Stop hating yourself



May 2, 2020
Basically today at work a new guy started. He’s 19 and play D1 Football he’s been playing since he was 10 years old and before that did martial arts competitively.

He wears glasses, has a stutter, ugly, framecel, skinny fat. He played sports all his life and looks like a nerd.

I stayed indoors my whole life and I frame mog him, muscle mog him, Social skill mog him, facially mog him hard.

people here love to cope with “If only I mewed as a kid” or “If only I ate healthier and did more sports”

This opened my eyes today that you life is either over at birth or it’s not. No amount of mewing, sports, foods, HGH, will change how you grow.

Tdlr: it’s over stop coping with shit that you wish you did, it wouldn’t of did anything
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  • +1
  • JFL
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Reactions: HighIQcel, CursedOne, dan and 23 others
True tbh, geneticspill is literally everything.
  • +1
Reactions: SolidSnake, HighIQcel, karbo and 11 others
True, accept your genetic inferiority and make the best out of the shit genes you have tbh ngl lol

its over
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: CursedOne, dan, Deleted member 5891 and 4 others
i'm a mouthbreather since always. my sisters too because of nose problems. we do not have any recession. not on maxilla, not on the chin.
  • +1
  • WTF
  • JFL
Reactions: CursedOne, dan, Deleted member 5891 and 5 others
i'm a mouthbreather since always. my sisters too because of nose problems. we do not have any recession. not on maxilla, not on the chin.
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel and dan
Sarge hates us all because he doesn't allow us to change our names.
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: dan, Deleted member 5683, jordanbarrettisgod and 2 others
Plenty of good genetic people don't reach their potential due to environment. For instance, assymetries are purely environmental.
  • +1
Reactions: Incoming, Patient A, Deleted member 616 and 1 other person
Plenty of good genetic people don't reach their potential due to environment. For instance, assymetries are purely environmental.
assymmetry is caused by sleeping on your side instead of your back. Only got yourself to blame buddyboyo.
Plenty of good genetic people don't reach their potential due to environment. For instance, assymetries are purely environmental.
Maybe. Maybe not. But don’t think just cause you didn’t mew or play sports is the reason your not gigachad
  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel
That is objectively wrong. If you deny the effects environment can have because of one anecdotal experience then rope. Sub 90 IQ trait to have such black and white thinking like you do.
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: Incoming, Furious Dingleberry, PenileFacialSurgery and 8 others
That is objectively wrong. If you deny the effects environment can have because of one anecdotal experience then rope. Sub 90 IQ trait to have such black and white thinking like you do.
Why do I mog this kid then when I did everything wrong growing up but he did
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 3202 and stuckneworleans
Why do I mog this kid then when I did everything wrong growing up but he did
Can't tell you without more info about his life, parents etc
I agree with your message though that one should only focus on what is in one's control, also your grey name made me go harsh mb bro
  • +1
Reactions: Patient A, Deleted member 3202 and BadaBing
i'm a mouthbreather since always. my sisters too because of nose problems. we do not have any recession. not on maxilla, not on the chin.
Same, am i recessed?
20A7E2EF 9548 440E BD4F EF05EA4349F7
  • +1
Reactions: CursedOne
how does knowing that i'm genetically inferior make me hate myself less
if anything, it makes me wanna rope even more
  • +1
  • JFL
  • So Sad
Reactions: MentalistKebab, CursedOne, Ascensionrequired and 6 others
Are you aware that some people are deformed because of a growth defect for example? So according to you, if a model tier dude gets run over by a train you will blame his genetics for his ugly face
  • +1
Reactions: Incoming, MentalistKebab, balding17yomanletcel and 1 other person
Are you aware that some people are deformed because of a growth defect for example? So according to you, if a model tier dude gets run over by a train you will blame his genetics for his ugly face
He’s not deformed bro. He’s just ugly. Just like half the users on this forum. My point is even if you did sports all your life, mewed, ate healthy foods you would still be ugly if it’s your genetics. People here somehow think that if they mewed more as kids they would be a male model
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1934
He’s not deformed bro. He’s just ugly. Just like half the users on this forum. My point is even if you did sports all your life, mewed, ate healthy foods you would still be ugly if it’s your genetics. People here somehow think that if they mewed more as kids they would be a male model
Of course, if you're ugly because of your genetics, no amount of mewing wouldve changed that. But there are some deformed people with good genetics, it exists.
Of course, if you're ugly because of your genetics, no amount of mewing wouldve changed that. But there are some deformed people with good genetics, it exists.
deformed from acid facing and getting run over by a truck? Probably
deformed from acid facing and getting run over by a truck? Probably
I'm the only one in my whole family with a deformed jaw, it all started with a slight 2mm overbite at 14-15 and now I have a 10mm overbite at 18 with deformed jaw. My parents have strong jaws btw and great genetics, perfect occlusion perfect everything
He’s not deformed bro. He’s just ugly. Just like half the users on this forum. My point is even if you did sports all your life, mewed, ate healthy foods you would still be ugly if it’s your genetics. People here somehow think that if they mewed more as kids they would be a male model
i agree with you on this point. except noone here even belives in mewing because its a sub-50 iq cope
but ur original post is just shit lol. you think wether the dude was wearing glasses or had a stutter even fucking make a difference in a sport??
  • +1
Reactions: BadaBing

i agree with you on this point. except noone here even belives in mewing because its a sub-50 iq cope
but ur original post is just shit lol. you think wether the dude was wearing glasses or had a stutter even fucking make a difference in a sport??
I never said he’s bad a sports lol, you missed the whole point of the thread
He’s not deformed bro. He’s just ugly. Just like half the users on this forum. My point is even if you did sports all your life, mewed, ate healthy foods you would still be ugly if it’s your genetics. People here somehow think that if they mewed more as kids they would be a male model
i hate baiting faggots like you,no one believes if they mewed and played sports they would be male models
true true true

the starving west african bbcs ate bugs and dirt their whole life during warfare and look like this lmfao

  • +1
Reactions: HighIQcel, CursedOne, EverythingMaxxer and 3 others
Where did the idea that doing sports make a difference even come from?
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Water is wet
Plenty of good genetic people don't reach their potential due to environment. For instance, assymetries are purely environmental.
That is objectively wrong. If you deny the effects environment can have because of one anecdotal experience then rope. Sub 90 IQ trait to have such black and white thinking like you do.
Only ignorant misinformed people point the blame at genetics.

As in, most of the developed world.

WaryFoolhardyBluewhale size restricted
Speak for yourself boyo
I'm the only one in my whole family with a deformed jaw, it all started with a slight 2mm overbite at 14-15 and now I have a 10mm overbite at 18 with deformed jaw. My parents have strong jaws btw and great genetics, perfect occlusion perfect everything
Why its worsen?
Why its worsen?
During puberty, my jaw stopped growing because of a lack of stimulation maybe, the lower jaw sunkens into the upper jaw, while the rest of the skull grows normally.
Basically today at work a new guy started. He’s 19 and play D1 Football he’s been playing since he was 10 years old and before that did martial arts competitively.

He wears glasses, has a stutter, ugly, framecel, skinny fat. He played sports all his life and looks like a nerd.

I stayed indoors my whole life and I frame mog him, muscle mog him, Social skill mog him, facially mog him hard.

people here love to cope with “If only I mewed as a kid” or “If only I ate healthier and did more sports”

This opened my eyes today that you life is either over at birth or it’s not. No amount of mewing, sports, foods, HGH, will change how you grow.

Tdlr: it’s over stop coping with shit that you wish you did, it wouldn’t of did anything
Good thread
It’s all genetics I keep trying to say this
No amount of anything will change your face except surgery
Just blame the trash genetic pool
  • +1
Reactions: BadaBing and Deleted member 110
what a retarded faggot u are, go back to reddit honestly
also you could ask for reactions in a less retarded way
There is literally no cure for BDD

You will get canthroplasty, bimax, rhino & implants then be happy until u get rejected once & u go back into the same cycle of self-loathing

That’s why u gotta get the knowledge & leave this place. most users here are under 20. Put that in ur head before taking shit serous
i cant stop hating my self . I am very easy to hate.
It's hard to stop man
It's hard to stop man
You sold your soul to the devil the other day. Don’t worry you’ll wake up as chad in a week or so but have fun being raped up the ass in hell for eternity when you die :(
  • JFL
Reactions: Arkantos
You sold your soul to the devil the other day. Don’t worry you’ll wake up as chad in a week or so but have fun being raped up the ass in hell for eternity when you die :(
X to doubt.
  • +1
Reactions: Furious Dingleberry and BadaBing
i'm a mouthbreather since always. my sisters too because of nose problems. we do not have any recession. not on maxilla, not on the chin.
Pics or bullshit
He probably mogs you and has a GF
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Basically today at work a new guy started. He’s 19 and play D1 Football he’s been playing since he was 10 years old and before that did martial arts competitively.

He wears glasses, has a stutter, ugly, framecel, skinny fat. He played sports all his life and looks like a nerd.

I stayed indoors my whole life and I frame mog him, muscle mog him, Social skill mog him, facially mog him hard.

people here love to cope with “If only I mewed as a kid” or “If only I ate healthier and did more sports”

This opened my eyes today that you life is either over at birth or it’s not. No amount of mewing, sports, foods, HGH, will change how you grow.

Tdlr: it’s over stop coping with shit that you wish you did, it wouldn’t of did anything

For instance, assymetries are purely environmental.

title makes no sense for this post

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