Stop rotting (This thread is meant for NEET’s)



Sep 13, 2019
Stop rotting. Many other people have said it but I’m gonna say it now, Stop rotting.

For every few months you spend on this site rotting and shitposting, is the longer you delay your ascension. It adds up. Weeks turn to months. Months turn to years, years turn to decades. Suddenly, you’ve lost a quarter or more of your life to depression and online shitposting.

If you ever want to get out of your rut, you must snap out of the rotting and shitposting. Go on a dopamine fast. Don’t use this site for two weeks to start. If you’re overweight, go on a water fast. The snake diet is a good start. Watch it on YouTube, study it and write it down.

work out, exercise, improve yourself. Grow as a person. Ascension can only happen if you light the first spark. The information on this site can only be of use to you if you put the ideas to the test.

If you’re skinny, bulk up. Lift weights. For any problem you have, there’s a cheap fix on this site for you. This is why @SayNoToRotting is one of the best users on this site. He has detailed many methods you can use to improve yourself, without having to go through the route of expensive surgeries.

If you do need surgery, take out a loan. If you need sarms, scrape together some money from wagecucking if you have to. If you have to blast HGH, then blast fucking HGH. Do what you have to do to improve yourself at ALL COSTS. It’s YOUR LIFE. This isn’t a video game. You can’t just quit game and reload save. Time lost is time lost, you only get one shot. You can’t go back in the past, those days are gone. You can’t change what has happened. You can always change the future however, no matter what. Remember this.

We will eventually die and go 6 feet under. It’s best we enjoy the time we have left. Do what you can to ascend and improve your life.

once you’re ascended, leave PSL. I’m serious. Log off for good and don’t come back. This place is an abyss for your mental health. Regress to the redpill and work on becoming NT. That will do you wonders.

That’s all I wanted to say, if you think this is a shit thread, I don’t give a fuck. I just wanted to give my 2 cents.
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Unless you lack energy like me.
Unless you lack energy like me.
Find energy. Scrape together what you have. As I said, time is the most valuable resource on earth. It’s finite. When it’s gone it’s gone, it cannot replenish itself.
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Find energy. Scrape together what you have. As I said, time is the most valuable resource on earth. It’s finite. When it’s gone it’s gone, it cannot replenish itself.
Bruh I'm legit ill lacking hormones.
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Over. Seek a doctor if you can
I did but won't help me cuz "You have no problem". While a fucking foid goes there, tells the doctor that she feels a bit manly and gets all the treatments she needs. The current system is against men for some reason. Legit this world is a joke.
I did but won't help me cuz "You have no problem". While a fucking foid goes there, tells the doctor that she feels a bit manly and gets all the treatments she needs. The current system is against men for some reason. Legit this world is a joke.
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Bro its not that hard to go on this thread and still focus on softmaxing. I'm sorry but I cant agree with this thread.
I did but won't help me cuz "You have no problem". While a fucking foid goes there, tells the doctor that she feels a bit manly and gets all the treatments she needs. The current system is against men for some reason. Legit this world is a joke.
You know why it is against men. We all do. Have I made this point clear Goyim?
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i wish i can rot, i wish i can live life in isolation, i wish i didnt have to do shit but here i am and i want to kill myself and other people everyday
i wish i can rot, i wish i can live life in isolation, i wish i didnt have to do shit but here i am and i want to kill myself and other people everyday
Woah that's a whole lotta text
Thanks bro. I kinda lost for last 3 months, sign up here and stuff.

I gained 45lbs last years but it halted. I am looking for a job to discipline myself.

Otherwise it is hard to bare my mental illness.
for what should i looksmax? muh confidence,muh look better? If you dont have the ability to reproduce, why the fuck should u look good?“omg you look so good i want to fuck you so hard and carry your kids“ „sry but i have no dick“
Woah that's a whole lotta text
If you niggas are just gonna do this then I might as well just stop making high effort threads and go back to shitposting
If you niggas are just gonna do this then I might as well just stop making high effort threads and go back to shitposting
Go back to looksmaxxing instead
for what should i looksmax? muh confidence,muh look better? If you dont have the ability to reproduce, why the fuck should u look good?“omg you look so good i want to fuck you so hard and carry your kids“ „sry but i have no dick“
Wait. What? No ability to reproduce?
Stop rotting. Many other people have said it but I’m gonna say it now, Stop rotting.

For every few months you spend on this site rotting and shitposting, is the longer you delay your ascension. It adds up. Weeks turn to months. Months turn to years, years turn to decades. Suddenly, you’ve lost a quarter or more of your life to depression and online shitposting.

If you ever want to get out of your rut, you must snap out of the rotting and shitposting. Go on a dopamine fast. Don’t use this site for two weeks to start. If you’re overweight, go on a water fast. The snake diet is a good start. Watch it on YouTube, study it and write it down.

work out, exercise, improve yourself. Grow as a person. Ascension can only happen if you light the first spark. The information on this site can only be of use to you if you put the ideas to the test.

If you’re skinny, bulk up. Lift weights. For any problem you have, there’s a cheap fix on this site for you. This is why @SayNoToRotting is one of the best users on this site. He has detailed many methods you can use to improve yourself, without having to go through the route of expensive surgeries.

If you do need surgery, take out a loan. If you need sarms, scrape together some money from wagecucking if you have to. If you have to blast HGH, then blast fucking HGH. Do what you have to do to improve yourself at ALL COSTS. It’s YOUR LIFE. This isn’t a video game. You can’t just quit game and reload save. Time lost is time lost, you only get one shot. You can’t go back in the past, those days are gone. You can’t change what has happened. You can always change the future however, no matter what. Remember this.

We will eventually die and go 6 feet under. It’s best we enjoy the time we have left. Do what you can to ascend and improve your life.

once you’re ascended, leave PSL. I’m serious. Log off for good and don’t come back. This place is an abyss for your mental health. Regress to the redpill and work on becoming NT. That will do you wonders.

That’s all I wanted to say, if you think this is a shit thread, I don’t give a fuck. I just wanted to give my 2 cents.

I am definitely working on my lean routine. I post here a lot less than I used to. The rest is up to God.
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Read every word. High IQ thread brother
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