Steroids are banned to prevent people who are genetically weak from getting strong



Mar 1, 2024
I have been thinking about why there is so much hate against steroids and it's users in the society. I mean, what's bad about it? Steroids help people who would otherwise be too weak genetically, to get stronger. It only has positive effects as long as one consumes it carefully.

Imagine all those incels, especially framecels who could benefit from it. In literally no time they could go from being mercilessly bullied by everyone, not getting foids, being disrespected to being feared by everyone for their strength, being respected and getting lost of pussy.

I think the reason behind it being banned is to prevent the genetic trash in society from being able to bypass their genetic limits. It seems that normies and chads as well as foids feel threatened by the idea that someone ith shit genes can actually get as strong if not stronger than them. They feel that as being a threat to their status and power, an insult to them. They want to have someone to look down at, that is incels and weak males and they want to keep them down at their normie-designated place in the hierarchy.

So you should not give a fuck about the cuck laws. Just take steroids in secret, get strong, gain respect and get pussy.
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Steroids probably lowered your IQ too much now
  • +1
Reactions: maxxmclooks
I am planning to buy and acquire steroids.
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weak genetically
ROFL. Some people have a better frame, bone mass, and muscle building genetics than others, but ultimately your diet and exercise regimen will determine how developed your muscles are. Albeit, you may not have great muscle insertions or a great genetically predetermined natural limit. I am gonna assume you mean small frame and low bone mass by "genetically weak", which won't be fixed by blasting steroids. These traits may improve marginally, but you are not going to go from being boneless to having a hunter skull by running a steroid cycle. Anabolic androgenic steroids are illegal to prevent people like you with 0 knowledge of how these substances work you from abusing them and fucking up their health.
  • JFL
Reactions: Saint Casanova
ROFL. Some people have a better frame, bone mass, and muscle building genetics than others, but ultimately your diet and exercise regimen will determine how developed your muscles are. Albeit, you may not have great muscle insertions or a great genetically predetermined natural limit. I am gonna assume you mean small frame and low bone mass by "genetically weak", which won't be fixed by blasting steroids. These traits may improve marginally, but you are not going to go from being boneless to having a hunter skull by running a steroid cycle. Anabolic androgenic steroids are illegal to prevent people like you with 0 knowledge of how these substances work you from abusing them and fucking up their health.
How about buying genetic editing technology online then?

How about buying genetic editing technology online then?

Can't tell if this is satire or not but I would fix your mental state before you worry about looksmaxxing. Your only posts are this one and another one asking if Elliot Rodger had plastic surgery. You sure are a strange individual.
Can't tell if this is satire or not but I would fix your mental state before you worry about looksmaxxing. Your only posts are this one and another one asking if Elliot Rodger had plastic surgery. You sure are a strange individual.
Do not talk in this manner to me again. I am actually a former member who had to quit that site because i got caught with my account and what wrote there. That's why i am on this site now, as this is the one that is closest to being like
  • JFL
Reactions: Asymmetrycel
Do not talk in this manner to me again. I am actually a former member who had to quit that site because i got caught with my account and what wrote there. That's why i am on this site now, as this is the one that is closest to being like
Pirate Freezing GIF by StickerGiant
They’re not banned here in the UK and in most other countries.
ROFL. Some people have a better frame, bone mass, and muscle building genetics than others, but ultimately your diet and exercise regimen will determine how developed your muscles are. Albeit, you may not have great muscle insertions or a great genetically predetermined natural limit. I am gonna assume you mean small frame and low bone mass by "genetically weak", which won't be fixed by blasting steroids. These traits may improve marginally, but you are not going to go from being boneless to having a hunter skull by running a steroid cycle. Anabolic androgenic steroids are illegal to prevent people like you with 0 knowledge of how these substances work you from abusing them and fucking up their health.
This bozo thinks steroids are like super solider serums.

But I disagree with you, steroids far out way even diet when it comes to building muscle. Out of your genetics, it’s absolutely the biggest contributing factor to how you’ll look physically
This bozo thinks steroids are like super solider serums.

But I disagree with you, steroids far out way even diet when it comes to building muscle. Out of your genetics, it’s absolutely the biggest contributing factor to how you’ll look physically
Of course, your muscle growth will be greatly accelerated, although sensitivity to those compounds can vary from person to person. OP is a retard so I tried to deter him from injecting drugs that he knows nothing about.
  • +1
Reactions: Saint Casanova
They’re illegal because the general population is fucking retarded. It’s literally a magic drug that gets you jacked. Every dumbass would be roided out and lifting, and they’d all be dying at 40 from liver disease and heart failure from blasting grams of gear at 13

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