stop being a pussy and act up


Deleted member 1140

get ripped or die mirin
Feb 28, 2019
girls lose intetest so fucking fast if you dont act up. i had a crush on a girl for years and when she also had interest, i didnt act up. after a short time she lost interest and she didnt wanna meet alone again etc

i actually tested this with a chick a few days ago. i met her 40 days ago and always talked like i had interest and eventually she had a crush on me (told me she needs a boyfriend sooo badly, gets jealous when i talk about other girls, gave very strong sexual signs, she even asked me if i want to fuck). but when i met her i was rejecting her all the time. she asked to cuddle etc and i just said "no" im alright etc.
i also kind of ignored her when she talked about having sex etc. now she lost interest and even calls me "bro" haha

keep in mind that i have a gf and only wanted to test how far you can go until they lose interest. 99% of girls dont have balls but they give VERY clear signs, but they will never actually do the first step
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not many words were read in this thread
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Reactions: Entschuldigung, Vermilioncore, rockndogs and 4 others
Brag but i hope you will be alright
Brag but i hope you will be alright
why brag? i literally gained nothing out of this but the amount of failed opportunities i see because people dont have balls makes me sad.
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why brag? i literally gained nothing out of this but the amount of failed opportunities i see because people dont have balls looks makes me sad.
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This has happened to me several times and was the main reason for being a mentalcel until i fixed it to tolerable levels.
How to fix this permanently?
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why are there people starving in africa?
stop being anorexic and just eat up 😤😤
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It's over If you have to approach
True, i met a girl that had a crush on me during middle school, she even asked to be with me, after i finished high school and she told me that i am still attractive. I realized that she didn't mean it in a 'let's hook up' sort of way but more as a remembrance of her own feelings that she once had for me. i never escalate or when i attempt to I can't help but feel as though I am making the girl uncomfortable so i never go through with it. i always come to the conclusion that the 'signs' i saw weren't real. The variable of uncertainty due to my looks is what hinders me from ever approaching.
what does act up mean?
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
True, i met a girl that had a crush on me during middle school, she even asked to be with me, after i finished high school and she told me that i am still attractive. I realized that she didn't mean it in a 'let's hook up' sort of way but more as a remembrance of her own feelings that she once had for me. i never escalate or when i attempt to I can't help but feel as though I am making the girl uncomfortable so i never go through with it. i always come to the conclusion that the 'signs' i saw weren't real. The variable of uncertainty due to my looks is what hinders me from ever approaching.
when you dont escalate on girls soon after they give hints/ioi's they think you arent interested or reject them
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girls lose intetest so fucking fast if you dont act up. i had a crush on a girl for years and when she also had interest, i didnt act up. after a short time she lost interest and she didnt wanna meet alone again etc

i actually tested this with a chick a few days ago. i met her 40 days ago and always talked like i had interest and eventually she had a crush on me (told me she needs a boyfriend sooo badly, gets jealous when i talk about other girls, gave very strong sexual signs, she even asked me if i want to fuck). but when i met her i was rejecting her all the time. she asked to cuddle etc and i just said "no" im alright etc.
i also kind of ignored her when she talked about having sex etc. now she lost interest and even calls me "bro" haha

keep in mind that i have a gf and only wanted to test how far you can go until they lose interest. 99% of girls dont have balls but they give VERY clear signs, but they will never actually do the first step
Atleast you get fucking interest in you.ffs
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Brutal. Brings back memories.
act up you can get snatched up 💅💅

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