Stop coping



Sep 4, 2019
Genes and prenatal t > everything . Nobody in this forum is under 14 prob but 14-18 you have a chance to alter T levels and influence change is facial structure with things like mewing and k2 (maybe). But mainly all you can do is sleep well and eat well and hope for the best because your height frame and facial structure I’m sorry to tell you is 99% genetic. I’ve been through every study tbh . Focus on money max to help yourself
Yeah okay bud
The genetic thing was disproven a while ago, the most attractive people don't tend to have attractive parents. Look up your favorite model's parents sometime.
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Yeah okay bud
The genetic thing was disproven a while ago, the most attractive people don't tend to have attractive parents. Look up your favorite model's parents sometime.
Genetic recombination vro
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If you're blackpilled and want kids you should moneymax, marry a robust skulled female model and breed
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Genetics gives you your potential but environment allows you to fufill the potential (FACE, height/frame is purely genetic). I think almost nobody fulfills even close to their full potential. Especially considering the average palate width is 35mm and cavemen palate widths were 50mm and we already know proper tongue position expands your palate even in adulthood.
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Genetics gives you your potential but environment allows you to fufill the potential (FACE, height/frame is purely genetic). I think almost nobody fulfills even close to their full potential. Especially considering the average palate width is 35mm and cavemen palate widths were 50mm and we already know proper tongue position expands your palate even in adulthood.
Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change
Genetics gives you your potential but environment allows you to fufill the potential (FACE, height/frame is purely genetic). I think almost nobody fulfills even close to their full potential. Especially considering the average palate width is 35mm and cavemen palate widths were 50mm and we already know proper tongue position expands your palate even in adulthood.
Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change
Yeah okay bud
The genetic thing was disproven a while ago, the most attractive people don't tend to have attractive parents. Look up your favorite model's parents sometime.
Yeah and none of them did anything special to get their looks. Their parents also may have been better looking when younger . But your telling me what they did as children morphed their face from shit to god tier . No. They have genetic blue prints and so do all of you. Even mouthbreathing which many young athletes do won’t have a drastic effect .
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Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change

Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change

Yeah and none of them did anything special to get their looks. Their parents also may have been better looking when younger . But your telling me what they did as children morphed their face from shit to god tier . No. They have genetic blue prints and so do all of you. Even mouthbreathing which many young athletes do won’t have a drastic effect .

Significant changes maybe not. Changes yes, it's possible. Especially with things that apply heavy force on your face. Such as palate expanders / facepulling devices.
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Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change

Either way it’s too late for all over 18 to make significant change

Yeah and none of them did anything special to get their looks. Their parents also may have been better looking when younger . But your telling me what they did as children morphed their face from shit to god tier . No. They have genetic blue prints and so do all of you. Even mouthbreathing which many young athletes do won’t have a drastic effect .
We have seen the profound effects of bad development mate. If you seriously think that development isn't important there is no convincing you.
We have seen the profound effects of bad development mate. If you seriously think that development isn't important there is no convincing you.
It is important lol but not as much as people make it out to be
It is important lol but not as much as people make it out to be
Much more important than genetics. If you don't have perfect forward growth you had less than ideal environment, and that's basically almost everyone.
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Yeah okay bud
The genetic thing was disproven a while ago, the most attractive people don't tend to have attractive parents. Look up your favorite model's parents sometime.
Genetics give you the main foundation. If your dad and mom are curry then there's nothing the environment can do for you. Same thing if your parents are short with shit frames.
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Genes and prenatal t > everything .

influence change is facial structure with things like mewing and k2 (maybe). But mainly all you can do is sleep well and eat well and hope for the best because your height frame and facial structure I

pick one, fucking idiot

Genetics give you the main foundation. If your dad and mom are curry then there's nothing the environment can do for you. Same thing if your parents are short with shit frames.
Yes they give you the foundation of course but being high PSL is a game of millimeters while what you inherit is a game of inches
Yes they give you the foundation of course but being high PSL is a game of millimeters while what you inherit is a game of inches
Also if your parents have shit bone mass even if you're optimally forward grown your growth is still somewhat limited.

Overall having better parents increases the likelyhood that you'll be good looking. Or at least have the foundation for attractiveness i.e frame, height, phenotype and bone mass potential to a degree. Of course there are outliers .
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Lol exactly
Yes they give you the foundation of course but being high PSL is a game of millimeters while what you inherit is a game of inches
lol exactly
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It is important lol but not as much as people make it out to be
It is super important, you need it to be attractive
Also if your parents have shit bone mass even if you're optimally forward grown your growth is still somewhat limited.

Overall having better parents increases the likelyhood that you'll be good looking. Or at least have the foundation for attractiveness i.e frame, height, phenotype and bone mass potential to a degree. Of course there are outliers .
Yeah I agree with this
It is super important, you need it to be attractive

Yeah I agree with this
I do believe face is heavily influenced by environment , height and frame not really, but it’s not like imperfect development will leave you looking like a complete different person than what you were predetermined to be.
I do believe face is heavily influenced by environment , height and frame not really, but it’s not like imperfect development will leave you looking like a complete different person than what you were predetermined to be.
Dude you would really be surprised. Improper development can fuck so you hard its unreal.
Genetics + Environment BOTH ARE CRITICAL, there is no either/or, as always you need both, you need everything, compensation is cope.
Dude you would really be surprised. Improper development can fuck so you hard its unreal.
Genetics + Environment BOTH ARE CRITICAL, there is no either/or, as always you need both, you need everything, compensation is cope.
then specify what you mean by environment? Mouthbreathing? Hard diet? Mewing? 99% of kids do not mew and probably about 50% mouthbreathe at least to some extent. And your diet as long as you get enough nutrients isn’t going to have such a drastic effect .
then specify what you mean by environment? Mouthbreathing? Hard diet? Mewing? 99% of kids do not mew and probably about 50% mouthbreathe at least to some extent. And your diet as long as you get enough nutrients isn’t going to have such a drastic effect .
All of the above. This is obviously a complex discussion that can't be sorted out in a few short back-and-forth posts, but to engage in a preliminary way - first off your estimate for the amount of mouthbreathers is insanely inflated. The fuck are you getting your numbers from? I'm a youth leader at the church I go to (hilarious and ironic, I know) so I'm around large numbers of kids a lot. The vast majority do not mouthbreathe. Mouthbreathing is hilarious and obvious. Look around you at almost any time during the day, most people in general do not mouthbreathe. Mouthbreathing throughout your development will indeed fuck your shit up royally. If you actually made an effort to sit there and mouthbreathe it would probably feel insanely unnatural to you, it does to me.
I know what you're thinking, "so then if most don't mouthbreathe then most develop properly". Not necessarily true. There are a lot of things that can go wrong development wise that hold you back from your full potential.

This is an excellent site to check out for more specific info on development and why it matters, please check it out if you're curious. In particular this post is good and opened my eyes to the importance of development:

Chewing hard foods reinforces proper development. Breastfeeding longer reinforces proper development. Breathing properly, swallowing properly, chewing bones, full body posture - all the things our ancestors simply did without thinking because they lived in the natural. Its not a binary thing, development is a complex affair that is on a spectrum.
As a last note to your diet point - diet itself is complex. Americans (read: first worlders) are collectively deficient in a few things and diet science is such a fucking joke that its difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions because currently the field is still mostly in its retarded chimps-banging-on-keys phase. I would personally say look at many people who have been vegans for long stretches of time and notice how they look totally fucked. Tiny frames, thin bones, shit skin quality, fraility, the list goes on. Now look at atheletes. Don't misread me of course it is one of many variables but consider a stereotypical athletic diet. Also, disclaimer, outliers abound with diet categories especially because diet and nutrition are so complicated but that being said your diet is one of the most profound things affecting you.
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All of the above. This is obviously a complex discussion that can't be sorted out in a few short back-and-forth posts, but to engage in a preliminary way - first off your estimate for the amount of mouthbreathers is insanely inflated. The fuck are you getting your numbers from? I'm a youth leader at the church I go to (hilarious and ironic, I know) so I'm around large numbers of kids a lot. The vast majority do not mouthbreathe. Mouthbreathing is hilarious and obvious. Look around you at almost any time during the day, most people in general do not mouthbreathe. Mouthbreathing throughout your development will indeed fuck your shit up royally. If you actually made an effort to sit there and mouthbreathe it would probably feel insanely unnatural to you, it does to me.
I know what you're thinking, "so then if most don't mouthbreathe then most develop properly". Not necessarily true. There are a lot of things that can go wrong development wise that hold you back from your full potential.

This is an excellent site to check out for more specific info on development and why it matters, please check it out if you're curious. In particular this post is good and opened my eyes to the importance of development:

Chewing hard foods reinforces proper development. Breastfeeding longer reinforces proper development. Breathing properly, swallowing properly, chewing bones, full body posture - all the things our ancestors simply did without thinking because they lived in the natural. Its not a binary thing, development is a complex affair that is on a spectrum.
As a last note to your diet point - diet itself is complex. Americans (read: first worlders) are collectively deficient in a few things and diet science is such a fucking joke that its difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions because currently the field is still mostly in its retarded chimps-banging-on-keys phase. I would personally say look at many people who have been vegans for long stretches of time and notice how they look totally fucked. Tiny frames, thin bones, shit skin quality, fraility, the list goes on. Now look at atheletes. Don't misread me of course it is one of many variables but consider a stereotypical athletic diet. Also, disclaimer, outliers abound with diet categories especially because diet and nutrition are so complicated but that being said your diet is one of the most profound things affecting you.
Oh I’ve always interpreted mouth breathing as night only which I think a lot of people do , Yeah I don’t even think like 5% of people mouthbreathe during the day. And yeah hard diet is 100% legit and vegans are retarded. I’ve always eaten meat but it’s not like I consciously attempted to eat hard foods in hopes of developing a masculine jaw. I think milk and k2 from meat is very beneficial for early bone development aswell, but you don’t need too much. From what I’ve seen in suburban neighborhood I grew up in, most kids eat good enough and develop fine, the kids I know who’s parents made them eat athlete tier diets developed well, but they are nothing special and mainly puberty changed them (one family I knew fed their kids only the best of food and none of the 3 boys grew taller than their father). None of their jaws or facial bones are noticeably defined either. Yes I believe environment is important but your genetics are the blueprint to which environment can only slightly alter imo. I also believe you can make up for poor development in puberty. So many of these younger kids have a chance to reach their potential.
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Oh I’ve always interpreted mouth breathing as night only which I think a lot of people do , Yeah I don’t even think like 5% of people mouthbreathe during the day. And yeah hard diet is 100% legit and vegans are retarded. I’ve always eaten meat but it’s not like I consciously attempted to eat hard foods in hopes of developing a masculine jaw. I think milk and k2 from meat is very beneficial for early bone development aswell, but you don’t need too much. From what I’ve seen in suburban neighborhood I grew up in, most kids eat good enough and develop fine, the kids I know who’s parents made them eat athlete tier diets developed well, but they are nothing special and mainly puberty changed them (one family I knew fed their kids only the best of food and none of the 3 boys grew taller than their father). None of their jaws or facial bones are noticeably defined either. Yes I believe environment is important but your genetics are the blueprint to which environment can only slightly alter imo. I also believe you can make up for poor development in puberty. So many of these younger kids have a chance to reach their potential.
Yes most of your development happens in childhood. If you didn't develop well then chances are you are pretty fucked. Some people claim that you can significantly fix development later on, imo that remains to be seen.
In my mind genetics basically says "okay, here's what's possible". Then epigenetics goes out and actually makes the possibilities come about. Its like blueprint (genetics) gets handed to builders (epigenetics). Cringey Bill Nye tier analogy, I know. But point is if the builders don't have the right materials or conditions the blueprint's dream won't come about. Most people understand this, but their problem imo is they see it binary. "Okay, either I developed PERFECTLY or I didn't, if I'm not super fucked up then its genetics". Nah, the builders operate on a wide spectrum, just because you are decent doesn't mean you hit your genetic potential. At this point logic and proof ends but I would personally claim that the vast majority of people have subpar development, simply because we don't live like our ancestors do, we don't chill all day, walk around barefoot, are breastfed for 2-3 years after birth, go hunt down an elk with the bros and then sit around the campfire at night chewing meat off the bone while watching the tribe priest do some spooky song and dance.
Most African tribesmen (who still live like their ancestors did 5000 years ago lol) mog the everliving fuck out of westerners in terms of oral development and posture. This has so many effects. I read a paper a while ago about how in this tribe back problems were literally non-existent and they all walked around with perfect posture all the time because they never got fucked up by modern living.
Yes most of your development happens in childhood. If you didn't develop well then chances are you are pretty fucked. Some people claim that you can significantly fix development later on, imo that remains to be seen.
In my mind genetics basically says "okay, here's what's possible". Then epigenetics goes out and actually makes the possibilities come about. Its like blueprint (genetics) gets handed to builders (epigenetics). Cringey Bill Nye tier analogy, I know. But point is if the builders don't have the right materials or conditions the blueprint's dream won't come about. Most people understand this, but their problem imo is they see it binary. "Okay, either I developed PERFECTLY or I didn't, if I'm not super fucked up then its genetics". Nah, the builders operate on a wide spectrum, just because you are decent doesn't mean you hit your genetic potential. At this point logic and proof ends but I would personally claim that the vast majority of people have subpar development, simply because we don't live like our ancestors do, we don't chill all day, walk around barefoot, are breastfed for 2-3 years after birth, go hunt down an elk with the bros and then sit around the campfire at night chewing meat off the bone while watching the tribe priest do some spooky song and dance.
Most African tribesmen (who still live like their ancestors did 5000 years ago lol) mog the everliving fuck out of westerners in terms of oral development and posture. This has so many effects. I read a paper a while ago about how in this tribe back problems were literally non-existent and they all walked around with perfect posture all the time because they never got fucked up by modern living.
The closest we have a hunter gatherer lifestyle now is an athletic lifestyle. It’s hard for me to tell if people look more attractive and athletic because of the early lifestyle choices They made which shaped them in this way, or if people who were already like this chose sports like football per say, and the already unathletic kids chose other things like chess because it was more fitting. I have one African friend with insane facial definition and athleticism , but I know he did not play much sports or eat very well it’s all his genetics . I do Think that your blueprint is meant to be completed and humans have evolved to use what little resources they had to grow etc , Like I don’t think anything besides malnourishment can stunt growth, and since height is bone, I don’t think anything besides malnourishment can fuck your facial structure. Many of the recessed people on this site have the bone density but they did something to fuck the forward progression of these bones, I have no clue what does this though.
The closest we have a hunter gatherer lifestyle now is an athletic lifestyle. It’s hard for me to tell if people look more attractive and athletic because of the early lifestyle choices They made which shaped them in this way, or if people who were already like this chose sports like football per say, and the already unathletic kids chose other things like chess because it was more fitting. I have one African friend with insane facial definition and athleticism , but I know he did not play much sports or eat very well it’s all his genetics . I do Think that your blueprint is meant to be completed and humans have evolved to use what little resources they had to grow etc , Like I don’t think anything besides malnourishment can stunt growth, and since height is bone, I don’t think anything besides malnourishment can fuck your facial structure. Many of the recessed people on this site have the bone density but they did something to fuck the forward progression of these bones, I have no clue what does this though.
Read the links I provided, there is so much beyond malnutrition that can impact your facial structure. Also an athletic lifestyle is nowhere close to a hunter gatherer lifestyle, they aren't even comparable. There is a lot more to development than just nutrition my man, you gotta move past that one facet and see that there's more to the picture.
Yeah people on here want to feel like they could of been model tier if they ate better, played team sports, ran, or mewed or some bullshit. You are gonna develop according to your dna blueprint so long as you eat ENOUGH and get outside ENOUGH etc. the fall from hunter gatherer African tribesmen genetics took place over many many years . It’s your two parents that had sex and shared dna to make you, your gonna look like them maybe with some recessive genes in there aswell. Your development didn’t fuck you unless you stared at a wall with your mouth open everyday refusing to eat your dinosaur chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. Look at machine gun Kelly ex heroin addict rough childhood grew to 6’4 and is model tier lol stop coping
Read the links I provided, there is so much beyond malnutrition that can impact your facial structure. Also an athletic lifestyle is nowhere close to a hunter gatherer lifestyle, they aren't even comparable. There is a lot more to development than just nutrition my man, you gotta move past that one facet and see that there's more to the picture.
Yeah an athletic lifestyle is the closet we get lol. Waiting long hours to eat because of a game tournament etc (intermediate fasting). Running in any sport (running to catch prey). Mechanics of any sport engage muscles bones needed in hunting I guess . And the food athletes eat ( carbs meat milk etc) . Of course it isn’t the same it’s the closest we have now . The things other than nutrition have minimal effect tbh . Most people have fine posture and head positive just not oral posture . What about identical twins ? Surely they were raised under same conditions but differed in posture activities etc but they turn out 99% identical .
Yeah people on here want to feel like they could of been model tier if they ate better, played team sports, ran, or mewed or some bullshit. You are gonna develop according to your dna blueprint so long as you eat ENOUGH and get outside ENOUGH etc. the fall from hunter gatherer African tribesmen genetics took place over many many years . It’s your two parents that had sex and shared dna to make you, your gonna look like them maybe with some recessive genes in there aswell. Your development didn’t fuck you unless you stared at a wall with your mouth open everyday refusing to eat your dinosaur chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. Look at machine gun Kelly ex heroin addict rough childhood grew to 6’4 and is model tier lol stop coping

Yeah an athletic lifestyle is the closet we get lol. Waiting long hours to eat because of a game tournament etc (intermediate fasting). Running in any sport (running to catch prey). Mechanics of any sport engage muscles bones needed in hunting I guess . And the food athletes eat ( carbs meat milk etc) . Of course it isn’t the same it’s the closest we have now . The things other than nutrition have minimal effect tbh . Most people have fine posture and head positive just not oral posture . What about identical twins ? Surely they were raised under same conditions but differed in posture activities etc but they turn out 99% identical .
Also Your development of the maxilla which is the main bone in face is generally going to be fine assuming you don’t mouth breathe and do some abnormal shit to fuck it up. No kid knows to mew anyway.
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Yeah people on here want to feel like they could of been model tier if they ate better, played team sports, ran, or mewed or some bullshit. You are gonna develop according to your dna blueprint so long as you eat ENOUGH and get outside ENOUGH etc. the fall from hunter gatherer African tribesmen genetics took place over many many years . It’s your two parents that had sex and shared dna to make you, your gonna look like them maybe with some recessive genes in there aswell. Your development didn’t fuck you unless you stared at a wall with your mouth open everyday refusing to eat your dinosaur chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. Look at machine gun Kelly ex heroin addict rough childhood grew to 6’4 and is model tier lol stop coping

Yeah an athletic lifestyle is the closet we get lol. Waiting long hours to eat because of a game tournament etc (intermediate fasting). Running in any sport (running to catch prey). Mechanics of any sport engage muscles bones needed in hunting I guess . And the food athletes eat ( carbs meat milk etc) . Of course it isn’t the same it’s the closest we have now . The things other than nutrition have minimal effect tbh . Most people have fine posture and head positive just not oral posture . What about identical twins ? Surely they were raised under same conditions but differed in posture activities etc but they turn out 99% identical .

Also Your development of the maxilla which is the main bone in face is generally going to be fine assuming you don’t mouth breathe and do some abnormal shit to fuck it up. No kid knows to mew anyway.
Plastic surgery can increase your potential but genetics are set in stone
Plastic surgery can increase your potential but genetics are set in stone
Yes . Anything non bone on your face is genetic like lips eyebrows hair nose and most of the ratios. And by “potential” these people mainly just mean bone positioning / forward growth. You aren’t really going to change density/ bone size through lifestyle change but you can change position. So if they want their “potential” they can try mewing for 5 years and a face pulling device for a year to correct maxilla. This is their “potential” and it won’t be much different from what they already look like tbh . Even the eyes have tendons and shit that hold them in place which is genetic . Forward growth will benefit everyone though because health is beauty. Although I think even forward growth has genetic limitations because I can’t see How my face could grow forward anymore. I have a normal bite and my maxilla is positioned pretty much where it is for my father , I would have to fucjing apply force 24/7 to even move it a cm forward which idek would look better.
What do people mean when they say the environment has a impact on ur face. how does the enivornment change it
What do people mean when they say the environment has a impact on ur face. how does the enivornment change it
Pretty much diet and posture. Basically you want to eat enough so your bones can grow , this shouldn’t be a problem most people grow normally . You want to not mouthbreathe which most people do not do. And you essentially want good posture from early childhood which most people do not have because it isn’t stressed enough. But despite all this you pretty much would turn out roughly the same
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Genetics gives you your potential but environment allows you to fufill the potential (FACE, height/frame is purely genetic). I think almost nobody fulfills even close to their full potential. Especially considering the average palate width is 35mm and cavemen palate widths were 50mm and we already know proper tongue position expands your palate even in adulthood.
Could you imagine having an intermolar width of 50 mm, holy shit.
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Could you imagine having an intermolar width of 50 mm, holy shit.
Slayer af. Mine is 35mm which is borderline not even possible to mew. I think they had up to 55mm inter molar widths.
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Slayer af. Mine is 35mm which is borderline not even possible to mew. I think they had up to 55mm inter molar widths.
I think mine is around that too if I remember correctly. Jfl, we missed what should be the status quo by 1 and a half cm at least.
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Could you imagine having an intermolar width of 50 mm, holy shit.
Honestly it’s uglier and people have adapted to find narrow model faces attractive too so doesn’t even matter that much
Yeah okay bud
The genetic thing was disproven a while ago, the most attractive people don't tend to have attractive parents. Look up your favorite model's parents sometime.
The most attractive top 0.1% outlier doesn't represent the average-attractive top 20% people.
Of course genetics matter for looks, but environment has effect also.
Honestly it’s uglier and people have adapted to find narrow model faces attractive too so doesn’t even matter that much
This is actually true. But it doesn't change the fact that we consider much higher than average palate width to be more attractive.
I think mine is around that too if I remember correctly. Jfl, we missed what should be the status quo by 1 and a half cm at least.
Yeah dude my dentists always comment that my palate is narrow and caved upwards which means recessed basically.
I've never had braces tho, and my teeth are very straight.
The most attractive top 0.1% outlier doesn't represent the average-attractive top 20% people.
Of course genetics matter for looks, but environment has effect also.
I'm not sure quite what you mean but to take a shot, if you're suggesting that attractiveness is inheritable to the point that the top 20% will have children in the top 20%, again many examples prove that this is untrue. This squares interestingly with inherited traits but I have a feeling it has a lot to do with harmony. I think you're on point to a certain percentage - that attractive people will tend to have at least somewhat attractive kids but I also think it must be true that severely unattractive people will have kids more attractive than themselves - kind of a regression to the mean effect but for attractiveness.
One comparison is intelligence which is genetic of course - research tells us it is about 78% heritable, which is significant. Idk its an interesting problem to consider. That extra 22% matters a lot - huge difference between being 78% as smart as your genius dad, which would make you firmly average, or 100% or even 120% or 130%. Same for attractiveness. Let alone the issue of trying to tie attractiveness to a percentage, the PSL scale is probably the first attempt I've ever encountered at formalizing an attractiveness "rating".
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This is actually true. But it doesn't change the fact that we consider much higher than average palate width to be more attractive.

Yeah dude my dentists always comment that my palate is narrow and caved upwards which means recessed basically.
I've never had braces tho, and my teeth are very straight.
Mine is like a v instead of a U shape like it should be. I need a palate expander.
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Mine is like a v instead of a U shape like it should be. I need a palate expander.
You facepulled right man, did that help with crowded teeth would you say?
You facepulled right man, did that help with crowded teeth would you say?
Yes, and Mewing definitely widened it. I think I have some pretty good before pics of my teeth from the front that I can send you tomorrow.
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I'm not sure quite what you mean but to take a shot, if you're suggesting that attractiveness is inheritable to the point that the top 20% will have children in the top 20%, again many examples prove that this is untrue. This squares interestingly with inherited traits but I have a feeling it has a lot to do with harmony. I think you're on point to a certain percentage - that attractive people will tend to have at least somewhat attractive kids but I also think it must be true that severely unattractive people will have kids more attractive than themselves - kind of a regression to the mean effect but for attractiveness.
One comparison is intelligence which is genetic of course - research tells us it is about 78% heritable, which is significant. Idk its an interesting problem to consider. That extra 22% matters a lot - huge difference between being 78% as smart as your genius dad, which would make you firmly average, or 100% or even 120% or 130%. Same for attractiveness. Let alone the issue of trying to tie attractiveness to a percentage, the PSL scale is probably the first attempt I've ever encountered at formalizing an attractiveness "rating".
Obviously things such as mouthbreathing, bad sleep, lack of exercise and bad diet in childhood and puberty reduce looks.

If looks are so heavily selected for, why are most men ugly for women?
Increasing attractiveness seems to cause increased standards.

2 ugly people mating could even out the extreme features, but they could re-emerge in a later generation making them uglier than they should be.
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Obviously things such as mouthbreathing, bad sleep, lack of exercise and bad diet in childhood and puberty reduce looks.

If looks are so heavily selected for, why are most men ugly for women?
Increasing attractiveness seems to cause increased standards.

2 ugly people mating could even out the extreme features, but they could re-emerge in a later generation making them uglier than they should be.
Pondering on this fact is one of the things that led me down to the road to the conclusion I currently rest on - looks are actually NOT so heavily selected for in female-to-male sexual selection. What is heavily selected for is status. That is why most men are ugly for women - it is not because they are legitimately ugly but because what was always selected for was status, which will always, always be a very limited commodity. HOWEVER, in this day and age, status is extremely tied to looks. This is due to the nature of our culture. All women carry around with them an image of a "high status male". Actually they carry around several prototypes. If someone doesn't fit that type, they get a knock on the points in a woman's mind.
Consider people like Justin Bieber today. He has almost none of the traits that you would expect an attractive male to have by evolutionary theory. However he does have status and he looks like a high status man of a certain niche - boyish musician actor type. This imo is also why there is a small subset of women for most niches. Take baldness for example. Most women hate it, but there are a select few who like it - by my theory this is because for whatever reason one of their high-status prototypes is a bald man. Real life example someone told me to support this: "I learned that I was balding for sure when a hot girl at a party told me that my hair looked like Jack Nicholson's and that she thought it was sexy". (Same dude freaked out that he was balding and got on a regimen just to show it wasn't him coping).
Another thing that comes to mind is I swear I remember a quote from Mary Todd where she basically acknowledges that Lincoln was ugly and said she married him because she was confident he would succeed politically.
Looking at the natural behavior of each sex clues you in as to the sexual selective evolutionary pressures on them. Women are naturally very concerned with their appearance - but not their status! This indicates that they are selected for based on appearance primarily. Men on the other hand are naturally not very concerned about their appearance, but they are concerned about their status. This indicates that they are primarily selected on basis of status. In fact even on this forum we motivate each other by enforcing a hierarchy of status based on appearance, in order to adapt our evolutionary mechanisms to the new paradigm. An ugly man is a "subhuman". To become attractive is to "ascend". It is male language for a once feminine concept - we have in essence translated beautification into terms we can understand.

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