risks. I am 17 and from the UK. Any advice?
Just say that it's flu shots
I hide mine in my closet. They don't need to know. Unless your dad was a bodybuilder or something they probably won't know you've hopped on.
will they not think its weird how I make sure they dont open the package from ordering, or how I am very secretive when injecting which can take a considerable amount of time?
Idk I wouldn’t do it that young In my opinion, I think I’m gonna be young hooping on when I’m 20, it’s your decision at the end of the day, but make sure you research tons. Make sure there is no heart problems/colon cancer in ur family, and no early balding in your genes. Prob paying with bitcoin is best idea. Have a look at jeffersons/intel’s threads for more info.
blast and cruise IMO

if your gunna do a cycle, just do orals, easier to hide etc.
will steroids increase growth such as clavicle, at this age since growth plates are open. Dont be mad if im being dumb.
blast and cruise IMO

if your gunna do a cycle, just do orals, easier to hide etc.
dont orals fuck your liver
will they not think its weird how I make sure they dont open the package from ordering, or how I am very secretive when injecting which can take a considerable amount of time?
You gotta grab the package as soon as it arrives or send it to a friends house if your parents open your packages. Lock your room when injecting or walk into the bathroom with a needle and vial of test in your pocket.

will steroids increase growth such as clavicle, at this age since growth plates are open. Dont be mad if im being dumb.

dont orals fuck your liver

Orals do fuck your liver a bit, never do an oral only cycle. It's not a clear answer how much the effect of androgens are on clavicle growth but it probably wouldn't have too much of an effect either way. Growth hormone on the other hand...
blast and cruise IMO

if your gunna do a cycle, just do orals, easier to hide etc.
Orals are kinda bad for you Liver unless there’s a pct to stop that yea? Why blast and cruise gonna be hella expensive over the year ?
Orals are kinda bad for you Liver unless there’s a pct to stop that yea? Why blast and cruise gonna be hella expensive over the year ?
actually, blast and cruise is probably cheaper because low doses of test over a long time is still cheap compared to nolva,clomid and hcg

For me nolvadex+clomid pct costs $80 CAD

and running 125mg test/wk costs $70 for 40 weeks. (there are about 52 weeks in a year)

So if you did more than 1 cycle per year blast and cruise would be cheaper plus easier on the body tbh although you sacrifice your testicles.
actually, blast and cruise is probably cheaper because low doses of test over a long time is still cheap compared to nolva,clomid and hcg

For me nolvadex+clomid pct costs $80 CAD

and running 125mg test/wk costs $70 for 40 weeks. (there are about 52 weeks in a year)

So if you did more than 1 cycle per year blast and cruise would be cheaper plus easier on the body tbh although you sacrifice your testicles.

Dam yea so you run no pct at all then, actually you are correct test is the cheap thing, pct is the dear part, don’t think I’d do that I’m only young and don’t want to be pinning my whole life yet, I’m aiming for about 2 cycles a year if everything goes well, how was your cycle, you feeling all g?

Dam yea so you run no pct at all then, actually you are correct test is the cheap thing, pct is the dear part, don’t think I’d do that I’m only young and don’t want to be pinning my whole life yet, I’m aiming for about 2 cycles a year if everything goes well, how was your cycle, you feeling all g?

Yeah feeling good, bigger everyday and my bloodwork came back as perfectly healthy. 11 weeks and I've gained over 30 lbs. I'm also not blasting and cruising yet cause I'm not sure whether I wanna kiss my balls goodbye for the rest of my life.

Oh and I forgot about the cost of all those needles in blast and cruise so that would probably make it more expensive but not by much and not if you ran multiple cycles.
Yeah feeling good, bigger everyday and my bloodwork came back as perfectly healthy. 11 weeks and I've gained over 30 lbs. I'm also not blasting and cruising yet cause I'm not sure whether I wanna kiss my balls goodbye for the rest of my life.

Oh and I forgot about the cost of all those needles in blast and cruise so that would probably make it more expensive but not by much and not if you ran multiple cycles.
Do you feel like you are acting differently on steroids. Like happier, less depressed, more confident, less inhib~?
Do you feel like you are acting differently on steroids. Like happier, less depressed, more confident, less inhib~?
yeah a bit more confident and generally happier overall and definitely lower inhib. Not a massive difference mentally for me but it is noticeable. Of course other substances like tren would have a bigger mental effect but that stuff is kinda dangerous tbh.
Yeah feeling good, bigger everyday and my bloodwork came back as perfectly healthy. 11 weeks and I've gained over 30 lbs. I'm also not blasting and cruising yet cause I'm not sure whether I wanna kiss my balls goodbye for the rest of my life.

Oh and I forgot about the cost of all those needles in blast and cruise so that would probably make it more expensive but not by much and not if you ran multiple cycles.
Good to hear that bro, that’s alotta size I’d say maybe 20lbs of pure muscle or more? What was your training like if I can ask, push pull legs or?

Good to hear that bro, that’s alotta size I’d say maybe 20lbs of pure muscle or more? What was your training like if I can ask, push pull legs or?

Yeah probably ~20 lbs are muslce. I still have a few weeks to pack on as much as I can before it's over. I do push/pull/legs right now but next cycle I'll probably just do a bro split.

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